
Ready for an act



A white van pulled over at the side of the street of Mr Frenado's mansion. The driver, Sebastian by name, who also was Mr Ivan's butler, arranged his fake mustache to give a wonderful assuring look.

"Perfect" he smiled, after seeing his reflection on a small mirror he had to carry alongside.

Meanwhile, inside, Ivan was addressing the others,

"Okay. You all will need to stay at that forbidden mansion for a full month" he told them.

"A full Month? That's like staying in a cage for eternity" Jace felt destroyed. He would never bake or cook, just cut grasses forever (so he thought.)

"I don't care, so far so good, I'm Looking intimidating" Janice groaned, making the makeup look legit.

"I feel like a real normal babysitter." Lydia spoke her mind, as she dusted down the blue gown with some flower imprint on it, she wore.

"Don't say that" Ivan shifted his attention on her, "You look great"