
Deadline Worry: Don't Follow Us, Lydia And Janice

"Alright!" Mr. Fred exclaimed with a serious expression in his eyes, "We're finished. One hundred meals, both cooked and baked. That means we're done, and it's nearly sunset."

The other chefs nodded, hurrying to package and prepare the food for delivery.

Amidst the commotion, Mr. Frenado entered the kitchen with a look of shock and disbelief.

"What's happening here?" he asked, causing the chefs to freeze in place. None of them had the courage to speak up to Mr. Frenado, unsure of the consequences.

However, Mr. Fred decided to break the silence, "Well, good mid-afternoon--"

A fellow chef whispered in his ear, "Remember, it's 5pm!"

"Good evening!" Mr. Fred greeted again, but his attention was quickly drawn to Ivan, Lydia, Janice, and an unfamiliar man.

"Yo!" Ivan waved at him with a smile.