
Bronze Luck Beast

Restriction City was totally unique. There were bronze beasts and bronze birds everywhere in the city, with smaller creatures such as rabbits, rats, sparrows, and bigger creatures such as tigers, wolves, and peacocks everywhere.

Most of the bronze beasts here were at the Mortal stage, and the students' homework mission was to kill ten Legendary bronze beasts. It looked very simple.

However, without the protection of a Companion Beast, it would be very dangerous for them to charge into a bronze beast horde.

It was fine if ordinary Mortal-level students didn't have Companion Beasts, but Li Xuan and company were unable to use one even if they had one. It was a very unpleasant feeling.

"There are so many bronze beasts. Which one of them is at the Legendary stage?" Zhou Wen looked at the bronze creatures in the city and was momentarily unable to distinguish them.