
Explosions, consequences, and civilians

McCarthys squad was not exactly considered for this type of mission, but when all the other professional demolition squads are doing more important work we get tasked with the overflow. And this assignment was conducted with another squad of infantry from the 12th CQC Division, they were good at engagements up close and not much else. We were approaching our target when we realized we're not to far from a massive generator camp that was captured by the rebellion forces. We were sent to destroy a tunnel that leads from jasper to Burkners Army supply lines. When we arrived at the tunnel we were surprised that there weren't many guards beside a small concrete wall with 2 pill bunkers with a MG nest in the middle, 1 MG and maybe 7-10 guards, we thought that it would be easy but we were still cautious about it. After waiting on a ridge not to far away from the tunnel we watched as supply ships and 4 caravan ships holding weapons flew through the tunnel until stopping at the checkpoint where they were stopped and all they items were taken to an inspection station inside. We struck at the first sight of the quards disappearing. We snuck past the spotlights of the wall up to the checkpoint, we watched as they inspected the weapons. They were going through all of them so we had some time before they left so we headed up towards the pillbox, when inside we looked around for anything useful about the station such as supply lists, supplylines, ship times, suppliers, and structure details, to which we found very little of but we did find out that their weapons were supplied from a company called Moonlight weapons. When we left the first pillbox we almost woke up a sleeping guard but luckily McCarthy spotted him and the CQC squad dealt with him quietly. On the walkway to the second pillbox we spotted the MG nest, we rigged MG to explode if used and took out the guards quietly before moving on to the last pillbox. When we entered a guard spotted us but we dealt with him before he got to the alarm, Luckily McCarthy has a good eye for detail and he spotted a Architects notes on the tunnel. With this information we could now place explosives in the correct places while the CQC squad covered us. When playing with explosives you have to consider the risks of a wrong timer or a faulty charge, and of course Jokos made some custom explosives for this assignment. His supposedly had 2 times the explosive yield as the rest, when all the explosives were set we started to walk out the tunnel. But of course the time it takes to inspect guns is the same amount of time that it takes to arm explosives, And of course were spotted and have a fire fight with the guards. We than tell the ships crew to get back into their ships, to which they agree and we slip out and get to a far away spot to blow the explosives. When we reach the spot we wait a couple of seconds before blowing the explosives. The whole tunnel collapses in a couple of seconds, after radiong in at camp hope we went to inspect our handy work. We saw the 5 ships destroyed hulls scattered across what remained of the tunnel. Though much to our dismay the 4 caravan ships were not just carrying weapons but refuges and escapees from Burkners Army. All of them were dead either killed In the opening blast or when the ships were destroyed. We radioed back at camp hope again to explain what had happened, they told us that we couldn't have known and that it wasn't our fault. As if that fixed our thoughts and self doubt in an instant.