
{1} ~The king

Warning: f slur.

Hinata POV:

I woke up to my alarm and slowly got out of bed while groaning and mumbiling to myself.

    "I don't wanna get up. I hate school." I let myself fall onto the floor with a third and laid there until my sister came in to ask what the noise was.

     "Don't worry natsu. I'm fine I just rolled out of bed because I didn't want to get up." I replied with a smile.

   "Oh ok shoyo. Breakfast is waiting on the table so hurry up and get ready before your breakfast gets cold." I nodded to signal that I understood and slowly got off the floor. I washed my face, brushed my teeth, and put my clothes on before heading downstairs to eat my food. I sat at the table and ate my food then kissed my mother's cheek goodbye and ruffled natsu's hair. As I neared my school I saw my boyfriend kageyama walking to school. I rode up next to him then got off my bike.  When he saw me he smiled at me then pulled me into a kiss. I kissed back then I pulled away after a few seconds.

    "Hey my love. Let's go to school now so we aren't late. Plus we can't be late to morning practice because suga will kill us both." He smiled and nodded and we started to walk off to school.

Kageyama POV:

I felt a tinge of anger when I saw hinata. I don't even like him and I have to act like I'm dating him because if I don't I won't be able to make it to the top. The only thing I want is to be known as the number one setter in Japan. In order to do that I had to find a way to 'get along' with hinata. And plus I'm not a disgusting gay fag like him. God I hate him so fucking much. He just gets on my nerves so much and it drives me insane. I can't wait for him to find out that I don't really love him because then I can get rid of him. Of course I feel guilty for cheating on him but I can't help it. He's so repulsive with his personality and I can't keep dating him for much longer. Ugh I can't do this anymore.

   "Hey shoyo come with me after practice. Meet me in front of my classroom."

    "Ok tobio. I'll meet you after I get changed." I nodded and continued to help Tanaka senpai spike. After e0 minutes of no stop practice it was time to go get changed out. I went to the locker room and changed really fast. I ran to my classrooms door and waited for my plan to fall into place. I felt a pair of hands snake around my waist and I smiled to myself knowing who it was. I looked over to see hinata walking down the hallway looking at his feet. When his head started to rise I whipped around and started to kiss my girlfriend.

Hinata POV:

I was done changing so I walked out of the club room to go to kageyama's class because he said he wanted to talk. When I got into the Hall I walked for a few feet while looking at my feet to make sure I didn't trip. When I got closer to the classroom I looked up and froze. Kageyama was making out with a girl in front of his class right in front of me. He was cheating on me. And I was seeing it with my own eyes. I started to feel my eyes well up with tears and I walked over to them and slapped kageyama in the face.

   "how could you." hinata said while crying.

   "well I never truly loved you. you were just a tool I used in volleyball to get to the top." replied kageyama while holding the girl against his chest.

(Yes the girl is yachi don't fight me. I'm writin your readin. Thank you on with the story.)

I walked out of the building while crying and went home. I would go back for volleyball later but for now I needed to be alone. I walked into my house and up the stairs, not even bothering to take my shoes off and I walked into my room and plopped on my bed crying myself to sleep.

Sugawara POV:

It was time for after school practice and k still haven't seen hinata. Kageyama walked into the gym so I went up to him to ask where hinata was.

  "I don't know. Why do I have to keep track of him."

    "Because your his boyfriend kageyama."

   "Actually no I'm not. He broke up with me this morning and j haven't seen him since." He walked away after he said that and I was shocked. I couldn't move. I stood there mouth wide open and eyes also wide until I heard the gym doors slide open revealing an even messier than usual hinata standing in the door. I ran over and pulled him into my arms he started sobbing into my chest. And everyone was confused.

   "What did you do to him kageyama to make our little sunshine boy this sad."

     "I didn't do anythi-"

    " Oh shut the FUCK up ToBiO. Your a fucking cheater and a liar and I hate you so much. I hope your happy with your little skank bitch of a girlfriend." Everyone was shocked because hinata doesn't usually cuss a lot.

     "Like I said ShOyO I never liked you. You were a tool I used to get to the top. And now that I'm there I don't need you anymore. I'm not a gay man. I'm really straight. I don't like you and I don't feel bad." I got up and slapped kageyama across the face.

   "Get the fuck out kageyama. Hand over your jacket, uniform pants, and you game uniform and GET OUT! You are no longer a part of the kurasuno volleyball club."

   "You can't do that because your not the captain."

    "Actually he can because he is the VICE captain and he is also my BOYFRIEND. so hand over everything you were told to hand over and GET OUT!"  He handed over all of his volleyball stuff and left the gym in a fowl mood. When he was gone hinata let out a sob I know he been going back to not seem so weak.
