

Jimmie carried her and laid her on a sofa. He gave her a glass of water which she took just two sips. This was too much. She was sure granny wan not sick. Why didn't anyone call her? Not even her grandpa called. she picked her phone and dialed her grandpa..grandpa where are you? Why didn't anyone tell me that granny is de... she choked, listen sweet child, I tried to call you but the call failed to go through. Stay with Jimmie and be safe.... please be safe. he said. okey grandpa

After the phone call pretty decided to go to her grandma's room. The room was spacious with one big bed and two sofas. It had a brown theme. The room was not cleaned, and there was blood on the floor.pretty squatted so as to have a clear view.

Jimmie who still had a clearer mind and vision saw something glitter on the blood and he used his. finger to collect some of the blood. It felt rough like there were some particles in it. Come closer he beckoned and she moved robotically,. She too did the same and her finger got pricked. Together they inspected the blood that was on the floor and some was on the sheets.

What could this be? why would the blood have particles. what do you think Jimmie? First if my guess is correct this is your grandmother's blood, two she did not die a natural death. something like crashed glass was fed to her, well it's just a guess. pretty was silent for two minutes, she was trying to think who would murder her dearest granny. Who was brave enough to kill her at her own house. As if reading her mind , Jimmie said. It must be one of the family members or the maids.

It was strange enough how these aunties and uncles did not go back to their homes how the normally did previously, could it be that they had some hidden agendas? But why kill the old lady. She never hated on anyone nor did she discriminate against her children. if pretty did not hear Jackson saying that he was her mother's step brothers.. little did pretty know that they were not blood related. she did not know that she was like a thorn to the family and that the Stephany's announcing her as their blood granddaughter evoked jealousy and hatred among the other family members, If only she knew.

Everyone is a suspect for now. They remembered that Jackson wanted to eliminate her but not kill her, he didn't seem to hate on his mother infact he was the closest to Mrs stephany.They inspected the house but did not find any sign of struggle, it meant that whoever did it must have been close to Mrs stephany. Pretty was devastated. But she was not going to allow grieving to consume her. she needed to be in good shape, both physically and emotional. she needed to be strong and have a rational mind.

We are going to dig up everything together, this time I will stick by your side be strong darling, Jimmie promised as he kissed the crown of her head