
Let's Meet Again Someday

Emilia Yui is a 17-year-old teenagers. A girl with a mysterious and tragic past. After she turned 17 and joined the high school, her backstory slowly revealed itself.Her unexpected " Biggest Secret " was also revealed.Turns out she was involved in the tragic incident 5 years ago that made her traumatized for the rest of her life.

i4me_yes · สมัยใหม่
19 Chs



The atmosphere fell silent all of a sudden. The students, including the teacher, seem shocked at what they saw that day. Emilia easily blocked the new student's powerful kick. Why powerful?, The wall beside Emilia cracked just by the kick aura.

"Excuse me?.."

"Ah, sorry for that. I mistook her for someone else."


"Anyway, my name is Carlyn Weldeson. It's nice to meet you all. About the wall, I'll pay for it later."

"It's fine.. It looks like the wall is already cracking, hahaha.."


"So, Carlyn, you can sit at the empty seat."

"Excuse me then."

The rumours start to spread all around the school. Carlyn's name became famous among the students. There are rumours saying that Carlyn and Emilia actually knew each other and were "long-destined enemies."

The next day

Another set of rumours starts spreading. Saying that Carlyn has a "superpower". Hearing that all self-defence clubs are starting their move. They invited Carlyn to join their club. They even followed her around when she refused to join them.

"Carlyn! Please join us!"

"Don't get fooled by them. They're just some stupid club. We need your "power" to help our club!"

"Back up, you fool. Join the sumo club instead, Carlyn-Sama."

"Ugh..what's wrong with these people?"

Carlyn tried to run and was searching for a safe place to hide. She tried to hide in the bathroom, but it was crowded with the student.She ran again into the hallway, hoping there was a place for her. But suddenly she fell because of the slippery floor.

"I saw her running this way! Hurry up, don't let the other club get her!"

"Aghh.. Looks like I messed it up."

The moment before the "crazy stalker" gets her, someone pulls her hand to the nearby storage room.

"Huh Wha-."

"Stttt..They will hear us.."

When the "crazy stalker" arrived there, they didn't find Carlyn. So they decide to search her in another place.

"Looks like they're gone."

"Huh.. I'm glad I'm safe... By the way, thanks for helping me. Uhmm?"

"It's a pleasure. I'm Linn Kimizu. You can call me Linn."

"Linn?..Where have I heard that before?.."

"We're classmate."

"Ah, you're right. I'm sorry for not recognising you earlier."

"It's fine. After all, this was your second day at this school. And yet, they make you feel uncomfortable. I feel bad for you."

"You don't need to feel bad for me. It was my fault at first for attacking her. What was her name again?"

"You mean Emilia, right?"

"Yeah, that girl... Do you know where she is? ..I want to ask her something."

"She's already here. Behind you."

"Huh? Since when."

"She was already here when I pulled you in."

"Ah i see."

Carlyn looked at Emilia, right into her eyes, with a sharp gaze. Emilia seems to understand her and asks Linn to go back to the class.

"Uhm okayy.. Then,Excuse me."

in the hallway.

[Is this the right choice to leave them? They didn't look to get along with each other. But I don't want them to think I'm a busybody.]

Back to Carlyn and Emilia

"So at first, I want to apologise for attacking you yesterday."

"That's all? Then excuse me."

"What a coincidence, right? To meet you here. When was the last time I met you? .. Ahh, it was 5 years ago. It's already been that long since that 'incident'."

Emilia ignored her and walked away from there.

"You still didn't change,'Cold-Blooded Murder'."