
Let’s Manage the Tower (Tou no Kanri wo Shite Miyou)

Kosuke is killed by a truck, his soul is lost in a garden with two beautiful girls. The owner of the place will let him choose whether he will be reborn or summoned to another world, and he maintains the summons. In this new world, the main two girls who were created by the owner of the garden to help him find the mystery behind the world - a Dungeon tower. Will he be able to become the owner of this tower and manage it? It does not belong to me I'm just sharing it here. this is the original light novel

tutul_hasan · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
46 Chs

Volume 14 Chapter (5-8)

Chapter 5, Wind Fairy

A fairy was born from the <Fire Fairy Stone>, and because of something that fairy did, the pair of Seiran and Seiwa evolved into a Phoenix.

… As for Kousuke, he simply touched the <Fire Fairy Stone>, then fairies came out of it, merged with the birds and then evolved them into Phoenixes, so he thought to himself, "How the heck happened?".

By the way, Collete who was with him muttered, "Phoenix is a legendary creature, but…" Kousuke's heart was happy, hearing Collete muttering to herself because he knew that he was not the only one confused by the situation.

Fortunately, the Phoenix pair, Ranka and Ranze, seemed to have retained their previous characteristics and were firmly attached to Kousuke.

Or rather, they were more affectionate than before.

Ranka's body length was bigger than before, but he was rubbing his face against Kousuke's, and they were having more skinship than before.

Kousuke was happy to be missed, so there was no need to stop them, and Collete's gaze aimed at them had a warm feeling to it, but Kousuke decided to ignore it.

There was no point in escaping reality forever, so he decided to consider the Fairy Stone series.

The <Fire Fairy Stone> on the 46th floor was broken when the two fairies were born.

To be safe, they collected the pieces of the shattered stone.

Collete said that even broken pieces still contain the power of spirits, so they could be used to make tools.

Since they couldn't, or rather did not want to, collect all the shards, they decided to pick up only the ones of a certain size.

They decided to wait and see what would happen to the small pieces that remained.

Rather, the Phoenix pair was already poking around the ground, and it looked like they were retrieving the remaining pieces they didn't need.

Kousuke had not been able to confirm whether they swallowed it or not, but he decided to let them do as they pleased.

Kousuke and his group returned to the management floor, carrying only the pieces that were deemed large enough.

He took the recovered pieces of Fairy Stone to his research room and immediately gave them to Isnani.

Kousuke hoped that if he gave it to her, Isnani would work harder on her research.

Of course, Kousuke himself was going to use it as research material.

For now, Kousuke put off his research and headed for the room with the control panel.

It was to check on how the <Fire Fairy Stone> on the 46th floor, that have now been shattered, was being displayed.

As it turned out, the <Fire Fairy Stone> on the 46th floor that was displayed had disappeared.

In its place, a new <Fire Fairy Stone> could be installed.

He was tempted that if he placed another Fire Fairy Stone one on the 46th floor, he could create another Phoenix by placing another, but the Fairy Stone series was expensive, so it couldn't be placed as easily as a Summoning Formation.

The <Wind Fairy Stone> had already been installed on the 80th floor, but the other <Water Fairy Stone> and <Earth Fairy Stone> had not even been installed yet.

He decided to install those two first, and then install the Fire Fairy Stones again on the 46th floor.

Unfortunately, he didn't have enough divine power to install the <Water Fairy Stone> and <Earth Fairy Stone> at the same time, so he decided to install the <Earth Fairy Stone> on the 80th floor.

He set up the <Earth Fairy Stone> in the wolves' base.

The wolves' stronghold on the 80th floor was of a certain size, so there were some space where he could place it, so he decided to deploy in that place.

For the time being, he should be done with the <Earth Fairy Stone>.

Next, he decided to go check out the <Wind Fairy Stone> that had been placed on the 80th floor.

As soon as Kousuke and the others arrived on the 80th layer, they were greeted enthusiastically by Kou and the others.

The Flying Dragons were huge, so they didn't jump on them or rub their beaks against them like the other summons, but soon after Kousuke came through the transfer gate, they all gathered there.

The number of dragons had increased, and there were now fifteen, so it was quite impressive to see so many dragons in one place.

Looking at these flying dragons, Kousuke felt that the higher the intelligence of the summoned beasts, the higher their loyalty would be.

In Nana and Wanri's case, their intelligence increased as they evolved.

The most prominent one was Wanri, but that might just be because she could speak.

Surrounded by flying dragons, he headed for the place where the <Wind Fairy Stone> was installed.

<As with the Fire Fairy Stone, he could feel the power of the spirits, but he didn't feel any significant change.

However, just like the <Fire Fairy Stone>, there was a possibility that the conditions had already been met.

This time, he decided to use his divine power after being properly aware of it.

At first, he carefully touched the <Wind Fairy Stone> so as not to let the divine power flow.

Naturally, the <Wind Fairy Stone> did not change in any way.

He then consciously sent his own divine power to flow into the <Wind Fairy Stone>.

Then, just as with the Fire Fairy Stone, the Wind Fairy Stone made a cracking noise and immediately shattered.

A fairy appeared afterwards.

"…Collete, I leave it to you"

"Yeah. Okay."

He brought Collete along this time as well, and left the interpretation to her.

In the meantime, Kousuke thought about the time he had sent in his divine power.

When he sent his divine power to the <Wind Fairy Stone>, it felt more like he was pouring his divine power into it rather than being sucked in.

He felt as if he was filling the empty space with his power.

The moment the space filled up, he felt that the <Wind Fairy Stone> had shattered.

This was based on Kousuke's senses, so it might have been different from the actual situation.

In any case, it was the first time that he had done it properly and consciously, so he didn't have enough experience yet.

As he was thinking about this, Collete and the Wind Fairy seemed to have finished their conversation, and Collete looked at Kousuke and stated.

"In case you're wondering, I'm done listening to them. But it's not nearly the same story as with the Fire Fairies."

"Eh? Really?"

"That's right. The only other thing I could hear was that they were influenced by the dragons, I think?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Not sure about what they meant by the <Wind Fairy Stone> being influenced by flying dragons, Kousuke tilted his head.

But Collete, who was talking to him, also had a look of confusion on her face.

"Apparently, the Wind Fairy herself doesn't understand either. Because even though she somehow understood what I am trying to convey to her, they don't know how to properly express what they want."

In the first place, they don't speak or converse with each other like humans and demi-humans.

In addition to their special form of conversation, they were trying to communicate their intent without even knowing what they were saying, which makes it even more difficult to understand.

"Hmmm. Okay, well, I guess it can't be helped."

Kousuke gave up trying to understand their conversation.

"Is it really okay?"

"No matter if the result is good or not, we're never going to get an accurate answer, even if we ask something we don't know. If that's the case, then it's better not to ask in the first place."

Kousuke decided that as far as the Fairy Stone was concerned, it was something that could be re-installed, so it would be better to investigate it a couple of times.

"I'm not sure if that is really alright, though?"

"…I guess, we can only test it out…?"

Kousuke wasn't absolutely sure what to do, either.

Collete's eyes suddenly turned grim from his statement.

"If we don't know anything, all we can do is find out through trial and error, but if we ask and interpret a wrong answer from the start, we won't get the right result."

Under Collete's gaze, Kousuke hurriedly rephrased.

Anyway, there were still many things about Fairy Stones that Kousuke did not understand, so he was thinking he'll just have to go through a lot of trial and error.

In the first place, they did not even know what would happen if he sent in Divine Power right after they set it up, so he would still need to do a lot of research in the future.





Chapter 6, Sylph

The Wind Fairy that was born from the <Wind Fairy Stone> was looking at Kousuke while Collete and Kousuke were having a conversation.

As was the case with the Fire Fairy, it seems that even if one was born as a fairy, that doesn't mean that one could speak.

When he thought about it, he realized that the existence of Esena and Yuri, the manifestation of World Trees, were special.

In reality, this thought was also out of line with common sense.

To begin with, the existence of fairies itself was in the realm of legends and fairy tales.

The fact that they were appearing so casually all over the place was in itself strange.

Including Dolly, he had already seen six (?) fairies in person.

Two of them had already disappeared, so there are actually only four fairies remaining in Kousuke's team.

"Hmmm… Do fairies really show up this casually?"

At Kousuke's comment, Collete turned to look at him.

"…No way, of course that can't be true. In the first place, fairies won't be called stuff of legends and fairy tales if that was the case. Didn't I mention that before."


For now, Kousuke laughed to feign ignorance

"Haah… Well, that does not seem to be the case. Anyway, I think she has something more to say."

Colette pointed at the fairy who was looking at them.

"I see, does she need me for something?"

"That's what I don't understand. she was trying to tell me that she needed something that Kousuke possessed?"

"I wonder what it is, though. After all, I left everything behind when we came to this floor, so I don't have anything with me right now."

Kousuke and Collete both nodded their heads at the same time.

"Yes, that's why I don't understand what they are talking about. …I'll try asking them again for now."

"Please do"

As Kousuke placed his hands together, Collete looked at the Wind Fairy once more and started a conversation.

Kousuke had been watching for a while, but it didn't seem to be going well.

In the first place, even if she could use the <Fairy Language>, the language of spirits and fairies was very different from that of humans and demi-humans.

Naturally, when conversing with them, discrepancies often arise, making it difficult for them to communicate well.

This time seemed to be the same.

The Wind Fairy was also trying to communicate, but her expression showed that she just couldn't get through to Collete.

"Hmmm… Ah, that's right"

Kousuke had been watching the Wind Fairy and Collete, but halfway through, he suddenly had an idea.

He thought of someone who might be able to help him out of this situation.

"…Esena, could you come out here?"

He finally decided to summon Esena, a fairy of the World Tree.

Thinking about it, he had never summoned Esena since he moved the World Tree floor to the South Tower.

He was a little worried about whether he would be able to summon her even if he was in a different Tower, but his fears were unfounded.

When Kousuke called out to her, she immediately appeared.

"Onii-sama, what's the matter?"

Her appearance had already become that of a high school student.

The way she talked was no different from a normal human being, in fact, she even seemed to be more elegant with her speech.

"Ah, well. I'm sorry for calling you out of the blue."

"I will come whenever I am called, so please don't worry about it. The World Tree is stable these days, so I rarely have to intervene with my power."

"I see, that's good …as to why I called you. Her? Him? I'd like you to listen to what she is trying to say…."

Kousuke said, pointing at the Wind Fairies.

"I'm sorry, Esena. I tried, but I couldn't clearly understand what she was saying."

Seeing that Esena had come, Collete finally raised the white flag.

"Oh. Wind Fairies… They have a very peculiar way of saying things."

As she said this, Esena immediately started a conversation with the Wind Fairy.

The conversation itself, however, was over quickly.

"…It seems like she wants Onii-sama's divine power."

After the conversion, it was easily determined what she really wanted.

When Collete heard this, she slumped her shoulders in disappointment.

"…I, I see, so she was talking about Divine Power…"

Collete was depressed to find out that the thing she had been trying to figure out earlier was the divine power.

"Oh, I don't think it's Collete nee-sama's fault. In the first place, she was speaking in a language that was only conveyed to fairies and spirits, so it's natural that you don't understand."

Esena said, trying to comfort Collete.

For Kousuke, who still remembered Esena's previous appearance as something recent, the scene was somewhat surprising, because of her growth that developed in a lot of places.

"Oh. So, if I give them my divine power, what was she going to use it for?"

For some reason, Esena smiled at Kousuke's question.

"You'll know that when you give it to her. she won't use it for anything weird, so it will be fine."

"Got it… So, how do I transfer that to her?"

"Please give her your hand."

As Esena said, Kousuke extended his right hand towards the Wind Fairy. The Wind Fairy may have sensed this, and she also extended her right hand in the same way, as if she was shaking hands.

Through her hands, Kousuke gently sent her divine power.

At first, he sent it gently, like when making a divine tool, but he felt as if he was being urged to do more, so he made it stronger and stronger.

He got carried away, and towards the end he sent it with a lot of force, but the Wind Fairy didn't seem to mind.

In the end, he sent divine power in an amount that was much greater than he had ever used, but Kousuke felt that he still had plenty to spare in his reserves.

After a while, Esena, who had been standing aside to watch, stopped him.

"Onii-sama, it's time to stop. There's not much point in giving more than that."

When Kousuke stopped sending the divine power and let go of her hand, a change occurred in the Wind Fairy.

It was as if she was just a lingering presence until now, but now she had a strong presence, as if she had finally manifested in reality with a solid frame.


Collete, who was watching, couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Kousuke was also taken aback by the changes.

"Onii-sama, did you name her?"

"Name? No, I didn't."

"Then please give her a name. She now belongs to Onii-sama."

"What? Is that so?"

Kousuke was surprised to be told that the child suddenly belonged to him, but when Esena explained to him that it was because he gave her his divine power, he agreed.

He named her Sylph, as Esena had told him to do.

"Sylph, that's enough. If you do any more unnecessary things, Sister Kouhi will restrain you."

At Esena's words, the presence she felt from Sylph, the Wind Fairy, weakened.

In addition, her cheeks were slightly puffed out.

"Buu… Esena Onee-sama, that's not fair."

Moreover, she began to speak the language normally.

Kousuke and Collete were surprised by this, but Esena was unfazed by it.

"What are you talking about? I said that for your sake, didn't I?"

Esena then looked at Kouhi, who was following Kousuke as his bodyguard.

Sylph, who also looked at Kouhi, shuddered and somehow used Kousuke as a shield to hide behind.

"I'm, I'm sorry~"

Kousuke tilted his head at Sylph, who for some reason started to tremble.

"What's wrong?"

"Onii-sama, don't worry about it. It will subside soon. More importantly, the contract has been completed, so Sylph will always be there to help Onii-sama, okay?"

"Huh? Contract?"

"Didn't you just hand over your divine power to her?"

For Kousuke, it was just a matter of handing over the divine power as he was told, but it seems that this action triggered him to be bound in a contract with Sylph.

He said that he could now call upon her at any time to borrow her power.

"Moreover, Sylph has become a very high-ranking being among fairies, thanks to Onii-sama's divine power!"

Sylph declared with pride.

"It's thanks to Onii-sama's power, it's not something you should be proud of… So, since you can now call on her whenever you want, just as like me, please call on her as you wish."

Looking at Esena and Sylph, Kousuke was reminded of the relationship between Eris and Jal's sister gods for some reason.

"Um, I get it, but where does Sylph usually reside?"

Esena has a dwelling place called the World Tree.

But Sylph doesn't have such a thing.

"What? Of course, she's with Onii-sama."

Sylph said with an obvious look on her face.

[If that's the case, there's no need to call her] Kousuke thought.





Chapter 7, Innocent (?) Bomb

After returning to the management floor, Kousuke decided to think about the Fairy Stone again.

At that time, the Fire Fairies dwelled inside Seiwa and Seiran (?) and helped them evolve into Phoenixes.

Meanwhile, the Wind Fairy became a contracted fairy by receiving divine power from Kousuke.

The Wind Fairy had now transformed into a contracted fairy and could be called anytime as long as Kousuke offered her divine power.

He learned this from Colette, who knows a lot about spirits.

Most spirits were in a similar situation, being normal spirits at first and could become contracted spirits, but there had only been several of them that were able to form contracts.

Colette learned about the existence of fairies from fairy tales, where they appeared as contracted fairies.

When Kousuke learned of this, he had a hard time wrapping his head around it, but the surrounding people had an expression that said, 'What's the matter with you?'

"What's so strange about having such a being by your side when you've already become a God?"

That was what Sylvia told Kousuke when she saw Kousuke cover his face with his hands.

"That's right. Maybe it's time for Kousuke to get used to situations ending up like this"

"… For me, I'd rather live comfortably without these random events adding up, but…"

""""" impossible"""""

Kousuke was drowned by the unanimous opinion of everyone.

Returning to the topic, he had talked about Fairy Stone.

It was frustrating that the cost was so high that he couldn't install it as easily as he wanted to.

Currently, he only installed an <Earth Fairy Stone> on the 81st Floor.

Although he just installed it a while ago, he was still waiting to see how the experiment proceeds.

Incidentally, he tried to send divine power to the stone when it got newly installed, but there was no change.

He was trying to see if there was any difference between sending divine power at the beginning and sending it later.

"Hmmm… There are so few available examples that I can't understand if there is any pattern to it."

So far, the last <Earth Fairy Stone> had just been installed and showed no change, while the other two showed different changes.

[Perhaps it is impossible to find out the pattern of an object that has a will of its own in the first place.]

As Kousuke was thinking about this, Colette's comment stabbed him in the back.

"In the first place, spirits are said to be fickle, so aren't fairies, which are said to be an advanced form of spirits, also fickle?"

"Yes, they probably are. I think so, too."

Shrein, of course, agreed with her.

Kousuke gave up thinking when he heard their words.

"Ah. I quit, I quit. I'm starting to feel like it's useless to think about it."

"In other words, it's just the usual~"

Kousuke's heart was gouged out by a spear that flew from a direction he had not expected.

"…Peach, that's terrible…"

"Eh, eh~?"

Peach, who was looking at Kousuke, tilt her head to the side in amazement.

Although very rarely, Peach had a tendency to send sharp spears at Kousuke.


After receiving divine power from Kousuke, Sylph became a contracted fairy, but to Kousuke's surprise, she was easily accepted by the others.

To give an idea of how easily she was accepted, she even sat in on the dinner table where everyone gathered, even though she didn't need to eat.

Incidentally, it was Kousuke's divine power that was being supplied as food for Sylph, and she only needed to eat once every few days for her to be able to carry out her normal activities.

Of course, if Sylph herself used a lot of power, she would need to replenish it.

However, she could also absorb power from her surroundings, so she didn't need to rely on Kousuke's power to sustain her presence.

Kousuke doesn't realize it, but the group doing the management side of things don't mind the increase in the members in the first place.

They knew that the management of the Tower would require as many people as they could get their hands on, so they were happy that more had been added.

Especially with the existence of the town on the fifth floor, it was obvious that Kousuke alone couldn't handle it, no matter how hard he tried.

Furthermore, all the current members had been transferred to other Towers, so Amamiya's Tower was in desperate need of manpower.

The management of the Towers could be left unattended for as long as necessary, but in exchange, it would also be needed to be maintained as much as possible.

And of course, the wolves and foxes need to be fluffed from time to time… this was included in Kousuke's task when he goes to check on them.

The summoned beasts would hunt on their own even if they were left alone, but there was a big difference between Kousuke visiting them and not.

Kousuke knows this, so he tries to show up as much as possible.

He did not just go there to play and fulfill his fluffing needs… at least, that was what he thought.

It was okay to have more manpower, but trustworthy people were not easy to find.

In that sense, Sylph, who was already under a contract, was perfect as a Tower Manager.

Competence and other factors were secondary.

Then, Sylph dropped a bomb on everyone in the middle of dinner.

"So, Floria, you're not going to join big brother's harem?"

Hearing this, Kousuke was relieved that he didn't spit out what he had in his mouth.

"… No, no, that's not it, why are we talking about that…?"

"Eh~? But it just seems strange that only one of us is different."

Catching Sylph's curious look, Floria tilted her head.

"… Hmm. As for me, I'm fine with it any time, but I can't do anything about that unless Kosuke accepts it."

"I see~"

Sylph nodded in agreement.

Incidentally, other than Kousuke, all the others were smiling in an amused or mischievous manner.

"… Ok. We all heard that loud and clear. So, what is your response, big brother?"

"…No comment."

He had a feeling that whatever he said here would be useless, so he decided to stick with 'No comment'.

"Eh… say something about it, that's not fair!"

He decided to ignore Sylph's protests.

For some reason, Sylph was looking at Kousuke very seriously.

But Kousuke ignored it because he was afraid that he would get further into a quagmire if he responded.

Seeing Kousuke like that, Sylph suddenly started nodding her head.

For some reason, Kousuke had a bad premonition when he saw this, but it was already too late.

The next thing he knew, Sylph was whispering something into Floria's ear, and she was nodding her head in agreement.

Kousuke felt a sense of déjà vu when he saw this, but he could not remember when it was.

That was all that happened in the end, but unfortunately, the events of that day were not over yet; even when all that was left was to go back to his room and sleep.

He then opened the door to his room, only to find someone waiting for him on the bed again, just like before.

He knew immediately who it was from the previous exchange.

Letting out one sigh, Kousuke approached the bed.

"You know, Floria, I don't think you have to do this just because Sylph is egging you on."

Floria looked a little troubled when she saw Kousuke saying that.

"No, it's not that I'm doing this just because Sylph told me to. In the first place, when there is no one but me around, shouldn't you realize that everyone supports this?"

At the moment, there was no one else but Floria around.

It was more natural to assume that the situation they are in had already been prepared from the start.

"… I don't know why everyone thinks in such a way…"

Kousuke said unconsciously, but Floria's answer was simple.

"I requested for Kousuke, and everyone gave you to me without hesitation, you know?"

They were very direct with their offer.

Kousuke let out a sigh and walked over to the bed.

"Just so you know, we can't just stop when we are in the middle of doing it, you know?"

"Mmm. Now make me a woman."

Kousuke knew that this was one of Floria's charms, but he didn't say anything else and locked lips with her.





Chapter 8, Enthusiastic Welcome

Unfortunately, the <Water Fairy Stone> that had not yet been installed. Because there was a shortage of divine power, so it could not be installed.

They could install it later after a few days. They just needed to accumulate enough contributions of divine power from the South and North Towers.

Until then, Kousuke decided to take a look at the <Earth Fairy Stone> he had installed on the 81st Floor.

When it came to the Fairy Stones, it was necessary to have Collete with him because the <Fairy Language> Skill was required.

Shrein could also use <Fairy Language> to some extent, but she was still inferior to Collete, who was an Elf.

At breakfast, when he asked Collete to accompany him…

"Mmm… I guess I should properly learn it."

He had a feeling that Shrein had muttered something to him, but Kousuke decided to treat it as his imagination.

"…So, why are we in this situation?"

Collete asked as they arrived on the 81st Floor.

Naturally, the one she was talking to was Kousuke.

"…Uppu… No, well… I want to listen too."

Kousuke was welcomed enthusiastically by the wolves.

When Kousuke and the others came to the 81st Floor last time, Nana was unfortunately not there.

Nana was also busy moving around the Floor with the wolves.

The wolves of the 81st Floor have grown to the point where they could manage unexpected situations even without Nana.

The five wolves that were currently with Kousuke were all <White Wolf Leaders>.

One of them, Eir, seemed to be leading the pack while Nana was away.

Before he knew it, Eir had acquired <Language Understanding (Kin)>.

However, there were only two other than Eir that acquired <Language Understanding (Kin)>, so Eir was not the only one that could become the substitute leader.

It was probably concluded that the strongest one could simply become the substitute leader.

Anyway, Eir was now being pampered by Kousuke to the fullest, and since Nana was not around, Kousuke had become more out of control than usual.

Kousuke had nothing to complain about, though, since he could fluff Eir as much as he wanted.

In the meantime, Collete and Mitsuki were playing with the other wolves, though not as much as Kousuke.

The summoned beasts that were Kousuke's kin were not only pampered by Kousuke alone.

They also seem to remember Kousuke's companions, who were allowed to pamper them as well.

However, according to the members of the group, they were only able to pamper them because of Kousuke.

After enjoying fluffy time until the wolves settled down, they checked out the <Earth Fairy Stone>.

As far as its appearance was concerned, it was almost the same as when they installed the <Wind> and <Fire> Fairy Stones.

It was still overflowing with the power of spirits, but no further changes seemed to occur.

He tried to send the divine power by touching the <Earth Fairy Stone>, but it seemed to be blocked by something, and he couldn't send it.

Therefore, they concluded that it was impossible to send divine power to create a fairy immediately after installation.

As for the <Wind> and <Fire> Fairy Stones, he was able to do it without knowing why. Kousuke had concluded that it would need a certain amount of time to pass before a fairy develops in the stones.

But that didn't mean that Kousuke was convinced it was the right way to proceed, so he planned to return more often in the future.

Since they have already finished conquering the other Towers, there was no need for them to leave Amamiya Tower for a while, so it won't be a problem.

"So? Is there any point in me being here?"

Collete asked Kousuke.

"Um, well, I guess not anymore. I think it's going to be like this for a while. I have a feeling that no fairies will be born for the time being."

"Why don't you ask Esena about it instead of me?"

Collete was currently in charge of the South Tower, and she would not know if something unexpected would happen over that place if she was not monitoring it.

She thought to herself, [If that's the case, why not ask Esena?]

"Esena? Are you okay with that?"

For Kousuke, Esena was the manifestation of the World Tree herself, so he was hesitant to ask her, especially if she was busy making adjustments.

"I think it's fine… rather, just make sure to let her check it properly."

Esena had also grown up quite a bit compared to when she was just a little girl.

She had become more of an expert than Collete, especially when it came to fairies and spirits.

"Hmm… Shall we try that… Esena?"

Kousuke called out softly, and Esena quickly appeared in front of him.

"You called for me, big brother?"

Esena tilted her head and asked, so he told her what they were discussing earlier.

Hearing this, Esena had a happy expression on her face.

"If that's the case, you can always summon me when you need my help."

After a round of being questioned, she answered immediately.

"Are you sure? Is the World Tree going to be okay?"

"Yes. As I told you before, the environment has calmed down, and I don't need to adjust it as much as before, so I'm not that busy anymore."

"Right. Well then, I called you to see if you can determine the changes in the <Fairy Stones>."

Esena, who listened to Kousuke, nodded back curiously.

"It looks like you've reached an agreement."

Collete was also relieved.

It wasn't like she was dissatisfied with Kousuke inviting her to check on the Fairy Stones, in fact, she'd prefer for Kousuke to rely on her whenever he wanted.

That way she could become closer to him, but if he frequently requested her to do so, she might end up neglecting the management of the South Tower.

She was sure Kousuke won't complain even if the development of the Towers were delayed because of that, but she didn't want him to do that.

So, Collete thought it would be great if Esena could accommodate him for her sake.

"Oh, and thank you, Collete."

"No problem. If Esena can't handle it, I will be the one to do something about it. In fact, I think she'll know more about fairies since Esena is also technically the same as them."

"That's true."

Being the personification of the World Tree, Esena's knowledge about fairies and spirits were outstanding.

Kousuke was sure that the knowledge and power that he originally granted her in the beginning had included such information, but because she was still young at that time, she wasn't able to properly put them into words.

Now that she had grown up, she would be able to communicate properly without such problems.

She may be a little too polite, but Kousuke believes that this was her personality, so he had no intention of forcing her to change.


After confirming the information they gathered about the <Earth Fairy Stone> on the 81st Floor, Collete returned to the Administration Floor.

She said she was heading straight to the South Tower, so she could do some management work on it.

Kousuke, along with Mitsuki, decided to patrol the Floors where the wolves were, except for the 81st Floor.

In the 7th, 9th, and 47th Floors where wolves were present, no other summoning circle for wolves has been set up recently.

The reason for this was that he was worried about the ecology of the creatures on those Floors. It would also be to verify if there were more wolves, the number of wolves increased by natural breeding and not with summoning.

The number of summoning circles where monsters spawn were designed to be in accordance to the level of the wolves.

In addition to the 81st Floor, the other three Floors' summoning circles were summoning intermediate level Monsters. These generated monsters produced a good amount of divine power and provided a challenge for the wolves.

It was just like how dust could accumulate to form a mountain, that was how the amount of divine power generated was being represented.

Although it was still not as good as the ones placed on the 81st Floor, which was considered an advanced Floor.

After visiting two of the three Floors and confirming that there was no problem, Kousuke finally went to the 7th Floor.

There, he found Nana, whom he had not met for a while now, playing with the wolf cubs.

Looking at Nana, he noticed that she was playing, lightly brushing off the wolf cubs attempting to lunge at her.

When Nana noticed Kousuke's arrival, she immediately lunged at him.

After playing with Kousuke for a while, she returned to accommodate the wolf cubs.

When Kousuke saw her, he couldn't help but wonder if it was a wolf's habit to lunge at the ones they liked.