
Let’s Manage the Tower (Tou no Kanri wo Shite Miyou)

Kosuke is killed by a truck, his soul is lost in a garden with two beautiful girls. The owner of the place will let him choose whether he will be reborn or summoned to another world, and he maintains the summons. In this new world, the main two girls who were created by the owner of the garden to help him find the mystery behind the world - a Dungeon tower. Will he be able to become the owner of this tower and manage it? It does not belong to me I'm just sharing it here. this is the original light novel

tutul_hasan · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
46 Chs

Chapter 4 Part-(4.6-4.10)

Chapter 4.6 – World Tree's Shrine Maiden

After helping the two, it became a talk where they should talk and it was eventually decided that they'll discuss at the inn where Kousuke's party is staying.

Sylvia and Collete have already moved out of their inn.

They also thought that they should stay in the same inn anyway so they can ask for help in case of emergency.

Well, it still depends on the result of their discussion.

On the other hand, Kousuke was checking the status of the two while walking to the inn.

He saw Collete's convincing title.

Her title is <Esena's Shrine Maiden>.

Thinking about Cheryl, who they met in the elf forest on Azen Continent, he knows what that title means.

He's not sure if Esena cares for her that's why she got that title or she has that title that's why Esena cares for her.

As for Sylvia…

She also has a worrisome title.

Her title is <Eris' Shrine Maiden>.

(Eris and not Erisamir?)

That name Eris is someone he's familiar with.

At this point, in Kousuke's brain, he thought that Eris = Erisamir but he doesn't know if it's true.

Kousuke doesn't know if it is good to talk about it while walking so he'll talk about it to them as soon as they reach the inn.

—Scene Change—

Sylvia and Collete seemed to have taken individual rooms.

On the other hand, Kousuke and Mitsuki are sharing the same room. When they were deciding on a room, Mitsuki quickly took it before Kousuke decided.

The room of Kousuke's party is a little bigger than the others so they decided to have their discussion there.

However, even if it is supposed to be a discussion with Collete and Sylvia, on contrary to expectations, it ended in an instant.

「Can you add us to your party?」

「Yeah, okay.」

That's it.

Kousuke's party is a party with the powerful Mitsuki.

Even if the two of them don't join, there will be almost no trouble at all.

That's why Collete and Sylvia thought that they'll be put up with a lot of conditions first before they can join. Doing that is normal common sense.

They were even prepared for a long discussion since they knew they were at a total disadvantage but they never thought that they'd be easily accepted.

「….Hah!? Eh? Okay….!?」

「Yeah, okay….is there a problem?」

「No, nai wa. There's none….is it really okay?」

「Ano….Kousuke-san? Normally, shouldn't you be asking for conditions? We are the ones asking after all.」

Hearing Sylvia, Kousuke nodded with satisfaction.

「Ah, right. I should ask for that.」

「Then, what is it?」

Collete had no choice but to smile wryly at Kousuke. She looks at Sylvia who in turn nods to her.

「You know, Sylvia, I think it is better not to say anything that will put us at a disadvantage, right?」

「I know desuwa. Kousuke-san doesn't seem to want to ask us for conditions from the beginning.」

「No, that's not the case. However, if I say it, it may be a condition that you can't refuse. Especially for Collete-san.」

「You don't have to put san…..what do you mean I can't refuse?」

「Then, I won't add it….well, it's not like you can't refuse, you won't dare refuse…」

Collete frowned at Kousuke's vague statement.

「Maa, okay. Esena, you can come out.」

At Kousuke's request, Esena appeared.

Both Collete and Sylvia looked at the girl who suddenly came out.

Esena, who came out near Kousuke, walked to Collete and hugged her.

「Wh...what? This girl….?...N-no way!?」

Collete, who was hugged, was initially puzzled but she noticed that Esena was a fairy when she was hugging her.

「H-how could there be a fairy in a place like this….!?」

「Heh, amazing. As expected of an elf. You noticed that she's a fairy just by one glance.」

Sylvia is surprised when Collete makes a "fairy" remark.

「There's no way I wouldn't notice. No matter how you look at her, she's a genuine fairy. I knew it the moment she touched me.」

Collete patted Esena's head while saying those.

Esena, whose head was being patted, closed her eyes in comfort.

Thinking that it would ease the situation, Kousuke dropped another bomb for Collete.

「Right….Esena is a world tree fairy. Since you noticed that, aren't you amazing?」

「Heh, that's unusual.」

Collete responded to Kousuke's words without thinking it deeply. His words just entered her ear and left to the other for a moment.

However, when she finally noticed what he meant, she screamed instinctively.

「….w-world tree fairy....you're lying!?.」

Since Collete raised her voice, Kousuke put his forefinger in front of his mouth to silence her.

Esena, who's hugging Collete, was also surprised.


「No, I think your reaction is normal. I have one more thing to say, okay?」

「Wa….wait a minute, let me calm down first.」

Collete remembers that Kousuke said that it is something she won't dare refuse so she took a deep breath.

By the way, Sylvia still doesn't understand why Collete is so surprised.

The stories related to world tree are close secrets of the elves and Sylvia, a human, doesn't know anything about it.

「O-okay. Bring it on!」

Collete thought that she was already surprised enough but she never thought that Kousuke would say the biggest surprise of her life.

「Collete, you were chosen by Esena to be the shrine maiden of the world tree…」


Despite being prepared, Collete desperately suppresses her startled voice that she involuntarily raised.

Kousuke almost laughed at her seeing her like that while Sylvia and Esena are looking at her with puzzled faces.

Collete, who felt that it was unreasonable for him to surprise her like that, asked Kousuke with a furious expression.

「…..what do you mean?」

「No, I don't even know why. I'm not the one who chose you.」

Collete, who tried to continue questioning Kousuke's defense, was interrupted by a cute voice that came from below her.

「Collete, Esena's shrine maiden, no?」

「N-no, I don't hate it. I was just a little surprised.」

Seeing the sad Esena, Collete hastily denied it.

Esena is happy to hear that so she continues to say more words.

「Kousuke, Esena's father. Collete, mother.」

Collete was completely stunned by the joyful words Esena has said.


In addition, she heard the voice of her friend next, and it made her sweat cold for some reason.

「Wa-wait, Sil. No matter how you think about it, there's no way I can have a child with someone I met today!?」

「….Is that so? How can I be sure that it's not an elven secret technique?」

「There's no way it is! If there's such a convenient technique, we will not have to worry about our birth rate which is the worst in the world!」

Collete's excuse(?) seemed to have convinced(?) Sylvia.

Collete was finally relieved and glared at Kousuke.

「Why are you so happy?」

「No, well, what kind of man will not be pleased if someone assigned the beautiful Collete as his wife?」

「...ano nee.」

Hearing Kousuke's words and seeing her friend grumpy again, Collete got angry.

Collete did not anticipate that she would have a completely different kind of struggle from what she initially thought will happen during this discussion.





Chapter 4.7 – Goddess Erisamir

Asgard's main religion is polytheism.

To be precise, each religion enshrines one god but it is common sense in this world that there is more than one god.

Since ancient times, though very rare, gods have actually descended into the world and no one denies it.

Each god has different things to govern and the people of Asgard choose their god according to their belief or which suits them the most.

In addition, it's normal for someone to worship not only one god but multiple gods.

The only people who worship one god are the priests and shrine maidens who serve gods.

The reason is quite simple, there are so many gods(around 8 million) so it is normal to worship several gods in your life.

If the gods rejected such practice, each person would be worshipping only one god but the gods did not stop people from worshiping multiple gods and they even recommended it.

The reason why the gods recommend multiple faiths have been discussed among the clerics since ancient times but up to this day, there's no answer.

Thus, ordinary people of Asgards did not even bother thinking why they are worshipping multiple gods.

There are gods that can only be read in a religion's forbidden tome and only the high-ranking clerics can read them.

Of course, there are also religious organizations that unite the clerics.

However, rather than calling it an organization, it is better to call them temples of a certain area. The relationship of the religions there is more of a horizontal relationship rather than a vertical relationship. Of course, there are well-known temples but there is no central temple that brings all religions together.

Therefore, since ancient times, people called those groups of clerics as temples or churches.

—Scene Change—

Sylvia finds the conversation between Kousuke and Collete as nothing interesting. She tells herself that she's not jealous but she can't hide how upset she is with Esena's remark.

The people around seemed to understand what's happening but they didn't voice it out.

At this point, Sylvia is also aware of her feelings but she's also doubting it.

Until today, he's someone she has never met.

She didn't think that she's the type that falls in love at first sight so she's wondering why. Kousuke's face is not even her type.

When Sylvia was trying to sort out her feelings, Kousuke asked her a strange question.

「Goddess Eris…?」

「No, isn't Goddess Erisamir also called Goddess Eris?」

Sylvia thought about Kousuke's question.

Erisamir Religion is the religion she belongs to.

Although she is far from the temple, she has not quit her faith.

When she registered at the main temple, she had the opportunity to touch a book called forbidden tome, so she was confident that her knowledge of Goddess Erisamir was second to none.

「…..I can't say.」

「What do you mean?」

「It's not like there's no book where Erisamir-sama was referred to as Eris. However, she only allows other gods to call her that.」

「Ah, I see.」

Sylvia was confused when she saw Kousuke being convinced with that explanation.

To put it simply, Kousuke doesn't look so religious. He doesn't look like someone who'll involve himself with a temple.

She was wondering why he knew about other gods calling goddess Erisamir with the name Eris.

Collete, who is beside her, was actually impressed by that piece of information.

「Collete, don't misunderstand. Actually, there are only two others that can call her that. And that's only something I read so there's no evidence if that is true.」

「Is that so?….then, who are those two?」

「As far as I know, only Goddess Jamir and Goddess Spica.」

If you are a person of this world, you should know that the two are major goddesses.

By the way, together with Goddess Erisamir, they are called the three great gods.

「I see.」

It is probably a name that they should not say carelessly.

「By the way, why are you talking like that earlier?」

「By the way, why are you asking me that?」

「Ah, yeah….before answering your question, I need to ask you something….Sylvia, have you ever tried divine descend?」

Hearing another technical question, Sylvia made a smug face.

「Of course, that's a shrine maiden's specialty. I naturally have tried that before.」

Sylvia, who said that and stuck out her chest, felt that the line of sight of Kousuke was concentrated to a certain part of her body but she ignored it.

She's embarrassed but it is strange that she's not disgusted.

「Then, can I ask you to be the subject of the divine descend?」

「Of course you can, but why are you suddenly requesting me to do so?」

「No, it's the quickest way to explain everything, I think.」

「….? Maa, fine. Do it anytime you want.」

When Sylvia said so, Kousuke took her right hand and cast a summoning spell.

「I call upon her by the name of Kousuke. Use Sylvia, come out, Eris.」

Hearing Kousuke's spell, Sylvia felt something else enter her body.

Until that point, it was no different from the divine descent she has been doing.

However, she felt an enormous amount of divinity and that made her instinctively panic.

And from her mouth, words that are not her own were said.

「Ano, Kousuke-sama, no matter how you think this is, it's too forceful, don't you think so too?」

When Sylvia said those, it is obvious that she's not the one who's saying them. Collete's eyes widened and her heart tightened.

「Ahahaha…..I thought it would be okay since it is Sylvia….Am I wrong?」

「You are not that wrong but doing it like this won't last for a long time…Now that you've seen this is possible, I can go now, right?」

「Yes. I just want Sylvia to understand. I'll do it officially in that place next time.」

「Please do so. Then, see you again after a few days.」

After the conversation ended with surprising swiftness, Sylvia felt that the other party had left her body.

She can only be stunned given the huge amount of divine energy residue in her body.

Looking at Sylvia's state, Kousuke got anxious.

「Are you okay? Was I a little forceful?」

「No….wait a minute. Let me sort out my mind first….」

The lingering feeling of the divine being that remained in her body is something that Sylvia felt in the temple of her religion. To be exact, it is the powerful version of that feeling.

She knows what it means but she still can't believe it.

Unfortunately, she can't deny it so she's sorting out her mind.

In addition, her heart was disturbed by the goddess' parting gift.

Sylvia managed to unify her spirit. Even if she serves as a shrine maiden in the temple all her life, she won't be able to do it.

「...I'm sorry. I managed to calm down.」

「Great….how's your body?」

「Yeah. In the first place, being the subject of divine descend would barely affect the body…..no, it depends on who'll descend.」


Kousuke has no choice but to laugh dryly given how Sylvia stares at him.

「Wait a minute! Are you telling me that a god descended just now?」

Hearing the two's conversation, Collete immediately intervenes.

「Yeah, that's right….it was Erisamir-sama.」


Collete instinctively held her head.

Her reaction is normal.

In the first place, Eris, who is one of the three great gods, is not an entity that can easily manifest in this world.

She's not the casual type of goddess that someone can easily call. That's the world's common sense.

「Haa. I still have a lot to say but I'm already tired for today.」

「True desuwa. I want to take a rest too.」

「Then, let's dissolve for the time being.」

「Right」「Right desuwa」

After saying that, the two stood up and Kousuke reminded them.

「You may have forgotten but, don't go out alone.」

Given the shock from what had just happened, the two had completely forgotten why they were there in the first place. However, they don't even feel like going out.

「Don't worry. I don't even feel like going out.」

「…me too.」

Kousuke could only smile wryly given the two's tired expression.

—Scene Change—

「Sylvia, time doesn't pass in this place but it's not a good idea to take our time here so I will talk to you briefly.」

「Eh? A-ano, where is this? Who are you?」

「Calm down. Think of this place as something in your consciousness however, it is not. Maa, anyway, there's something I wanted to say to you right now that's why I took this form.」


「I'll talk about me some other time. For now, let's talk about you….what you're thinking will not go as you wish but I'm rooting for you so do your best.」


「Unfortunately, you can't monopolize him.」

「N-no, unfortunate, truly unfortunate….what are you making me say!」

「Fufufu. Maa, anyway, you don't need to worry about my existence and do your best.」

「…..Thank you?」

「We are reaching the limit so I'll take my leave. See you later.」

That way was the parting gift Sylvia got….whether this conversation will be known to others or not, it will not be from Sylvia's mouth.





Chapter 4.8 – Return to the Tower

A certain corner of Nansen City.

In one of the rooms of a building, there was a person receiving reports from his subordinates.

「….you failed?」

「Yes. We tried attacking the inn where they are but there's a powerful barrier that prevented us from even entering. We also chased them when they left the city this morning but it seems like they disappeared in front of those who were watching over them. They probably used teleportation.」

「….tsk. You're useless…」

The man, who was so frustrated that he clicked his tongue, put the pipe in his mouth to calm down.

「Fuh….Maa, that's fine. If they're not here in this city, they won't do any damage. However, when they come back to this city again….you know what to do, right?」

The person, who was reporting, nodded in confirmation to the man's words.

「I understand.」

「Good, withdraw」

After the man gave that order, the subordinate left the room.

After smoking the pipe for some time, the man left the room too.

—Scene Change—

After leaving Nansen City early, Kousuke and his party teleported to the foot of the tower with Collete and Sylvia.

Of course, Kousuke's group has a purpose in making them see that they teleported.

They want to give the other party the impression that they left far away from the city.

Kousuke's party doesn't know how many people the big guy behind the scene has but given their quick response, it should be considerable.

For that reason, Kousuke's party escaped while those following them from the shadow were watching. In truth, they really don't care about them at all.

It is impossible for the other party to follow their teleportation and if they stay at the tower, they won't need to bother with them anymore.

Collete and Sylvia, who are suddenly teleported, don't know where they currently are.

Because of that, after teleporting from Nansen, when they suddenly saw a gigantic tower before them, they couldn't help but be stunned.

「….Is this, a tower?」

「Yeah. This is the tower at the center of the Central Continent.」

「…..!? No way, is this the Amamiya Tower!?」

「Eh!? What!? This tower, has it been always called like that?」

「No, it wasn't called like that from the beginning but recently, there were rumors that it has been captured and the name began to spread too….」

After hearing that, Kousuke suddenly remembered that he registered it with the name Amamiya when they captured the tower.

(Ah, does that mean that the name was passed on other towers?)

In fact, in the management screen, there's a function to display the name of the towers on other continents.

The other tower owners have also seen the name of the tower that way.

「However, the gate seems to be closed. How do we get in?」

「Ah, like this…」

As if to answer Sylvia's question, Kousuke touched the gate.

After that, about two meters in radius around where Kousuke is standing was shrouded with a pale light.

「Go into the light….if you are left behind, monsters will attack you so make sure you're inside.」

Hearing Kousuke's words, Collete and Sylvia hurriedly enter the light.

Of course, Mitsuki, Nana, and Wanli are already in the light.

「….is it okay now? Alright, let's go.」

When Kousuke said that, all of them disappeared from that place.

It was Shrine, who had just returned from the 76th floor, who welcomed Kousuke and the others who had just arrived at the management floor.

「Oya Kousuke-dono. Back already?」

「Ah, Shri, I'm back…maa, a lot of things happened.」

「A lot of things….you've only left for two days. As expected of you.」

Kousuke wanted to refute Shrine's subtle evaluation of him but he noticed that Mitsuki is agreeing with Shrine's evaluation by nodding so he gave up.

「…..I'd like to hear more about Shrine's evaluation of me….」

「Even though you don't have any intention, you're like a fisherman who unknowingly catches your prey with your hook.」


「In just two days, you brought two ladies back. What part of what I said is wrong?」

Shrine said so and looked at Collete and Sylvia.

「….ugh. D-don't say that. We don't have that kind of relationship.」

「Is that so?….fumu」

Shrine nods once and looks at the two.

Kousuke had a bad feeling about it.

「….Kousuke-dono, let me take care of them. I'll make sure that they won't get NTRed. I'm good at determining those kinds of women.」

The two immediately responded upon hearing her words.

「I-I-I'm not in that kind of relationship with him.」

「Me too!」

「Fumu, is that so? …As I can see, one has already fallen and the other one is just a step away…am I right?」

As for that last question, it is for Mitsuki.

「As expected of Shrine.」


Mitsuki's brief reply made the three reply in chorus.

However, Mitsuki said that with an honest expression and when Shrine heard her, Shrine nodded as if that's the answer she's expecting.

「…..How about instead of standing, let's sit and talk?」

Since they are not moving from the room where the teleportation gate is, when Kouhi teleported in, she was shocked by what's happening.

Collete and Silvia, who didn't think that there would be another person who has the same level of beauty as Mitsuki, were stunned for a moment too but fortunately, no one noticed.

Fortunately, everyone followed Kousuke, who began moving(since he thought he should, given the situation) to the living room of the management floor.

Finally, a calm Kousuke looked at Collete and Sylvia and started speaking.

「Welcome to Amamiya Tower. As of now, I'm the manager of this place.」

「Ah, yeah….given what's happening, I somewhat knew it.」


Collete immediately replied and while Sylvia nodded but before Kousuke managed to say something again, someone interrupted.

「….by the way, my lord. Is this elf…?」

「Ah, right….she's the one chosen by Esena.」

「! Really! Great! Now I can finally part from managing that place!」

Kouhi said so and happily took Collete without even hearing Kousuke's reply.

Collete, who's full of question marks over her head, was taken by Kouhi.

They probably went to the control room in order for Kouhi to transfer her authority as the manager of the 73rd floor, the floor with the world tree, to Collete.

Kousuke intended to do that too so he didn't stop her.

Sylvia was stunned seeing Collete being taken in an instant.

The role of explaining to Sylvia what's happening falls on to Kousuke.

However, since he doesn't think of leaving a floor for Sylvia to manage yet, he only gave her a simple explanation about the management of the tower.

For Kousuke, Sylvia's role is to be his connection with Eris.

He plans on building a temple on the management floor.

Together with Sylvia, he tried to check the facilities needed one by one from the management screen. However, it looks like he doesn't have enough pt to get everything in place.

In the end, they only built the minimum requirements for the temple to function. The other will be added later.





Chapter 4.9 – Communication with Spirits

After completing the explanation to Sylvia, he checked the current level of the tower on the management screen. The tower is LV5.

It has been a while since it leveled up from LV4 but it was not gaining any experience points since Kousuke doesn't know what are the conditions to level up.

When he checked what was added when the tower leveled up to LV5, he found some big changes.

First of them are several summoning circles.

Intermediate class monsters can now be summoned using intermediate magic circles.

Even though it is intermediate level, it is only at the lower class intermediate level but it is still quite more efficient in earning pt compared to lesser magic circles.

Here is an example.

Name: Nero Rabbit Summoning Circle

Rank: Monster Rank C

Installation Cost: 2500pt(Divine Power) or holy power + magic power 700000pt

Description: Randomly summons up to 500 Nero Rabbit. The pt that can be obtained by subjugating 500 nero rabbits is about 5000 divine power pt.

The resulting pt is higher than that of lesser monsters.

It is necessary to verify it and it is very unlikely to summon lower than 250 units so it would be better to install as much as possible.

However, it would be a waste of time if Kousuke had Kouhi and Mitsuki subjugate them.

For that reason, he'd like to install it on the floors of the wolves and foxes who have grown enough that the naturally occurring monsters around their territory are no longer enough.

Though if he does that, there might be some sacrifices but it can't be helped.

For the time being, he temporarily postponed the verification and checked other items that can be installed.

For new items that can be installed, there are things that generate divine power similar to the world tree and Vamilinear Castle.

They are unlikely to generate as much divine power as the two but their installation cost is also cheaper.

It is only between 100000pt to 200000pt.

Since the installation cost is reasonable, it is not possible to just install them one after another. However, they generate pt so it would be better to install them sooner or later.

The next major change is the ability to set the season of each floor.

This allows snow to fall on each floor or just set a floor to wet and dry season.

According to the note displayed at the setting, the current season of each floor is the same as the season around the tower.

It is now possible to configure each floor independently.

Since there are 100 floors, he would like to make various changes but it requires a large amount of pt so he will not change anything for now.

Finally, the pt that can be stored at the holy power crystal and magic power crystal increased to 1000000pt.

Can he save up to the maximum value in a day like usual? That still needs to be verified.

While checking the management menu, Shrine came into the management room with Nana and Wanli.

「You were here.」

「….yeah? What's the matter?」

「Umu. Nana and Wanli are saying that they want to have more companions.」


「I can somewhat understand them to some extent. They are asking if you can summon more wolves and foxes.」

「No no, wait a minute. Shri, are you telling me that you can talk to them!?」

「Yeah. It is impossible to have a normal conversation but we can communicate to some extent.」

After a brief affirmation, Kousuke was stunned.


「Right? Maa, I only noticed a little while ago. It seems like they can communicate with spirits. I was able to communicate with them with the help of spirits.」

「spirits….?….I see.」

Kousuke can't talk to spirits.

Shrine can communicate with spirits so she can use them to communicate with the two.

「…..Hnn? Does that mean that elves can communicate with them too?」

「I don't know if all elves can communicate with spirits but maybe they can?」

In response to Shrine's reply, Kousuke went to Collete.

Collete had just returned from the 73rd floor with Kouhi.

Perhaps it is because she saw the world tree in the tower, she now looks sooty. It looks like she's recovering while grumbling(?) to Sylvia.

Upon seeing Kousuke entering the living room, Collete panicked.

「…Hnn? What's wrong?」

「N-n-no-nothing. What's the matter?」

Kousuke came straight to her that made her panic for some reason.

Kouhi, Mitsuki, and Sylvia, who were also there, had some kind of sly expression.

Kousuke can only shake his head seeing that scene. He wanted to hear about the spirit more than anything else so he just overlooks it.

「Can Collete talk to spirits?」

「….what are you asking suddenly? Well, I'm an elf so I should be able to, right?」

「Then, can you talk with Nana and Wanli?」

「….ha? What are you talking about? That's impossible.」

Seeing the stunned Collete, Shrine sent her a rescue boat.

「These two animals can communicate with spirits, is it still impossible for you to communicate with them?」

「Eh.....!? That's a lie!? Wait a minute」

Collete tried to verify Shrine's words in a hurry.

「…..ehto….wow, it's really….eh? yeah, right, exactly.」

Looking at Nana and Wanli talking to Collete, Shrine was impressed.

「As expected of an elf. It seems like she can talk to them more clearly than me.」

「Is that so?」


The conversation between Collete and Nana and Wanli seemed to be lively. The two are particularly happy.

It is obvious just by looking at Nana's wagging tail.

The situation continued for a while but eventually calmed down.

Kousuke called out Collete saying it's about time.

「…..how was it?」

「These children are amazing. They explained to me the hierarchy of their companions and how they were summoned. At first, I don't get it that much but when they explained it, I understood it properly.」

「That's….great, isn't it?」

「Yeah. I have never heard of monsters that can do that.」

Collete shakes her head to the left and right as if she can't believe it.

Kousuke can only smile wryly and ask the two animals a question.

There shouldn't be any problem because they have <Language Comprehension>.

「I heard from Shrine that you want to increase the number of your companions?」


When he looks at Collete, she nods.

「How much should I increase your number?」

「…for now, it's okay to double their number. The wolves should be increased that much too.」

「I see….this is pretty convenient.」

It is more efficient than grasping their feelings.

He thought that it might be good to leave the management to Nana and Wanli while watching the situation.

「Ah, right. Can you ask them for me if it's okay to place intermediate class monsters in their territories?」

「Intermediate? I think that's unreasonable. What kind of monster are you talking about?」

「For now, just nero rabbits.」

「...they said they don't know until they try hunting them.」

「Maa, is that so? Then, for the time being, I'll only install one and it should be in a place a little far from their base to see how they would fare.」

「…..they said affirmative.」

Both Nana and Wanli are happy being able to converse with Kousuke.

Kousuke responds by patting the two of them.

「And they said that they want to return and stay at their bases for a while.」

「Hnn? Why?」

「They want to see if they can properly deal with those intermediate monsters.」

「I see. I understand. Then, let's go now.」

When Kousuke said that, even before Collete was able to say anything, the two bark at Kousuke.

Upon seeing that, Kousuke immediately returned to the management room and set up one <Nero Rabbit Summoning Circle> on the 7th and 8th floors. And as the two requested earlier, he doubled the number of wolves and foxes. After installing all of those circles, he decided to check the two floors.





Chapter 4.10 – Teleportation Gate Expansion

As requested by Nana and Wanli, it was decided that the number of wolves and foxes will be increased so Kousuke will set up summoning circles.

On the 7th floor, he set up three <Gray Wolf Summoning Circle(10)>, 1 <Nero Rabbit Summoning Circle>, and one < God Rock >.

On the 8th floor, he set up two <Spirit Fox Summoning Circle(10)>, 1 <Nero Rabbit Summoning Circle>, and one <God Rock>.

Those <Nero Rabbit Summoning Circle> were installed a little away from the base just in case.

However, it should still be in their hunting range.

As for the < God Rock >, it is a new addition that can generate divine power.

The divine power it can generate is only 100pt a day and it is as big as a soccer ball. If you install a lot, you can recover pt immediately….probably.

The flow line from the village was also changed.

1st floor(closed to outside) ~ 5th floor(Village location) ⇔ 6th floor) ⇔ 41st floor ~ 45th floor ⇔ 51st floor ~60th floor ⇔ 71st floor ⇔ 72nd floor ⇔ 61st floor ~70th floor ⇔ 7th floor ~40th floor ⇔ 46th floor ~ 50th floor ⇔ 73rd floor ~100th floor

*(~) connected to succeeding floors, (⇔)Connected(Round trip)

Kousuke set it up so that they can enjoy the dungeon from the village of beginners → intermediate floors → beginner/intermediate dungeon → advanced floor → intermediate/advanced dungeon.

The leading adventurers seem to be finally heading to the intermediate floor so changing it now is the perfect time.

Also, it looks like he can place treasure chests from the menu to wherever he wants on the dungeon so he'd like to try it when the time comes.

He wants to produce an item that he can put on the chest first but since the adventurers haven't reached that far yet, it's fine to postpone it.

After working things out in the management room, he finally took Nana and Wanli to their respective floors.

His other companions are Kouhi and Sylvia.

As for why Sylvia came with them, she'll be visiting the village later so they took this chance to show her face.

With regards to the 7th and 8th floors, there's no particular change.

He summoned wolves and foxes from the spirit circles he set up and gave them names(he had a hard time thinking names), and watch over them if they can subjugate nero rabbits.

As expected, they can't beat it if they hold back even a little but that doesn't mean they can't beat it so Kousuke decided to leave the summoning circle as it is.

As for the <God Rock>, it looks like a normal rock.

As for generating divine power, Kousuke felt that it was emitting a little divine power.

Other than that, there's no particular change. After leaving Nana and Wanli at their respective floors, the three of them headed to the 5th floor.

—Scene Change—

The teleportation gate of the tower makes it possible for places they are connected to to communicate.

If they don't, there's a possibility of people from each place clashing with each other.

Communication is essential when running teleportation gates. Because of it, the temple on the 5th floor always has heavy traffic.

The staff in the temple are mostly regulating the gate to the outside world.

It will be easy to judge them there because the gate changes color depending on the people who are going to move to the place where they originally came from.

In the current village, there are about 120 people who are constantly active.

Around 20 of them are guild staff and the rest are adventurers, merchants, and craftsmen who are building buildings.

Once more buildings are completed, the number of adventurers will increase as well.

Adventurers not only came from Ryuusen but from the surrounding villages as well.

As for businesses, there's no particular restriction in getting in and out but it was almost monopolized by Crown.

By the way, Crown has not been publicized yet.

It's not because it's not a good name. It's just that Crown is not fully built yet.

Immediately after passing through the teleportation gate, Kousuke's party headed to the office where Wahid was.

Wahid is currently working as the representative of Crown.

However, since most economic activities are left to Schmidt, Wahid's power only encompasses things related to adventurers and craftsmen.

When Kousuke's party comes through the teleportation gate, the staff immediately calls for Schmidt so he will be there soon.

After coming to Wahid's office, they decided to wait for the others in the reception room.

After waiting for a while, Wahid came into the room with Schmidt.

He purposely waited for Schmidt to come before entering the room with him.

The first thing the Kousuke did was to introduce Sylvia to them.

He introduced Wahid and Schmidt to Sylvia who shook hands with them.

After that, Kousuke told Sylvia what Wahid and Schmidt are in charge of and vice versa.

「….does that mean that Sylvia-dono is a shrine maiden of goddess Erisamir?」

Kousuke nodded to Schmidt's conclusion.

「Maa, to be exact, she's more of a princess shrine maiden.」


Schmidt was surprised by Kousuke's additional explanation.

A princess shrine maiden is commonly known as someone who directly receives the will of god.

In addition, Sylvia is a servant of Erisamir, one of the three great goddesses.

It is normal for Schmidt to be surprised.

「No, my power is still not enough. Even if the goddess was able to descend on me, it only happened once. Moreover, it was impossible for me to do it without Kousuke-san's help.」

「Good grief….it was certainly not a mistake that I decided to follow Kousuke-dono after all. Every day, there's a series of surprises.」

Schmidt said so while shaking his head left and right.

Sylvia also nodded when she heard him.

Kousuke felt like the tip of the spear had pointed into him so he decided to forcibly change the topic.

「Anyway, I don't think it's a problem to install a teleportation gate at Nansen. However, it would be better to install it outside the city like Ryuusen.」

「Certainly. Then, I'll make the necessary arrangement.」

After hearing Kousuke's words, Wahid tried to move immediately but Kousuke stopped him.

「Ah, wait a minute. This time, don't just do it in Nansen but also to the cities in the northwest and southeast….what are their names?」

「Kenersen and Mixen…all of them at once? You want to install gates on all of them…!?」

「Areh? Didn't I already informed you?」

Schmidt held his head to Kousuke's casual response.

He certainly said that he'll increase the number of gates but he only realized now that he did not say that it would only increase by one.

「No….you certainly informed me….」

「Ah, good….As for why I want to expand that much, it is to reduce the dependency on each town as much as possible.」

After hearing that, it seems like Wahid sensed something to what Kousuke is saying.

「….did something happen in Nansen?」


He had no intention of hiding anything so he told them what happened in Nansen.

「I see. So something like that happened….」

「In that case, it would make sense to install them all at once as if distributing the risk. However, that would bite us back if all those cities are hostile.」

「Will that be possible?」

「….only a little. The benefit from the tower is great after all.」

Schmidt believes that it is impossible for a city to stop the circulation of goods since they don't have the ability to manage the tower.

It's not even necessary to enter the city to trade.

Also, the bases where the gates are installed have strong barriers so it is almost impossible for anyone to attack it. In the first place, it is impossible to send a large army that is enough to be called an army.

「Maa, there's no point in being anxious now. Let's just put it in a corner of our heads.」

「I agree.」

Both Wahid and Schmidt agreed to Kousuke's proposal.

「By the way, regarding the distribution of goods, will it still be the same as you mentioned before?」

Earlier, he said that those who belong to Crown are free to use the teleportation gate while others will be restricted.

Those merchants who don't belong to Crown can only interact with one city.

For example, a merchant from Ryuusen can only go to Ryuusen.

Adventurers will also be restricted from bringing large quantities of goods from the outside.

「That's right. In the first place, the teleportation gate itself can recognize the people who'll come and go using the ripples. It is not a problem to impose a limit.」

「We're still using a temporary pass and there's no problem encountered yet. However, I'm planning on starting using the registered card soon. 」

Wahid added to Kousuke's explanation.

「Can we provide enough explanation when the system finally starts? 」

「Yes. Besides, once you registered to Crown, it will no longer matter. 」

If you register to Crown, you will be able to freely enter and exit the tower using your crown card.

There's no need to wait for the issuance of a pass.

「The preparation for forming the crown is almost complete. The rest is up to the card.」

「Is that so? I'll check that out later.」


The detailed regulation of Crown is almost decided.

The rest is only waiting for Kousuke's approval so there shouldn't be any problem.

The meeting ended after a few more talks about the future so the three returned to the management floor.