
Leo A Journey Through Worlds

This is the story of a self-insert who, after struggling with sickness, dies and reincarnates into the My Hero Academia universe. After a few years of growing up, he gains his quirk, but this also makes him immortal and stuck as a child. Follow the story of Leo as he travels through multiple worlds. Disclaimer: MC is stuck looking like a child and has a slightly regressed mind and emotional control, which will lessen as the story progresses.

mattecoolio · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
24 Chs

Chapter 1: Year zero to one

Chapter 1

Today I woke up like any other day. I have been sick for several years now, and some days are worse than others, but I think today might be my last day.

Those were my first thoughts as I woke up in this darkness. For what felt like a long time, I could hear a rhythmic beating that lulled me to sleep. It was a soothing sound like the beat of a drum—a long-lost melody I have not heard in a long time.

I woke up to the sensation of squeezing. It quickly became painful. I was panicking and crying. This went on for what felt like hours, but was most likely not that long. I am thankful I was reborn again, but this is one of those experiences I never want to think about again.

It was several days or weeks later I finally got taken home my perception of time where all over the place I was so tired and my body was all on autopilot most days was eat, sleep and poop repeat. Not much more to say about my early days in this new world.

My new mother and father are lovely people, and I think my new life's parents are going to be nice. My dad has an itchy beard, which I tried to pull with all my might cause it made me itch. I show you the might of this young master… Ok, that's enough of those cultivation thoughts. So my dad has dark blond hair with a red beard—a weird combo, but somehow it works and my mother has very dark blond hair going down to her waist. It's so long. and pullable, yes, I'm going to be that kid, and it's only because my body automatically grips anything. Yeah… that's the story I'm sticking with. I mean, I have no idea what you're talking about.

I was a normal child, for the most part. Growing up, a newborn's brain is not as developed, and without those prebuilt pathways, you need to re-learn how to walk, talk, and crawl all while being under the constant supervision of your parents. This is not a big deal for most children, but damn it, I wanted to explore the house as soon as I could, and being unable to do it was driving me bonkers.

It was not until I lived in my new world for a few weeks? Months? I don't know, I finally noticed it was not my earth people with weird mutations and powers… I was in the my hero academia world. What other worlds have so many people with powers.

Well, in general, people in this world gain their powers at around the age of four, and I prayed to everything I could think of for a few moments after thinking of getting powers. I did not want to be one of the unlucky ones to have no powers. I did not want to be a Deku… That reminds me, I'm in the my hero academia world, and I was born in Japan, so I guess I have a chance to meet the others of the cast when I finally get to go to school, and that's when my mood dropped… I have to go back to school… Again, I will tell you right now that even with several years of knowledge and having lived to adulthood, school will be a hell. Ok, new plan. I wish for a genius quirk so I don't have to deal with the school system, and maybe I get to build cool stuff.

Am I rambling and getting off topic… Maybe, but that's how my brain works, and you are stuck here with my dear reader… viewer? I'm talking to my imaginary viewers, thinking if there is a god, ROB, fanfic reader, or some other thing watching/reading my life as a story, oh well, nothing I can do about it, and if there is, smile, and wave like the penguins like to say and be happy I'm not in the Worm universe or the Warhammer 40K universe.

My first few months were not that eventful. Not being able to walk and crawl right out of the gate can do that. I envy those protagonists in stories that somehow end up in a body of a baby, that I presume whoever took them there enhanced them to be able to develop so much faster than my own body. Seriously, the mind of a child is not meant to house an adult mind, and I can feel it. People who, for whatever reason, lost their ability to walk and later have to relearn it, but instead of the legs, for me, it's the brain giggling at someone saying "peek a boo" at you is not that funny, but to a child, it's hilarious.

The first time I did see my mom and dad's quirks was when my dad accidentally left me and the keys in the car as it locked behind him, and he only noticed after walking around to open my car door. In a panic, he teleported to my mother, who has the ability to become intangible. She was able to get inside the car and unlock it from the inside. With those types of powers, I wondered what types of powers I would get. It gave me several weeks' worth of dreaming up superpower combos.

It took some time for me to see myself in a mirror, and I can say I am a very cute baby boy if I say so myself. Not to brag or anything, I was born as a very blond child with brown eyes. Now, you might go, "Hold on a second, both you and your parents are blond, but you live in Japan. Are you even Japanese?" And the short answer is no. I suspect my parents moved to Japan or met one another here, as I can only guess, but both of them speak fluent Japanese, or so I presume. I don't hear any dialect, so I might be wrong, but they do speak other languages. At home, at times I both heard them say German and Spanish words, but as I don't speak those languages, I can't say what they said. In my previous life, I lived in Sweden and spoke fluent Swedish and English, and now I get to add Japanese to my list of languages to learn here. I come anime without dubbing.

It's been a few months now, I assume, and I finally started to crawl all over the house. I did, and I did try to get away a few times from my watchful parents, but to no avail. The death watch was on my tail, but one day I will escape their evil grasp and most likely give my parents early grey hair… Should I take that as a challenge, or should I be the hero and not give my parents an early heart attack… Ya, I went for a middle ground. Instead of hiding, I would happily hide around the corner, giggling to myself as I heard my mom speaking something in Japanese. Who knew it would be so hard to learn another language without instructions? But pointing at stuff and speaking gibberish seemed to do the work. I would just have to repeat the words to myself.

It was soon my first birthday, and I was stuffing my face with cake and seeing how messy I could be. I mean, I can't walk, talk, or even understand what people are saying. Don't judge me for making my own entertainment whenever I can. There were other children at the party, of course, but being too young to do anything was a real bummer. At least I can start doing more stuff after I turn one to two years old. But who knew that being a baby was so much doing nothing? Well, I can at least tell you about some of the notable goals I was able to achieve in this first year of my life.

Crying on demand is very good for when you are hungry, waking up at all hours of the day… Wait, that's just my normal ability and my most amazing ability to date… Being a baby, you don't know how much attention or how many people want to see you. No wonder kids are spoiled. I was famous, or so I thought in my head. I was very bored with the little mobility I have. Did I forget to tell you about the mobility problem? No? Well I can't say it enough I guess now to continue to sing the I am bored song.