
Legends Unleashed: The Awakening of a South African Football Prodigy

In the bustling city of Cape Town, South Africa, resides a young boy named Isaac Adam, whose life takes an extraordinary turn when he awakens a secret system that grants him the powers of footballing legends. This thrilling tale takes readers on a captivating journey as Isaac navigates the realms of football greatness through acquiring a series of special cards, each unlocking the unique skills of past legendary footballers. As isaac delves into his newfound ability, he discovers that by achieving various milestones in his football journey, he can earn valuable cards that manifest the remarkable skills of iconic players like Ronaldinho and Thierry Henry. With each new acquisition, the sensory imagery within the story comes alive, capturing readers' imagination as they envision the awe-inspiring athleticism and grace of these footballing legends. The journey's sensory tapestry immerses readers in the vivid atmosphere of isaac's world. The smell of freshly cut grass, the sound of the cheering crowd echoing through the stadium, and the feeling of exhilaration as isaac executes breathtaking dribbles and strikes are all vividly depicted, engaging readers' senses and making them feel they are right there alongside the protagonist. As Isaac's collection of cards grows, so does his reputation as a rising football star. From the moment he first lays eyes on the electrifying holographic images on each card, the similes used in the story highlight the power and uniqueness of each player's skill. He experiences the grace of Ronaldinho's footwork, as fluid as a flowing river, and unleashes the thunderous strikes of Thierry Henry, hitting the net like a cannonball crashing into a fortress wall. Isaac's journey is not just about personal glory; it is a testament to the power of hard work, dedication, and humility. He learns valuable lessons along the way, embracing the responsibility of carrying the legacy and values of these great footballers into every match, inspiring his teammates, and captivating fans with his electrifying performances. With stunning descriptions and vibrant imagery, "Legends Unleashed: The Awakening of a South African Football Prodigy" invites readers on an enthralling adventure filled with suspense, intense rivalries, and heartwarming friendships. Thabo's story serves as a reminder that even the most incredible dreams can become reality if one has the courage to awaken the dormant powers within and pursue their passions with unwavering determination. In this tale where football prowess blends seamlessly with the magical world of legends, Isaac Adam's discovers that the the path to greatness lies not only in the cards he possesses but also in the resilience of his spirit and the unwavering love he has for the beautiful game.

Inkedbymoonlight · กีฬา
31 Chs

The beginning to greatness

On the 8th of August, 2023. Isaac completed his medicals and signed his contract. He met the coach of Antwerp, Mark Van Bommel, who was previously a well-known footballer before he hung his boots.

He received a warm welcome from the coach, who said that he couldn't wait to work with him. He then took pictures and did interviews, before he visited the stadium and the training ground.

The next day he attended training. He walked into the training ground an hour early. Training began at 9, so he came at 8. Immediately he began practicing his shooting, specifically his shooting on his left foot.


Each shot was like a cannon. Only, a cannon with no aim. He couldn't properly control his shots with his weaker leg, and though he managed to put power behind the shots, he couldn't find the aim. Out of frustration, he swung his right foot, sending a ball to the goal crossbar.

He heard someone whistle from behind him. Isaac turned to see none other than Toby Aldeweireld. It was he, the ex-Tottenham Hotspur superstar. Isaac felt embarrassed as he saw the player, and he immediately greeted him.

"Good morning Captain, I'm pleased to meet you." After digging for information on Antwerp, he had discovered that the Belgian had been chosen as Captain by the coach.

"You can call me Jan, but I am guessing you're Isaac?"

"Yes..." Isaac said with a low chuckle.

"Welcome to the team." Jan Vertonghen shook his hand and threw a hand over his shoulders. "Now show me more. Show me what you got."

Isaac wasn't sure what to show him, so he simply rolled the ball forward, before sending in a shot.


The ball went through the top corner and nestled in the back of the net.

"Nice technique!" The captain praised him.

Isaac felt a little ashamed, it wasn't his talent after all. But then he remembered Patrick Woods's advice and realized. He still had to be confident. Whether or not he has the system, if he has a skill or talent, he has to learn how to use it.

It didn't matter if he could dribble, or shoot, or run fast. If he couldn't utilize these skills properly, he wouldn't be able to be a good player.

He'd rather be a good player than a skillful one.

Soon more players came, and each of them greeted Isaac. Soon, one of the players jokingly challenged Isaac to a 1 on 1.

"You're sure? The coaches are watching. I'll destroy you so bad they might bench you?" Isaac joked.

Alhassan Yusuf, the Nigerian midfielder replied jokingly, "You are a small boy. You can't do nothing."

Isaac laughed and placed a ball down.

Like a cat stalking its prey, Isaac crept forward. The midfielder stayed ready and waited for Isaac to go.

Isaac whipped his right foot over the ball, before repeating the procedure with the other. The player stayed light on his feet, ready to react if Isaac tried to break through.

Isaac dropped his shoulder and pushed the ball to his right. Alan reacted by adjusting his center of gravity to try and tackle. Isaac immediately used the inside of his right boot to knock the ball behind his left leg. He then sped past the player, who failed to outmuscle him. Additionally, he had been off balance.

After evading him, Isaac turned to him and spoke.

"I'm sorry, now you won't be playing! No way, "


The team trained for 2 days before it was match day. It was a game at Antwerp's home ground, the Bosuil stadion. Isaac started as a substitute, watching from the sidelines.

The stands were red.

It was like blood soaked into a white cloth. Explosive cheers shook the arena and Isaac simply admired the spectacle. The noise shook his soul, it filled him with both anxiety and confidence. He didn't mind. Both would be the fuel that propelled him to greatness.

The match began.

As early as the 10th minute, Vincent Janssen scored, and their team striker scored. Thereafter the game dragged on until an own goal added another. With their marvelous attacking play, Antwerp added another through Vincent Janssen. Antwerp however, felt it would be rude to let the visitors go into halftime without adding another. With that in mind, they made the score 4-0 in favor of Antwerp.

Halftime came, and soon thereafter Vincent Janssen got his hat trick. The score again raised to 6-0 in the 67' through Abnor Muja who had come on as a substitute.

Thereafter Isaac's chance came. After warming up, he was coming on as a left winger. He was again playing out of position, but closer to goal.

The red of his shirt matched the thousands of others on the stands, but the number 76 on his back was unique to him.

Nervously, he waited on the touchline to enter.


"Now this is where my journey truly begins."