
Whether you like it or not

Deep under the city of Maze was a maze built by the Wizard Minder. Minder had announced to the world that whoever could beat the puzzles and traps of the maze would get many treasures. Adventurers and wizards came from all over to test the maze. Pretty soon a small town sprouted up around it and after many decades it flourished into the city of Maze as it is now. Currently at the center of the maze sat an old man wrapped in a black robe. A young girl in a bright red dress and pale skin stood politely behind him.

Hector gave a long sigh as he rested his chin the palm of his hand. Long white hair billowed out of his black robes hood, and a matching beard fell down just past his stomach. One of his eyes was covered with a black eye patch and the other was an ice blue color. He currently was staring at the Rune Seal that locked the last door to this infernal maze and could not make head or tales of how to unlock it. Even with all of his rune knowledge it was still beyond him.

"Father?" a soft girl's voice came from behind Hector. "It's been 4 days."

Hector slowly looked behind him and gave an awkward smile

"Has it now daughter?" Hector mumbled as he picked up his mage staff and slowly stood up. "It seems Minders reputations as this world's strongest Rune Lord is no joke. His skill is even more than mine."

The girl gave a small giggle while covering her bright smile with her hand. "Coming from you father, says a lot."

Hector squinted his good eye at his daughter not sure if she was patronizing him or not. This elicited another giggle form the girl.

Hector quickly spun his head to look above them just as a wave of magical energy passed over him.

"An awakening? And a strong one too to be able to reach us here."

The Girl followed her father's sight and felt out with her magic sense. "Such a thick darkness element in it. Do you want to go take a look? You could get a lot of contribution points if we can bring it back."

The powerful runes that protected Minders maze would have naturally blocked the magic radiation from any source but Hector had long broken the rune seals as he made his way deep into the maze.

"Even though I couldn't get into the last room this trip has been really worthwhile from what we got from the last few rooms. This awakening is a welcome addition." The old mage cackled "like having a good meal and getting desert. Come Victoria."

The old mage quickly made his way out of the room and down the dark corridor the red dressed girl closely fallowing behind him.

After Vince had stabbed Roxxy in the neck Blood had started to spray all over him. The shocked look on her face mixed with that last bit of pleasure and the horror of being stabbed had brought so much pleasure to Vince. His revenge on her for all the pain and humiliation she had done to him had been served he only wish she hadn't got off so easy. Unfortunately right as he threw her body on the floor his mother had come in to check if she could use the room again for another customer. She let out a scream seeing the bloody scene the room had turned into. Standing in shock gave Vince just enough time to quickly run up to her and stab the feather blade into her eye socket ender her life. Even with her death the hate for the woman didn't lessen one bit. He spit on her still twitching corpse.

"What the fuck!" a man yelled

Vince looked up from his stooped position over his mother's body. A man stood just outside the door looking in.

"Damn she had a customer with her." Vince thought.

Vince sprung up and started sprinting towards the man. He started to panic and ran yelling for the guards.

"Shit!" thought Vince. "No time for anything, I have to run."

Vince bolted the opposite way down the hall from where the man ran heading for the back door to the brothel. He ran out of the back door and down the alley way that greeted him. The night air stung his opened wounds that Roxxy had given him. He needed to find some clothes to cover himself with, a naked blood covered teen would be easy to point out to the guards when they decided to come.

Just as Vince shot across another street and towards the ally on the opposite side three city guards walked out of a shop not far from him. A Confused look passed over their faces that was immediately replaced with a grim one.

"Stop there boy!" the lead guard called out. The three immediately breaking into a run. Vince didn't even slow down and sped off down the alley he had been aiming for. The guards sped up only tens of feet behind. The rear guard pulled out an amulet and spoke into it. The reply from the amulet gave him a small surprise.

"Stop murderer!" the guard yelled

Vince ran with all of his might his head a pounding mess. Drenched in Blood he fled down alley ways zig zagging through the city. The three heavily armored and armed city guards were slowly gaining on him. Vince was in wonder on how he kept going, his lungs were burning and his legs felt heavy. The new found energy that came pouring into him not long ago seemed to seep into his muscles every time he thought he was going to collapse and allowed him to keep going just a little bit more. Then ever so slowly as more and more energy kept pouring into him his fatigue started to melt away and his breathing evened out. The wounds on his body had even started to turn into a dull ache instead of a sharp burning pain. The gap between the guards and him started to widen.

As Vince turned down the next alley he saw a girl about his age in a red dress standing in the middle of the way just up ahead.

"Out of the way girl!" Vince cried out.

He didn't slow down as he charged ahead intent on moving through no matter what. Just as Vince was about to bowl over the little girl she easily step out of the way and reached out faster then Vince could see. Suddenly Vince felt an Iron like grip grab his hand, then his vision spun as he ended on his back gasping for air as he slammed into the cobblestone. His vision spun as he tried to catch his breathe.

"Target captured." Victoria giggled as she held onto Vince's arm.

Hector stepped up to Vince's sprawled body observing him with his magi sight.

"Hmm such a large mana pool right after the awakening, nice, nice, very nice. Such an affinity for the darkness element as well." Hector muttered to himself. "Hey boy you have not a bad talent for magic what say you come with me and try your luck at being a mage?"

Vince stared up at this spooky old man and gave a shiver. A feeling came over him that this one eyed old man was the most dangerous person he had ever met.

"If it gets me out of this place I'll do just about anything." Vince wheezed out

Just then the city guards turned the corner of the alley panting heavily.

Seeing the situation the lead guard smiled and huffed out "Great! Thank you citizens for apprehending this murderer."

Hectors one eye moved over to his daughter.

"Deal with this quickly. No one takes what is mine."

Victoria gave her father a smile and let go of Vince turning towards the approaching guards.

"I'm sure we can get you a re…" the guard's sentence was cut off as his vision slid sideways.

The other city guard's eyes widened is horror as their sergeants head fell off his shoulders. They didn't have long to react because their heads slowly slid off as well, the last thing registering in their eyes as their heads slid off backwards was the silhouette of a little girl in a red dress that had suddenly been behind them. Small black blades retracted into Victoria's wrists as she skipped back over the now headless bodies and back to her father humming a cute little tune.

"Hmmm this appearance won't do at all."

Producing a robe from somewhere Hector threw it at Vince.

"Put that on and pull up the hood we need to get you somewhere to clean you up."

Vince shakily got to his feet and started to slip on the robe he was given.

"May I ask who you are sir? Vince asked trying to sound respectful."

"Names Hector, I'm a mage and I'm going to make you one whether you like it or not.