
Chapter 31: 3-X Information

3.X Information

Active World Runes

Time Warp Tonic (Beyond – 1.4): Upon consuming a potion or elixir, Andy experiences a period of accelerated time for ten seconds. In this state of chrono-acceleration, he appears to move slightly faster and with more clarity of purpose. Beneficial effects of all potions and elixirs are fifty percent more effective.

Minion Dematerializer (Tomorrow – 2.8): Three magic runes appear on the back of Andy's right hand invisible to all but himself. They look like three bullets. Andy gains a charge that lights up a bullet once every day, holding up to three.

After channeling for a second, Andy can fire the Dematerializer, a beam of highly concentrated mana. The beam of blue converts the first solid thing it hits into mana, dissipating it through the atmosphere in a cloud of blue. It can convert anything of comparable mass to Andy himself. If it hits something with more mass than Andy, it will convert only up to Andy's mass.

Hextech Flashtraption (Contraption – 3.7): The image of a swirling light overlaid atop a gear appears on the back of Andy's right hand, invisible to all but himself. The bullets of the Minion Dematerializer point to his knuckles, but the gear is a bit further down and it almost resembles a dreamcatcher.

Once per day, the rune can be expended. Andy can channel for three seconds, then teleport to anywhere within his field of perception. Anything he is holding gets dragged with him. Anyone he is touching is likewise taken for a ride. The teleportation is loud, with a halo of golden light. This rune charges once every long rest. May grow stronger with an increased understanding of space-time magic.

Projects Completed

Blitzpack: A basketball-sized machine which can release a wide area pulse of static electricity. It was specifically tailored so that the current would short out electronics, but not harm people. The machine looks like Blitzcrank's faceplate, and uses steam as the catalyst. The steam then provides the energy needed to get the Hex Core running. When not in use, the Hex Core passively gathers ambient static to charge itself. Has an effective radius of 200 feet.

Control Ward: A small totem which resembles a chess piece of some sort with two "wings" merging from the base. It contains a Mana Crystal which can be activated by anyone thanks to the inscriptions engraved on the base. Once active, it will bathe everything in a 164 feet radius circle in waves of crimson mana, revealing all invisible targets. Because of the limited mana supply and the difficulties of allowing it to be used by anyone, it only lasts five minutes once active.

Dream Blossom: A beautiful blue and purple flower descended from the God-Willow. It grows in the Garden of Forgetting and is tended to by Lillia, the Bashful Bloom. It is a mystical flower which exists both in the mortal and spiritual planes. As such, it feeds not on soil and water and sun, but on the dreams of mortals, good and bad.

Dream Blossom Censer: A container covered in blue flowers in which incense is burned. It is famously wielded by Lillia, both as a blunt weapon and a medium for her magic. The floral designs on its surface are so intricately formed that they blend the engraved runes perfectly between their petals and stems.

When mana is infused into the censer, it releases a flurry of pollen through the spirit world bypassing physical resistances and obstacles, and causes dream blossoms to bloom wherever they land. Those caught in the area will enter a deep, restful sleep, but can be awakened with violence or loud noises.

Elixir of Iron: A gunmetal-gray elixir with the consistency of liquid mercury. It tastes like rust and chalk blended into a milkshake. It coats the drinker's skin in a gunmetal-gray sheen, granting the drinker skin akin to steel and increased size, approximately twenty percent, as well as the strength to support these changes, for one hour.

Elixir of Wrath: A blood-red liquid that shines with an ominous luster. It tastes like blood with a citrusy tang. It grants the drinker increased strength, enough to rip small trees out of the sidewalk, for one hour. This is done partially by removing the body's natural limiters, causing a state of hysterical strength. As a result, the drinker's inhibitions are likewise reduced.

Health Potion: A blood-red liquid almost indistinguishable from cranberry juice. It tastes like strawberries and is the most PR-friendly of all of Andy's creations. It rapidly heals wounds by inducing cellular mitosis for one minute. Wounds close quickly, but this potion does not restore lost limbs or organs.

Hextech Multi-Tool: A multi-tool made in the shape of an oversized wrench. The tool is as large as Andy's arm and sturdy enough to suffice as a club.

The pincer end of the wrench contains a plasma welder, hammer, and a hextech scanner that utilizes pulses of mana. The scanner can determine everything from physical dimensions of a scanned object to its density, atomic composition, and electrical output. The shaft doubles as a leveler and the traditional ratcheting box end contains an electric screwdriver, saw, and flashlight.

Mana Crystal: The foundation of everything made by Andy. It is technically not matter at all, rather a form of raw mana drawn from the World Rune and compressed to such a degree that it folds itself into a crystalline structure. It can be used to empower or enchant anything and acts as the primary medium by which Andy channels the Inspiration.

Oracle's Elixir: A pink fluid with the consistency of cough syrup. It glows faintly and tastes faintly of cotton candy. It grants the drinker clarity of mind and perfect pericognition of all things within fifty meters or 164 feet regardless of other powers or obstacles for one hour. However, most minds cannot process the sudden sensitivity to mana and influx of sensory information.

Petricite: A pale, stone-like wood native to the forests of Demacia. It looks like a marble sculpture, but it is indeed living wood, or was. Petricite trees were trees mutated by the chaotic magics of the Rune Wars. Alongside water, sun, and soil, Petricite trees evolved to absorb and utilize mana, their wood turning into the stone-like material used by Demacians.

Petricite Alloy: A pale, metal alloy made using Petricite and steel. Its hardness and strength are comparable to the strongest mundane alloys out there and falls short of other tinkertech materials. However, it retains Petricite's ability to absorb and store mana, acting as a mana dampener. Shackles made of Petricite alloy can be used to restrain most parahumans with external expressions of powers.

Petricite Dagger: A dagger made of the finest Petricite alloy available. Originally made for Camille, Andy took it back when he murdered her and Freeform. The blade is a pearlescent-white and seven inches long with a five inch walnut handle brushed with a dark finish. Like all tools made of Petricite, contact with the alloy can disrupt powers.

Petricite Elixir: A potion that looks like milk. It tastes disgusting, like a mix of tree bark and chalk. Despite appearing completely smooth, it feels very course going down, as though the drinker had consumed a vial of watery mud. Once in the drinker's system, the Petricite inside the elixir can halt internal uses of powers such as biokinesis. However, it does not reverse preexisting changes so a changer will remain a changer. It takes roughly one week for the Petricite to be flushed out of the body.

Prototype Hex Core: A battery made to store and release large quantities of mana. It is light, lasts centuries, and easily charged by Andy. However, unlike a true Hex Core made by Viktor, it does not contain a Brackern Namestone and is therefore not self-evolving.

Relic Pistol: Modeled after the relic pistol used by Lucian (Senna's). It can fire shining bolts of light that burn and explode with kinetic force. The strength of each shot can be adjusted depending on how much mana Andy pours into the gun, from a rubber bullet to a hand cannon. The shot can also be condensed into Lucian's signature attack, Piercing Light. Andy can fire as quickly as he can channel his mana.

Relic Stone: Originally, the relic stones that were used to make the weapons of the Sentinels of Light were found only in the Blessed Isles. They were first used by the Vesani to create autonomous golems before being repurposed into weapons of light and soul by the Sentinels. Andy made a bastardized version using a mix of a diminished Water of Life and Petricite's magic-absorbent properties. Weapons and tools made out of this material have an affinity for light.

Tear of the Goddess: The Tear of the Goddess is a unique, teardrop-shaped gemstone that seems to encase a Mana Crystal. In Shuriman lore, it is said to have been the tear shed by the goddess of the rain. No one knows why she wept, but that was the last time Shurima bloomed. Ezreal, the Prodigal Explorer, found this artifact in a tomb where the holy gem was used to seal away a Void rift.

When held by a mortal, it bridges the gap between the physical and spiritual, slowly empowering the body with soul and soul with body. Over time, the wielder will find that his physical condition amplifies how much mana his body can channel, and in turn his increased mana reserves amplify his physical ability to superhuman heights.

Water of Life (FALSE): The Water of Life as wielded by the Vesani of Helia to create the first semi-autonomous golems. The water has a unique affinity for light, life, memories, and the soul. It is the origin of both the Hallowed and Black Mists. The Ruination greatly diminished the water's power, corrupting it into a mockery of life. The variant made by Andy is this weakened variant.

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