
Legendary of Memories

Argeleon, A boy who has big dreams after being told by his father about a legendary swordmaster from the village of Karatuaria. a village protected by a wooden wall. then suddenly there is an attack on his village. although it is tough to kill the goblin warrior with the cooperation of his father. he still sticks to his words. "I want to be a swordmaster like him". His journey begins and he passes through many obstacles in front of him one of which is "change" because of time.

nineteen_night · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

dad and son

It was early in the morning that Argeleon and Dad went for their morning run to get used to it. Father saw argeleon tried hard to stay next to her father. They started running a long distance. Then they went to a large empty field and ran together. Argeleon fell down because he was tired of seeing his son running like a turtle.

Dad said "Let's run faster". Argeleon just found out that the level of energy between ordinary residents and adventurers is very different. His father ran as fast as light which made Argeleon's eyebrows raised in disbelief that his father had such speed. After that they took a short break.

"Son, when you run, don't go too fast if it's a long distance, you want to get there quickly but if it's a long distance, think about arriving first because you have to save energy". As time passed, they did another exercise.

"You find a rope for our second exercise". Argeleon was quite surprised why the rope was on his mind. He saw his father very surprised because suddenly he pushed slowly with his strong hands and made his father sweat because he pushed a large and medium rock for argeleon. argeleon saw that he felt incapable.

"Well, you're kidding, right? Your jokes aren't funny." Argeleon's eyes were strained because of how relaxed he was even though he had pushed two large stones at once.

"I'm not kidding. When you grow up, your training will be like mine." Dad walked over and took the rope from Argeleon.

Dad ran and pushed the boulder with the rope from both hands. They tried to race who could quickly turn the land to the end. But argeleon refused because she was still practicing. After that there was one more exercise, which was Dad taking argeleon to the lake.

"Why are we here? We don't need to practice in water like this" Argeleon was curious and asked her father.

"Because we need to practice breathing. So so that you don't get bored in that empty field, I tried to exercise differently like here. Also, the river is not too deep." Dad tried the lake. When I was in the lake the water reached almost to my stomach. Because argeleon saw the lake, her father tried to go to the lake and it turned out to be true said by her father. Although argeleon was quite surprised because the water reached almost the head.

"The rules are easy, whoever soaks in the water the longest with his whole body, then he is the winner" Dad tried to explain to Argeleon.

"Okay dad" argeleon nodded her head because it was only a full body bath.

"Okay we start three, two, one".

They started soaking the whole body. Argeleon tried to hold his breath in the water. He just found out that he couldn't breathe in water so he decided to stay in the water. Argeleon saw his father casually waving Argeleon down by holding a rock. He looked at it quite surprised whether his father was a fish man disguised as a human or he was an outcast son of a family.

family. Unable to bear it she gave up and sniffed the air. Not long after, the father came out

"It's not too bad for you, it's been a while". Father smiled at argeleon for being able to last almost a minute.

"Well, why are you so relaxed? Are you a fish man?" Argeleon glanced at his father.

"There is no human disguised as a fish man and I've never met one either. If you want to find fish, there are plenty here. I also practice here often. It's okay if you fail, the important thing is to be consistent." Father replied to argeleon.

After a few years, argeleon was now seventeen years old. He had prepared everything to become an adventurer in Karatuaria. She tried to look at her sword and was very proud when she held it. Her father saw argeleon like that and was proud that she had survived her training. Now argeleon is very different from her former self as a zombie because she walks very strangely like a starving person even though she is very lazy and her body is also as big as a small barrel.

her body is also as big as a small barrel. Now she is very muscular in her hands and body.

"Father!" Argeleon looked at his aged father who was carrying a walking stick and stood up.

"What about the sword? Is it sharp for you?" His father asked Argeleon.

Argeleon tried to examine his white sword carefully. He tried to run as fast as the wind and then held his sword with both hands hard and he breathed. He moved both hands and headed for the fir tree. He cut it so that the wind blew and the pine tree was cut and fell to the ground.

"Yes, Daddy is very sharp," Argeleon looked at Daddy.

"You're a big boy now, it's time to go to erestenica". His father was still proud to see his son fulfill his dreams.

Argeleon listened to such words, he felt less excited and his head bowed in front of his father. His father who saw his son like that, he tried to walk slowly with his stick towards his son.

"You go it's okay, dad can also take care of himself. You just calm down wherever you are, I will wait for you to come home." Dad tried to advise Argeleon.

"Okay dad". Argeleon stepped towards erestenica. It was hard on his heart, but this was what he dreamed of, to become a karatuaria adventurer.

He began his journey to erestenica. Erestenica was a place for adventurers. To get there, he had to pass through the lake where he was training. The glimpse he saw of the lake he remembered training with his father but he could not help but pursue his dream.

After some traveling, Argeleon finally arrived at Erestenica. A vast place even wider than his home. Erestenica is very suitable for adventurers because there are not only looking for missions but there are rooms to stay a few days especially for adventurers. With a simple wooden design and the price is very affordable especially for beginner adventurers, there are many adventurers here whether they are beginners or experts. He finally arrived as the sun was about to set. He was very lucky because he brought his father's money of 25 gold and 25 silver. Upon entering he saw a bar that sold everything with a waitress who had long black hair and fair skin who was taking beer out of the bottle and pouring it into the customer's glass. She was wearing a white maid outfit Then, argeleon's stomach churned so she walked towards the woman.

The place was very crowded, there were a lot of various people like near the front of the waiter's place there were several people gathered with very serious faces but there was one person who immediately said that he would treat all the food but they all said they all wanted the most expensive food which was ten wines. There were also some people who gathered to relax, especially the older ones who were usually reuniting with their old friends, but luckily there were some empty tables.

"Ma'am, I'm new here, is there any food?" Argeleon asked the waitress.

"Still available we have roasted deer for 15 brass and bread for 5 brass".

"Alright, fried chicken one then". Argeleon looked at the bar which was simple but neat and still spacious despite the tables and seats.

"Okay" the waitress prepared the chicken and the secret seasoning.

"I forgot something, can I apply to be an adventurer?". Argeleon thought as he remembered something.

"If that's the case, the service is still closed, it needs approval from the head of the bar" the waiter replied to Argeleon.

"I see, then you can book a room for one person and I will stay here for 2 days" Argeleon said to the waiter.

"Okay the total is 1 silver coin and 5 bronze." The waiter replied to Argeleon.

Argeleon took out 1 silver coin from his pocket. He gave the coin to the waiter.

"Please take a seat in an empty chair first. When your meal is finished, I will deliver it to your table". While indicating the seat.

"Yes, thank you." Argeleon said to the waiter and the waiter smiled at Argeleon.

Argeleon walked and went to the empty table at the end itself. He placed the sword next to it and rubbed the sword because it was precious from his father. Argeleon looked at the people around the bar there were tables that were already full there were only two people occupied. He thought this place was nice and simple because the walls, tables, and everything were made of wood.

After that, the waiter brought argeleon food. The smell was very good like a secret spice whatever it was how he could make such a smell that made many people interested. that was argeleon's mind when he saw fried chicken and spices mixed with spices. She tried the chicken that the waiter had cooked. Argeleon really liked it especially mixed with the secret seasoning from the maid. The taste made his tongue sway from the secret seasoning but he really enjoyed the seasoning from the maid. Because her tongue was too engrossed in the maid's seasoning, she drank half a glass of water. But she continued until the chicken and seasoning ran out. After that, she felt full while rubbing her stomach. Shortly after, the waiter walked over to the argeleon.

"Excuse me, I'll take your plate since you're done." The waiter took the plate and glass.

"Yes, it's alright". Argeleon nodded his head.

Having already eaten, argeleon went to the waiter again.

"Sir, don't forget your key to room number twenty-five on the second floor". The waiter gave the key to Argeleon.

"Thank you." Argeleon took the key.

He walked with quite heavy legs because he was still full but on the other hand, he was getting sleepy. He tried to take it step by step so as not to get sleepy. He had arrived in front of his room, he unlocked his room. She saw a neat room with a window that could see many people from outside like an adventurer. He closed the door and locked the room. Because he couldn't stand it anymore, he threw his sword on the floor but luckily it didn't hit the floor because it was made of wood. After that, she jumped onto her bed which turned out to be soft which made her comfortable and fell asleep quickly because she couldn't wait for the adventurer test here.

The next day, argeleon was well rested. She took her sword and put it behind her body. Then heading to the waiter, he met the waiter and a bar owner who decided to become an ordinary resident was balm. Balm didn't want to become an adventurer because he didn't want to get hurt but what he wanted was coins, coins and coins that was the content of his mind.

"So this kid wants to be an adventurer?" The person asked argeleon.

"Yes, I want to be an adventurer" argeleon said.

thank you for coming!

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