
Legendary of Memories

Argeleon, A boy who has big dreams after being told by his father about a legendary swordmaster from the village of Karatuaria. a village protected by a wooden wall. then suddenly there is an attack on his village. although it is tough to kill the goblin warrior with the cooperation of his father. he still sticks to his words. "I want to be a swordmaster like him". His journey begins and he passes through many obstacles in front of him one of which is "change" because of time.

nineteen_night · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

A pick-up battle

"Guards, did you see a woman in a green dress come out of this gate?" Argeleon asked.

"Yes. I saw her two days before, she was an archer. I told her to be careful but she didn't return until now." Answered the guard. "Well then I will look for her". Argeleon replied.

"Wait son, I'll give you this." The guard gave a lamp that contained a light that seemed to be magic from the guard.

"You better be careful, because he might hunt the big black spider so it's invisible at night especially if you see the monster in a group, you better run.". said the guard.

"Thanks for telling.". argeleon said and continued her journey.

She tried to walk and saw that the sun was about to set. The road outside the north gate was only one way with trees on the other side. She tried to hold the light in her right hand. He stepped slowly and looked for clues about the woman. He found a tree whose trunk had a hole almost the size of a human eye. Argeleon put it on the ground and examined the hole. It was almost through the tree trunk if Argeleon pushed the tree just a little bit and it fell to the ground. Argeleon thought maybe this was an attack from the spider monster to the archer woman. Not far from that place he found several wooden arrows scattered around. Argeleon tried to examine the arrows which were straight shaped made of wood with a sharp triangle in front and behind it there were bird feathers which might be useful for making it easy for everyone to hold that was Argeleon's mind.

Argeleon tried to find other clues. Argeleon walked in the dark night and it was so quiet that even animals did not make a sound. Argeleon tried to walk slowly while looking at the road in case he got a clue. After walking, he got an arrow that was similar to the arrow found by Argeleon in the previous place. Argeleon kept the arrow. he walked again quite far, he saw a black spider that was bigger than the surrounding trees and spiders that exceeded argeleon's body from outside the wooden house. Argeleon took out his sword with both hands in case he was caught. However, he accidentally stepped on the wood which made the spider monster hear and look behind argeleon. The spider jumped with its legs towards argeleon. Argeleon dodged and moved to the left. Then he swung his sword at the monster's legs which made all three legs cut off on the left side and made the monster fall down.

The monster hissed in pain then screamed which made the whole forest hear. argeleon decided to kill it before they came. He tried to stab at various bodies such as his right leg which made the monster unable to do anything. Her only thought was to cut off the monster's head with argeleon's sword. After he cut off the spider's head. he saw a lot of red eyes in front of the dark road. Argeleon was in position to attack with his sword. Ten spiders appeared in front of the argeleon walking in a circle aiming to surround the argeleon which was not too wide but just right for a duel. The spider monster walked towards argeleon and jumped onto argeleon. The argeleon tries to dodge but the spider monster's circle becomes smaller which makes the argeleon's movement more difficult. Meanwhile, the spider monster made an expansion of the area for easy movement for his friend. With his sharp gaze, Argeleon looked back at the spider because he had a plan to solve this problem and held his sword to the right.

Argeleon ran by holding his white sword while the spider ran while hissing in front of Argeleon. The spider monster tried to attack with its bite in front of argeleon. However, argeleon stopped running by braking his legs and avoided the bite by backing up his body. Then argeleon swung his sword from right to left which made the spider's head split into two. The spider monsters saw that, they were even more unhappy that their comrade had been cut off. They immediately surrounded Argeleon so that he could not move. Argeleon immediately ran to the left at one of the spider monsters and jumped with the spider's head. then, he accidentally stepped on the monster's eyes while jumping. then, he decided to jump to the right and stabbed the monster's head in front of him. Argeleon twisted his body with the white sword that was hit by the spider monsters. As a result, the spiders were injured from Argeleon's attack which made them unable to move. There were also some spiders that had died from his attack.

Argeleon tried to look around for any more enemies. He was very relieved that there were no spider monsters. He walked while sighing because this was the first time he was quite tired from the spider attacks and he understood why the guards were careful. Argeleon saw a simple wooden house in the middle of the field but it was quite chaotic because the roof was quite destroyed. In addition there was the corpse of a spider monster that had been hit by an arrow. Argeleon was increasingly convinced that the archer woman was around. he tried to enter through the door of the house. How shocked he was to see a sleeping spider monster that almost filled the living room in the house. On the roof of the house he saw a woman who was asleep because she had a spider web tied to her body. He was sure that it was the woman Argeleon was looking for who fit his characteristics, namely a green dress with short hair. Argeleon tried to move slowly. However, he forgot not to close the door which made a noise caused by the wind suddenly coming and then opened the door until it hit the wall.

The spider monster opened its eyes and saw the argeleon that had disturbed its sleep. The spider monster hit the argeleon with its foot which sent it flying far away until the front of the wooden house shattered and the argeleon rolled over and over again. He tried to stand up again with his legs and sword. When argeleon was about to move forward, the spider monster was already in the air and in front of argeleon. Argeleon tried to block the monster's attack with his sword. But the monster kicked argeleon's sword until argeleon was knocked down. Argeleon tried to stand up again while touching his spine because of the blow wound earlier. argeleon ran towards the monster to attack at the foot so he could cut it. But Argeleon's movement stopped when cutting it because this spider monster's legs were different from usual. Argeleon was knocked back to the fir tree which made the tree trunk damaged. Argeleon almost fainted but he tried to get up again. he walked to the left to find a way to kill it.

But unfortunately Argeleon's body was not strong enough to make him fall again with his sword. The spider monster came slowly towards Argeleon. Argeleon heard a sound from one of the trees. The spider monster was getting closer. The damaged fir tree fell and the tree was hit by the monster's body which made it difficult to move because his legs were crushed by the fir tree. Argeleon saw the great opportunity, he immediately got up with his sword and ran towards the spider. argeleon jumped and stabbed its head. After that, Argeleon's body was no longer strong because of the spider monster's attack. Argeleon realized that he had been unconscious for a long time. He decided to enter the house. argeleon was still confused about how to subtly lower him. But because he didn't know how he immediately cut the thread that made the woman hang above. After argeleon cut the last thread, the woman fell to the floor. He tried to keep it from happening like that but it was too late that the woman came to her senses while holding her head. He saw a very beautiful woman because he did not expect that he saved a woman with wavy hair and a green dress. The woman saw argeleon

"You... don't be you". The woman covered her body with her hands and moved away from Argeleon. Argeleon looked at her like there was a misunderstanding but he didn't think that the misunderstanding to the woman was so severe.

"I am argeleon.". Argeleon asked the woman the woman replied

"I'm Sara.". Sara replied to Argeleon.

Argeleon began to tell Sara "Sara, I'm telling you that you've probably been here for days.".

Sara heard Argeleon, she was very surprised that she had been in a wooden house for days especially since the walls were damaged because of the spider monster fight earlier.

"You're kidding right?". Argeleon was silent then Sara asked in a fairly high tone "You're kidding right?". Argeleon was silent.

Sara, who realized that she had been in this wooden house for days, could only surrender because of her resignation, she tried to sigh in order to calm down.

"Do you have food, argeleon?". Sara asked argeleon while touching her stomach.

Argeleon checked his pocket and found a few gold coins "No, I only have money. I'll treat you later in erestenica.".