
Childhood memories

I can still remember the way I first meet him, the one. I remember the way I got lost with my childhood friend and we ended up at school late. It was the first day of my 8 grade and as always, he, my childhood friend, was with me that morning. If only the accident didn't happen...

14 years ago

"Hey, hurry up! You're too slow" Was how my day started.

"Slow down, will ya! I'm too tired for all this. We still have 40 min left before school starts"

"No way, mom left some coffee for me to taste this morning and it tasted delicious. I'm too energetic for just walking slowly" he shouted so loud that he almost woke up all the neighbors.

"Ahhhh, you're too stupid, stupid" as Liley said and started to run much faster than before and was now beside him. As Liley was running beside him, she looked at his eyes and smiled playfully, just to tease him. But by the time that he looked beside his shoulder. All that he could see now was how Liley had ran past him. Now he could only see her back that shined of playfulness.

But even that was enough to make him understand that Liley was only teasing him. Somehow.

That was Lileys first morning running happily to school.

Even if there was 40 min left before school started, the two got to school 20 min too late. "It was all that stupid jerks fault. He made me take the wrong turn and I forgot that, that turn was the way to the other side of the town" was what Liley thought the first thing she came in the classroom.

She still had on her mind of what happened not so long ago and she started to think about it.

By the time they got to the other side of the town and realized that they took the wrong turn was it already too late, school was supposed to start in about 5 minutes and the fastes way to school was with a cab that took them 20 minutes before arriving at the school entrance.

The two found a free taxi a told the taxi driver where to go. The taxi driver turned around and noticed that the two ones where only just some kids and smirked. The taxi driver couldn't help but laugh and looked them.

"No way, aren't you supposed to be in school now?"

The two youngsters understood that the taxi driver was thinking that kids can't be serious and thought that it was just some prank that they where trying to pull.

Liley on the other hand saw how much the clock is and took out her pocket money from her bag that she would buy lunch for today.

Even if the two youngsters in front of the taxi driver where to young to deal business, was the taxi driver satisfied after seeing of how much money Liley had.

While sitting in the cab looking calm was Liley really angry at the inside.

>Ahhh I can't believe that I had to use my pocket money and I will even come to school late. Mom is going to kill me for this. Curse you wrong way!!!<

When they came to school, was it so embarrassing. The whole class hade started imagining that Liley would have ditched school just to be with her childhood friend that everyone at school thought where together.

>They all know that me and him are childhood friends since long time ago and we have come to school together every morning. Now they all think that me and him are a thing. It can't get worse<, was what Liley thought to herself. But the worst part is that everyone also had thought like that and still think.

" Miss Nora and Mr Lu, why are you late?" The teacher asked them right after they hade just opened the door to the classroom and got in to find there seats quietly. But it was obviously too late for that 'quietly' part.

I took a glance at my best friend that was enjoying this a little too much. I showed her my >help me, Liz< look that I usually show her when I need her, but Liz was obviously enjoying this to the fullest and just started laughing more to her self and soon the whole class was laughing.

I thought to myself >I will pay you back someday, remember it Liz<

I took a glance at that stupid jerk Muye that was so happy that mrs Brown hade looked at me first. When he saw that I was looking at him he stuck out his tongue and looked the other way.

I watched Mrs Brown in the eyes and knew that It was over. Suck. No way back I guess.

Hi to everyone!!! I’m new to this all writing a novel/ story type, so I hope that you all could give me some feedback and so on the things that I could do better... thanks for reading my novel and I wish you a happy reading. Thank you!

MelanieLovercreators' thoughts