
Legendary Devourer Class Awakener

Just try it, I'm sure you will love it :). Update Daily at around 9 AM PST ------------------------- Born into a poor family without even knowing his last name, Leon Devour enters the 'Crimson Earth' nation's program to gather strong awakeners as it was his only chance of achieving something in his life. During their graduation day, the students of school "973" are taken to the gymnasium, where they meet the 'elites' that are going to inject them with the 'Class Syringes' to awaken their unique talents. Each person's talent/class is different from the other, yet there is only a 50% chance of awakening it, those who don't are deemed as failures and are forced to work in the mines if they are as poor as Leon. The 'Crimson Nation' only wanted the most powerful of awakeners to fight against the horde of humans and monsters, as well as to conquer dimensions and get resources. So they gathered thousands of students all across their program, only allowing the strongest to compete for a chance of joining the academy. Weakness is failure, death is failure. But for Leon... [You have awakened the talent 'Devourer'!] [You can now devour stat points, talents, skill, everything!] "What the..." ------------------------- It's even better than my other novel by the way, which is pretty popular. WSA 2024 ENTRY! Please show support and gift powerstones if you like the story! 150 Powerstones: 1 bonus chapter 250 Powerstones: 2 bonus chapters 500 Powerstones: 3 bonus chapters Thank you :)

EndKun · แฟนตาซี
71 Chs

Fire Breath and Goblin General

Leon stepped into the cavern, his heart racing.

The air hummed with tension, and the sounds of the other awakeners fighting at least five to ten goblins each reverberated in his ears.

It seemed as though all the people here were AT LEAST level 20, any lower than that and it would be suicide to fight this many monsters.

[You're only level 9, though, partner =)] EGO notified him.

"I don't know, I can do it somehow, so might as well," Leon smiled as he kept looking around, specifically toward the dozens of holes in the walls and ceiling, since this is where the goblins came from.

And after only twenty seconds since Leon entered the [Iron Cave]'s second room…

Fwish! Fwish! Fwish!

Fourteen goblins, which were all hiding in the darkness of their holes, suddenly dropped to the ground or jumped from the walls to arrive in front of Leon.

"Hey there," he expected them.

But what he didn't expect was…

Fwish... BOOM!