
Legend of Witch Emperor

This is so called same Reincarnation story where a modern boy reincarnated ,get a system blah blah..Chromius was born as an only son of best witch hunter family(Maggisa Family) of Cyanoun Kingdom in Chroma Planet. But as witch hunters, they also know that all witches are not bad, so they sheltered many innocent witches in their state. But after Church getting this information, declared the Maggisa Family as a heretic and kill protagonist's parents. Now Let's ride this story where Chromius will become enough powerful that strongest existence in Chroma Planet bow in front of him , make a safe haven for witches, gather harems and System makers regret their decision for giving ther best creation to Cold blooded and cunning genius..... I will not make a mc who catches heroine like pokemon and mc will be much more op because there is always someone stronger than you in this magical world. I haven't cleared novel tags because there are so many things to consider so wait a bit for that. But, no worry, snu-snu must in the novel ( o_

Destroyer_1NL · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

1. Ah! Protagonist already died

Sandy was curious to read the novel "Legend of the Witch Emperor" and clicked on the novel with hazzy eyes.But there was nothing posted yet, 0 chapters. So, He add the novel to library. As soon as he added the novel to library section, his hazzy mind and eyes return to normal. Sandy was perplexed in this situation and remembereing last one minute - like a thunderstruck he remembered everything, before he can curse in joy, he suddenly felt the world around him is spinning, he felt terrible headache and blacked out. There was no spell activation like those Japanese isekai manga or appearance of rift like those korean manga, it's just his body becoming particles slowly and after few minutes there was nothing left but a ping-pong ball sized blue light which floating above where sometimes ago a human passed out. Then that light ball send some frequencies around it and after some time it reached all over the world. Then like some magic it destroyed every proof of human being called Sandhyanandan, whom disappearence created him. It somehow make a miracle or supernatural bullshit to erase every proof of him from digitally to physically ; even his aunt, her husband,step mother , father or any human being don't remembered him like he never was born or existed - The only proof remain as a 1st person who add the novel named "Legend of Witch Emperor " in the library but it's not like someone could connect the missing link or tried to find him because he was forgotten from the world. Whenever second person who will add the novel to their collection, they will notice somebody already add the novel to library but that person will never able to read the novel because he is the one who will make this story, it's main character, whom many readers admired, some will cry with him, some will laugh with him; they will watch his story of reaching absolute strength.

Indrani devi, who is the protagonist's aunt , wanted to call her nephew, Sandy for giving him a good news- that boy will become big brother- he faced so much sadness in his short life. Although,he became much mature and successful in teens due to some online currency, kripto Or whatsever but he is just a kid in her mind whom she brought up last 4 years. He is the only memory of her deceased sister. At first she thought of not getting married or at least wait till Sandy's marriage. But that boy told him not to worry for him because he earned shit load of money. After so much clashes, she finally agreed to married but with some conditions- first, he would call him everyday at night, second, she will come to see him once in a month,third , he will be a responsible adult who clean up own flat every week, maintenance his health or so many more and He agreed to these conditions. After that, one year has passed and she is here with his husband. He is a college friend who became a successful businessman with only his wits.Like everyday, She was waiting for the call of her nephew but ringing time was already over and Sandy didn't call her. When her patience is already over, She was ready to burst; today she will verbally beat her nephew for lack of discipline. When she wanted to pick up the phone for dialling, she froze for few seconds then thought, 'whom I wanted call, I uh, uh..... I forget it. Am I becoming old? What nonsense! maybe it's not important, that's why I don't remember it or it will come up in my mind later.' She also searched her whole call-log but couldn't remember anyone to call. After some time she shrugged about it and go to bed with her husband. She would remember him if she lived 200 years more, Alas! Human life is more fragile than you think, she could only live 40-50 years if not she fall in accident. If she could overcome her human limit, she would remember her nephew, because he will return to this world that time. But, again his aunt was just mundane human, not some supernatural or paranormal being.

Void, infinite dark pitch black. There were nothing could be seen in here. Even two person who only stand apart one meter, they could not see each other. In this blind hell, almost disappeared figure- a human like was floating. It looks like it will faded in any moment but due to some magie, persisted in this environmentenvironment at the end. After who knows how much time passed, that figure stirred slightly and eyes fluttered a little. When it opened eyes, there was some curse in mind, 'Fu*k, What the hell is going on? Where am I? Why everything is black around me? Am, am.. I blind? ' There were several question in this one's mind. Did you recognize this figure? Yes, it's our protagonist, Sandy. If you guessed this also, Ping Pong! you got a prize, a wireless heartwarming hug from me! Anyway, our mc is little disoriented in mind so he doesn't hear anything abouth 4th dimension talk.

Anyway, after some undefined time, Sandy's mind became calmer. He cooled his mind and organsed last scenes he remembered. After collecting last moment, he again cursed loud in mind 'FUUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKKKKKK'...

Hello readers, I am trying to make some interesting stuff that looked like same as other novel but not at the same time. At least be patience till chapter 10-15

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