
Legend of Traveler Swallowing the Starry Sky And Perfect World

A Student of 21st century Suddenly Travelled to the world of Swallowing the starry Sky and connected to plane the power of Nine Heaven Ten Earths(Perfect world). What kind of Adventure will he go? Together with his new friends, Shi Yi embarks on a thrilling quest to save the world from an ancient evil that threatens to engulf the land in darkness. Along the way, he learns important lessons about courage, friendship, and the power of hope, as he battles against formidable foes and confronts the challenges that come with being a hero.

DaoistHI4fqd · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

Save Mother Yuruo - Legend of Traveler Swallowing the Starry Sky And Perfect World

  After Shi Ziling's departure, King Wu's mansion was thrown into chaos as everyone scrambled to find a cure for Yurou, Shi Yi, and their newborn son. However, their search was in vain as the treasure of vitality, which could have been used to heal the family, had been taken by the second and fifth masters the day before to nourish Shi Yi and Shi Hao. As a result, the treasure house of Prince Wu's mansion was left almost empty of life-saving medicine, leaving the family in a desperate situation.

  In a desperate attempt to save Shi Yi, the clan elders of his lineage went into the deepest part of King Wu's treasure house without permission. They knew they had to act quickly to save him.

  One of the elders shouted, "Hurry, give it to Yi'er!" as he pulled out the precious medicine treasured by King Wu.

  The group hurriedly administered the medicine to Shi Yi, despite the risk of King Wu's wrath if he found out. They couldn't bear to see the young prodigy of King Wu's mansion perish before their eyes.

  Thanks to their swift action, Shi Yi's condition slowly improved. The clan elders worked tirelessly to nurse him back to health, using all the resources they had available to them.

  Despite the challenges they faced, they never gave up hope. They were determined to save Shi Yi and the other members of their family, no matter what obstacles they had to overcome.

  In the Yangxin Pavilion, Shi Yi and Yurou are lying on two white jade beds, surrounded by the clan elders who are doing everything they can to save them. The spiritual spring underneath the beds is providing them with much-needed energy.

  Beside Shi Yi's bed lies the Supreme Bone, but it cannot be put back into his body right now. Shi Yi has already undergone so much pain and suffering in the past few days, including multiple chest surgeries and the forced removal of the bone. As a result, he is in critical condition.

  The clan elders know that they need to act fast to save Shi Yi and Yurou. They decide to reach out to Prince Yu's Mansion to ask for their help in obtaining the necessary vital medicine. They can't let these young children suffer any longer.

  "Quick, go find Prince Yu's Mansion and let them know what's happened," one of the elders commands. "We need their help to provide the precious medicine that could save Shi Yi and Yurou's lives. We can't let him down now!"

  The clan elder nodded, relieved that they had reached out for help. He then turned to the others and said, "We must do everything in our power to save Shi Yi and Yurou. They are the future of our clan, and we cannot let them suffer like this."

  The others nodded in agreement, and they began discussing what else they could do to help. "Perhaps we can reach out to other clans for help as well," suggested one of the elders.

  Another elder chimed in, "We could also offer rewards for anyone who can bring us the precious medicine we need."

  Shi Yi's grandfather then spoke up, "We must also continue searching the treasure house for any medicine that could help. We cannot give up until we have exhausted all options."

  The clan elders nodded in agreement and continued to discuss their plans. Meanwhile, they pleaded with the heavens and prayed that Shi Ziteng would arrive soon with the medicine they so desperately needed.

  The clan elder looked serious and concerned as he spoke. While Shi Yi had been treated with precious medicine, he still remained in a coma and required further treatment with more elixirs. Yurou's condition, on the other hand, was even more critical as she relied solely on Shi Yi's double-pupil power to sustain a trace of vitality. Even with the assistance of Lingquan Ling, her condition had only slightly improved.

  Meanwhile, at the Prince Yu's Mansion, the head of the household personally took out the most valuable medicines from their entire treasure house to treat their relatives in need. Upon hearing the news, others from the same lineage rushed to gather any and all healing medicines they could to bring with them to treat the grandchild of the Prince Wu's Mansion.

  The clan elder stood up and greeted Shi Yi's grandfather with respect. He explained the current situation of Shi Yi and Yurou, emphasizing the urgent need for more precious medicine to maintain their treatment.

  Shi Yi's grandfather listened attentively and couldn't help but shed tears. He knew that it was his fault that he didn't take good care of Shi Yi, which led to the current situation.

  "I beg you, please help us save Yi'er and Yurou. They are innocent and have suffered too much already," he pleaded.

  The clan elder nodded solemnly, "We will do everything we can to save them. We have already mobilized all the resources and connections we have to gather the best medicines and experts for their treatment."

  Shi Yi's grandfather bowed deeply in gratitude, "Thank you, thank you so much. I will do anything to help save them."

  The clan elder smiled gently, "Please don't blame yourself, you have already done your best. Let us work together to save them, and pray for their recovery."

  The medicinal power had a tremendous effect on Shi Yi's body, gradually restoring his vitality. Although it was a risk to give such potent medicines to someone in the blood-moving realm, there was no other option. Everyone had to take action to save Shi Yi's life.

  With each serving of the high-grade precious medicine, Shi Yi's complexion improved, slowly turning from a deathly pale to a healthy rosy color. The clan elders of Prince Wu's Mansion and Shi Yi's grandfather let out a sigh of relief. They had invested too much effort and resources in Shi Yi's treatment, and they couldn't afford any more losses.

  Finally, after nearly a whole day, Shi Yi opened his eyes.


  Shi Yi spoke with a dry voice, his body weakened from dehydration.

  "Yi'er, you're awake!"

  The clan elder was ecstatic to see Shi Yi regain consciousness, and rushed forward to attend to him. Others also gathered around, anxious to see Shi Yi's recovery.

  The clan elder spoke softly to Shi Yi, trying to calm him down.

  "Please, I beg you to save my mother, she is the only relative I have left..."

  Shi Yi's eyes were red, and his voice was trembling. He couldn't bear to lose his mother, who had always been by his side, even if he had to sacrifice himself.

  The clan elder and others couldn't help but feel heartache when they saw Shi Yi like this. They had already tried their best, but they were still unable to completely cure Yurou's condition.

  "Yi'er, don't worry, we will do our best to find more precious medicines to save your mother. You have to take care of yourself first and help us find more information about the Rain Palace."

  The clan elder comforted Shi Yi and also gave him a task. Shi Yi nodded, feeling a sense of responsibility and determination.

  "I will do my best to find out about the Rain Palace, and I will not let my mother's sacrifice be in vain."

  The clan elder nodded in agreement with Shi Yi's grandfather, "Yes, every little bit counts. We will use it to help Yurou, and hopefully it will aid in her recovery."

  Shi Yi watched as his grandfather handed over the precious black blood, his heart heavy with worry for his mother. He wanted to do something to help, but his body was still weak from his own ordeal.

  "Please, do everything you can to save her," Shi Yi pleaded with tears in his eyes. "I'll do anything, just please make her well again."

  The clan elder and his grandfather exchanged a knowing look, their own hearts heavy with the weight of their responsibilities. They would do everything in their power to help Yurou, but the outcome was uncertain.

  "Rest now, Shi Yi," the clan elder said gently. "We will not give up until Yurou is well again. You have already done so much to help her. It's time for you to rest and regain your strength."

  The elder of Wuwang's family was astonished as he gazed at the black blood. He spoke with a slightly trembling voice, "God's blood! You brought the rain god's blood!"

  The small clod of black blood may seem unremarkable and dried up, but its divine power is unmistakable, and it is clearly not of this mortal world.

  Everyone, including the clan elders of King Wu's Mansion and Shi Yi, turned their eyes to the piece of black blood.

  Shi Yi's grandfather, with a nervous expression, said in a hushed tone, "Shhh, let's keep this matter discreet."

  Everyone quickly caught on to the situation and understood that the small piece of god's blood was not given by Yuwangfu.

  All of the present elders from Shi Yi's lineage, as well as those who felt indebted to him due to the Supreme Bone matter, were hoping for Yurou's recovery. So, when they learned of the arrival of the divine blood, they acted as if they hadn't seen it.

  Upon learning that the small black blood was from the Rain God, Shi Yi breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that the Rain God was not an ordinary god and that his divine blood must possess powerful medicinal properties.

  Shi Yi's grandfather cautiously refined the piece of Yushen's blood with the dao fire, turned it into jelly, and mixed it with the spiritual liquid, feeding it to Yurou.

  Fortunately, the Rain God's blood had been separated from its body for too long, resulting in its loss of vitality, leaving only its divinity. Otherwise, even if they had only this small piece of blood, it would not have been possible for them to refine it.

  As the Rain God's divinity emanated from Yurou's body, perhaps due to the same blood, she showed no signs of rejection.

  Shi Yi stood up resolutely, his eyes determined.

  "Yi'er, it's too dangerous for you to go alone. Let me go with you," the clan elder said, worried about Shi Yi's safety.

  "No, grandfather, I will go alone. I can't wait any longer. I must save my mother!" Shi Yi insisted.

  The clan elder sighed and nodded his head in agreement. "Alright, Yi'er, be careful. Remember to come back as soon as possible," he said, his voice filled with concern.

  Shi Yi nodded his head and left the room, determined to find the holy medicine to save his mother. He knew it wouldn't be an easy task, but he was willing to do whatever it takes to save his mother's life.

  In a determined tone, Shi Yi spoke, "I must go to the palace to seek medicine!"

  Shi Yi's grandfather immediately raised his voice, concerned about his grandson's injured body, "Yi'er, you cannot go to the palace in this state!"

  The other elders agreed, acknowledging the difficulty of the situation.

  But Shi Yi had an idea. "I believe only a son can ask for the holy medicine from the Emperor, and as his son, I must go."

  His grandfather looked worriedly at him, but Shi Yi reassured him, "Don't worry, grandpa. I can manage."

  He had learned how to observe the long-eared rabbit when he was young, and had acquired the knowledge of its treasure that could aid in recovering from injuries.

  The clan elders reluctantly agreed to Shi Yi's plan and decided to send him to the palace themselves. Before leaving, Shi Yi prepared a jade bottle filled with spiritual liquid.

  At the palace gates, Shi Yi stood tall and shouted confidently, declaring his purpose of seeking medicine for his mother. His voice may have been young, but it conveyed a resolute determination.

  Upon hearing Shi Yi's announcement, the palace guards were hesitant to let him in. However, when they received the order from the Stone Emperor, they allowed him to enter.

  Despite his injury, Shi Yi stood with his chest held high and head raised, determined not to show any weakness. Even though blood seeped from his wound, he did not falter.

  With a determined expression on his face, Shi Yi continued to move forward despite his weakened state. The elders of Prince Wu's Mansion watched him with concern and helplessness, wishing they could take his place.

  As Shi Yi approached the palace gates, he announced his purpose with a strong and unwavering voice, showing his determination to save his mother. The voice of the palace echoed back to him, and he stood tall and resolute, despite his injuries.

  As he made his way through the vast and imposing palace, his weak body began to falter. With each step he took, he felt his strength waning. But he persevered, taking out a precious jade bottle filled with spiritual liquid to keep him going.

  With each gulp, a soft energy enveloped him, alleviating his pain and slowly healing his wounds. The power of the long-eared rabbit's technique infused him with renewed energy, and he took another step forward.

  Even as his injuries threatened to overcome him, Shi Yi did not give up. His determination to save his mother was unwavering, and he pressed on despite the pain. With each step he took, his wounds reopened, and blood stained his clothing. But he did not falter, for he knew he had to keep going to obtain the holy medicine.

  Shi Yi gritted his teeth and continued to walk, even though his chest was in agony and he felt weak in his legs.

  The clan elders who had followed him into the palace watched helplessly as he took each painful step. They wanted to help him, but they knew that it was not possible.

  As Shi Yi walked, his steps became slower and more unsteady. He looked as if he would collapse at any moment.

  But he persevered, taking another step, and then another, until he finally reached the center of the palace.

  There, he collapsed to his knees, panting heavily. He looked up at the Emperor, who was seated on his throne, and spoke with all the strength he could muster.

  "Your Majesty, I humbly request the holy medicine for my mother's sake. Please, Your Majesty, have mercy and grant me this boon."

  Shi Yi's voice was barely above a whisper, but it was filled with determination and pleading. He had come so far, and he would not leave until he had accomplished his goal.

  In a pleading tone, Shi Yi stood before Emperor Shi, despite the pain and exhaustion, and begged for medicine to save his mother's life.

  "Your Majesty, please give medicine to save my mother," he implored with a trembling voice.

  Emperor Shi, surrounded by a hazy divine fire, stood in front of Shi Yi, exuding an air of power and dominance.

  Moved by Shi Yi's filial piety and unwavering determination, an old man in gray clothes behind the emperor brought a cup of wine.

  "Wu Wangfu's Shi Yi is truly touching, and his determination is admirable. Please take this wine," the old man said.

  Shi Yi took the wine with a grateful heart and drank it down in one gulp. His body felt rejuvenated as if he had received new life.

  He then kneeled down and kowtowed to Emperor Shi, "Thank you, Your Majesty, for saving my mother's life."

  The cup had delicate features, with gold threads and nine small white jade dragons crawling on it, making it a precious item.

  Shi Yi took the wine glass and drank it down without hesitation, feeling a warm and immense force flowing through his meridians, replenishing his blood and energy.

  He then bowed respectfully to Emperor Shi, knowing that this was a rare opportunity given to him to further his cultivation.

  "Please give the medicine," Shi Yi pleaded.

  With a commanding and majestic voice, the Stone Emperor ordered the sacred medicine to be given to Shi Yi. Half of the medicine floated in front of him, and the gray-clothed old man caught it on a jade plate and stood behind him.

  "The chief guard will accompany you back to Prince Wu's Mansion. Once you have saved your mother, you will enter the palace with him," the Stone Emperor declared before disappearing.

  "The Emperor is pleased with you and wishes to support you," the gray-clothed old man revealed.

  As they left the palace, everyone at Prince Wu's Mansion was still waiting anxiously. When they saw Shi Yi holding the holy medicine with the gray-clothed old man behind him, they couldn't contain their joy.

  The elders of Prince Wu's Mansion immediately recognized the old man in gray clothes who accompanied Shi Yi. They knew that the chief bodyguard of Emperor Shihuang relied on him to deal with many important matters.

  "Old Ancestor, please hurry back and save my mother," said Shi Yi eagerly. He didn't want to waste any more time after obtaining the holy medicine.

  The group returned to Prince Wu's Mansion, and at that moment, people from Prince Yu's Mansion arrived with cartloads of precious medicines. Initially, there were objections in the Yuwang Mansion about emptying the treasury to save a married mother and child. However, Grandpa Shi Yi was the steward of the Yuwang Mansion, so he rejected all objections and ordered people to confiscate all the vital medicines in the entire mansion and pack them up.

  "Grandpa, I begged for the holy medicine!" Shi Yi rushed into Yangxin Pavilion and said excitedly.

  "Holy medicine!" Grandpa Shi Yi was shocked. His grandson had actually obtained the holy medicine from Emperor Shi, so there was no need to worry about Yurou's injury.

  Jin Peng, the chief guard of the palace, followed behind Shi Yi and placed half of the holy medicine beside Yurou.

  "Good! Good! Good!" Shi Yi's grandfather exclaimed with excitement, saying hello three times.

  The holy medicine was rare and had an extremely strong effect. Half of the holy medicine was enough to save Yurou.

  "Grandpa, can my mother be saved?" Shi Yi asked nervously, with a hint of expectation in his voice.

  "With this half of the holy medicine and the precious medicines brought by Yuwang Mansion, Rou'er will definitely be saved!"

  Upon arriving at Prince Wu's Mansion, the elders quickly recognized the gray-clothed old man as the chief bodyguard of Emperor Shihuang, who was known to be involved in important affairs.

  "Old Ancestor, please, I implore you to save my mother," Shi Yi pleaded desperately as he handed over the holy medicine.

  Shi Yi was in a hurry to save his mother and knew that time was of the essence.

  As they entered the mansion, people from Prince Yu's Mansion arrived with cartloads of valuable medicines.

  At first, there were objections in Prince Yu's Mansion about using all their vital medicines to save a married mother and child, but Grandpa Shi Yi, who was the steward of the mansion, dismissed all objections and ordered the confiscation of all vital medicines in the entire mansion to be organized and packed.

  "Grandpa, I begged for the holy medicine!" Shi Yi burst into Yangxin Pavilion, his voice filled with excitement.

  "Holy medicine?" Grandpa Shi Yi was astonished to learn that his grandson had obtained the holy medicine from Emperor Shihuang himself, ensuring that Yurou's injury could be treated without any worries.

  Jin Peng, the chief guard of the palace, followed Shi Yi with half of the holy medicine and placed it beside Yurou.

  "Excellent! Excellent! Excellent!" Grandpa Shi Yi exclaimed excitedly, thanking them three times over.

The holy medicine was rare, and its effects were incredibly potent, and half of it was enough to save Yurou's life.

  "Grandpa, will my mother be saved?" Shi Yi asked nervously and hopefully.

  "With this half of the holy medicine, along with the precious medicines brought by Prince Yu's Mansion, we will undoubtedly save Rou'er!" reassured Grandpa Shi Yi.

  Grandpa Shi Yi's joy was palpable, and it was evident on his face.

  After worrying for so long, he finally had the assurance that his daughter could be saved, which lifted most of the burden from his heart.

  After confirming that Yurou could be saved, Shi Yi regained his composure, but then he suddenly felt an intense pain in his chest.


  He winced and let out a groan as the pain felt like burning tender meat in his chest.

  "Quick, lie down!"

  The old man swiftly picked up Shi Yi and placed him on the jade bed, summoning Lingquan to wash his chest wound and alleviate the pain.

  "Young man..."

  The clan elder said, carefully removing the clothes on Shi Yi's chest.

  Shi Yi gritted his teeth to suppress his urge to scream.

  The wound on Shi Yi's chest is truly heart-wrenching. It had been healed once before, but then reopened and fused with his clothes and new granulation sprouts, making it incredibly painful for him to remove them.

  It's clear that Shi Yi's devotion to his family is unwavering. Remember how he selflessly let his own blood for his brother's recovery? Well, now he's risking his own well-being for the sake of his mother's health. It's truly inspiring.

  Despite past grievances between the two lineages, everyone present couldn't help but put those aside when they saw the extent of Shi Yi's injury. We need to come together to help him heal.

  Gently and with great care, we helped Shi Yi remove his clothes and tended to his wound with the purest psychic liquid. Our focus was solely on ensuring that nothing remained in the wound and that Shi Yi could begin the healing process.