
Legend of Traveler Swallowing the Starry Sky And Perfect World

A Student of 21st century Suddenly Travelled to the world of Swallowing the starry Sky and connected to plane the power of Nine Heaven Ten Earths(Perfect world). What kind of Adventure will he go? Together with his new friends, Shi Yi embarks on a thrilling quest to save the world from an ancient evil that threatens to engulf the land in darkness. Along the way, he learns important lessons about courage, friendship, and the power of hope, as he battles against formidable foes and confronts the challenges that come with being a hero.

DaoistHI4fqd · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

Preparation for Returning the swallowing the starry sky world-Legend of Traveler Swallowing the Starry Sky And Perfect World

  Shi Huang gazed down at Shi Yi with a twinkle in his eyes. Even though he was shrouded in starlight, Shi Yi could feel the warmth and care of an elder for his younger counterpart.

  "But don't worry, little brother. When the time is right, I'll personally send a spirit body to take you to the western border of Stone Kingdom," Shi Huang said, his voice laced with excitement.

  Shi Yi's eyes widened in anticipation. "Really? I can't wait to see what kind of opportunities await me there!"

  Shi Huang nodded, "Yes, but we can't send you out unprepared. You need to be strong enough to face whatever challenges come your way."

  With that, Shi Huang summoned a magic spider and placed it in front of Shi Yi. The once-arrogant and domineering demon spider was now docile and weak, its energy mostly drained. "Look at this magic spider, little brother. What do you see?"

  Shi Yi's eyes flickered with understanding as he observed the creature before him. "I see that even the mightiest can fall. This spider was once powerful, but now it's nothing more than a shadow of its former self."

  Shi Huang smiled, "Exactly. That's why you need to train and become stronger than anything that comes your way. We'll prepare you for anything the western border has to offer."

  Shi Yi nodded eagerly, his excitement building with each passing moment. "I can't wait to see what kind of challenges await me, brother. I'll train hard and make you proud!"

  Shi Huang ruffled his brother's hair affectionately, "I know you will, little brother. Together, we'll conquer anything that stands in our way."

  "Wow, that's incredible! It's amazing how the long-eared rabbit's observation skills can be applied to other creatures," exclaimed Shi Yi. He couldn't wait to see what the magic spider would reveal through this technique.

  Shi Huang nodded in agreement. "Indeed, it's a useful skill that can help us uncover hidden secrets and gain valuable insights. With your talent and determination, I have no doubt that you will continue to grow stronger and uncover more treasures."

  Shi Yi's eyes sparkled with excitement as he envisioned his future adventures and discoveries. "Thank you, Emperor Shi. I won't let you down. I'll keep practicing and honing my skills until I become the strongest warrior in the land!"

  With renewed energy and enthusiasm, Shi Yi began to focus on observing the magic spider and uncovering its hidden secrets. He was determined to use the treasure technique of Demon Spirit Lake to its fullest potential and become a true master of the art.

  Shi Huang's plan to have Shi Yi seize the magic spirit lake treasure filled the air with excitement and anticipation. The Demon Spider initially resisted, but Shi Huang's powerful intervention made it calm down. Shi Yi was nervous but also determined, as he knew this was a rare opportunity to test his skills and potential.

  With his double pupil technique, Shi Yi focused on the Dao symbol and began to comprehend the intricacies of the magic spirit lake technique. The spider's body started to glow with a bright light, and its wounds slowly healed. Shi Yi was amazed at the power he felt flowing through his body, and he knew he was on the right track to becoming stronger.

  Shi Huang watched carefully, his starry eyes filled with pride and satisfaction. He knew that with his guidance and Shi Yi's determination, there was nothing that they couldn't achieve. Together, they would break new ground and unlock the full potential of the blood-moving realm.

  "Wow! Incredible! As expected of double pupils!" Shi Huang exclaimed in a hushed tone, completely awestruck by the amazing power of the double pupils. This was the second time he had witnessed such a phenomenal feat, and he couldn't help but feel excited about the possibilities that lay ahead. Although Shi Yi's level was only at the blood-moving state of great perfection, the flashes of Dao in his pupils were exactly like those of the great person from the past.

  The demon spider let out a terrified scream as it watched in horror. It realized that the human child had managed to pass through the restriction set by the Demon Spirit Lake within its body and had set its sights directly on the treasure rune on its original treasure bone.

  "Stop! No! What kind of method is this? It can directly take the runes engraved in the body by others!" the spider pleaded with fear and trembling.

  However, Shi Yi remained calm and focused, as he continued to extract the inheritance on the magic spider's bone, skillfully drawing each stroke in the void.

  "Stone Emperor, please stop now! Do you want the Demon Spirit Lake and the Stone Kingdom to prosper forever?" the demon spider cried out, fully aware that seizing the inheritance of treasures was a forbidden act. The excitement of the moment was palpable, and Shi Yi couldn't help but feel excited about the endless possibilities that lay ahead.

  "Wow! This clan war seems endless, but we can't let it stop us!" exclaimed Jin Peng, determined to push forward despite the ongoing conflict. "Even if it's just a princely demon spider, what does it matter if it dies in the imperial capital?" he added, reminding everyone of the importance of their mission. As for the magic spirit lake treasure technique, he urged caution and care.

  But the Demon Spider was not convinced, and her fear only grew stronger. "This is madness! Absolute madness!" she cried out, unable to fathom the extent of the danger she was facing.

  Undeterred, it took Shi Yi three long hours to engrave the treasure technique of the Demon Spirit Lake. Though there were some slight deviations in the subtleties, it was still considered a miraculous achievement. After all, Shi Yi was only able to imprint the treasure technique of a primordial relic who was nearly pure-blooded in the blood-moving realm. Despite the immense pressure of the Emperor Stone, he refused to give up.

  "Jinpeng, please teach Shi Yi the golden-winged roc's art," ordered Shi Huang, his eyes shining with excitement and anticipation. "This will help him travel safely in the wilderness and protect him from harm." The future was full of possibilities, and everyone was eager to see what lay ahead.

  This endless clan war won't stop us! We have to keep pushing forward," declared Jin Peng, his eyes filled with determination. He then turned to Emperor Shi, silently questioning why he hadn't taught his skills to Shi Yi.

  But Shi Huang had his reasons. "I have only learned seven or eight points of my pupil technique. It's not enough to pass it down to others. I don't want to mislead other," he explained, a hint of regret in his voice when he mentioned his starlight pupil technique.

  Realizing his mistake, Jin Peng quickly changed the subject. "No worries, I'll teach Shi Yi the golden-winged roc's treasure technique. After all, I've benefited from him and witnessed the magic spirit lake's treasure technique," he said, grateful for Shi Yi's contributions.

  Shi Yi was elated at the prospect of learning a new technique from a senior like Jin Peng. "Thank you, senior!" he exclaimed, his excitement palpable. Although King Wu's Mansion had a treasure technique of the Golden Winged Roc, it was a legacy technique and paled in comparison to the pure-blooded Golden Winged Roc technique that Jin Peng possessed. The future was bright, and Shi Yi could hardly wait to see what lay ahead.

  Excitement and anticipation filled the air as Jinpeng pulled out a golden-yellow bone from his bosom. The intricate lines etched onto the bone formed a flying golden-winged roc, conveying the treasure technique of this majestic bird in its purest form.

  Shi Yi accepted the treasure bone with utmost care and excitement. He couldn't believe that he was given the opportunity to learn such a powerful technique. He then disappeared into the palace for eight whole days, dedicating himself to mastering the treasure technique with unwavering focus and diligence.

  When he emerged, he was a changed man, filled with newfound confidence and determination. Emperor Shi noticed this and asked him about his plans for the future.

  "When do you plan to venture into the wilderness alone, Yi'er?" he asked, eager to assist in any way he could.

  Shi Yi had a clear plan in mind. "I'll head back to Prince Wu's Mansion to say goodbye to my parents, and then I'll wait a few days before heading out. The sooner I can break through to the extreme realm, the better," he replied, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

  Emperor Shi nodded in approval. "Alright, then I'll send an incarnation of the gods to accompany you to the western border of the Stone Kingdom," he said, already making preparations for Shi Yi's journey. The future looked bright, and Shi Yi couldn't wait to see what lay ahead.

  The passage describes Shi Yi's acquisition of knowledge related to basic rune recognition marks, which are secret codes or a form of language used to create and learn special techniques in the realm of cave heaven. Due to his unique ability of having a double pupil, Shi Yi is able to learn these codes and techniques easily.

  Rune recognition marks are a type of symbolic language that can be used to communicate complex ideas and concepts. They are often associated with magic and mysticism in various cultures and have been used for centuries in various forms of divination, such as the Norse runes or the Celtic Ogham.

  In the context of the realm of cave heaven, these rune recognition marks may be used to create and learn special techniques for personal and spiritual growth, which directly tends to language of universe or can be say law language. As Shi Yi learns and develops these techniques, he may become more powerful and knowledgeable in this realm, which is the baisc way for developing the strongest foundation.

  Additionally, Shi Yi plans to try the swallowing the starry sky cultivation method before he reaches the cave heaven realm. This method involves harnessing cosmic energy to develop the body and potentially even create a new world. This is a highly advanced and powerful technique that requires great skill and knowledge to master.

  Overall, Shi Yi's journey involves the acquisition of knowledge and skills related to rune recognition marks and special techniques in the realm of cave heaven. His unique abilities and determination may lead to great success and transformation in his spiritual and personal growth.

  Despite his advanced skills, however, Shi Yi knew that there was still much more to learn and discover. He had heard tales of legendary masters who had achieved near-mythical levels of power and insight, and was determined to reach these heights himself.

  With this in mind, Shi Yi had been spending long hours in his room at the palace, studying ancient texts and meditating deeply on the mysteries of the universe. He had also been gathering together all of the remaining medicines and basic techniques that he had collected over the years, carefully organizing them and placing them onto a ring that he wore at all times.

  As he prepared to leave the palace and journey back to his family home, Shi Yi knew that he needed to be fully focused and prepared if he was to continue his quest for knowledge and enlightenment. He spent hours in deep meditation, concentrating on his Third Eye (also known as the Eyebrow Center) in order to access his innermost wisdom and intuition. In which He saw the golden light, lightly touched it.

  With his mind and body fully prepared, Shi Yi colledcted his ring and began to teleport through the Swallowing the starry sky.