

In a world full of mystery and misfortune, Sophia and her fellow comrades came across a power unknown to all yet strong enough to destroy the whole world and without realising it they became one with the power. Will this power bring them the peace they seek or will daythis be the wirlpool that drowns them in it? Sophia , the girl who is surviving in a devastated world stuck by war received a call to fullfil her duty as a citizen despite being just only 16 and due to unexpected turn of events she finds herself stuck in a place where she has no way to escape from . while she fights her way out with her comrades, she found new powers and reason to live . Her power which were unheard of and mysterious to boot . she goes on accepts it as it is and fight her way through in the vicious world while learning more about her powers every.

Luna_Stella · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

chapter 1 : The beginning of the nightmare

Sitting in the corner ....a girl dressed in all black , hiding her face with a black mask and a big hood.

They say she is a transfer student , just came to this school .

It happened like ....it was another freezing day of winter in INTERNATIONAL REPUBLIC ACADEMY.

Oh , forgot to tell you about the academy though. I.R.A is a very famous education institution, known for it's liberal study pattern but , it is rather majorly made for kids from prestigious and rich families, who can actually pay its heafty fees.

On Monday morning a new girl was introduced in class 3 A.

She was rather a odd one who definately sticker out like a sour thumb and trust , it was not in a good way .

She I introduced herself as luna and that was all there was to her introduction. Well kind of complimenting the way she was desperately trying to hide her face with glasses bangs and mask.

Strange , in the academy defined as extra and fancy , she had such a dark look with a creepy vibe that she could be spotted easily in a whole hall filled of students .

The professor asked her to take a seat anywhere she wanted.

If this was a general highschool , it might would have been hard for her to find a seat but seeing that the classroom was more like a universities lecture hall.

She went up and took the seat near the big window, in the corner.

In this academy children really like to keep their business to themselves....seeing the fact that how desperately she was trying to keep her identity hidden , this was perfect for her .

But wait , doesn't it bothers you why is she like this ?

Why is she here or what is her past ?

So let me take you to a brief trip into her past..!!