
Place Your Bets!

Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Ye Chong took a look at Sun Sieha, saw him nod, and released the man in his grasp. Once George was released, he immediately fell kneeling to the ground, coughing violently with his hands to his throat. As Ye Chong had suffocated him for too long, his face looked purplish due to the lack of oxygen.

He threw a hateful look at Ye Chong for having embarrassing him so greatly in front of all the other nobles.

Ming Xiao saw the look George gave Ye Chong, and frowned. He thought to himself, "What a foolish boy! Can he not see where the wind is blowing? This is not a man he can afford to be enemies with!" Ming Xiao and Aliz were close, so Ming Xiao decided to warn his friend about his son, and hope that George would not cause further incidents.

Some of the important figures in the government were disappointed as they watched the handsome young man react inappropriately. George had seemed to be a smart man, but in the end he proved that his was little more than his looks.