
Legend of the Supreme Mage

Harry, an orphan, found a shocking truth that shook the base of his whole life but when he wanted to reach that truth, he died! He opened his eyes and found himself in a world full of magic and immortals. Although he was mesmerized by these things, he wasn't surprised because of the new world. it was because of his new body or should we say 'her' new body... she starts learning the way of a magician and walking between life and death to understand the truth behind this new world to see if there is any way for her to reach redemption. ----------- *the cover is not mine, msg me if you want it down*

DaoisthSage · ไซไฟ
10 Chs

an Orphan

the sun was shining on the world, the wind was whistling and Harry was walking in the park. a boy dressed in a grey shirt, black jeans, and a pair of black sneakers. he was thinking about how unfair life has been to him. he was an orphan who lost his family when he was 2 years old. his parents lived in America while his other family members lived in Spain and when his parents died, the government sent him to an orphanage. he lived there till his 18 and during those years many families took him in but due to some strange accidents, they always brought him back. soon he lost hope and decided to study to get accepted into a good university.

it was perfect and as the saying goes, after laughter always comes great pain. when he got accepted to university and was planning to move out of the orphanage, an accident happened and destiny showed what it had prepared for Harry. in that accident Harry got hurt and almost lost his eyes, meaning that he could barely see 2-3 meters in front of him depending on the environment.

somehow he got over that and managed to get good scores in university but it didn't last. because of his problem, no one was willing to offer him a job and when the university saw his situation they made him a librarian and gave him a place to stay. it was perfect for him and because of his problem, he never really tried to befriend anyone in the college so his companions were the authors of the books. although his eyesight was so damaged, he could still read with glasses if he tried.

but today, they had told him that the library was going to go under maintenance. meaning that he could no longer live there or read any books. it might not look like a big problem but for someone who only had books for friends and shelves instead of a roof, it was like hell.

he was now walking through the city and thought about what did he do wrong in his life. although he wasn't a priest, he always tried to not harm any creature at all. there was a dog around the university and one day he found her by accident and followed it because she was restless and made a lot of sounds. when he followed her and reached their destination, he saw that she had three newborn puppies. one of them was stuck under a rock and couldn't get out. Harry did what he could and saved the puppy. the puppy was healthy and it didn't have any big problem. from that time he considered them his family and brought food for them but now he had to leave them too.

in this lonely world, he only had a necklace. a platinum necklace with the letter 'R' on it written in a Latin font. the 'R' stood for 'Reed', his last name. he wanted to sell it many times but he never did. he always believed that it was like a family emblem and he should protect it like his identity but sometimes life would get so hard that you want to sell your identity so you can eat. although those times had passed, the scars always remained with him.

Harry was wandering in his thoughts when he saw two bulky men in black suits standing in his way. he couldn't see their face clearly but he still believed that they didn't have good intentions. he didn't say anything and just looked at them.

"Good evening, Mister Reed. we are from Reed company and you have been invited for a drink with our CEO." the man on the left started speaking and every single word he said was unknown to Harry. Reed company? drink? CEO? ME? what? harry couldn't understand what they were talking about but then the man on the left started talking.

"and our CEO doesn't like to be rejected," he said like he was in sync with the other one.

'whatever, I have seen all the pain that is out there. I have nothing to lose.' Harry thought and replied "Where should I go and when if I may ask?" he tried to be as polite as he could be.

"We have been ordered to take you to Reed company as soon as we found you. I would appreciate it if you follow us." the first man replied.

"um. Okay. just let's get it over." Harry was annoyed because of his 'library' and these men wanted to annoy him more so he wanted to end it as soon as he could.

Harry followed them out of the park and saw a limo parked in front of the park. he got in and they drove to a company that Harry didn't know anything about till now. the men escorted him to a penthouse on top of the company building. beside the door of the penthouse, a room was decorated with glass. on it has been written "CEO". he stood in front of the door and the men opened the door for him and he went in. the room was big, bigger than he imagined. a conference table was in the middle of the room followed by a manager's table. behind the table was a fireplace and in front of it was a man sitting on his luxurious chair. Harry couldn't see his face because of the back of the chair.

"you must be Harry. I am a 'friend' of your parents. if it is not a problem I would love to see the necklace you have." The man said without revealing his face.

'How the hell does he know about my necklace? it is getting scary and...interesting'

Harry took out his necklace and walked slowly to the table of CEO and placed it on the table.

the chair turned around and the figure of the man got revealed. Harry couldn't see perfectly but he could sense power from this man. it was like his every cell was trying to tell him to respect this man no matter what.

the CEO was a man in his fifties with gray hair color and beard. when he saw Harry, he smiled. it was like he had found a treasure after many many years. he reached and grabbed the necklace off the table and looked at it. "interesting, I do have a necklace like this too. I just wanted to see if you had the real one or not."

Harry was confused. he thought that his necklace might have been a family emblem, an identity token but it wasn't anything like that? why did this man have a necklace like his too then? he then asked "Sir, what do you mean? it is a gift from my dead parents. how can someone like you have something like this?"

"would you believe me if I said your father left the Reed family legacy for you and all of this is now yours?"

the first chapter and I expect to see some comment. i would really like to know about your opinnion.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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