
Legend Of The Remnant Saiyans

Back when Freeza decided to exterminate the saiyans and planet vegeta, another pair of Saiyans survived. How would remnant be different if 2 Saiyan siblings were sent off world at the time of Bardock's revolt against the tyrant and somehow ended up in the world of Rwby with their parents? Would certain events be different or.. would they stay the same? This is the story of how saiyans can literally change the fates of an entirely different reality and the consequences that come with interdimensional beings. DBS Broly like OC x Ruby, OC x Yang/Weiss.

Novaflame6_Badal · อื่นๆ
24 Chs

Chapter 9: Welcome to Beacon; Secrets revealed.

Hey guys, NovaFlame6_Badal here again! Hopefully you guys enjoyed last chapter. As it stands currently, it looks Scarlett has a pretty strong option of who she'll end up with.

I'm thinking I will take some time to develop the relationship between her and the option that is being picked. Since this character isn't really around in the RWBY cannon story all that much, they're going to get more shine this time around.

This just leaves the matter of who Aiko will end up with. So here's a poll:

Who should Aiko end up with?

I. Oscar Pine (volume 5)

II. Fox (CVFY)

III. Neptune ??

IV. Mercury Black (Reformed/Good)

V. Other (suggestion of another male character I'm forgetting)

Should Shallot end up with Aiko?

I. Yes, go for it!

II. No, have him just for support or as an instructor.

That's all for now. Onto the story!

Disclaimer: I own 4 of the 6 saiyan oc's. And I have permission to use, Tarro and Daikon from ComparedDread 12. I don't own the characters of Dbz/DBS, DBXV or RWBY and their characters. Those belong to Akira Toriyama/Toei Animation and Rooster Teeth/Monty Oum respectively.

Chapter 8: Welcome To Beacon; Secrets Revealed .

Scarlett walked along a sidewalk in Vale in the afternoon, she was just out and about. Today was abit rare because she was for once, by herself today. Nova was training Ruby with her martial arts, Turuk was probably being dragged off by Yang somewhere, Daikon was most likely tagging along with the rest of team rwby now, and Aiko...

Well that was why Scarlett was out today. Apparently, Aiko's stomach was hurting. The school nurse said it was probably something the girl ate. So Aiko was a little bit nauseous. Scarlett had gone out to get some stomach medicine for her sister and was about to head back. However, that's when she spotted someone she never expected to see. It was Yatsuhashi Daichi from Team CVFY. But what was he doing here in Vale, in the middle of the day? Curious, Scarlett decided to find out. Besides, she had some time to kill anyways.

"Sorry Aiko, I promise i won't be long. I just...need to check on something first. Be back with your medicine soon, love you.," Scarlett said in a text on her scroll to the wolf eared faunus of her team.

She immediately had a reply back from Aiko.

"I understand Sis, just hurry back when you can. 😖"Aiko replied in the text.

Scarlett chuckled at this, her younger sister always found a way to bring out the caring side in people she met. Putting her scroll away in her bag that she carried with her, Scarlett made her way over towards the weapons store that she saw Yatsuhashi at. He was very quiet in her opinion, of course she never really had the chance to speak to him. She figured now was as good of a time as any to actually talk to the other teen.

A/N: Since I'm introducing Yatsuhashi quite abit earlier than in the cannon story of rwby, he'll be a little different since he would've had time to develop as a character. Not to worry though, I'll keep his character mostly intact. He'll be sort of like the human version of future trunks in this story.

Scarlett had to get some new fabric for her gloves anyways, they had several tears in them from what happened about 2 weeks ago at the docks. The ginger made her way into the weapons store that she had seen Yatsuhashi in front of.

"Welcome! How can I help you today miss?," The store clerk asked.

"I need some sturdy fabric for these.," Scarlett said handing the store clerk her ripped and torn gloves.

The store clerk eyed them for a moment before answering the girl.

"New sturdy fabric eh? Give me just a moment.," he answered.

"Oi Jimmy! The young lass here needs some new fabric for her gloves. Search in the back would ya?," The clerk said to another employee.

"New fabric? On it, boss! Tell the young lassie, I'll be just a few moments.," the man named Jimmy said.

The store clerk nodded before turned back to Scarlett.

"Feel free to look around while you wait. It shouldn't be too long, lass.," he said.

Scarlett nodded and turned to go browse around in the store. Upon browsing the many different items in the shop, she happened to see the person she was going to speak to.

"Don't see you around this part of town often.," She said.

This caused the other teen to turn around towards her. He had abit of a surprised look on his face. Scarlett deduced that he was most likely surprised she was even talking to him.

"Are... you talking to me?," The teen asked.

"Does it look like I'm talking to anyone else, genius?," She replied.

The teen regained his composure and straightened up again. He could tell that this girl was annoyed for him even asking a question like the one he asked.

"My apologies, um-?," Yatsuhashi said before pausing midway.

He realized didn't even know the girl's name. He cleared his throat and started over.

"Ahem. Sorry for that. I don't believe I know your name.," Yatsuhashi said as politely as he could.

Scarlett smiled at this. She could give this guy a chance, he was at least attempting to be polite to her. She stuck her hand out for a handshake as the other teen reciprocated the action.

"Scarlett. Scarlett Reinhardt.," Scarlett said shaking his hand.

The taller teen smiled before speaking as he shook her hand.

"It is an honor to meet you miss Reinhardt. My name is Yatsuhashi Daichi.," Yatsuhashi answered.

Scarlett smirked at his response. He was polite, but he shouldn't be calling her miss Reinhardt. That was far too formal for her.

"Look bub, I get that you're trying to be nice and all, but do us both a favor. Don't call me miss Reinhardt, it's way too formal for me. I never liked standing on ceremony and you don't look as though you'd like that much either.," She said.

This caught Yatsuhashi completely off guard, so he was struggling internally with how he should address her.

Oh, I-I see... what should I call you er- how should I address you going forward?," he asked.

Scarlett just shrugged at this before responding to his inquiry.

"Just call me Scarlett. Or... if that's too much to ask, just call me whatever you're comfortable with.," Scarlett said.

The taller teen thought for a few moments. Then, when it looked like he'd thought of something, he spoke again.

"I think I could do that, Scarlett.," Yatsuhashi said.

Scarlett smiled at him.

"There, that wasn't so hard, was it Yatsu?," She replied.

Yatsuhashi raised an eyebrow at this. No one called him Yatsu other than his teammates.

"If you don't mind my asking Scarlett, why did you call me Yatsu? No one other than my teammates call me that.," He asked.

"Dunno. Just seemed to fit you. Plus, it's a shorter version of your name. You have a very strong name, it's just very long and it would suck if I messed it up. It just makes it easier to call you Yatsu.," Scarlett said rubbing the back of her head.

Yatsuhashi couldn't argue with that logic, it was sound logic. He didn't really mind though, as weird is it felt to admit that.

"Oi young lassie, we have yer fabric for ya.," the store clerk said.

Scarlett turned and walked to the counter to take the fabric. She then produced the lien needed to pay for it from her bag.

"I believe this should be enough, yes? 10 small Lien coins?," Scarlett said.

The store clerk smiled and shook her hand. He appreciated a good customer willing to pay the required amount up front.

"Aye pleasure doing business with ya. Come back again anytime, young lassie.," the clerk said.

Scarlett turned and saluted the clerk before walking towards the door of the shop. Yatsuhashi purchased what he needed and decided to walk out with her.

"Come again, young lad. And thank ya for your business.," the clerk said as the two teens exited the store.

Outside the store, Scarlett knew she had to part ways the taller teen she met for now. She hoped to see him soon as he seemed to be quite the interesting individual upon briefly chatting with him. They made their way to around the center of Vale before saying their farewells.

"I have to go now, Yatsu. Have to get this stomach medicine to Aiko soon or she'll be having an even worse day.," Scarlett said turning.

I see. It was a pleasure meeting you, Scarlett.," Yatsuhashi answered.

The ginger allowed a genuine smile to cross her face. It was nice getting to talk to one of her other schoolmates that she wasn't around all of the time.

"Yeah.. it was nice talking to you. Maybe I'll see you around here soon.," She said.

Yatsuhashi smiled this time and bowed slightly towards her. This caused her to raised an eyebrow in confusion. Realizing what he was doing, he explained himself.

"My apologies. This is just what people around where I was raised were taught to do when greeting or saying goodbye to someone.," he said.

"Will I see you again, Scarlett? I would like to know more about you and your friends more.," Yatsuhashi asked.

Scarlett smirked.

"You may see me around again soon. I think we have a class with professor Koizumi together coming up.," she said before walking away and saying her final farewell.

"Later, Yatsu.," She said waving back to him as she continued to walk away.

Yatsuhashi waved back and smiled before he walked back to rejoin his team as well.

"Scarlett Reinhardt, she is quite the interesting individual. It is time I returned to the others.," Yatsuhashi thought to himself.

Both teens then went their separate ways as they headed back to their teammates. This would not be the last time these two would interact with each other. The interaction between Yatsuhashi Daichi and Scarlett Reinhardt would be the first of many more over their time here, not that they would know this.


A large ship can be seen from overhead of Beacon. This was accompanied by several Bullheads and scores of Atlesian Knights on pathways and walkways around Beacon. The camera shifts to the top of a tower veiled behind clouds. Ozpin and Glynda can be seen through the window into Ozpin's office.

"Ironwood certainly loves bringing his work wherever he travels.," Glynda sighed.

She was not pleased with what she saw out of the window of Ozpin's office. It was like Ironwood had brought a third of the Atlesian military to Beacon for some reason.

"Well, running an academy and a military makes him a busy man.,"Ozpin said before continuing.

The camera pans to an over the shoulder perspective as more Bullheads fly by.

"But yes, those are a bit of an eyesore.," Ozpin said slightly annoyed.

A soft chirping sound is heard before Ozpin looks down to see a holographic message say "Access Requested" on his desk.

"Come in.," Ozpin says.

The camera switches to a low perspective beyond Ozpin's desk and facing the doors as they slide open to reveal Ironwood as Ozpin approaches to greet him. Ironwood cordially greets his old friend.

" Ozpin!," Ironwood cordially greets the elderly man.

Ozpin stands at attention upon seeing the General.

"Hello, General.," Ozpin says in formal greeting.

Ironwood chuckles at this and speaks up.

"Please, drop the formalities.," Ironwood says in greeting.

Both approach and shake hands as Glynda also approaches. She is of course, followed by Tarro, Sala, and Rhubar, the three new instructors at Beacon Academy. Well... fairly new anyways.

"It's been too long. And Glynda! It has certainly been too long since we last met.," Ironwood says happily.

"Oh, James!,"Glynda says in greeting.

She then gives a personable waves and drops all pleasantries.

"I'll.. be outside if you gentlemen need anything.," Glynda said as she makes her way out of the office.

The three instructors beside her look to each other and give Ozpin a raised eyebrow.

Ozpin just sighs.

"Well, she hasn't changed a bit.," Ironwood said.

"You'll ... have to forgive her James. She's.. had alot on her mind recently.," Ozpin explained.

Sala then spoke to break the awkward silence.

"That may be due to what was recently revealed about Rhubar and myself in relation to a few of the students here.," Sala said.

Ironwood turned his attention towards the other 3 instructors.

"Ah, so you must be the new instructors Ozpin has told me about.," Ironwood said.

Sala nodded before introducing herself and her husband.

"Yes. My name is Sala, and this is my husband Rhubar.," Sala said motioning to Rhubar beside her.

"We're fairly new to Remant. So I'm afraid we don't know all that much in terms of your world's history. Headmaster Ozpin has been gracious enough to fill us in on the details of what's really happening.," Rhubar answered.

"You're not from Remnant?," Ironwood asked puzzled and abit on the defensive now.

" No, we're not. These two and myself are both from a different world than this one. My name is Tarro Koizumi. It's a pleasure General.," Tarro said.

They shook hands, albeit hesitantly on Ironwood's part.

Ozpin regained everyone's attention by clearing his throat.

"So.. what in the world has brought you all the way down Atlas, James?," Ozpin asked.

He picks up his mug and kettle, beginning to pour coffee into his mug from the kettle as he continues to speak.

"Headmasters usually don't travel with their students, for the Vytal Festival.," Ozpin said as he turns and offers the cup to Ironwood.

The camera shifts to a close-up showing the mug changing hands. A clink is heard. He still is seen eyeing the new instructors warily as he speaks.

"Well, you know how much I love Vale this time of year.," Ironwood said as he pulls a canteen from inside of his coat.

He then pours the contents of the canteen into his mug as he continued to speak.

"Besides, with you hosting, I thought that this might be a good opportunity for us to catch up.," He said.

Ozpin then walks to a shelf, grabs three more mugs and pours coffee into them from the kettle. Afterwards he walks to his desk and offers the drinks to the three other people in the room.

"Coffee?," he asks offering.

Seeing no reason to decline the offer, the three saiyan instructors accepted the offered mugs.

"Yes, thank you very much Headmaster Ozpin.," Sala said respectfully.

"We appreciate your hospitality, headmaster.," Rhubar said.

"I don't believe I have had this coffee in awhile. Thank you, headmaster.," Tarro said.

"Come now, there's no need for formalities here. We are all comrades in this.," Ozpin said chuckling.

Ozpin grabs a new mug and pours himself some coffee as he sits back down at his desk.

" I can certainly appreciate the quality time between friends James, however, a small fleet outside my window has me concerned.," Ozpin said.

"Well, concern is what brought them here., Ironwood said.

" I understand that travel between kingdoms has become increasingly difficult.," Ozpin said.

" Oz, you and I both know why I brought those men.," Ironwood said.

Ozpin takes a drink from his mug and then sets it down, before folding his hands on his desk and speaking.

"We are in a time of peace. Shows of power like this are just going to give off the wrong impression.," Ozpin said.

"But.. if what Qrow said is true...," Ironwood said trailing off.

"If what Qrow said is true, then we will handle it tactfully. (He emphasizes his point by holding up his index finger as he explains) It's the Vytal Festival. A time to celebrate unity and peace. So I suggest that you not scare people by transporting hundreds of soldiers halfway across the continent.," Ozpin said calmly.

"I'm just being cautious.," Ironwood said.

"As am I. Which is why we will continue to train the best Huntsmen and Huntresses we can.," Ozpin said pausing and continuing.

"If the situation calls for us to be drastic, we have these fine people to help us.," Ozpin said.

Ironwood eyed them skeptically.

"Oh? And what can they do to help?," Ironwood asked very skeptical.

"You would be surprised, james.," Ozpin said.

"General, if I may. If you will allow us to we can change your perspective of us.," Rhubar said.

Ozpin nodded for Rhubar to continue, which he did.

"If this.. "Salem " person that Ozpin has told us about is threatening this world, it is very much in our interest to help defend it.," Rhubar said.

"Oz, you told them?!," Ironwood asked.

Ozpin nodded.

"Listen General, we understand that you are trying to defend this world because you feel it is your responsibility as a remnant president to do so on your own. But while we are not originally from this world, we are residents of it now.," Sala said.

Ironwood scowled, but said nothing.

"And since we are residents of this world now, it is as much our duty to defend our new home as it is your to protect it.," Rhubar said.

Ironwood raised an eyebrow at this, he became curious as to what they meant by this.

"Your new home? What do you mean by that?," Ironwood asked curious.

Tarro looked to the couple as they nodded for him to explain.

"Is it as Sala says. Remnant is our new home now. Though, we were originally from another world or rather planet to begin with.," Tarro said.

Now the general was suspicious, there was surely more to the story than that little explanation. Tarro continued as he explained the origins of where they had come from.

"So let me get this straight... the 3 of you are... aliens? And you're from a race known as Saiyans, is that correct?," Ironwood asked.

All 3 of the saiyans nodded in response to this.

"You expect me to believe that?!," Ironwood shouted.

"No, we don't expect you to. You believe whatever you wish about us, general. But.. please.. for the sake of our sons, who attend this academy... don't take your wrath or suspicion of us out on them.," Sala pleaded.

Ironwood was furious but then saw the look of desperation in Sala's eyes. His eyes softened at this. He recognized that look.

"This woman...," he thought.

He observed her a little more.

"Those eyes... those aren't the eyes of some dangerous criminal. No.. they're the eyes of a mother.. a mother who yearns to see her children. Perhaps.. I've been.. too harsh on them.," Ironwood thought.

He sighed. And then bowed his head in apology.

"It seems I am the one at fault here... do forgive me, miss.," Ironwood said in apology.

Sala smiled and then responded to him.

"No need to worry yourself over it, General. It was an honest mistake. All the same, we accept your apology and look forward to helping you defend this world however we can.," Sala replied.

"But if this Salem, is really that big of a threat... we'll have to prepare our sons for that.," Sala continued.

Rhubar nodded at this. His wife was right. If Salem noticed their sons and found out what they were capable of, no doubt, she'd try to sway them to her side.

"I believe miss Sala is right. If Salem were to find out what their sons Nova and Turuk can really do, she may decide to try and take them for her own.," Tarro said before continuing.

"And.. there's also the added problem that she may have an arcosian helping her. That could get messy, if proven true.," Tarro said.

Ozpin had heard of this possibility before, but it was the general's first time hearing of it. He looked confused.

"I'll explain later, James.," Ozpin said.

Ironwood nodded in agreement. He then rose to his feet and turned towards the doors. Ironwood turns and walks away. He stops near the door and looks back at Ozpin.

"But ask yourself this: Do you honestly believe your children can win a war?," Ironwood asked as he continues on his way to exit the room.

" I hope they never have to.," Ozpin said grimly while watching the general exit the office.

Tarro then turns to Sala and Rhubar, they look back toward him. They knew what he would say even before the words left his mouth.

"I hate to state the obvious here but, you're going to have to tell them who you are sooner or later. Time is running out if this rumor proves to be true.," Tarro said.

Sala's eyes feel at this, she knew he was right. She just hoped herself and Rhubar would be strong enough to reveal something as huge as they were Nova and Turuk's parents to them.

"We... understand Tarro. Such a thing won't be easy for us to do though.," Sala said.

Rhubar then looked to Tarro.

"Tarro. Would you mind training our sons until we are ready to reveal to them who we are?," Rhubar asked.

Tarro raised an eyebrow at this.

"Only your sons?," Tarro asked a little confused.

Sala looked to the fellow saiyan and nodded.

"Yes, Tarro. We believe Brussel (or Nova) and Turuk would benefit the most out of the students from your training specifically.," Sala said.

Tarro nodded. He wouldn't waste this opportunity. He had no qualms about the saiyans here since talking it over with Rhubar and Sala. He'd learned that they were thrust here as a result of an old enemy of his back from his Time Patrol days a few years back.

"I.. understand. But you should know that your son is also training someone.," Tarro added.

This intrigued the saiyan parents. They listened as Tarro began to explain to them about the person their son, Nova, had been training.


In the Beacon Academy library, Team RWBY are shown playing Remnant: The Game. Nova and his team were there as well as team JNPR. Aiko was now feeling much better due to the stomach medicine she received from her sister. Scarlett made sure she checked on Aiko, just in case though. She had a pretty bad stomach ache before now, so the ginger was understandably still a bit apprehensive of Aiko being up and about so soon.

The camera pans from Weiss to Yang Xiao Long, then to Blake, who is obviously distracted, before finally landing on Ruby, who has been contemplating her next move. Ruby scratched her head while thinking about what move to make.

"Hmmmmm.... All right... All right!," Ruby said pointing her finger at Yang.

"Yang Xiao Long, prepare your kingdom for battle!," Ruby said excitedly.

Yang then thrusts her elbow down and balls her hand into a fist.

"Bring it on!,"Yang said.

Nova and Turuk had confused expressions on their faces. They had no idea what was happening right now. The just watched, confused as to what they were seeing play out before them.

" I deploy the Atlesian Air Fleet!," Ruby shouted slapping a card down on the table.

Yang then feigns a look of shock at the move.

"Looks like I get to fly right over your Ursai and attack your walls directly!," Ruby says.

The girl then makes noises like airplanes flying and bombing people as she makes a bird with her hands.

Yang then feigns indignance as she points at Ruby.

" You fiend!," Yang says back.

Ruby is now ducked at one end of the table. The camera zips to across the table to show the board and its player pieces in detail.

"And since Atlas is part of Mantle, my repair time is only one turn.," she says boasting.

Ruby peaks her head up. She gives a look of surprise as, offscreen, Yang can be heard laughing arrogantly.

Yang then raises a card and puts down onto the table for the camera to see.

"Pretty sneaky, sis, but you just activated my trap card!," Yang said showing her before putting the card down.

Ruby is visibly disturbed at this.

"Whaaat?!,"she says surprised and shocked.

"Giant Nevermore!," Yang said slamming the card down onto the table before continuing her monologue.

" If I roll a seven or higher, fatal feathers will slice your fleet in two!," Yang says smirking.

A scene of a Nevermore flying over a field of swords impaled in the ground plays over the conversation. Ruby points at Yang.

"But, if you roll a six or lower, the Nevermore will turn on your own forces!," Ruby saysback.

The Nevermore is shown to be turning back toward Yang.

"That's just a chance I'm willing to take.," Yang replied confidently.

The two are seen glaring at each other before Yang shouts triumphantly offscreen.

Team JNPR are shown as Yang and Ruby banter on about the game. Ren and Pyrrha are studying, and Nora's snot bubble inflates and deflates as she sleeps.

Ruby and Yang continue to banter offscreen about the game.

" Nooooo!!! My fearless soldiers!," Ruby says in sadness.

" Eh, most of them were probably androids.," Yang said shrugging.

"She knows what Androids are?!," Nova and Turuk thought in their minds.

"Goodbye my friends, you will be avenged.," Ruby said whimpering in mock sadness.

"Not until I draw my rewards! Which are double this round thanks to the Mistral Trade Route!," Yang said happily.

" Bah!," Ruby said in mock annoyance.

Nora snores and talks in her sleep.

"Oh. Have pancakes.," Nora says grinning in her sleep.

Yang pipes up again offscreen, bantering about the game more.

"Oh, and what's this? The Smugglers of Wind Path? " Yang says.

Pyrrha clears her throat and then confiscates a comic book Jaune is reading, trading it for a textbook.

"Bah! Bah, I say!," Ruby said playfully annoyed.

" I say, it looks like I'm taking two cards in my hand!,"Yang said smugly.

As Pyrrha reads Jaune's comic, a Nevermore player piece is tossed over Jaune's shoulder. Another piece bounces off of his head.

"Have you no heart? Nooo!,"Ruby says as she collapses on the table groaning.

This just even further confuses the pair of Saiyan brothers. They both have even more puzzled looks on their faces at what is unfolding in front of them.

"Well, Weiss, it's your turn.," Yang says.

Weiss has a very puzzled and confused look on her face as she speaks.

"I have... absolutely no idea what's going on.," Weiss said confused.

Yang slides up beside her and puts her hand on her shoulder.

Daikon pops one eye open and sees that Weiss is playing the board game now. He smirks.

"Well.. this should be mildly amusing at least.," He thought while lightly chuckling.

"Look, it's easy! You're playing as Vacuo which means that all Vacuo-based cards come with a bonus.," Yang explained to her.

Weiss just gave the blonde a dry look at this before responding.

"That sounds... really dumb.," Weiss said flatly.

Yang starts looking through Weiss' cards as she explains the game to her.

"See, you've got Sandstorm, Desert Scavenge... Oh, oh!," Yang says before pulling a card out of Weiss' hand and showing it to her.

Then she proceeds to tell her what the cards can do.

"Resourceful Raider! See, now you can take Ruby's discarded Air Fleet-," Yang explains.

Ruby then cries comically.

"Nooo!," Ruby says crying.

Yang then continues her explanation.

"-and put it in your hand!," Yang says as she finishes her explanation.

"Okay.," Weiss said somewhat understanding how the game is played now.

Yang continues to explain to her some more things she can do in the game with her cards.

"And since Vacuo warriors have an endurance against Natural-based hazards, you can use Sandstorm to disable my ground forces and simultaneously infiltrate my kingdom!," Yang finishes explaining before speaking up again in a dramatic way.

She then points her finger at Weiss to emphasize her point.

"Just know that I will not forget this declaration of war.," Yang said dramatically before pulling away from Weiss and sitting back down in her chair.

"And that means...," Weiss asked half in question hoping Yang would finish the explanation.

Ruby answered her question this time though.

"You're just three moves away from conquering Remnant!," Ruby said suddenly chipper again.

This confused Nova even more as he continued to watch team Rwby's antics surrounding this board game.

"😅 Wasn't she crying on the table just a minute ago? I don't... understand this at all!," Nova thought.

Weiss stands and a thunder clap accompanies Weiss' overjoyed psychotic laughter.

"Y-yes! Fear the almighty power of my forces! Cower as they pillage your homes and weep as they take your children from your very arms!," Weiss said monologing.

This only lasted for a second as offscreen Yang as seen holding up a card.

"Trap card...," Yang says.

This confused Weiss.

Weiss: Huh?

Daikon raised an eyebrow at this. It was pretty amusing, even if it was loud.

Yang shuffles the pieces on the board, Weiss' pieces disappearing in a puff of smoke.

"Your armies have been destroyed.," Yang said almost emotionless.

Weiss slumps in her chair, cries and whines.

" I hate this game of emotions we play!," Weiss said whining as comical tears came from her eyes with her head resting on the table.

Daikon couldn't help but to chuckle at this. That was far too funny to miss for him.

Ruby then hops into Weiss' lap as she has comical tears spilling from her eyes too.

"Stay strong, Weiss! We'll make it through this together!," Ruby said crying.

"Shut up!," she says as she hugs Ruby and then continues. "Don't touch me!", she whines.

Ruby then hops into Nova's lap after Weiss separates herself from Ruby.

"Nova, help me please!," Ruby said comically crying.

Nova wasn't really sure what to do and really didn't have a straight answer for her.

"Umm. What do want me to do? I don't really know how this works!," Nova said awkwardly.

Daikon walked over to Weiss, smirking while trying to hold in his laughter so as to not be rude.

"What's the matter princess? Your pride and confidence gone because you lost at a board game?," He teased.

Weiss blushed madly before replying. She was embarrassed enough already, she didn't need this guy rubbing it in even more.

"S-Shut up you! And I told you not to call me that!," Weiss said blushing madly.

Yang just put her hands behind her head as she looked towards Blake.

"Alright Blake, you're up!," Yang said.

"Oh, um, sorry, what am I doing?," Blake asked.

No one noticed it other than Nova and Turuk, but Blake seemed... distracted by something.

"You're playing as Vale, trying to conquer the Kingdoms of Remnant!,"Yang said.

"Right.," Blake said.

Jaune was then seen approaching the table.

"Hey! Can I play?," Jaune asked.

Ruby went to answer him, but moved to suddenly as both herself and Nova went falling backwards out of the chair they were in. Nova took the brunt of the impact with the floor as Ruby hilariously or perhaps unintentionally ended up on top of the other teen.

Nova winced slightly, but he wasn't hurt. Ruby moving so suddenly just surprised him. Luckily, he adjusted in time so Ruby wasn't hurt. Ruby then raised her head and opened her eyes.

"Nova! Oh gosh, I-I'm sorry! Are you alright?," Ruby said in slight panic.

Nova opened his eyes and chuckled, patting Ruby's head after.

"Yes, I'm fine. Just glad you weren't hurt.," He said before he continued.

Nova felt his cheeks go red due to the position both of them were in. This confused Ruby before he spoke up to address the matter. She sighed in relief, ruby was glad Nova wasn't hurt by her suddenly moving out of the chair like she did.

Nova cleared his throat as he spoke up, Ruby noticing that his cheeks were red. She tilted her head in confusion at this, not noticing the position they were in currently.

"Uh..U-Umm... R-Ruby?," Nova asked slightly embarrassed.

"Yes? What is it, Nova? You seem to be distracted by something.," Ruby said to him.

Everyone in the room was staring in mild shock, except for Yang. Yang was smirking at this. Aiko had her hands over her eyes as her entire face was red, Scarlett had her head in her palm, Weiss also was blushing at seeing the position Ruby and Nova were in, Turuk was wide eyed, Daikon was holding in a snicker, Pyrrha had her hand over her mouth in surprise, and Jaune's eyes were as wide as almost everyone else's.

"C-Could you uhh... move now? You're uhh... a little close to me at the moment. And I wouldn't want anyone to be getting the wrong idea about you and me.," Nova said blushing.

Ruby still didn't understand why she had to move until she looked down.

"Ok I can move.. but what do you mean by I'm a little close to-," Ruby started but never finished her thought.

Looking down, she saw the reason why Nova was embarrassed. She was literally right up against him, and on top of him at the same time. Her face burned a deep shade of red, while what looked to be steam came from the top of her head. She quickly got off of Nova and abruptly apologized to him to avoid further embarrassment.

"I-I'm S-S-Sorry N-No-Nova! Oh G-Gosh! U-Umm I uh..," Ruby stammered with a deep shade of scarlet on her face.

Nova chuckled at this and placed his hand on Ruby's head. He knew she didn't mean to embarrass the both of them, it wasn't her fault what happened created sort of an initial misunderstanding. Now, Nova just wanted let his friend to know that he wasn't mad at her.

"Ruby, relax. I'm not mad, it was an honest mistake. Don't beat yourself up about it, okay?,"Nova said smiling at her.

Ruby smiled at him, but was still embarrassed by what happened. She was understandably quiet for the rest of the time due to how red in the face she was.

"Anyways Jaune, I think Ruby was going to say that they already have 4 players.," Nova said covering for the silver eyed girl.

He looked back to Ruby, who nodded in confirmation. Everyone else seemed to get the idea and decided to move on from what just took place... for now.

"Y-Yes and besides, this game requires a certain level of tactical cunning that I seriously doubt that you possess.," Weiss said clearing her throat.

She did this in an attempt to forget what happened between Ruby and Nova just a minute ago. Though, it was obvious she was desperately struggling to forget about it.

"Says the girl who attacked her own naval fleet 2 turns ago.," Yang added.

This earned a silent snicker from Daikon, who hid the fact he was laughing well. Weiss glared at him, which earned her a smug glare back from the saiyan. She made an annoyed sound as she glared at Daikon, who was obviously laughing at her.

"Bring it on, Ice Queen! I'll have you know that I have been told that I am a natural born leader!," Jaune stated proudly.

Weiss raised a confused eyebrow at this.

"By who? Your mother?," Weiss asked annoyed.

"A-and Pyrrha!," Jaune said nervously.

Pyrrha is seen waving as she pops into the conversation.

"Hello again!," Pyrrha said smiling.

Jaune then begins to beg with both hands folded.

"Come on, let me play your hand for a turn!," Jaune said begging.

"I'm not trusting you with the good citizens of Vacuo!,"Weiss huffed.

"Says the girl who got her armies wiped by a trap card.," Daikon snorted back.

"Hush you!," Weiss said blushing madly again.

Daikon looked back at her smugly.

"Ooh I'm so scared! Make me shut up, Ice.. princess!," Daikon smugly teased her with a grin.

Weiss felt like a vein was going to pop on her head. This guy, he was so... irritating. And yet... she strangely understood him better when they argued.

"Ooh you-!!! You little-!," Weiss said glaring at him.

Daikon glared back as the other swore the saw the silhouettes of a dragon and a tiger behind the two.

"😅 umm.. guys?," Jaune said regaining their attention.

"What?," both Daikon and Weiss said in unison.

"Well , it's just.. Weiss has trusted me with important stuff before. Like the fact you told us Blake is Fa-," Jaune said before being shut up by Pyrrha covering Jaune's mouth before he said anything else.

"Fun-loving person, whom we all admire and respect.," Pyrrha says interrupting Jaune.

Jaune then laughs nervously as everyone looks over towards where Blake was, obviously annoyed that everyone knew her secret now.

"Right. That. Ladies, enjoy your battle.," Jaune said as he and Pyrrha walk away.

Footsteps are then heard offscreen as they are coming towards the group. The foot steps are revealed to belong to Sun Wukong and Neptune Vasilias.

Sun is seen holding up two fingers in a peace sign.

"Sup losers.," Sun said in greeting.

Ruby finally speaks up, having somewhat gotten over her embarrassing situation with Nova a few moments ago.

"Hey Sun!," Ruby says in greeting.

The camera shifts to show that Neptune is next to Sun.

"Ruby, Yang, Blake, Scarlett, Aiko, Turuk, Daikon, Nova, ... Ice Queen.," Sun greeted.

"Why does everyone keep calling me that?," Weiss asked offended.

"I never got a chance to formally introduce you to my old friend.," Sun said motioning to Neptune.

Neptune then speaks up.

"Uhh, aren't libraries for reading?," Neptune asked.

Ren throws his arms up before speaking up.

"Thank you!," Ren said.

Nora then pops her head up at this, having woken up from her sleep.

"Pancakes!," Nora says waking up.

"🤦‍♂️ ," Ren smacks his palm against his head at Nora's random outburst.

"Shut up. Don't be a nerd.," Sun says.

Neptune shakes his finger at Sun. He waves as he speaks.

" Geh, geh, geh, geh! "Intellectual", okay? Thank you. I'm Neptune.," Neptune says.

Weiss then speaks up, catching Neptune's attention.

"So Neptune, where are you from?," She asks.

"Haven.," Neptune says briefly before approaching Weiss. "And I don't believe I've caught your name, snow angel.," Neptune said.

"Um, I'm Weiss.," the heiress says.

Jaune throws up his arms in frustration at this.

"Are you kidding me!?," Jaune says in frustration.

Daikon can't help but to snort at this "greeting" from Neptune.

"Pleasure to meet you.," Neptune says.

"Careful of this one princess, he's a player.," Daikon says snorting.

Weiss blushes madly at Daikon again for using that nickname he seemed so fond of to tease her with.

"Well, excuse me for thinking he's alot more of a gentleman than you! You're nothing but a filthy mo-," Weiss started but froze when she saw the dark aura coming from Daikon.

"Huh? 💢 What were you about to call me, shnee?! You better not have been about to call me what I think you were!," Daikon glared back cracking his knuckles at her.

Weiss visibly shrunk back abit from this. She had forgotten just how terrifying Daikon could be when called a certain derogatory name.

Even Neptune was starting to sweat nervously now.

"Remind me, never to call this guy what Weiss was about to call him.. I don't think I want to know what his bad side is like.," Neptune thought to himself while nervously sweating.

Sun then looks to Blake and sees her playing the board game he saw the whole group around.

"Huh.. I never took you as the board game playing type.," Sun said a little surprised.

As she speaks, she shoves Sun aside and leaves the room.

"Right, well, I think I'm done playing actually. I'll see you guys later.," Blake says exiting the room.

Nova eyes his sister, he knew something was up. He and Turuk shared a look before nodding at each other, they'd have to have a talk with their sister later about this.

"Women.," Nora says as she shrugs.

"🤦‍♂️ You do realize you're referring to yourself in that manner too, right?," Turuk thought to himself after seeing this.

Everyone agrees to go their separate ways eventually, which then leaves, Nova and Turuk with team RWBY as they head back to their dorm.


The scene switches to Team RWBY's room. The camera pans from the night sky seen through the window over to Blake as she sits with her knees folded to her chest on her bed. Voices can be heard echoing in her head.

"(Blake) Brothers of the White Fang, why are you aiding this scum?"

Then she hears Roman's voice.

"(Roman) The White Fang and I are going in on a joint business venture together.,"

Then sounds of battle, included slashes, grunts of pain, fists , Gunfire, and Torchwick's laughter are heard echoing inside of her head.

Now the voice of Ozpin is heard in her head.

"(Ozpin) Well, this has certainly been an eventful evening."

"(Blake) Hmph."

The scene shifts to show that Blake is sitting in an interviewing office as Ozpin enters. Blake quietly acknowledges his statement.

"(Ozpin) I'm sure that after a night of thwarting attempted robbery, you probably just want to go home and take a nap. But, I was hoping that maybe we could have a chance to talk."

"(Blake) Of course."

"(Ozpin) Wonderful. As you know, in order to enroll at my academy, students must first pass a rigorous entrance exam. Most applicants spend years of preparation training at one of the many combat schools around the world. You are one of the few that did not. And you passed the exam with flying colors."

"(Blake) I was raised outside the kingdoms. If you can't fight, you can't survive."

"(Ozpin) Well, you have most certainly survived, Blake. I admire your drive. And I am proud to run a school that accepts individuals from all walks of life. Rich, poor, Human... [sips his coffee)] Faunus..."

Blake glares at him.

"(Ozpin) Why do you wear that bow, Blake? Why hide who you are?"

" (Blake) You may be willing to accept the Faunus, Professor Ozpin, but your species is not."

"(Ozpin) True, but we are continuing to take strides to lessen the divide."

"(Blake) With all due respect, you need to start taking some larger strides. Until then, I'd rather avoid any unnecessary attention. I want people to see me for who I am, not what I am."

"(Ozpin) And what are you?"

"(Blake) I don't understand what you're asking."

"(Ozpin) How did you know the White Fang would be at the shipyard tonight?"

"(Blake) I didn't. I just happened to be at the right place at the right time."

"(Ozpin)You wouldn't have been the first. But what happened tonight was not an isolated incident. I may be your headmaster, but I am also a Huntsman, and it is my sworn duty to protect this world from the forces that conspire against it. Blake, are you sure there is nothing else you would like to tell me?"

" (Blake) I'm sure."

"(Ozpin) Very well. Thank you for your time, Ms. Belladonna. "

Ozpin stands and heads to the door. He stops and turns to Blake.

"(Ozpin) If you ever need to talk to me. Please, don't hesitate to ask."

Ozpin shuts the door behind him.


Team RWBY are shown entering their dorm room. They are followed by Nova and Turuk strangely for some reason. Ruby is still fairly quiet. Given what took place between her and Nova earlier, it was understandable that she chose not to speak.

Yang was abit cranky when they entered the room.

"Ugh, we should have never let him play!," Yang angrily said.

"Yang, I think you're just mad because the new guy beat you. You did make several mistakes in that last game.," Turuk said.

"Yeah, well who asked you anyways?," Yang said still bothered by the fact that she lost.

"Just my opinion Yang. You don't have to take it personally.," Turuk said.

Yang sighed.

"Yeah, I suppose you're right.," Yang said.

Turuk knew this would bother Yang for awhile so he thought of a way to remedy her foul mood.

"Look Yang, I'm sorry for opening my mouth when I shouldn't have. Is there any way I can make it up to you?," Turuk said apologizing.

Yang smirked as she eyes him up and down before she gained a mischievous smile on her face. She walked up to Turuk and purposely got uncomfortably close to him.

"Hm... yeah, I can think of one way for you to make it up to me, hot stuff ~," Yang said in a voice that made Turuk shiver.

The way she said that into his ear worried him more than just a little bit.

"Jokes aside, how is Ruby doing?," Yang asked turning to look at Nova.

"She's.. better I think. Still a little shaken by what took place earlier, but she'll be alright.," Nova said.

Nova then looked to Ruby who smiled at him weakly.

"Ruby... come on, your sister's worried about you. Don't be so hard on yourself. As I told you earlier, what happened wasn't at all your fault.," Nova said.

Ruby looked toward the dark teen and sighed before perking back up to her normal self. He was right.

"Yeah, you're right Nova. Sorry I was being such a dummy.," Ruby said smiling.

"Heh, no problem Ruby.," Nova said.

As they enter, Blake approaches the door to leave. However, she is blocked by Nova's other teammates. Daikon, Scarlett, and Aiko all stand in the doorway blocking her.

"Stop.," Weiss said pointing at Blake.

"Lately, you've been quiet, antisocial and moody!," Weiss said to the cat faunus.

"Uh, have you met Blake?," Yang asked.

Weiss continued.

"Which I get is kind of your thing, but you've been doing it more than usual! Which quite frankly, is unacceptable! You made a promise to me, to all of us, that you would let us know if something was wrong!," She said before flipping through the air.

As she does this six copies of Weiss' emblem fly through the air before she points her finger at Blake again.

"So, Blake Belladonna, what is wrong!?," Weiss asks.

Weiss is shown to be balancing precariously on a chair's back feet. She quickly puts the chair away and returns to stand near the other teens in the room. She glares at Daikon who saw what she did.

"Not. One. Word.," she mouthed to the red eyed teen who simply smirked before staying silent.

Blake sighs before she finally let's loose what had been going on in her head.

" I just, I don't understand how everyone can be so calm.," she said.

Ruby approaches Blake.

"You're still thinking about Torchwick?," Ruby asked worried.

"Torchwick, the White Fang, all of it! Something big is happening and no one is doing anything about it!," Blake said back.

Nova gave blake a look that told her to calm down and left no room for argument. Blake reluctantly recomposed herself after the look her brother gave her.

"Ozpin told us not to worry. Between the police and the Huntsmen, I'm sure they can handle it.," Yang said trying to convince her partner.

This didn't work however as Blake just became even more upset.

"Well I'm not! They don't know the White Fang like I do!," Blake shouted but then stepped back after she realized she was getting too worked up about this.

"Okay, between blowing up nightclubs, stopping thieves, and fighting for freedom, I'm sure the three of you think that you're all ready to go out and apprehend these ne'er-do-wells!," Weiss said with her hands on her hips.

Offscreen Ruby raised a confused eyebrow at this.

"The who?," Ruby asked.

Nova leaned over and whispered into her ear, telling her what Weiss meant.

"She means the bad guys, Ruby.," Nova whispered to her.

"Ohhhh..... right, I got it.," Ruby said in realization.

"But let me once again be the voice of reason. We're students! We're not ready to handle this sort of situation!," Weiss said.

Ruby tried to interject but was interrupted by Weiss.

"Well yeah, but...," Ruby started but was abruptly interrupted by Weiss.

"We're not ready!," weiss said back.

"And we may never be ready! Our enemies aren't just going to sit around and wait for graduation day.," Blake said pointing to the door as she continued. "They're out there, somewhere, planning their next move, and none of us know what it is, but it's coming! Whether we're ready or not!," Blake explained.

She had a point, as much as Weiss didn't want to admit.

Ruby raises her hand and does other random gestures, while looking manic.

"Okay, all in favor of becoming the youngest Huntresses and Huntsman to single-handedly taking down a corrupt organization conspiring against the Kingdom of Vale... say aye.," Ruby said raising her hand.

Nova chuckled, he was glad Ruby was back to her normal, quirky, bubbly, hyperactive self. He was abit worried there for awhile, but he knew Ruby would return to her normal self. He liked her better when she was herself.

Huh... that was weird... Nova didn't remember having thoughts about Ruby like that before.. how odd.. He shook it off and joined in.

"Yes! I love it when you're feisty!," Yang said pumping her fist enthusiastically and pointing at Blake.

"Well, I suppose it could be fun.," Weiss said.

"We got nothing else to do. Sure I'm in!," Turuk said.

Daikon chuckled before unfolding his arms and speaking.

"Why not? It certainly wouldn't be the most boring thing on the world. Might be pretty amusing and a good warmup.," Daikon replied.

"We're in too, right Aiko?," Scarlett said.

"Y-Yeah. We'll help however we can.," Aiko said nervously.

Nova smiled before speaking up.

"Sure, I'm in. Oh! Aye!," Nova said.

For some reason, this made Ruby blush and smile at the dark teen.

"T-Thanks Nova...," Ruby said blushing.

Yang saw this and smirked.

"Hm.... 😏 somebody's got a little crush there, eh Rubes?," Yang said smiling slyly.

"Y-Yang! It isn't like that!," Ruby said flustered.

"😌 Just keep telling yourself that Rubes. We all know how you really feel about him.," Yang thought.

"Alright then, we're in this together!," Blake said.

"Yeah! Let's hatch a plan!," Ruby said.

Yang gestures double guns at Ruby before resonating in agreement.

"Yeah!," Yang said agreeing.

Ruby then freaks out as she realized she forgot something.

"I left my board game at the library!," Ruby gasps.

"🤦‍♂️We're doomed.," Weiss slapping her hand against her forehead.

Ruby is seen running out of the room and down the hallway.

"I'll be right back!," Ruby said.

Yang sighs and looks to Nova.

"Haha right. I'll go after her.," Nova said speeding after Ruby.

The sound of collision is heard as Ruby seems to slam into the camera and disappears offscreen.

"Ruby, careful! And wait up, I'll come with you.," Nova said.

"Oo-oof! Oh g-!," Ruby said running into someone.

"Ruby, are you ok?," Nova asked running up to her.

Ruby looks up to see who she ran into as the music suddenly takes on a very dark and eerie tone. Nova eyed these new people. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but.. there was... something that didn't sit well with him about these three. Especially the one in the middle.

"Sorry. Are you okay?," Ruby asked.

"I'm fine. ," the girl says.

The mystery girl Ruby ran into is revealed to be Emerald Sustrai.

"Just watch where you're going.," Emerald said.

Ruby is slouched on the ground as Emerald offers her a hand. Ruby takes the offered hand and stands up, just as Nova catches up to her.

"Yeah, I'm fine Nova.," Ruby said smiling at him.

Nova breathes a sigh of relief at this. He then ruffles her hair making Ruby pout for a second. She then turns her attention back to the girl she ran into.

"Um, I'm Ruby! Are you new?," Ruby said introducing herself.

Emerald steps aside to reveal Cinder as she approaches. Nova warily eyed Cinder as he stepped in front of Ruby. There... was something about this one that he really didn't like.

"Visiting from Haven, actually.," Cinder said.

Emerald turn to look at her as Cinder steps in between her and Mercury, who was also there with them.

Nova figured it couldn't hurt to greet them at least, so he stepped aside and allowed Ruby to speak with them. He stayed close though. He really didn't trust these 3 though. There was something that felt... off about them.

Emerald seemed to recognize the look this other teen was giving her, mercury, but especially Cinder. This guy somehow knew they weren't normal and he was being cautious.

"Ooh! You're here for the festival! But exchange students have their own dormitory.," Ruby replied.

"I guess we just got turned around., Mercury said.

"Hey, don't worry, it happens all the time.," Ruby said as the three strangers walked past them.

"Uh, your building is just east of here.," Ruby said slightly confused.

"Thanks.," Cinder said.

Cinder walks past Ruby, gesturing in acknowledgement.

"Maybe we'll see you around.," Cinder said.

"Yeah, maybe!," Ruby says before continuing to walk. Nova walks after her for a few steps before calling back to the three strangers.

"Listen you three.," Nova said.

They all turn to look at him.

"I don't know who you are or why you're really here. But you'd best be careful not to do anything to harm or make that girl, Ruby upset. Cuz if you do....," Nova trailed off and paused to let the tension build.

He then gives them the darkest glare he's ever given anyone before.

"I can't promise to go easy on any of you should I face you in the tournament. I'll make you regret ever being born! I'll crush your bones if have to, do you understand?!," Nova said angered.

Emerald and mercury felt a cold sweat from his glare as they couldn't even move or look away. Cinder felt a cold chill creep down her back as the teen then walked off to catch up to the girl from earlier.

The camera shifts to show the faces of the trio as they continue to walk away. Behind them, Ruby can be seen waving.

"Oh by the way, welcome to Beacon!," Ruby says. "Nova! Come on!," She called to the dark teen saiyan.

Nova caught up with her and they went to get Ruby's board game from the library.

After Nova had left, Emerald, Mercury, and Cinder all breathed heavily and were sweating.

"I.. thought that the weight was going to crush us! What in Remnant is that boy?!," Emerald asked.

"I.. I dunno. But... I think that's one guy we should avoid making an enemy of... I've never felt any kind of pressure like that before.," Mercury said.

"Such power... Still.. I sense there's something lurking deep within that boy.. Something far more vast... something darker..," Emerald thought to herself.

" is something wrong, Cinder?," Emerald asked.

Cinder shook her head.

"No. We.. need to be careful around that one. He's clever. But also...," she trailed off.

"Also what?," Mercury asked.

Cinder smirked.

"That boy.. he has power that could benefit us. That power... I'll take it by force if necessary. That boy's power... it should be mine.," Cinder said.

"We may want to be careful then... he looked really strong," Emerald said.

Cinder chuckled as they continued walking.

"Oh don't worry, I'll have that power one way or another. We simply have to draw it out. I have a plan for that.," Cinder said.

Cinder grins evilly and her eyes glow menacingly as the screen fades to black.

To be continued in chapter 9: Ruby's Complicated Feelings


Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! So thought I'd start off the chapter a little differently this time. As you could tell I put quite a few bonding moments in there for two of pairing that are becoming more established.

Daikon and Weiss I feel like will be a little different given Daikon's personality, so... it might take a wee bit longer to develop than I originally thought. Obviously from the title of the next chapter you can tell that Ruby will begin to wrestle with her growing and complicated feelings. She's still one of the younger characters, so she may have a little more difficulty dealing with something like romantic feelings towards a guy like Nova who's been nothing but kind to her.

She likes Nova as friend, but as you can tell it will start becoming complicated for Ruby to remain just Best friends with him. This was foreshadowed at the beginning of the story m, so it should come as no surprise that Ruby is starting develop romantic feelings towards our main character.

Enough reambling for now, here's a couple polls to tie you guys over until the next chapter:

When should Ruby confess to Nova?

I. After the next mission

II. During the Beacon Dance (chapter 7 of vol 2)

III. After the Beacon Dance

IV. Mountain Glenn mission (Chapter 10, Vol. 2)


Who should go on a "date" next chapter?

A. Turuk/Yang

B. Weiss/Daikon

C. Nova/Ruby


Should Blake find out Sala and Rhubar are Nova (Brussel) and Turuk's real parents?

I. yes, she's their sister so she deserves to know before they do!

II. Nah, let it be a surprise for all 3 siblings and their friends.

III. Yes, but have her and a select few people know. They are sworn to secrecy.


What should cause Scarlett to transform into a super saiyan?

I. Her friends are in mortal danger.

II. Death of a childhood friend.

III. Death of a childhood friend by her own hands, due to her not having a choice.

IV. Rage at her sister being hurt.

V. Pyrrha being injured because they're childhood friends.


Anyways feel free to vote on any of the polls listed above! You can even include the reason for your choice if you wish.

Peace out everyone!