
Legend Of The Remnant Saiyans

Back when Freeza decided to exterminate the saiyans and planet vegeta, another pair of Saiyans survived. How would remnant be different if 2 Saiyan siblings were sent off world at the time of Bardock's revolt against the tyrant and somehow ended up in the world of Rwby with their parents? Would certain events be different or.. would they stay the same? This is the story of how saiyans can literally change the fates of an entirely different reality and the consequences that come with interdimensional beings. DBS Broly like OC x Ruby, OC x Yang/Weiss.

Novaflame6_Badal · อื่นๆ
24 Chs

Chapter 8: Best Day Ever; Food Fight!!!

Hey guys Novaflame6_Badal here again. Back with another update of this story! Sorry for the wait from last time. This chapter will start out a little differently  than how Volume 2 of the cannon Rwby story started out episode 1 of volume 2. Since Ruby has asked Nova to train her and martial arts, we'll start with some interaction between the two of them first.

This will develop their relationship a little further. I will also highlight some of the other relationships surrounding the main cast (the 3 main teams of this story). You may have already guessed a couple of them: Turuk x Yang and Daikon x Weiss. Scarlett and Aiko are abit of the outliers here, I'll figure out what to do with them as the story progresses more. As for Scarlett, there is one option for her I think could be pretty interesting,  just have to figure out how to make it work. I think I know what I'm going to do with Aiko though. But in case you guys want something different than what I was thinking, here are some options for Scarlett's Pairing:

Mercury (Reformed/Good)

Jaune (following the original story on fanfiction.net)

Fox (Team CVFY)

Yatsuhashi (Team CVFY)

Sage (Team SSSN)

Also, here's another poll: When should Nova and his team gain access to Super Saiyan?

Volume 3: fall of Beacon

Mission in volume 3

In training with the saiyan instructors

Volume 4

That's all for now. I'll put another poll at the end of the chapter too, so enjoy!

P.S.- I don't own Dbz/Kai/DBS or Rwby and their characters.  Those are owned by Akira Toriyama/Toei Animation and Rooster Teeth/Monty Oum respectively.  I own 4 of the 6 oc's in this story and have permission to use the oc's of Tarro and Daikon from my friend ComparedDreadx.

Ruby skipped along through the streets of Vale one morning. It was the morning of her first day of training with Nova. She was excited to say the least, but she was also really nervous. Training with Nova meant that she'd be alone with him. It wasn't that weird she supposed, they were around the same age after all.

Actually,  now that she thought of it, she never really asked Nova his age. Ruby allowed her thoughts to wander, while making sure she wasn't followed.  This was something she wanted to keep secret and really surprise her teammates with. She could hardly hold in the smile at the thought of how her teammates would react to seeing how much stronger she was.

"They may be surprised, buuuuttt.... it's for the good of the team right?," Ruby asked no one in particular.

Truthfully, she was nervous about this. She'd never fought without Crescent Rose before, so this would be totally new for her. But, if it helped make her a more complete huntress, and helped to make her stronger so she could protect her teammates, She was willing to undergo any training.

"Hard to believe that it's already been a whole year since I met Nova and Turuk... So much has happened since then," Ruby said reminiscing briefly.

She was right though, Ruby was now 17 years old. A whole year older than when she started at Beacon. It seemed like time flew by so fast though, she didn't feel like a whole year had passed by already. It was a strange feeling. Shaking her head, she focused and continued on her way. It was still early morning, so she had time before any of her teammates woke up.

Ruby made her way to where they took the initiation for Beacon, Forever  Fall Forest. It was an odd place to meet, but this was where Nova said in his message to meet him. Ruby adopted a confused expression as she scratched her head at the thought.

"Oook? Nova said to meet him here. But.. where is he?," Ruby asked herself.

She was about to look around when she heard a familiar voice.

"About time you got here, I was beginning to think you'd never come," the voice said.

Ruby turned and smiled at the person the voice belonged to. It was revealed to be Nova as he descended from the sky to land in front of Ruby as she'd turned to face him.

"What's that supposed to mean?," Ruby said cutely pouting.

"I said that I would come and I did as you can see.," Ruby said still cutely pouting with her cheeks puffed like she was a little mad.

Nova scratched his cheek with his finger slightly out of embarrassment,  he never liked seeing Ruby upset... even if it was for a trivial reason.

"Right, Right, Y-you did! Please Ruby, I didn't mean it in any way to upset you," Nova said trying to assuage her.

Ruby then giggled at this confusing the dark skinned saiyan. She appreciated Nova's willingness to make it so she wasn't upset at him. It was sweet of him to do that for her. That was one of the things Ruby liked about him, Nova was so considerate of others. 

Seeing Ruby giggling and not upset anymore set Nova's mind at ease. He liked it better when Ruby was her normal, energetic, hyperactive self.

"I'm still.. going to have to get used to you flying in like you did just now," Ruby said smiling.

Nova smiled back and rubbed the back of his head with his hand. He looked around and made sure no one followed them. He then looked towards Ruby.

"I guess now's a good of a time as any to start, right?," Nova asked.

Ruby nodded in approval.  She didn't know what Nova had planned, but she was excited to learn. Nova looked towards Ruby as their eyes locked, he could tell Ruby was determined to see this through. An encouraging thought to be sure.

"Right then. Before we get started on your energy, we'll need to build up your stamina first. In other words, your physical strength.," Nova explained.

" Ok, why's my physical strength important though?," Ruby asked.

"Well Ruby, your body needs to be able to handle all the excess energy you no doubt have stored away inside you. If it isn't strong enough, your ki could litterally destroy you from the inside. Having a strong body will help you to regulate your Ki by being able to withstand the strain some techniques can put on your body," Nova explained.

Ruby shook her head in agreement, it seemed simple enough. Plus, Nova did well to explain it so she could understand it properly.  To show her an example of how Ki can harm someone if they're not physically ready for it yet, He removed the top half of his armor so only a black tank top remained.

The redhead blushed furiously at seeing this, but eventually calmed down once she saw his arms. Nova's exposed arms were littered with gashes that had turned into deep scars  all the way up to his shoulders and neck. Ruby's eyes widened upon seeing this before they softened in concern. She put her hand in front of her mouth in shock upon seeing the state of his arms.

"Nova... what.. you're arms! They're-," Ruby started saying in concern and shock before Nova interjected for her.

He chuckled slightly, albeit forced. 

"I know, not a pretty sight is it? I've had these since I was just a young faunus child. I got them due to me trying to use ki repeatedly before I was physically strong enough for it. When you have as much Ki as I did as a child, it can be very dangerous if you don't prepare your body to contain and regulate it first. If you're not careful, this... can happen," Nova said trailing off.

As he looked away, he was surprised to turn and see Ruby and run up to him and was now hugging him. She looked upset again and he thought he saw a small trail of tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

"I... I had no idea Nova... I'm sorry that you had to go through that," Ruby said looking up at him.

She ran her fingers along one of his scars as she attempted to comfort him like he had done for her so many times when she was feeling  down over the last year. Now, it was her turn to do the same thing for him. Ruby made a silent vow to herself right then and there, she was going to do whatever it took to heal the inner wounds that Nova was carrying inside of him. She would heal the wounds that'd plagued his heart.

Nova wiped away the tears in Ruby's eyes, it bothered him to see her upset or sad. For some reason, he never wanted to see her sad or have to witness her face in tears. It was strange, but Nova felt like he had to protect her. No, had to wasn't the word. He felt like... it was his duty and privilege to protect Ruby. Like he was meant to protect her, at least that's how he felt.

He coughed and cleared his throat so the two of them could get started. Ruby immediately scooched away from him to give him space, her face red for the brief seconds afterwards.

Nova then pulled out a set of training clothes for Ruby. After all, she wouldn't want to get any rips or tears in her current uniform. Nova turned and walked away for abit to allow Rubybsome privacy.

"Nova? Where are you going?," Ruby asked confused.

Nova's cheeks were red as he had to explain his reasoning to her.

"I- uh... I f-figured you'd want some privacy to change clothes. You wouldn't want to get any rips or tears in your school uniform, now would you? So I figured it was better for you to have something a little easier to move around in, while modest at the same time," Nova said blushing.

Ruby looked down at herself and her face went red as she realized what Nova was implying that she do.

"Oh... t-thank you f-for your consideration Nova. I see.. so I uhh... need to change now, huh?," She asked still red in the face while clutching her hand that held the training outfit.

"Y-You're welcome! I'll just... uhh... go over this way so you have a minute to change,"Nova said still blushing out of embarrassment. 

The Dark teen then walked away towards a grove of trees to give Ruby some privacy to change. Once Nova was out of sight and had his back turned, Ruby changed out of her School Uniform and into her training/martial arts clothes.

The whole time, she had felt that strange emotion inside of her again. There it was again... that odd feeling she only got when she was around Nova for some reason. She had to get to the bottom of this soon or else Ruby felt like her head was going to explode. There was time for that, but... first thing was first. And that was learning to get stronger with Nova's help. 

Ruby had finished changing into her training clothes, so she called for Nova to come back.

"Um.. Nova? I'm done changing, y-you can come back now," Ruby said.

Nova came back and looked Ruby up and down in approval.  Ruby was abit conscious of this so she slightly backed up when the dark teen looked at her before he spoke.

"D-Don't stare too much, okay? I-It's embarrassing," Ruby said still blushing.

Nova closed his eyes and then spoke.

"You... look good in that Ruby. You're already looking like a martial artist," Nova said.

Ruby's training outfit was a red gi with a black undershirt, a brown belt, matching red pants, black boots with crimson red trimming, and red wristbands. She felt... odd in this kind of outfit though, it wasn't anything like she was used to. And there was the fact that... these clothes were... heavy! It was like someone put giant rocks or weights inside them! She could barely stand as it was.. or so she.. thought?

Weird.. it felt like her body just suddenly adjusted to the weight for some reason. This confused her until Nova explained.

"Say Ruby..," Nova trailed off allowing Ruby to answer.

"Yeah? What is it Nova?," she asked.

"About.. how much do you think your dust weapon... Crescent Rose, weighs?," He asked.

Ruby thought about this for a moment, she realized that she never really thought of that. Because of this she could only hazard a rough guess at how much her sniper scythe weighed. She adopted a thoughtful expression as she pondered this.

"Hm... I don't really know.. maybe about uhh... 50 pounds?," Ruby replied guessing.

Nova smiled at this. If it was 50 which it was probably closer to 100 pounds, than it wasn't any surprise that Ruby's body adjusted to the weight of her new training outfit.

"Well if your dust weapon is only 50 pounds.. it's shouldn't be a surprise that you adjusted to the weighted clothing of that weight. You're used to carrying  that much weight already. But I would guess.. it's somewhere closer to 100 pounds. Or am I wrong?," Nova replied.

Ruby nervously rubbed the back of her head at this.

"N-No you're right Nova as usual," Ruby said back.

"You should be able to handle at least as much weight as your dust weapon, but... I'm willing to let you start off with something smaller. Currently your clothes are about 30 pounds or so," Nova mused.

"That's all? Seems kinda light- woah!," Ruby said stepping forward and almost falling due to the weight of her clothes finally kicking in.

Luckily, she was able to stop herself from falling, but now she was having a hard time standing. She'd underestimated the actual weight of the clothes. Nova helped to steady her as he stepped back from her.

"I figured we should start with something small so you can gradually work your way up towards heavier weight in your clothes. Now, try to attack me," Nova said to her.

Ruby was confused, but she trusted Nova and did as he instructed. Ruby tried lunging forward to punch him, but Nova was easily able to move out of the way due to her poor balance. She had a good enough form though. It needed some... work, but Ruby was farther along in her form than most would be.

"Good form, Ruby. Please don't take this the wrong way, but you're wasting most of your energy. Try staying level and shifting your weight behind your blow when you go into punch your opponent," Nova said.

Nova demonstrated this by spreading his legs wide and crouching slightly  like he was assuming a wrestling stance. He then shifted his weight into his blow as he threw a punch. Ruby felt the power behind it as a mighty gust of wind followed the motion, blowing her hair back before subsiding. The dark teen then smiled at her.

"Now, you try," Nova encouraged her as he held his hand out to catch her blow.

Ruby imitated what Nova just showed her. She widened her stance and crouched slightly. Then, she shifted her weight so her body weight was now behind her punch. She sent the punch towards Nova's hand as a loud and audible smack was heard as her fist impacted the palm of Nova's hand.  A small and powerful gust of wind resulted after the blow connected.

The teen smiled at her, Ruby was a surprisingly fast leaner. He only did that once and she'd already figured out how to adjust like he did.

"Good. See how different that was?," Nova said smiling.

Ruby looked down at her hand in surprise at this. That punch felt... different somehow.

"Remember what that felt like... it'll help you going forward," Nova told her.

Ruby nodded in understanding, the two worked on Ruby's martial arts for about another hour before they looked at their scrolls and suddenly realized what time it was.

"Um.. Nova?," Ruby asked.

He looked towards her in question.

"Yeah, what's up Ruby?," Nova asked.

"Is .. that the time?," Ruby asked.

Nova, not getting Ruby meant looked down at his scroll before his eyes widened. Ooh boy, that wasn't good. Both of them panicked as the both quickly changed into their school uniforms, completely forgetting that they were still wearing their training clothes underneath their uniforms.  Both of them comically sped off in a rush to meet up with their teams. 

"We'll pick this up later Ruby! See ya in a little bit!," Nova said as he comically zipped away.

Ruby went to say something, but it was too late. Nova was already gone. She shrugged and figured she could always ask him later before speeding off herself.


A ship flies through the skies over Vale and the camera pans down to the city streets. The owner of the Dust shop "From Dust Till Dawn" is hanging a sign declaring its re-opening. As he climbs down from his ladder, he stumbles and falls. Emerald Sustrai appears next to him.

She giggles and apologizes to the store clerk and helps him to his feet.

" 'Scuse me, sorry. I'm not really from around here. Would you mind pointing me in the direction of this shop?," she asks.

Emerald produces a piece of paper with writing on it and the shopkeep looks it over.

The shopkeep mumbles to himself as if he's seen the shop on the paper before.

"Hmm? Mm-hmm.," the shopkeep says.

Emerald walks away from the shop owner as both wave goodbye and passes Mercury Black at a corner.

" I knew you were lost.," Mercury said sighing.

Emerald seemed just as annoyed with, evidenced by her rolling her eyes and producing a wallet with Lien in it. She waves it in his face to emphasize her point.

"Mercury, I will seriously pay you to shut up.," Emerald said annoyed.

"That's not your money., " Mercury said.

"But it can be yours for 5 minutes of silence., "She said.

Mercury pondered this for a moment before answering.

"Mmmm... no deal.," Mercury said.

"Fine. ,"Emerald said sighing in frustration. 

She then took the Lien out of the wallet and tossed the wallet away from her. She the turns to walk away.

Mercury smirked asemerald passed him.

"Whatever. You want me.,"He said smugly.

That was one thing Emerald hated about him, he was so persistent when she clearly gave hints that she wasn't interested at all. But that was neither here, nor there, they had a job to do.

More of the city is shown, including a café where two extras sit chatting. Mercury and Emerald are walking through the city.

"So, how much farther?,"Mercury asked.

" A few blocks.," Emerald said in response.

That wasn't what Mercury wanted to hear, a fact that he made sure to let emerald know.

"Ugh... this place is so dull.," Mercury complained. 

Emerald shrugged at this.

"Eh, I kinda like it. Tall buildings, diverse culture...," She ranted before Mercury finished with a thought of his own.

"And nice dopey people who are easy to pickpocket.," Mercury added.

Emerald stopped and gave him a very dry look for his comeback.

"That's every city., " she said dryly.

Mercury then play acta as though he were a victim.

"Ooh, Emerald! Master thief! Please don't take my money! I barely have enough to get by!," Mercury said playing the victim. 

Emerald glares at him then angrily walks away from him after seeing this. Mercury then sighs and rubs the back of his head in exasperation.

"Ugh... you're no fun today.," he said disappointed. 

Mercury follows behind Emerald. The scene shifts to Emerald and Mercury entering a shop full of books. The shop owner can be heard humming a tune. Mercury stops near the door to look at books while Emerald approaches the counter and rings a service bell.

"Be right there!, " the shop owner said.

Emerald looks back at Mercury. The shop owner is seen through a set of double doors carrying stacks of books as he walks backwards and out toward the counter.

"Welcome to "Tukson's Book Trade", home to every book under the sun!," The shopkeeper greeted.

He then sets down the pile of books he had off screen before walking back up to the counter to resume his duties. 

"How may I...," He starts before quietly gasping and hesitating upon recognizing the two of them.

Mercury is now seen holding a book.

"How may I help you?," The shopkeeper asked hesitantly continuing.

Although the book is open, Mercury is looking at Tukson.

"Just browsing.," He said shutting his book that he was reading.

"Actually, I was wondering, do you have any copies of "The Thief and The Butcher"?," Emerald asked.

"Yes we do.," The shopkeeper asked.

Emerald excitedly thanks him.

"That's great.," Emerald said excitedly.

  Tukson hesitated, unsure of what these two would do. He answered them like he should any other customer.

"Would you... like a copy?," He asked.

"No, just wondering. ," Emerald answered.

Mercury closed another book nearby as she asked another question.

"Oh, oh! What about "Violet's Garden"? In paperback?," She asked.

"He's got it. Hardback too.," Mercury answered from a nearby bookshelf. 

"Ooh, options are nice.," emerald said back.

Mercury flipped through a book on the shelf he was looking at. To his disappointment there were no pictures in that book,so he closed it.

"Eh, no pictures. Hey! Do you have any comics?," Mercury asked.

"Near the Front.," Tukson answered.

Emerald stops Mercury from going before the atmosphere becomes suddenly more intense inside the bookstore.

"Oh, no, wait! What... about... "Third Crusade"?," she asks.

Tukson hesitates as he's visibly a little caught off guard and unnerved at this particular question.

"Um... I... ," Tukson trails off while Emerald and Mercury are seen very carefully eyeing him.

He continues.

"...don't believe we carry that one.,"Tukson nervously answers.

Mercury then slams another book shut, clearly disappointed at this.

"Oh.," Mercury says.

"Wait.. what was this place called again?,"Emerald asked.

"Tukson's Book Trade.," Tukson answered.

"And you're Tukson?," She asked eyeing him.

"That's right.,"He answered.

"So then I take it that you're the one that came up with the catchphrase?," She asked.

"Yes.," Tukson said.

"And, what was it again?," Mercury asked.

Tukson sighs before he repeats his store's slogan.

"Tukson's Book Trade, home to every book under the sun."," He said.

"Except the Third Crusade.," Mercury said offhandedly.

"It's just a catchphrase.," Tukson said.

"It's false advertising!," Mercury said offended.

"You shouldn't make a promise you can't keep, Tukson.," Emerald says as Mercury activates a switch near the entrance causing the front window to darken.

She then continues.

"I hear that you're planning on leaving. Moving all the way to Vacuo.," Emerald continues.

Mercury activates another switch and the window on the front door now darkens.

"Your brothers in the White Fang won't be happy to hear that.," Emerald said as Mercury activates the third and final switch causing the final window to darken.

He then smiles creepily at Tukson.

"And neither are we... You know who we are, don't you?," Emerald asks as she finishes explaining.

"Yes.," Tukson answered.

"And you know why we're here?," Emerald asked.

"Yes.," Tukson answered again seemingly aware of the situation he was now in.

"So... are you going to fight back?," Emerald asked.

"Yes!," Tukson says angrily.

Tukson produces claws from his fingers.

"Yaargh!," Tukson screams angrily.

Tukson leaps atop his counter in a threatening manner. Mercury and Emerald back up slightly and he leaps at Emerald and slashes at her, but she dodges. He looks forward and is surprised at Mercury as he raises one leg for a kick with his shotgun-greaves.

Mercury and Emerald exit "Tukson's Book Trade". Emerald stretches her arms overhead. Mercury is carrying a comic. She then looks at him with a raised eyebrow.

"What's with that?," She asks.

Mercury shrugs and then answers her rather "matter of factly".

" I like the pictures.," Mercury said shrugging. 

The scene then shifts to the cafeteria inside Beacon academy with Team RWBY, Team JNPR, and Team NDTSA all sitting together during lunch.

Luckily, Nova and Ruby had returned to their respective teams without anyone really catching on to the fact that they were gone for as long as they were. Still ... it was a rather close call for them all things considered.

A series of sketches and notes mark the next scene. These include the White Fang insignia, a possible picture of Adam Taurus, and Adam's rose.Team RWBY are sitting together as Blake looks over some notes. Yang then slides up next to her partner.

"What are you reading over there?," Yang asked curious. 

Blake closed the book and quickly turned it away from her so the blonde wouldn't see what she was doing.

"It's nothing! Nothing at all. Just going over notes from last semester.,"Blake quickly answered.

Yang was a little suspicious of this behavior of Blake's, but decided it was best not to press the issue any further.

Yang catches a grape in her mouth.

"Lame.," Yang said.

Nora giggles as she continues to toss grapes at Yang with her spoon. Yang catches the fruit with ease, giving Nora the thumbs up. Ruby, giving an enormous heave, slams a binder onto the table, catching everyone off guard. On the cover of the binder is written "Vytal Festival Activities, Property of Weiss Schnee". This has been hastily crossed out with a red marker pen, and with the same pen, a new title, "Best Day Ever Activities", has been written underneath.

Ruby then began her speech.

Nova inwardly chuckled and playfully rolled his eyes at this. He more or less knew what was coming next. Despite this, he and his team were smiling as they all found it very amusing.

Ruby then gestures to everyone at the table as she clears her throat and speaks.

"Sisters... friends... Weiss.," Ruby began.

"Hey!," Weiss said offscreen.

"Four score and seven minutes ago, I had a dream.," Ruby said beginning her speech.

Yang chuckled and elbowed Nova, who was sitting next to her. She caught another berry in her mouth as she commented.

"This ought to be good. Right, Nova? Turuk?," she asked grinning.

"Knowing Ruby... expect the unexpected I suppose. Think I've more or less learned that about her by now.," Nova said chuckling.

"I think we ALL have learned that about Ruby, brother.," Turuk added.

Scarlett smirked at them.

"He's not wrong you know.," Scarlett said nodding.

"I.. uhh.. I have to agree with Sis. They're right, Captain.," Aiko said.

"In any case... it certainly is never boring whenever Ruby thinks of something to do. There's never a dull moment with that one around.," Daikon said chuckling.

All 5 of them nodded in agreement at this. They were curious to see what Ruby would come up with next for them to do.

"A dream that one day, the four of us will come together, as a team, and have the most fun anyone has ever had... ever!," Ruby said excitedly.

Weiss seemed to recognize the binder Ruby laid out before them.

"Did you steal my binder?," Weiss asked.

Ruby then makes  "peace" signs with both of  her hands and smiles.

" I am not a crook.," Ruby said.

"What are you talking about?," Blake asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm talking about kicking off this semester with a bang!," Ruby said pointing her finger at Blake.

" I always kick my semesters off with a Yang! Eh? Guys? Am I right?," Yang said looking around for laughter of any sort.

She got none, only several slaps to foreheads at how just.... bad.. her attempted pun was. Nova and his team didn't say anything because they didn't want to hurt Yang's feelings by saying anything. 

"Geez, tough crowd.," Yang said.

"🤦‍♂️ That was... how do I put it in a... nicer way? Really... bad.,"Nova thought inwardly.

"😅 Should we say anything, brother?," Turuk whispered to him.

Nova looked towards Turuk and the rest of his team with a rather... unsure expression.

"I.. don't think that would be the best idea. At least, coming from us that is.," Nova said nervously.

No one argued with him after that, deciding it was best if they didn't say anything.

An apple is tossed in her direction and hits her in the face. Yang promptly glares at Nora for this action.

"Boooooooooooooooo!," Nora said offscreen.

Ruby then speaks up to move on from the terrible pun Yang attempted to make, much to Nova and his team's relief.

"Thank goodness!,"Team NDTSA thought in relief.

"Look guys, it's already been two weeks. In between more exchange students arriving in vale and the tournament at the end of the year,our second semester is going to be great! But, classes start back up tomorrow! Which is why... i've scheduled a series of wonderfully fun events for us today.,"Ruby explained.

Weiss made a face at thisand sighed.

"I.. don't know whether to be proud or scared of what you have in store for us, Ruby.," Weiss said

Daikon smirked at this before opening one eye and speaking up.

"Look at it this way, princess.. Whatever little red here has in store for us to do, it certainly won't be boring.,"Daikon said smirking.

Weiss sighed again.

"I guess you're right about that. Wait a minute! I thought i told you not to call me that?!," Weiss screeched.

"Oh? Did you? It's hard to remember you saying that. Maybe you can jog my memory abit? Hmmm?,"Daikon said obviously teasing the heiress. "What'll it be, Princess?," He teased again.

This had the desired effect as Weiss blushed madly and got in his face as the two glared at each other, a line of sparks flying in between them.

"Ugh, why you little-!," Weiss barked back angrily.

While this was going on, Yang picked up an apple and threw it back towards Nora. The orange haired girl dodges it it as it hits another student across the room. Offscreen an unfamiliar voice pipes up after being hit by the apple, much to Yang's annoyance and Nora's amusement. Nora is seen giggling, while Yang is still glaring at her.

"I don't know, think i might sit this one out.," Blake said.

Weiss then spoke up again, trying to convince Blake to join in on the fun.

"Sit out or not, I think however we spend this last day, we should do it as a team!," Weiss said to blake.

"I got it!," Nora said shouting positively offscreen.

I for one think that..," Weiss started to say but was interrupted by a pie hitting her and landing on her face.

Daikon sighed.

"Hoo boy... the princess isn't ging to be too happy about that one.," Daikon said with a nervous tear coming down the back of his head.

Sure enough, the saiyan was right. The heiress was smiling but her eyebrow was also twitching in annoyance as if she was about to explode.

Everyone was wide eyed at this, especially Nova and his team. They weren't expecting something like that to happen so they were in complete shock.

Nora is revealed to be the one who threw the pie, she of course sits down and points to Ren who has his face in his palm. Pyrrha's hand is over her mouth and Jaune is simply staring wide eyed while covering his ear with his palm.


Outside of the cafeteria, Sun and Neptune are walking together on their way to the cafeteria as Sun relays the events the took place a mere 2 weeks prior to now.

"Man.. that sounds pretty wild.. and.. harsh at the same time.," Neptune said.

"I know, right? Blake was super fast and I threw a bananna at the guy, which sounds gross, but it was awesome.

"Nice!," Neptune said giving a thumbs up.

"Blake's brothers though... they were something else! I've never seen anyone move like they did before. Especially, that Nova guy. I've never seen anyone hit that hard! It looked pretty painful too.," Sun said.

Sun continued.

" And the best part is Blake and her brothers are all Faunus. But, that part about Blake is supposed to be a secret though. Okay?," Sun said slightly pleading.

"Got it.", Neptune said.

Sun leans in close in order to stress the importance of this secret.

"And not a, "I'm gonna go tell Scarlet the second Sun turns his back secret", I'm talking secret secret.," Sun said to him.

"Whoa, chill out, man, okay? I got it. (almost whispering) I got it!," Neptune said back.

Sun looked back at him before speaking up again.

"Good. You better.," He said.

The camera angle now shows the windows into the cafeteria where food splatters into the panes as students run around. At one point, Jaune is the one splattered into the window.

Sun then goes back to the subject of the cat faunus. Neptune gained a little bit of a sly smile, he could tell that Sun really liked her.

"Huh.. you reeeeaaaalllly like this Blake girl, don't you?,"Neptune asked.

Sun froze for a second and then blushed slightly.

"Y.. Yeah I uh... I suppose so. I.. don't know! Maybe? Probably?  I just don't want to screw this up, you know? The people here are the coolest! No offense to you guys.," Sun said.

Neptune smiled at his friend.

"None taken.," he said smiling.

"They're just in here. I'm really excited for you to meet them. So be cool, okay? You're gonna be cool, right?," Sun asked motioning to the cafeteria.

"Dude.," Neptune said.

The camera pans up from Neptune's feet to his face. Neptune's teeth gleam as he smiles.

"😅 Good point.," Sun said.

Sun and Neptune enter the cafeteria where students are heard screaming.

" Food fight!," A beacon student said screaming.

Many students are shown stampeding out the door past Sun and Neptune, the latter of whom is looking quite worried.

"Umm... what the-?," Sun said as he litterally couldn't process what he was seeing in front of him and Neptune.

Neptune just stood there, slack jawed at what he was seeing take place.

Team JNPR are shown to be standing atop a tower of tables stacked in a ramshackle manner. Nora then bellowed in a sing song manner.

" I'm queen of the castle! I'm queen of the castle!," Nora said in a little song song tone.

Ruby stomps her foot onto a table and pointing her finger at team JNPR, Scarlett,  and Daikon on the other side of the room.

"Justice will be swift! Justice will be painful! (Ruby crushes a carton of milk in her hand.) It will be delicious!

The camera then zips to the other side of the room where Team RWBY, along with Nova, Turuk, and Aiko raise their fists in agreement.

"Yeah!," the teens of Ruby's side of the room said.

The view then zips back to Nora, as she and the teens on her side prepare for battle.

"Off with their heads!," Nora said.

She then jumps down from the top of her tower and food fight begins.

"Yang, Nova, Turuk.. Turkey!," Ruby said pointing the turkeys on the floor.

"On it!," the three of them said simultaneously. 

Yang rolls over to the turkeys and sticks her fists inside them, proceeding to block and punch the melons as they speed toward her. Nova joins Yang in a frontal, two pronged assault as he also follows Yang's example.

Daikon and Scarlett had the same idea , however, and also grabbed some turkeys to fight with. The pairs of saiyan duos sped towards each other.

After some fighting, Nora knocks Weiss into a pillar. The impact knocks her out and Ruby holds her in her arms as the pillar collapses around them.

She cradles Weiss while the heiress is unconscious.

"Weiss, Weiss! Don't leave me! Nooo!," Ruby cries in mock sadness.

Aiko then comes rushing in, but then has to avoid Pyrrha for abit as she grabs a pair of baguettes. Aiko grabs a spare and is twirling it around like a spear as she fights Pyrrha. 

"Umm... how does that bread not break?!," Sun wondered.

Neptune just shrugs as the two then turn their attention back to the food fight.

Nova and Scarlett are seen trading fierce blows with their "turkey" gauntlets, while Daikon and Turuk are battling it out with condiment bottles.. having since abandoned the turkeys.

Off to the side, Ren is battling Blake briefly before being knocked away by chain of sausages. Jaune is knocked back by Aiko, who after defeating Pyrrha in their... ahem.. "baguette" battle flings hers at him to knock him away. She's about to attack Nora when , the orange haired girl picks up a pole and stabs it into a spare watermelon. She swings it towards the crimson haired faunus, only for Yang to take the hit instead and be sent flying through the roof.

Aiko then gives an expression of mock anger as she grabs a spare sausage chain and yanks Nora towards her. She then then ditched  the sausage and used Nora's own melon hammer against her, sending her flying back.

Meanwhile the it was getting slippery near the fight with the four saiyans. Unfortunately and comically, Turuk lost his balance and slid right into Daikon, who was sent flying right into

Scarlett. Both went flying to their other "teammates" and Turuk swore he head the sound of bowling pins after the hilarious collision. 

He got up and used his hand to flick off the ketchup and mustard that was on his face.

"Remind me next time, never to have a condiment battle with Daikon..," He told Nova.

Nova couldn't help but to snicker at this before replying.

"Noted.," he managed to say with a straight face.

Seeing the chaos around her, Ruby then grabbed a spare lunch tray and looked towards Pyrrha.  The ginger gladiator used her semblance after being knocked into a soda machine to throw all of the soda cans and metal food related items at the other side.

Seeing this, she looked to Nova. He smirked before powering up and giving the redhead a little shove with a kiai wave. Ruby took over after that, using her semblance of speed to create a twister of soda cans and condiments behind her. She sped up, hit the wall, then jumped out of the way just before the others were slammed into the wall in a hilarious display of food and color. The other teens slide off the wall, leaving only their outlines.

Ruby then slid in front of he side on the floor with a peace sign.

"Victory!," she said with a smile.

She got up and smiled at Nova.

He smirked at her as they fist bumped.

"Nice work there, Ruby.," Nova said.

"You too, Nova san.," She said smiling.

Sun smiled at this too, commenting on the food fight.

" I love these guys.," Sun said.

The camera pans right to show that Neptune is drenched with soda and is not pleased. The doors behind them open and Glynda enters the room growling. She proceeds to use telekinesis to re-organize the room.

"Children, please. (The camera zooms in on her face as she adjusts her glasses.) Do not play with your food!," Glynda said angered.

Nora burps aloud as Teams RWBY, JNPR, and NDTSA try and fail to compose themselves. A screaming Yang then crashes from the ceiling into one of the tables. Glynda grumbles. Ozpin approaches and places a hand on her shoulder.

"Let it go.," Ozpin calmly says.

Glynda sighs before she replies.

"They're supposed to be the defenders of the world.," Glynda said slightly grumbling.

"And they will be, but right now they're still children. (Team RWBY, Team NDTSA,  and Team JNPR are shown laughing together.) So why not let them play the part?," Ozpin said sagely.

Ozpin walks away from Glynda

" After all, it isn't a role they'll have forever.," He said.

Glynda sighed again. What was she to do with these kids? Sala and Rhubar, who had come with her and Ozpin looked on at the scene. They were glad their sons were able to make such wonderful friends, it made them proud. They turned to leave with Glynda as they chuckled about it.

"You have to admit Glynda, that was.. rather entertaining and.. *snort* quite funny.," Rhubar said trying to hold in his laughter as they left.

Sala smiled at Rhubar before playfully hitting him on the arm.

"Dear, it is quite rude to snort about such things.," Sala said before continuing. "But you are right. That was quite funny. I have never seen food be used in such a manner before.," Sala said chuckling.

Glynda sighed in defeat before cracking a smile and chuckling along with her the couple. They were right. Despite her crack down demeanor, she thought the "food fight" was quite amusing to watch.


In an old warehouse, the White Fang are moving crates as Emerald and Mercury enter. Roman turns and approaches the two from behind.

"Oh, look! She sent the kids again! This is turning out just like the divorce!," The crook said wrapping his arms around them in a group hug.

Just the thought of Roman doing something like that makes Emerald shiver in disgust.

"Spare us the thought of you procreating.," Emerald said in disgust.

Emerald and Mercury pull away from Roman after this.

"That was a joke. And this... just might tell me where you two have been all day.," Roman replied producing a piece of paper.

"What!? Agh...," Emerald said her eyes widening before gritting her teeth.

"I'm a professional, sweetheart. Pay attention, maybe you'll learn something. Now tell me, why do you have this address?," He said holding up the piece of paper. 

"Wouldn't you like to know?," Emerald said snarkily.

"Yeah, I would. Now where have you been all day?," he asked.

Emerald looked to Mercury, but he never answered. She shouted, getting his attention.

"Mercury!," Emerald said snapping hom out of his thoughts.

"Huh?," he asked.

"The crook wants to know where we were today.," Emerald said.

"Oh, right. We were cleaning up one of your  messes.," Mercury said.

" I had that under control.," Roman said only for Mercury to come back with an immediate response.

"Two packed bags and a ticket out of Vale said otherwise.," Mercury said.

Roman gritted his teeth and stormed up to the boy.

" Listen, you little punk. If it were up to me, then I would take you and your little street rat friend here and...," He said before a voice from above him interrupted his thought.

"Do what, Roman?," the voice asked.

The voice was revealed to be Cinder on a platform above them. She steps onto an automated lift and rides in down to their level.

Roman nervously laughs before answering.

" I'd, uh... not kill them?," he said nervously.

Emerald sees Cinder and excitedly goes to greet her.

"Cinder!," Emerald said excitedly.

"I thought I made it clear that you would eliminate the would-be runaway.," she said.

Roman mumbled underneath his breath, while responding.

"I was going to.," he said.

" He was going to escape to Vacuo! Mercury and I decided to take it upon ourselves to kill the rat.," Emerald said.

"I.. think he was a some sort if cat actually.," Mercury said.

"What? Like a puma?," Emerald asked.

"Yeah, there ya go.," Mercury said.

"Quiet. Did I not specifically instruct you two to keep your hands clean while in Vale?," Cinder said sternly.

As Cinder speaks, Roman points a finger at the pair while laughing in agreement.

"  I just thought..., "Emerald said trailing off.

Roman uses his fingers to mime having a slit throat.

"Don't think... obey.," Cinder said.

Emerald apologetically replies.

"Yes ma'am. It won't happen again.,"Emerald replied.

She then turns to Roman.

While Cinder and Roman were discussing things, Emerald noticed Mercury looking off into space again. It was like he was preoccupied with something... but what?

"Hey. Hey!," Emerald said gaining his attention. 

Mercury snapped out of his thoughts and looked at Emerald. He smacked his head as he realized, he'd done it again.. he zoned out.

"Mercury,  are... you sure you're okay?," Emerald asked.

"Y-Yeah. I'm... fine... just got some stuff on my mind is all.," He answered.

Emerald shrugged and walked over to Cinder, leaving Mercury to his thoughts again.

He wasn't what was wrong with him.  Ever since they got back, he'd been.. having... thoughts.. memories of his life before meeting Cinder. As he thought further, whenever it came to one particular memory, his head would start throbbing. Almost as if he nearly remembered something but, couldn't go through with it due to his head hurting.

A flash of red hair and a girl's voice sounded in his head before, he felt like his head was going to split.

*in head*

The view was of his house surrounded by green grass and the sun was shining.

"Merc.. let's make a promise!," the girl's voice would say.

"Okay! What is it?," the young mercury would say.

"Let's promise, that we-," the voice faded before Mercury was in pain again.

It felt like his head could split open. But when he heard his name called, the headache stopped.

"Mercury! Mercury!," Emerald called to him.

"Huh, yeah?," Mercury asked.

"Come on.," Emerald said.

Mercury then got up and walked after Cinder and Emerald. The only part he heard of the conversation between Cinder and Roman was that they were moving onto phase 2 of the plan.

He was sweating, but didn't show it. One things was for sure though, he couldn't go on with these awful headaches. He had to get to the bottom of what was behind these dreams he was having, and fast. Otherwise, he doubted that he'd be of much help. The scene then fades to black.

To be continued...


Hey guys, hope you enjoyed the chapter! So I figured we'd go in abit.. of a different direction with Mercury. And yes, he is going to be good this time. Him and Emerald are just doing the ol' switcheroo of roles! Meaning Mercury turns good, while Emerald stays Evil.

Obviously from the flashback in his head, you guys may be able to more or less tell who the girl in his memories is. But for the plot's sake,  I won't spoil it. I just have to come up with a way to have Mercury turn good. Let's just say his turn into a good guy or hero will be gradual, not immediate.  There's a certain interaction in the future that will speed along his turncoat transformation from villain to hero.

Anyways that's all for now. Until next time!

Next time: Chapter 9- Welcome To Beacon; Confrontation with the past.