
Legend Of The Remnant Saiyans

Back when Freeza decided to exterminate the saiyans and planet vegeta, another pair of Saiyans survived. How would remnant be different if 2 Saiyan siblings were sent off world at the time of Bardock's revolt against the tyrant and somehow ended up in the world of Rwby with their parents? Would certain events be different or.. would they stay the same? This is the story of how saiyans can literally change the fates of an entirely different reality and the consequences that come with interdimensional beings. DBS Broly like OC x Ruby, OC x Yang/Weiss.

Novaflame6_Badal · อื่นๆ
24 Chs

Chapter 7: Black & White

Hi everyone Novaflame6_Badal here again! Hopefully you enjoyed last chapter. This chapter will have some fighting scenes in it (finally!), so I will do best with describing them lol.

The events of a certain event in volume 2 will have to change now since there's been a little wrinkle thrown into the story that I wasn't anticipating. It mainly concerns Scarlett's character, but I'll figure it out. Decided to add a little cute embarrassed moment between Nova and Ruby last chapter (since they are the main pairing of this story).

Here's a quick poll and feel free- in fact, I strongly encourage you guys to vote on it:

Who should Scarlett end up with?

A. Mercury

B. Sage

C. Yatsuhashi

D. Oscar

E. Other (write in character)

That's mainly it for now, onto the story!

Chapter 6- Black & White

Blake and Sun are seen at the balcony cafe where they were last seen talking after drinking some tea. Sun is the first to speak up between the two.

"Finally, she speaks! Nearly two days and you've given me nothing but small talk and weird looks!" (Blake gives Sun a firm look) "Yeah, like that.", Sun said relieved.

Blake then rolls her eyes before closing them and giving Sun a sad look before speaking again.

"Sun... Are you familiar with the White Fang?", she asked trailing off.

Sun then slightly scowls as he speaks in response to Blake's question.

"Of course! I don't think there's a Faunus on the planet who hasn't heard of them. Stupid, holier-than-thou creeps that use force to get whatever they want. Bunch of freaks, if you ask me!", Sun said slightly angered.

Blake just took a sip of her tea as she mentally prepares herself for the big reveal.

"Listen Sun... There's only 4 people who know this about me.. so I'd appreciate it if you kept it a secret," Blake said cryptically.

Sun raised an eyebrow in confusion at this, but decided to listen anyways.

"Ooook? I can do that.," Sun said.

A relieved look crossed over Blake's facial features for a moment before she steeled herself for what she was about to say.

" I was once a member of the White Fang.", Blake revealed.

Sun involuntarily spits out his drink in shock after hearing this. He puts a hand on his face while taking a minute after setting his tea down to process that information. He also quickly wipes his mouth while composing himself.

" Wait a minute, you were a member of the White Fang?!", Sun asks still in shock.

Blake sighs lightly, that was about the type of reaction she was expecting from someone.

"That's right. I was a member for most of my life, actually. You could almost say I was born into it...", Blake said as she begins to explain her previous role and experiences with the white fang.

A quick flash back of a simple silhouetted flashback of fallen weapons plunged into the ground - swords, guns, any number of combinations.

Blake then continues to explain as the scene plays out in the background of her talking.

" Back then, things were different. In the ashes of war, the White Fang was meant to be a symbol of peace and unity between Humans and the Faunus.", Blake said in explanation before continuing.

The audience is shown the dark outlines of two trios - animal-eared and tailed Faunus on one side, regular Humans on the other - shaking hands and making peace after their struggle. This does not last long, as seen by a white Faunus cowering in fear of the gray-and-black aggressors harassing the hybrid. Later, more Faunus are pushing the crowd away from their bullied brethren.

"Of course, despite being promised equality, the Faunus were subjected to discrimination and hate. Humanity still thought of us as lesser beings. And so, the White Fang rose up as a voice of our people. And I was there.",Blake continued.

Silhouettes of Faunus protestors are revealed, and emerging from the shadows is a young girl with dark hair and cat ears. This revealed to be a younger Blake at the time.

"I was at the front of every rally. I took part in every boycott. I actually thought we were making a difference. But I was just a youthful optimist.", she said sadly.

Cutting from the child version of Blake, the blue flag of a white wolf with sad eyes and a circle behind its head is lowered, and raised in its stead is a red monster with three bloody scratches and teeth bared at the world.

"Then, five years ago, our leader stepped down, and a new one took his place. A new leader, with a new way of thinking.", Blake continued to explain.

A quick series of images are shown Faunus replacing their picket signs with axes and blades, windows being broken, thieves leaping on trains to steal their cargo.

She looked down as she continued to explain, remembering what happened.

"Suddenly, our peaceful protests were being replaced with organized attacks. We were setting fire to shops that refused to serve us, hijacking cargo from companies that used Faunus labor. And the worst part was, it was working. We were being treated like equals. But not out of respect... out of fear.", Blake said sadly remembering what happened next.

The flashback shows one more image of three Faunus individuals standing in a dominating manner with malicious grins until Blake puts down her teacup in front of a stunned Sun.

" So, I left. I decided I no longer wanted to use my skills to aid in their violence, and instead, I would dedicate my life to becoming a Huntress. So here I am: a criminal hiding in plain view, all with the help of a little black bow.", she said finishing her story(she wiggles her cat ears beneath the fashionable disguise to demonstrate).

Sun was still somewhat in shock at Blake's big reveal, but eventually was coming to terms with it. He then asked something that was hard for him to say, but it needed to be said.

" So... have you told your friends any of this?", He asked curious.

Blake offers up a small response to this.

"I... believe the only ones who know of this are my brothers," she said hesitantly.

Sun raised an eyebrow at this. He didn't know she had siblings, that was a surprise.

"Your... brothers?," he asked confused.

She nodded.

"Yeah. We're not.. blood related or anything like that. They're... adopted, but they're still my younger brothers. And.. I love both of them dearly like I do my parents.," Blake said.

Sun understood that, but there was still one thing bothering him. The question he asked previously, it was like she had avoided answering it.

"That's nice Blake, but... do YOUR FRIENDS know about this?," Sun asked.

Blake didn't answer and just simply looked down in shame.

The scene then cuts to Ruby, Nova, Yang, Turuk, Weiss, Daikon, Scarlett, and Aiko walking through the streets in Vale and calling out for Blake in vain.

" Blaaaake!", Ruby shouted.

"Blaaaake!", Yang also calls out.

"Big sister!," Turuk calls out.

" Blaaaake! Where are you sis?!," Nova calls.

"Blaaaake! Where are you?!," Daikon also calls out.

"Yo! Blaaaake!," Scarlett calls out.

"Um... Blaaaake! Can you hear us?," Aiko calls out as well.

Ruby continues to scream, calling out for her missing teammate.

" Blaaaaaaaake! Where aaaare yoooouuuu!?", Ruby yelled again.

"Blake!", Yang calls out again.

Ruby then turns to Weiss and sees that she isn't helping.

"Weiiiiss, you're not helping!", Ruby said puffing her cheeks and slightly pouting.

"Oh! You know what might be able to help? The police!", Weiss said.

Ruby crosses her arms in irritation at this.

" Ugh, Weiss...", Ruby said irritated.

Nova slightly glares at the shnee as well.

"Really Weiss? That's not helping 😑, "Nova replied.

"It was just an idea!", Weiss said defensively.

"Weiss... we talked about this.," Daikon said dangerously.

Weiss started sweating nervously. She knew he was right, but she was right too. But before she or Daikon could say anything else, they heard a new voice from behind them. It was revealed to be Penny.

"And I think Weiss' hair looks wonderful today!", Penny said cheerfully.

Ruby, Weiss, and Yang all jumped in surprise at penny suddenly being there.

"Aaaah! Penny! Where did you come from!?", Ruby said in surprise.

The girls looked towards Nova and his teammates in question.

"Don't look at me, I didn't even notice her until just now," Nova said raising his hands in defense.

They looked to Turuk who said the same thing.. almost.

"Same here," Turuk said.

"I didn't notice her until now either," Daikon said.

"I sure didn't notice her until you three did," Scarlett said.

"Um... I- I'm sorry. I failed to noticed Penny behind you as well until just now," Aiko stammered.

Penny of course ignored the question Ruby asked her and smiled at them.

"Hey guys! What are you up to?", Penny asked cheerfully.

Ruby wasn't sure how to answer that as evident by her hesitation to answer.

" Uhh...", Ruby said nervously.

Yang took over to save her sister the embarrassment of trying to explain their predicament.

" We're looking for our friend Blake.",Yang said.

"Ooooh, you mean the Faunus girl!", Penny said.

Nova gave penny somewhat of a curious look.

"Wait a sec.. Penny, how do you know if me and Nova's sister is a faunus?," Turuk asked convincingly faking that he knew nothing about her being a Faunus.

Ruby agreed with Turuk, not knowing him and Nova already knew Blake was a faunus.

"Wait, how did you know that?", Ruby asked.

Weiss and Yang said nothing for now and only eyed Nova and Turuk suspiciously. They obviously knew Blake was a Faunus, but were faking that they knew nothing about it.

Penny pointed above her head to illustrate her point.

"Uhh, the cat ears?", Penny said.

Yang laughed a for a minute until it dawned on her that penny may have been right.

"What cat ears? She wears a... boooohhh...", Yang laughed before realizing that penny was right.

The realization leaves them in silence as a tumbleweed blows through in the wind. It only now made sense to Ruby, Yang, and Weiss. Ruby decided to whisper in an effort to make it less awkward.

" She does like tuna a lot...", Ruby said in a whisper.

"So, where is she?", Penny asks.

Ruby shrugged her shoulder in discouragement.

"We don't know. She's been missing since Friday.", Ruby said Disheartened.

Penny gasps at this revelation.

"That's terrible!" (approaching an uncomfortable Ruby) "Well, don't you worry Ruby, my friend! I won't rest until we find your teammate!", Penny said.

Ruby does her best to keep smiling as she speaks up again.

"Uh, that's really nice of you, Penny, but we're okay! Really! Right, guys?", Ruby said.

"Uh... guys?," Ruby asks turning to look towards the other teens.

She is met with only their blinking outlines as it seems like Turuk and Daikon went with Yang and Weiss, while Scarlett and Aiko went off on their own to go search for Blake.

Nova just smacks his forehead and sweat drops at this.

"🤦‍♂️ Of course they wouldn't stick around after.... that. Well.. whatever, guess I'll help Ruby and her.... friend, Penny, here, " Nova thought to himself.

Ruby looks to Nova to see the look on his face.

"Are... you okay, Nova?," She asks.

"💢😅 Yes.. I'm fine Ruby. I'll help you two look for Blake," He said.

A tumbleweed blows past them again in the quiet. This prompts a response from the strange girl.

" It sure is windy today!", Penny says cheerfully.

All Nova can do is smack his forehead at this. Just what did he get himself into by staying behind?

"🤦‍♂️ What did I get myself into?," He thought.

Sun and Blake are then seen walking down an alley. Sun has his hands folded behind his head as they are walking.

"So, what's the plan now?", He asks.

Blake is still contemplating what to do in her head as she responds.

"I still don't believe the White Fang is behind these robberies. They've never needed that much Dust before.", She reasoned.

This caused Sun to widen his eyes in concern.

"What if they did?", he asked.

He then lowers his arms and begins to pace in front of Blake as he continues on with his theory.

"I mean... the only way to prove that they didn't do it, is to go to the place where they would most likely go to if they were to do it, and not find them there! Right?", Sun reasoned.

Blake thought about that for a moment, there was just one teensy tiny problem with that...

"The only thing is, I've no idea where that would be.", Blake admitted reluctantly.

Sun smiled. He could help with that problem because he may have overheard where the white Fang may strike next.

" Well, while I was on the ship, I heard some guys talking about offloading a huge shipment of Dust coming in from Atlas.", Sun said.

Blake looked at him in question.

" How huge?", she asked.

Sun shrugged but still answered her question. He motioned with his hands to give her somewhat of an idea of what to expect.

" Huge. Big Schnee Company freighter.", Sun said motioning the size with his hands.

She looked at him like she didn't believe him at first.

"You're sure?", she asked still skeptical.

Sun nodded.

Blake shrugged. Though, it was only a rumor, it may be worth checking into.

"Alright, fine. Lead the way," Blake said.

Sun nodded and the two of them left to head towards the docks.

The scene then switches to Yang coming out of a shop in another part of downtown Vale. She waves to the person inside the shop as she exits the store with Weiss.

"Thanks anyways!" (sighs) "This is hopeless." (at Weiss when she looks around nonchalantly)

Turuk walks forward with Daikon leaning against a pole just outside of the shop.

"No luck here either, huh?," Turuk asked.

Yang shook her head in frustration.

"Nah, nothing. I wonder where she could be?," Yang said. You really don't care if we find her, do you?", Yang said to Weiss.

Daikon said nothing, but he knew what Weiss was probably thinking. He could push her in the right direction, but it was ultimately Weiss's decision if she was willing to accept Blake or not. There was only so much he could do and Turuk seemed to also share the same opinion. It was like the two of them came to a sort of silent agreement. They were just there to help find Blake and support the girls efforts in doing so.

"Don't be stupid; of course I do. I'm just afraid of what she'll say when we find her." (walks forward, calling over her shoulder:) "The innocent never run, Yang!", Weiss said unsure of what to think now.

Yang looked down in thought as Turuk placed a hand on her shoulder. The blonde looked at him confused.

"Try not to be too hard on Weiss, Yang. She's... dealing with it in her own way. Or rather... she's dealing with her own personal feelings on the matter of Blake being a Faunus," Turuk said.

Yang sighed, she supposed that made sense. There was one thing that still bothered her though, and it concerned Turuk and the other 4 saiyans in their circle of friends. They didn't even seem the least bit surprised when it was revealed that Blake was a faunus. That could only mean... they knew the whole time and didn't bother to say anything!

Turuk saw Yang staring at him intently, he knew something was up. No.. he knew what that look meant.

"What is it you want to know, Yang? I can tell by that look you're giving me that you want to ask me something," Turuk said.

Yang was surprised. She thought it'd take longer for him to figure it out.

"Okay, level with me Turuk. You knew Blake was a faunus the whole time, didn't you?," Yang asked.

"Heh, yeah ya caught me Yang. Of course I knew, she's my sister," Turuk answered her.

"You also knew she was part of the white Fang at one point too, right?," Yang asked.

Turuk noticeably stiffened at this, but managed to answer the blonde.

"That... is something I'm not at liberty to tell you. That is something which I feel that she should tell in her own time. I hope you understand Yang," Turuk answered.

"I see... Thank you for telling me. This clears up some things," Yang said.

Turuk smirked back at her.

"Sure, any time Yang," Turuk replied.

The 4 then continued on their way to look for Blake.

The scene then switches back to Ruby, Penny, and Nova as they continue to look for Blake while chatting.

"So, Blake is your friend?", Penny asked.

Ruby sighs as they continue down the sidewalk.

"Yes, Penny.", She answers.

"But you're mad at her?", Penny asks confused.

Ruby answers her , still a little discouraged about the whole situation.

"Yes. Well, I'm not. Weiss is.", Ruby answers honestly.

"Is she friends with Blake?", Penny asked.

Ruby shrugs as she makes it known that she doesn't know.

"Well, that's kind of up in the air right now...", Ruby said unsure.

Penny seemed confused by this, so Nova decided to help Ruby out in explaining things.

"We don't know yet Penny. We'd like to think they're friends, but none of us are quite sure yet due to what's happened over the last few days.," Nova answered.

Penny was still contemplating this and was still a little confused.

"But why?", Penny asked.

Ruby sighed again. Penny sure had ALOT of questions. She didn't want to be rude, but... man, did she ever ask questions alot!

"Well, you see, Blake might not be who we thought she was...", Ruby answered.

Penny gained a shocked look on her face at this.

"Is she a man?", Penny asked gasping.

Nova just slapped his hand against his forehead at this.

"🤦‍♂️ why am I here for this?," he wondered.

Nova felt like he lost a few brain cells just from that interaction between Ruby and Penny.

Ruby continued her conversation with penny while Nova was wondering why he was still there.

"No! No, Penny. She's..." (stops and sighs, looking at Penny as she talks now) "I don't know what she is. She didn't exactly talk to us before she decided to run off.", Ruby replied.

" I don't have a lot of friends, but if I did, I would want them to talk to me about things.", Penny said.

This caused Ruby to look down sadly as they continued walking.

" Me too...",Ruby said solemnly.

Just then, Nova puts a hand on her shoulder and smiles at her.

"Now that's just nonsense Ruby, and you know it. You have lots of friends, myself included. But even if you feel like no one else is your friend... At the very least, you have me. I'll always believe in you and be there to support you, whenever I'm able to,"Nova said.

Ruby's eyes widened at this.

"Nova...," Ruby said in awe of what he said.

Penny smiled at this. She may have been not normal, but she could tell that there was a very special bond between Ruby and Nova that had been formed.

"Yes! I agree with Nova. Ruby you do have lots of friends, you may not realize it yet.

"Thanks, Penny... A-and thank you too, N-Nova," She said as they continued walking down the street to searc for clues on where Blake may be.

Timeskip- nightfall: Beacon Docks

Amidst the chirping of crickets and darkness of night, Blake lays flat on her stomach on the rooftop overlooking the shipment of Schnee Dust containers.

While blake was lying there in waiting for the white Fang to show up, Sun had snuck off to grab a snack. He was just returning right then.

" Did I miss anything?", Sun asked.

Blake looks up to see Sun drop down to her right and crouch down next to her.

"Not really. They've offloaded the crates from the boat. Now they're just sitting there.", Blake said.

" Cool." (holds out one of the green apples in his arms) "I stole you some food!", Sun said a little too cheerfully.

Blake deadpanned and gave him a very dry look when she saw him with stolen food.

"Do you always break the law without giving a second thought?", She questioned.

"Hey, weren't you in a cult or something?", He defensively offered.

Blake gives him an angry glare for that comment. This causes him to stick up his hands in mock surrender.

"Okay, too soon!", Sun says apologetically.

Just as he says this, the winds blows all around them, and they look up to see a Bullhead's searchlights flashing around for a landing spot, descending in the middle of the cargo containers and extending a ramp for a black hooded individual with a metallic fanged mask to come out of.

"Oh no...", Blake said worried.

"Is that them?", Sun asked.

Blake nodded, but didn't want to believe it. Yet... here was the truth right before her eyes, so she can't even deny it at this point.

Blake stares at the bloody wolf on the back of the man's outfit. She clenches her fists and grits her teeth at this.

"Yes... It's them.", Blake said.

"All right, grab the tow cables!", The white Fang soldier said motioning with his rifle to his buddies.

"You really didn't think they were behind it, did you?", Sun asked.

Blake shook her head in response to this.

"No. I think deep down I knew. I just didn't want to be right.", Blake said sadly (she closes her eyes in despair, only to open them suddenly when she hears a new voice).

"Hey! What's the holdup!?", Roman screamed impatient.

The soldiers look up at Roman gesturing widely and coming down the ramp. It's then that he sees what the problem is... they have witnesses.

"We're not exactly the most inconspicuous bunch of thieves at the moment, so why don't you animals try to pick up the pace?", Roman said.

Blake seemed to ponder something before taking action.

"This isn't right. The White Fang would never work with a Human. Especially not one like that.", Blake thought confused.

There had to be some reason why the White Fang were working with a criminal like this one. She then stands up and unsheathes the katana of Gambol Shroud before walking off the edge of the roof.

This sets off alarms in Sun's head as he tries to dissuade Blake from going through with whatever it looked like she was doing.

"Hey, what are you doing?!", Sun said alarmed.

Blake falls to the ground in a crouch, then continues on to hide behind one of the containers, peeking around the corner to see Roman berate a White Fang member holding a coil of rope.

"No, you idiot! This isn't a leash!", Roman berates one of the men. (as he's looking around, Blake suddenly appears behind him with her blade at his throat) "What the- Oh, for f-", he started but was cut off (rolls his eyes when he's cut off by Blake mid-swear).

" Nobody move!", Blake said showing them she had her blade to Roman's throat.

The White Fang soldiers ready their guns and equip their swords in response.

"Whoa! Take it easy there, little lady.", Roman said.

As the White Fang closes in on her, Blake uses her free hand to go for her bow and remove it, causing the ribbon to fall away as her Faunus ears are shown to the world.

"Brothers of the White Fang! Why are you aiding this scum?", She asked.

The White Fang members lower their weapons a little at this development, unsure of what to do, when Roman laughs.

" Oh, kid, didn't you get the memo?", Roman asked chuckling.

Blake raised an eyebrow at this in confusion.

"What are you talking about?", Blake asks.

" The White Fang and I are going in on a joint business venture together!", the crook said.

"Tell me what it is or I'll put an end to your little operation.", Blake scowled as she threatened him.

Roman just smirked and chuckled at this, she had no idea.

Suddenly, the air is filled with more turbines blowing the wind wildly around the holdup.

"I wouldn't exactly call it a little operation...", Roman said looking up.

Two more Bullheads are hovering above the heist, and as Blake watches in horror, Roman smiles and manages to fire his cane at Blake's feet, resulting in a large explosion.

Nearby, Ruby, Nova, and Penny all turn upon hearing the noise. They see the smoke rise from the docking bay, just a few buildings away. Ruby had a very bad feeling about this.

"Oh, no...", Ruby said worried.

Nova seemed to think the same thing Ruby was as he nodded at Ruby after coming to an unspoken agreement with her. Nova, Ruby, and Penny then took off towards the docking bay to see what the trouble was.

Blake, dazed but relatively unhurt on the ground, quickly rolls and runs out of the way of Roman's continued attacks, flaming missiles destroying cargo behind her as she flips and uses her semblance to dodge then retreats behind more containers.

Roman then approaches slowly while looking for Blake.

"Here, kitty, kitty, kitty...",Roman called

His taunt is interrupted when a banana peel lands on his head, causing him to toss it aside then look up and growl at the assailant eyes widening.

"Woohoo!", Sun says.

Sun leaps from the container above Roman and drops down on the criminal's face feet-first, rolling up and readying himself to fight. He gets into a stance before speaking.

" Leave her alone!", Sun said defending Blake.

The Bullheads open to let more White Fang members descend on the scene, standing by Roman as he gets up and surrounding Sun.

"You are not the brightest banana in the bunch, are you, kid?", Roman says taunting him abit.

With that said, the White Fang charge at the monkey Faunus, but he manages to dodge slashes and get some of the soldiers with his fists and kicks until he rolls out of the way of one's sword.

"Haha!", Sun said laughing.

Pulling out a collapsible red staff. He quickly uses this to beat down on each opponent that nears him, felling each one in a single flaming blow when he twirls it around, even creating a scorching shockwave to beat the last of them.

Blake peers around the corner of the container to watch Sun jump around and beat another White Fang soldier, landing on his back and causing him to fly over toward Roman's head. The crook ducks then growls in annoyance and aims his cane at Sun, firing a shot that he defends himself from just when Blake leaps into the action.

"He's mine!", Blake said.

Blake goes in close and becomes a blur of afterimages as she slashes both blades at Roman, who backs away and deflects each would-be blow with his cane at unbelievable speeds. Blake continues to dash, hop over, and slide around Roman to try and find a weak spot. Finally landing a blow after using her Semblance but he quickly recovers, deflecting several more attacks before attempting to punch her in the face. Only to hit a clone as she flips away. The two clash weapons again, then Torchwick jabs her in the side. He's able to land a few more hits before one hit to the head makes her go down.

"Hahaha!," The crook laughs as he approached Blake to make sure she was down.

Before he could though, he felt an unbearable pain as there was suddenly a foot planted against the side of his face that sent him flying. The crook dug his heels into the ground as he skidded to a stop just a few feet away. He got angry and looked towards the person who so rudely kicked him in the face.

" I see someone needs to be taught a le...sson?," Roman said as he stopped short due to the glare he was receiving from the guilty party.

It was revealed to be a certain dark teen with a black monkey's tail and strange armor. He was glaring at Roman and had a dangerous aura flaring up around him. Blake looked up and her eyes widened upon seeing who it was that rescued her.

"Are you alright Sis?," The teen asked.

Blake instantly recognized who it was upon hearing that term. It was her brother, Nova!

"What the-? Nova? What are you doing here?," Blake asked confused.

He sighed, closing his eyes before opening them and speaking again.

"Looking for you, silly. Why else would I be here? You really had all of us worried, you know. Especially, Ruby and Yang..... Weiss too, though it may not have looked like it, " Nova said.

Blake lowered her head at this. She was ashamed, she'd worried not only her own team, but now her brothers had to get involved in looking for her. But she could worry about that later, she needed to warn Nova about Roman.

"Nova, wait!," she called to him.

He turned and looked towards Blake, his eyebrow raised in confusion.

"That guy.. he's working with the white Fang! Be careful. He's not very strong physically, but he makes up for it with numbers around him," Blake said warning him.

" Thanks for the warning sis, but I know what I'm doing. Time this crook was behind bars!," He said grinning.

That wasn't a good sign, that meant Nova wasn't playing around this time. He was serious about roughing him the crook up abit. He cracked his knuckles in anticipation.

" Don't think you're getting away this time you little orange haired carrot!," Nova said grinning.

Roman was becoming really nervous for some reason. He didn't know why though.... But there was just something about this kid that wasn't normal. Nova continues to walk towards Roman, glaring at him as his aura flares to life around him. The crook crawls back in an attempt to get away from the dark teen, while pointing the nozzle of his cane towards Nova's face.

"St-Stay back! I'm warning you!," Roman said nervously.

Nova kept walking towards him with a scowl on his face.

"D-Don't come any closer you hear?!," Roman said now sounding a little desperate.

Nova just kept walking towards him. What Roman said next next, he'd instantly regret.

"Stay away, filthy monkey!," Roman said.

Nova stopped as his hair shadowed his eyes for a second before he glared angrily at the crook.

Blake couldn't believe what Roman just called her brother, that was the one thing no one ever called him unless they wanted to get beaten half to death.

Sun was confused at Blake's reaction to this.

"Um.. is what bowler hat said bad?," Sun questioned.

"🤦‍♂️ hoo boy, that was a mistake. And.. you'll find out Sun. One thing you need to know, don't ever call my brothers monkeys unless you want them to beat you halfway to death," Blake said facepalming at Roman's idiocy.


He then proceeded to grab Roman's face and slam him into the ground repeatedly like a rag doll before finishing it off with a hard kick and stomp to the gut. Roman was now lying in a crater, battered and very badly bruised with his clothes torn in several places.

Nova then spat off to the side in disgust. He glared down at Roman again before speaking up.

"Never call me that obscene name again. GOT IT YOU LITTLE IMP?!,"Nova snapped.

Sun's eyes nearly went out of his sockets at this, he'd never seen anyone that angry before.

"😱😨😱😱😱 Remind me never to get on your boyfriend's bad side..," Sun said.

Blake punched him in the arm, embarrassed for his misunderstanding.

"💢 He's not my boyfriend, idiot! That's one of my younger brothers," Blake said embarrassed.

More white Fang members surrounded them as they got into stances. They prepared to fight until they heard a familiar voice.

"Hey!", Ruby called out.

Ruby appears on the rooftop overlooking them, Crescent Rose extended and ready for action.

Roman gets up abit wobbly and turns his attention towards Ruby.

"Well, hello, Red! Isn't it past your bedtime?", The crook asked still a little banged up but doing his best to not show it.

Penny then approaches Ruby from behind and speaks, gaining her attention.

" Ruby, are these people your friends?", She asked.

Ruby looks behind her at Penny.

"Penny, get back!", Ruby said.

While Ruby's attention is diverted, Roman grins wickedly and fires jus cane at her. This launches her back from the force of the explosion and sends her scythe flying away from her.

"AAAAAH!", Ruby screams in pain after being launched into the air.

Nova reacts quickly and zips behind Ruby to catch her so no harm came to her from the fall.

Ruby felt a pair of strong arms catch her mid flight and she relaxed abit. She looks up to see that it was Nova who saved her. She involuntarily blushes at this before Nova sets her down on her feet.

Ruby fidgets with her thumbs before nervously speaking.

"Th-Thank youd, for saving m-me, N-N-Nova," Ruby replies with a deep blush on her face.

He smiles at her and nods his head.

"You're welcome, Ruby, "the dark teen replied.


oman gives off a professional-level evil laugh at his attack on the young girl. Penny turns her head toward the criminal and gives her first glare, walking forward while Ruby is already back on her feet next to Nova.

"Penny, wait! Stop!",she raises her hand in a futile attempt to stop her.

"Don't worry, Ruby. I'm combat ready!", The girl said with a serious look on her face.

Away from that fight more white Fang members are sent flying, courtesy of Turuk, Scarlett, Aiko, and Daikon arriving at the scene. The three begin to fight off the white fang soldiers, who stood no chance against them.

Aiko used her Naginata and some kicks, while Scarlett and Daikon used their fists and feet to fight off the numerous enemies. A horde of them advanced towards Aiko, who simply used her Ki and the skills of her training with her dust weapon to drive back the the faunus soldiers.

Scarlett meanwhile, used her elbows, some ki infused kicks, and numerous punches to fight off the white Fang soldiers. She worked back to back with Daikon, who implemented the same technique as Scarlett did. While Ruby went searching for her weapon, Penny confronts Torchwick and the other white Fang soldiers.

Her backpack mechanically opens up, and from its dark depths comes a single sword that extends and multiples into several blades hovering over Penny's back. Leaping from the rooftop with the weapons acting as wings, she sends three of her swords to knock two White Fang soldiers down before even landing on the ground, where she proceeds to fling the swords at one enemy, impale another to a wall, create a barrier of spinning steel against a running attack, leaping over a goon with her swords in tow, and finally making a wheel that she throws to knock multiple Faunus off their feet.

Sun stood there observing what Penny was doing in amazement. He then ran off to safety as the others had finished off the other white Fang soldiers.

Three Bullheads come from the skies and open fire on the battle, but Penny merely forms a shield and launches two of her swords into the wall behind her, which in turn pull their wielder back with their strings. When her swords swirl around her again, she commands them to open their points and build up a large glowing ball of green light. With a punching motion, several bright lasers crack the pavement when they fire at the transports and slice each one in half, causing several of the White Fang members inside to fall and letting Ruby watch as Bullheads fall in pieces behind her.

Stunned, she turns back to Penny as she aims her swords at the remaining Bullheads holding the crate of Dust and pulls back on their wires, tugging the aircraft with them.

"What the-? How is she doing that?," Ruby asked.

Nova watched the girl with somewhat of a curious look on his face. Seeing what penny was capable of was just confirming a hunch he already had about her.

Seeing the Bullhead's flight fall under Penny's control, Roman grimaces and turns to run towards the last transport.

Penny, after her large green pupils dilate for a second, pulls with all her might on the strings, and the aircraft crashes into a stack of crates, causing an explosion as a result.

More white Fang soldiers got in the way just as Nova was about to chase down Roman. He gritted his teeth in annoyance and looked towards Ruby and the others.

"These guys are getting really annoying! Ruby, Blake!, and uh... whatever your name is... grab on tight to something!," Nova said.

Sun started to ask why but Blake shut him up by telling him to just do as he was told. Nova crossed his arms as he gathered a small amount of ki within himself. He then screamed and pushed his arms outward, creating a giant dome of wind that blew back the white Fang soldiers.

"HAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!," Nova yelled as an enormous force of wind was expelled from where he was.

Dozens of faunus soldiers went flying as a result and were knocked out as soon as they came into contact with some of the crates of dust.

Unfortunately, Torchwick had gotten away in the confusion as he looked on at the scene.

"These kids just keep getting weirder..."the crook said.

With his observation made, he uses his cane to close the doors, and the jet lifts off, flying away from the lost battle.

Later, a handful of police cars are at the docks, where Ruby, Blake, Sun, and Penny are sitting on boxes in silence while Nova and his team are seen just standing there as if they were waiting for something. That is, until Weiss and Yang appear on the scene.

Weiss and Yang are a little surprised to see Turuk, Daikon, Scarlett, and Aiko there but are also not shocked either. They figured Nova probably called them in for backup after explaining the situation to them.

Ruby got up and spoke quickly trying to explain the situation.

"Look Weiss, it's not what you think, she explained the whole thing. See, she doesn't actually have a bow, she has kitty ears and they're actually kind of cute...",Ruby said before trailing off as Weiss ignored her and walked towards Blake.

Blake calmly looks at Weiss in the eyes as she speaks.

"Weiss, I want you to know that I'm no longer associated with the White Fang. Back when I was with the-", she said before Weiss interrupted her.

"Stop! Do you have any idea of how long we've been searching for you?" (she pauses) "Twelve hours. That means I've had twelve hours to think about this. And in that twelve hours, I've decided...", Weiss trailed off before continuing.

Everyone else other than Nova and his team look on worried.

Daikon smirks and nudges her to continue.

"Go on princess, you know they're waiting for you to say it," he said egging her on.

Weiss turns to Daikon annoyed, but then smiled at him.

"Hush you," She said playfully.

Daikon just shrugs and laughs it off.

"I don't care.", Weiss said.

Blake is confused at this and looks at Weiss surprised.

"You don't care?", Blake asked in surprise.

"You said you're not one of them anymore, right?", Weiss asked.

Blake was still hesitant but spoke again. She still felt a little guilty about hiding the truth she was a former member of the white Fang from her friends all this time.

"No, I-I haven't been since I was younger-", Blake said before being cut off by Weiss again.

"Ah-bah-bah-bah-bah! I don't want to hear it. All I want to know is that the next time something this big comes up... you'll come to your teammates. And not some..."Weiss said pausing, looking at Sun behind her as she catches herself. "Someone else."She said finishing her thought.

Blake looks at Ruby, then towards her brothers and their teammates with a smile before wiping a tear from her face. She then composed herself and took the time to properly respond to Weiss.

"Of course.", Blake said happily as she went and hugged her other teammates.

Weiss smiles and nods. The moment is serious for a second more until Ruby screams in excitement.

Ruby waves her arms in excitement as she talks, glad to have her team back together.

"Yeah! Team RWBY is back together!", Ruby excitedly exclaimed.

Weiss looks over towards Sun and points an accusing finger at him while giving him a very strange look.

"I'm still not quite sure about how I feel about you!", Weiss said.

This causes Sun to laugh nervously.

Nova and his team smile as the dark teen walks over and ruffles Ruby's hair slightly.

"Yeah, you sure are Ruby," Nova said smiling.

Everyone laughs in happiness at this. Ruby slightly blushes in embarrassment at Nova's action towards her. It was a bit embarrassing but, somehow... it made her feel really happy. She couldn't quite explain it in her head. She clutched slightly at her chest.

"Wha- what is this feeling? That-That moment with Nova somehow felt... special," Ruby thought confused.

She didn't quite understand why but... for some reason... her feelings, no, the way she viewed Nova had begun to change recently. Yeah, they were best friends but for some reason... she felt.. very nervous around him recently. It was like she had butterflies in her stomach whenever she was really close to Nova. Shaking her head, she decided she would figure that out later. More importantly...

Ruby looked around in confusion as she noticed Penny was gone. Nova noticed this and raised an eyebrow at Ruby's peculiar behavior.

"Something wrong, Ruby? You seem distracted, "Nova said.

"Oh. Yeah kinda. Where's Penny?", She asked.

Nova also looked around became just as confused as Ruby was he looked towards the distance and decided to try something. It was a gamble, but it was worth a shot.

From the darkened back seat of a limo, Penny watches the group of friends reuniting with each other.

"You should know better than to go running around in a strange city.", A man said.

This was Penny's driver, though one could only see the silhouette of him. The man's face was never shown, only his voice was heard. Penny lowers her head. She knew he was right, but it didn't make it any less painful for her to simply watch.

"I know, sir.", Penny said sadly.

The car is then seen driving off and away from the scene where Ruby and her friends had reunited. The driver spoke up again.

"Penny, your time will come...", the driver said in sympathy.

As they drive off, penny hears a voice in her head.. it sounded a lot like the faunus with the black monkey tail.

"Can you hear me, Penny?," the voice asked.

Penny looked around frantically, but soon calmed herself once the voice identified itself.

"You can relax Penny, it's me, Nova," the saiyan said in her mind.

"What is it that you want from me?," she asked back in her mind.

"Nothing at all, Penny. Just wanted to talk for a second," Nova assured her.

She silently nodded. Nova continued.

"Ruby just wanted to know why you disappeared is all. Care to shed some light on that?," He asked.

"Unfortunately, I am not at liberty to say. I have... been told that information is... classified," Penny sadly replied.

"I see... Should I tell her you'll meet again soon?," he asked.

This seemed to lift Penny's spirits a bit before she mentally replied.

" yes! That would make me most grateful, friend!," she said excitedly in her mind.

Nova seemed to chuckle through the mental before he responded.

"Ok i will tell her. You really like Ruby, don't you Penny?," Nova asked.

Penny nodded mentally.

"Yes. She is the first one to ever consider me her friend. I have never had anyone treat me that way before," Penny admitted. "Plus, any friend of Ruby's is a friend of mine as well," She continued.

"I see. Also, Ruby doesn't know about you being an android either. I could tell by watching your fight... and the way that I couldn't even sense you coming or leaving just a few moments ago," Nova admitted.

Penny's eyes widened. How did he know that much about her? She didn't bother to ask because she was sure she would discover the answer eventually.

"We will see you soon, penny. And don't worry, I'll pass along your message to Ruby," Nova said as the mental link faded.

Penny then looked out of the window as the limousine as the car drives off.

Meanwhile, Ozpin is seen holding a Scroll showing a "LIVE FEED" of Ruby at the docks. He closes the video and opens up a communication with Qrow, whose team name and other information is left blank and his only message is: "QUEEN HAS PAWNS."

"Hmmm...", Ozpin says thinking.

Ozpin adopts a rather concerned expression as he ponders the cryptic message. He didn't like where this was going. This could be bad. That's when he calls in a few of his favorite teachers.

In walks Tarro, Rhubar, and Sala. These 3 are the martial arts, Ranged combat, and Emergency Defense teachers.

Tarro looks to ozpin with a serious expression.

"You called for us, Ozpin?," Tarro asks.

Ozpin calmly adopts a rather ominous position with his hands clasped together in front of his face with his cane resting below his palm.

"Yes. I have a mission of sorts for the three of you...," He said.

"What does this mission entail exactly?," Rhubar asked.

Sala looked worried before ozpin smiled at the trio.

" For you Tarro, You'll specifically be training the leader of team NDTSA, I believe you've been observing him?," Ozpin said.

Tarro's eyes widened slightly in realization.

"You mean the Belladonna kid, don't you? Uh... Nova, I believe his name was?," Tarro responded.

Ozpin nodded.

"The boy is powerful... a little too powerful I might add. With you training him, I'd like you to find out what the source of his power is and also to have you evaluate the kid on your own, then report back to me what you think. It's clear the members of that team have some kind of connection to the 3 of you here," Ozpin said.

He then turned his gaze to Rhubar and Sala. Smiling, he spoke and told them what their role was for the group of kids.

"Rhubar and Sala. The two of you are not only to help Tarro in training Nova's team, I also want you to help the other two teams that seem to be always around them as well," He said.

Ozpin continued as he came straight out and admitted something huge to Tarro and the other's present.

"It is my understanding and... correct me if I'm wrong, but Nova and Turuk are your sons if I recall correctly, yes?," Ozpin said.

Tarro's eyes shot open at this. He watched for them to deny it, but that action never came... rather the woman next to the dark skinned man confirmed ozpin's claim.

"Y-Yes you are correct. They are indeed our children. Though... we haven't been able to tell them yet. We haven't had the courage to. The timing just.. wasn't right," Sala admitted.

Rhubar put his hand on Sala's shoulder and proceeded to rub her back to comfort her. He knew that took an enormous amount of courage to admit to their colleagues.

"Well... what better timing then now? You have a golden opportunity here to spend time with the sons you haven't seen in nearly 20 years. And.. I understand that this will be... emotional for you, but please consider you do have a job to do as well," Ozpin said.

Rhubar and Sala nodded. The three saluted to Ozpin.

"We shall do our utmost in the coming year to complete this task," Tarro said.

Ozpin smiled, he knew he could count on them. The three then exited his office while Ozpin pondered the meaning of Qrow's cryptic message.

The scenes cuts to a view of Beacon Academy bathed in the light of the nearly-full moon as the screen fades to black.

Once the screen comes back up we see another view of the Crook who barely escaped from Ruby and her friends.

Roman walks into a large warehouse with a shadowy interior. He goes over to a table and places down a case of mysterious contents, sighing in tiredness.

"How very disappointing, Roman.", Silky voice said.

Roman turns and sees the figure the voice belonged to. It was a dark haired woman with amber eyes, a long and fiery red dress with flames at the bottom of the skirt and on the sleeves, long black boots, and matching gloves. This was Cinder Fall, and she was an.. accomplice of his. Or more accurately, she was his superior in this plan of theirs. She was accompanied by a dark skinned girl with light emerald hair and red eyes. Tan vest, beige shirt, matching shorts, tan heeled boots, a brown belt, with her dust weapons holstered by her sides.

That was Emerald, a subordinate of Cinder's. Next to her was a fair skinned boy with dark steel grayish silver hair, steel gray eyes, a light gray vest, dark shirt, black pants, matching boots, a brown belt, steel gray gloves, with what looked be small teeth inside of holsters attached to straps around his legs. This was mercury black, another one of Cinder's subordinates.

"Whoa! Hehe... I wasn't expecting to see you guys so soon...", Roman laughed nervously.

" We were expecting... more from you.", Cinder said.

Roman laughed a little before suddenly getting serious.

"Hey! You were the ones who suggested working with those stupid mutts from the White Fang.", Roman said abit angrily.

That's when she noticed how beat up he was. Several tears in his clothing, the remnants of a black eye, bruises and scuff marks all over his arms and legs, and what looked like scabs across his face from cuts.

She chuckled darkly before moving onto the bigger issue.

"And you will continue to do so.", Cinder chuckled before summoning a fireball into her hand.

"We have big plans for you, Roman. All we ask is... a little cooperation.", Cinder said with evil laughter.

She then continued.

"What.. exactly happened to you out there?," she asked curious about his physical condition.

He then gave her an annoyed look before responding. He sighed in frustration.

"Well... No one told me that there'd be a freakishly strong monkey faunus guarding little red. He's the one who did this to me! I believe they said his name was... Nova?," He said trying to remember.

Cinder then looked serious. If there was someone that strong out there who could overwhelm Roman Torchwick to the point of near death and single handedly wipe out most of the white Fang soldiers she supplied him with, that could be troublesome.

"Don't worry all we want is your continued cooperation.. let us handle that nuisance.," she said as the camera fades on her evil smile before the scene goes dark again.

Back out near the docks and on the way towards their dorms, Ruby hung back with Nova to chat.

She looked towards Nova, gaining his attention. The others seemed to recognize this and went ahead.

Yang smirked slyly.

"Need a moment to talk to him Rubes, tell him how you're into him?," Yang smirked.

Ruby suddenly went red in the face and pushed Yang away from her out of annoyance.

"Y-Yang! It's not like that! I.. just wanted to talk to him about something. That's all!," Ruby said annoyed.

"Suuurrreee you do. I know when not to be a third wheel. I'll leave you lovebirds to it then," Yang said smirking.

"Ugh, I told you it isn't like that Yang!," Ruby said chasing her sister.

Before she could catch her, Yang caught up to the others.

"Ugh, Yang!," Ruby said annoyed.

She sighed in exasperation. She then looked towards Nova apologetically as she rubbed her temples in annoyance.

"Ugh! Sorry about Yang, Nova. I don't know where she got the idea that You and me were an 'item'," Ruby apologized.

Nova smiled and shook his head.

"No, it's okay. I really didn't mind it, Ruby. So.. what did you want to talk about?," Nova replied.

Ruby cleared her throat and looked Nova straight in the eyes.

"Well... I noticed that you were uh... floating in the air? No, f-flying I guess is the right word. How did you do that?," She asked.

Nova paled at this and mentally facepalmed himself at this. Of course she'd notice that! Why did he think she wouldn't? Sighing, he answered her question.

"Y-you saw that huh?," He asked.

Ruby nodded.

"Urk.. you weren't supposed to see that yet. But I suppose it's too late now. I was using my Ki to fly," Nova answered.

This caught her attention.

"Ki? What is that?," Ruby asked.

"According to professor Koizumi, it's energy that exists inside of you. Every living being has it. It's very similar to Aura, but far more versatile.. and... far more.. destructive," he explained.

"Huh. You think... I could learn how to use Ki too? You know, so I can use those.. laser beams you and the others can.," Ruby asked with her eyes sparkling in excitement.

"😅😅 Uh.... Laser Beams?," Nova asked with a tear going down the back of his head in confusion and bewilderment.

Ruby nodded her head excitedly as she explained what she meant.

"Yeah! You know? The balls of light you can shoot from your hands that can turn into lasers! That's why I call them LASER BEAMS!,"Ruby explained.

"😅 I.. think I can understand now. But.. let's focus on something else before you learn how to... ahem! Shoot laser beams as you call it.," Nova said.

Ruby was confused by this until Nova explained.

"I've noticed something about your fighting style. Please don't take this the wrong way. You've.... mastered the use of your sniper scythe. It's flawless from what I see. But you're... uh... how do I put this?," Nova said trying hard not to offend Ruby.

"You're pretty vulnerable without your dust weapon, aren't you?," He asked.

Ruby hung her head at this.

"Well that's a mean thing to say Nova," Ruby cutely pouted.

He put his hands in an effort to calm her down.

"I-I didn't mean it that way Ruby, honestly!," he said apologizing.

Ruby shook her head.

"No, it's okay Nova. You're right of course. I am pretty useless without Crescent Rose," She said in realization.

"Crescent Rose huh? You know that makes perfect sense why you'd name your weapon that, thinking about it now. Anyways, what if I told that I can help you with your hand to hand combat skills?," Nova told her.

"What? You can?," she asked.

Nova nodded.

"I can train you in your spare time. You'll at least be able to hold your own by the time we're finished. And.. who knows? Maybe you can use both martial arts and Crescrent Rose when you're done?," Nova said.

Ruby's eyes gained sparkles in them at this and she leaned in very close to Nova. Nova had to clear his throat to get Ruby's attention.

"Um... Ruby?," Nova asked a little nervous.

"Yeah?, " she asked oblivious.

"You're umm... a little too close.," Nova said abit nervous.

Ruby looked down and her face became as bright as a tomato before she quickly backed away, allowing space between the two of them.

"O-oh s-sorry N-Nova!," she said embarrassed and blushing.

She then smiled at him extending a fist towards him.

"It's a promise then?," she asks.

Nova chuckles before reciprocating the gesture.

"Yeah, it's a promise. We'll start your training during our next break," He said.

Ruby smiled at him.

"Good, I'll hold you to that, Nova," She replied.

The scene then pans out to a view of Beacon with the moon shining as the camera then fades to black.

To be continued in Chapter 7: Best Day Ever!

A/N: And done! Whew that was a long chapter! But there was a lot to cover and some things had to be edited to fit the saiyans in there lol. So... as you can tell Ruby has begun to develop feelings for Nova. I purposely made it this way to establish their relationship going into volume 2 which will start next chapter! Hopefully you guys liked the interaction between Ozpin and the saiyan instructors. Nova and Turuk will be meeting their birth parents soon... but they probably won't reveal it to them until a little later on.

Anyways, I'm doing something a little different this time around with Scarlett for her pairing, there's abit of a twist to it so be prepared. As for Aiko, I more or less know who she'll eventually end up with. Let's just put it on the back shelf for now cuz it won't be important until a little later in the story. Anyways, thx for being patient with me guys! Hopefully, the next update won't take nearly as long. Until next time, peace out and stay safe out there!

Chapter 8: (vol. 2- start) Best Day Ever; Food Fight!!!!