
Legend Of The Remnant Saiyans

Back when Freeza decided to exterminate the saiyans and planet vegeta, another pair of Saiyans survived. How would remnant be different if 2 Saiyan siblings were sent off world at the time of Bardock's revolt against the tyrant and somehow ended up in the world of Rwby with their parents? Would certain events be different or.. would they stay the same? This is the story of how saiyans can literally change the fates of an entirely different reality and the consequences that come with interdimensional beings. DBS Broly like OC x Ruby, OC x Yang/Weiss.

Novaflame6_Badal · อื่นๆ
24 Chs

Chapter 16: Mountain Glenn; Protecting What Matters Most

Hey everyone Novaflame6_Badal here again. I hope everyone enjoyed last Chapter! With Nova x Ruby officially coming to fruition last chapter, I will tie a loose end I neglected to mention last chapter. Obviously, since it involves her sister, Yang would want to see what Ruby is up to. She's the sort that would be snapping thousands of pics on her scroll concerning what happened between our story's main pairing last chapter.

Also, I know I have hinted at Tarro training both Nova and Turuk, but I haven't touched on it yet... it's just been implied. I plan on fixing this as the story enters volume 3.

Enough of that, onto the story!

Disclaimer: I don't own dbz/kai/dbs, Black Clover, or Rwby and their characters. The aforementioned series belong to Akira Toriyama/Toei Animation, Yuki Tabata/Studio Peirot, and Rooster Teeth/Monty Oum respectively.

The only things I own is the OC's with special permission from My friend ComparedDreadx to use the characters of Daikon and Tarro, those are his two characters.


CHAPTER 16: Mountain Glenn; Protecting What Matters Most


Nova and Ruby are seen to be sharing a kiss as the other girls peak around the corner, wondering what they were up to. Weiss felt her face go red when she saw what Ruby and Nova were doing. She covered her face with her hands, but found that she couldn't look away as she was still watching the two teens kiss through her fingers.

Yang smirked and pulled out her scroll. She started taking hundreds of pictures of the two oblivious teens as they kissed. Blake was initially surprised, but felt a smile creep onto her face as she took in the sight of her brother and Ruby expressing their feelings towards each other. Turuk just stood with his back against the corner with his eyes closed while smiling, he knew it was just a matter of time until Nova admitted his feelings towards Ruby, so he was happy for his brother.

"😌 So you finally told her how you feel about her, eh Nova? I'm happy for you, brother. You and Ruby deserve to be together. Of course, it was pretty obvious you two would end up falling for each other.," Turuk thought with a relieved smile on his face.

"😏 So Rubes went and admitted how she felt about Nova right to his face, eh? Heh, I knew that was going to happen.," Yang thought as she continued taking snapshots of her sister kissing Nova with her scroll.

The two teens eventually pulled away from each other, but still looked into one another's eyes when they broke contact. Ruby with her hands on Nova's chest, and Nova with his arms around the small of Ruby's back.

"Well Ruby, I uh... think there is something that will have to change about our relationship now.," Nova said.

"What would that be?,"Ruby asked.

Nova smiled at her before responding to the question she posed to him. Ruby rather liked the relationship they had, so she was curious what about it had to change.

"It's true that we are still friends, but since we're.. you know, closer now.. I figured we should have something that would symbolize us becoming closer.," Nova explained.

A lightbulb went on above Ruby's head like she understood now, it did make sense in a way.

"Oh, Right!" Ruby said with her hand balled into a fist and hitting her palm in realization.

She then continued as she added:

"Plus... (scoots closer to him and leans her head onto his shoulder) It will remind any other girls that you're already taken.," She said before kissing him on the cheek.

Nova couldn't help but to smile and slightly blush at the action Ruby took. He still had to process the fact Ruby was his girlfriend now. He cleared his throat as he spoke again.

"Ahem, y-yeah. Anyway Rubes, just thought you could use some company on your watch is all. I'll excuse myself now.," Nova said getting up and going to walk away.

Ruby tugged on his shirt before he could get very far though. She looked at him again with an expression Nova knew well.

"Please Nova, don't leave... not yet. Can't you stay abit longer?," Ruby asked.

Nova sighed and chuckles at this. It was no surprise his girlfriend wanted some more time alone with him, he should've seen this coming.

"😌 Alright Rubes, I'll stay. I just can't seem to say no to you anyways.," Nova said chuckling and patting Ruby's head.

Ruby cutely pouted at first, but then smiled as she leaned her head on Nova's shoulder. She closed her eyes briefly before speaking again.

"You know... it's funny Nova. A year ago.. I would never have dreamt of this happening between you and I. And now that it has.. I feel.. really happy and fortunate to have you in my life.," Ruby said.

Nova smiled at her and nodded.

"I feel the same, Rubes.,"Nova replied.

"Can we.. stay like this for just abit longer?,"Ruby asked knowing Nova was about to get up soon.

Nova chuckled and nodded.

"Yes, I can stay for as long as you want me to, Rubes.,"He said.

The scene goes black as it switches perspectives.


With Glynda and Ironwood

Ironwood is seen to be looking out from the landing docks of Beacon Academy to the city of Vale at night, a few airships hovering over the lit-up buildings. Walking up from behind him is Glynda Goodwitch.

"Trouble sleeping, General?," Glynda asked walking up to him.

He looks back and is gripping his shoulder with his other hand.

"Arm was acting up.," He said.

"Of course, so logically, you got out of bed, dressed yourself completely and decided to gaze menacingly out into the distance.," Glynda replied before continuing as she approached him from the side. "What's wrong?," She asked him.

Ironwood sighs and then speaks, voicing his concerns, albeit reluctantly.

"I've trusted him for years. We both have. I just... I can't help but feel like he's keeping us in the dark.,"Ironwood replied.

"Don't be ridiculous! You know very well that we are not the ones in the dark.," Glynda said back to him.

"That makes it worse! I refuse to believe that a man that I've trusted for so long would act so... passively.," Ironwood said laughing.

Glynda then puts a hand on his shoulder to reassure her friend.

"You're a good person, James. You've always done what you think is best for the people, even against strong protest. It's admirable. But it's high time you stopped talking about trust and started showing it.," Glynda said dropping her hand as they both look into the distance together before she continued.

"Ozpin has experience that the rest of us lack. And I think that's something worth remembering.," Glynda said.


The full moon is shining over the ruined buildings of Mountain Glenn, and a lone Beowolf is searching through the rubble. It looks up briefly at the young girl who has it in her red crosshair scope, but Ruby Rose just lowers Crescent Rose and sighs in tiredness at she keeps lookout over the destruction.

The dark teen who is now her boyfriend, puts a comforting hand on her shoulder to which she smiles at him. The scene pans over to the rest of her team, who are lying down on their sleeping bags and mats around a campfire. Their weapons were nearby and not far from them as they laid in a semi circle with Turuk and professor Oobleck nearby to them. The three members of RWBY have their eyes closed, but Yang Xiao Long is the first to stop pretending.

"Blake, are you awake?," Yang asked.

Blake opens one eye and responds to Yang's inquiry.

"Yeah. I'm up, Yang.," Blake responded.

"Why do you think he asked us about being a Huntress? Like, what was he trying to say?," Yang asked curiously.

"Maybe he was just curious.," Blake replied.

"You think?," The blinded questioned.

"No.," Blake replied dryly.

She then turned her focus towards the schnee.

"Weiss, are you awake?," Yang asked.

Weiss sighed a little annoyed at first but calmed herself as she answered Yang's question.

"Of course I'm awake! You two are talking. And I think he... When I said I wanted to honor my family's name, I meant it. But, it's not what you think. I'm not stupid. I'm fully aware of what my father has done with the Schnee Dust Company. Since he took control, our business has operated in a... moral gray area.," Weiss answered.

"That's putting it lightly.," Blake retorted.

"Which is why I feel the need to make things right. If I had taken a job in Atlas, it wouldn't have changed anything. My father was not the start of our name, and I refuse to let him be the end of it.," Weiss said.

Blake then spoke as she gave her true reason for wanting to be a Huntress.

"All my life, I fought for what I thought was right. I had a partner named Adam. More of a mentor, actually. He always assured me that what we were doing would make the world a better place. But of course, his idea of a perfect future turned out to be not perfect for everyone. I joined the Academy because I knew that Huntsmen and Huntresses were regarded as the most noble warriors in the world. Always fighting for good. But I never really thought past that. When I leave the Academy, what will I - how can I undo so many years of hate?," Blake said doubting herself a little.

Yang gave her partner a reassuring smile.

"I'm sure you'd figure it out. You're not one to back down from a challenge, Blake.," Yang said in reply.

This didn't have the desired effect as Blake still berated herself.

"But I am! I do it all the time! When you learned I was a Faunus, I didn't know what to do, so I ran! When I realized my oldest partner had become a monster, I ran! Even my Semblance! I was born with the ability to leave behind a shadow of myself; an empty copy that takes the hit while I run away!," Blake said upset.

Yang just calmly replied to her response... not caring that Blake thought she was a coward. She just looked at the positive side of Blake's situation.

"At least you two have something that drives you. I've just kinda of always, gone with the flow, y'know? And that's fine, I mean, that's who I am. But how long can I really do that for? I wanna be a Huntress, not really because I want to be a hero, but because I want the adventure. I want a life where I won't know what tomorrow will bring. And that'll be a good thing. Being a Huntress just happens to line up with that. I'm not like Ruby, she's always wanted to be a Huntress. It's like she said, ever since she was a kid, she'd dreamt about being the heroes in the books. Helping people and saving the day, and never asking for anything else in return. Even when she couldn't fight, she knew that's what she wanted to do. That's why she trained so hard to get where she is today.," Yang said before continuing.

"And... 😏 Having her boyfriend with her does help. She's changed abit, but.. she's still my little sister.," Yang said smirking.

"Well, she's still just a kid.," Weiss retorted. 

"Is she though? Ruby's different lately, but I get your point.," Yang said.

"She's only two years younger. We're all kids.," Blake said.

A/N: since Ruby's older in this story all of the main cast of Rwby are just a tad bit older too.

"Well, not anymore. I mean, look where we are! In the middle of a warzone and armed to the teeth!," Yang said.

"True. And... it is rather adorable for Ruby to have her boyfriend here to help her.," Weiss agreed.

"It's the life we chose.," Blake said.

Yang nodded.

" It's a job. We all had this romanticized vision of being a Huntress in our heads! But at the end of the day, it's a job to protect the people! And whatever we want, will have to come second.," Weiss said.

Turuk smirked as he heard the conversation, these girls had good heads on their shoulders. They realized it wasn't all fun and games at the end of the day. That would be a valuable lesson to them later on.

Apparently Oobleck had been listening in on the conversation as well as he wasn't quite asleep yet. He had a smile on his face when Weiss finished saying her peace.


Yang has relieved Ruby on watch as She and Zwei now sleep on the mat the blonde had been sleeping on before. Nova was standing up with his arms crossed nearby, with Turuk taking his turn to join Yang on watch.

Zwei suddenly wakes and stands up, causing Ruby to wake up.

"Huh? Zwei, it's late. Go back to bed.," She said.

Zwei is seen running off as Ruby calls after her pet.

"Zwei! Zwei! Ugh!," Ruby calls after the dog.

She gets up and wanders out of the building looking for Zwei. Nova notices Ruby wander off in search of the dog, so he tails her curious as to where she's going.

"Zwei! Zwei, where are you? Zwei! Huh?," Ruby said confused.

She then spots Zwei urinating on some ruins. She slaps her forward with her palm at this.

"🤦‍♂️Zwei, this is a wasteland! You literally could have done that anywhere!," Ruby said a little miffed at her pet.

Zwei just barks in response.

Unfortunately it seemed as though someone other than Ruby heard the dog bark, it was a pair of White Fang Guards.

"What was that?,"  a White Fang Gaurd asked.

Having heard the WF Guard, Ruby hides behind some ruins.

"What was what?," the other White Fang Guard asked.

" I thought I heard a Beowolf or something.," White Fang Guard 1 said.

"Hmph. Let's just finish our patrol and get back to base. This place gives me the creeps.," White Fang Gaurd 2 said.

As the WF Guards walk away, Ruby and Zwei sneak around in the background, following them. They eventually reach a ruined building with a pair of metal doors, and Ruby hides behind a corner, holding Zwei out to watch them.

"Did they go in yet? One bark means yes.," Ruby asked.

Zwei barked reply.

The sound of the door closing echoes out.

"Oh! This is it! This is it!," Ruby says not noticing the presence behind her.

"What is it?," A voice asked.

Ruby turns around and spots Nova with an eyebrow raised.

"Oh, h-hi there Nova.. heh heh.," She says laughing nervously.

Nova just stares at Ruby for a moment and then proceeds to ask his question.

"I'm curious Ruby... What exactly are you doing out here?," Nova asked.

Ruby suddenly became rather sheepish before she sighed and answered her boyfriend.

"W-well Nova, I think we may have found the white fang's hideout.. and I was going to contact the others but...," Ruby trailed off as she looked at her scroll.

Nova raised an eyebrow at this. He was curious as to why Ruby never finished her sentence.

"But what?," Nova asked.

"Well... my scroll doesn't have a real good signal here, so... yeah.," Ruby said.

Nova understood now, she couldn't contact the others due to her scroll having a low signal there.

"Gotcha. Don't worry about it,  I'll just contact Turuk and let him know the situation.," Nova said.

Ruby smiled at him, she appreciated him doing that for her.

"You mean... you're not mad?," Ruby asked.

Nova chuckled and ruffled her hair before he spoke again. 

"Rubes, if I was mad at you I wouldn't be offering to help you with this. Plus...," Nova said trailing off before continuing.

Ruby looked at him before Nova smiled back at her.

"You know better than anyone that I just can't seem to stay mad at you for any period of time.," Nova said smiling at her.

Ruby smiled at him silently laughed.

"Hee hee yeah, you're right Nova. Thank you.," Ruby said before kissing him on the cheek in appreciation.

Nova looked towards Zwei who had waddled up to him.

"Zwei, you think you could run back and let the others know what's happening? Can you do that, boy?," Nova asked the dog.

Zwei just wagged his tail and barked in response.

"Alright, good boy!," Nova said further petting the dog.

Ruby smiled at this.

"He really seems to have taken a liking to you, Nova.," Ruby said.

"I guess. I'm kind of surprised that your dog acts that way towards me.," Nova said.

"I'm going to see if I can get a better signal to let Weiss and the others know what's happening.," Ruby said.

"Okay, be careful though.," Nova said.

Ruby nodded as she and Zwei hurry off down the street. However, the asphalt beneath them suddenly sinks before caving in. Ruby grabs onto a ledge and catches Zwei. She tosses him up out of the hole and begins to attempt to pull herself up. Nova hears this and rushed over to help his girlfriend.

"Ruby!," Nova said in concern.

She looks at him with a genuine smile.

"Nova, it's okay. You go back with Zwei and let the others know what's happening. I'm sure you'll find a way to come help.," Ruby said.

Nova sighed before he nodded. He trusted Ruby, so he knew she'd be okay.

"Alright, I trust you know what you're doing Rubes.,"Nova said.

The ledge ruby is holding onto breaks off, and she plummets into a huge cave filled with ruined buildings, far below the surface. She lands on a building up against a cavern wall, and as she gets up, a nearby door bursts open to reveal two other WF Guards, one of whom is Perry.

"Freeze!," a white Fang Gaurd said pointing his weapon at the girl.

"Where did she come from?," White Fang Gaurd 2 said.

"You're a long way from home, little girl.," Whit Fang Gaurd 3 said.

As the WF Guards walk forward, Ruby backs away only to end up on the very edge of the platform. Ruby reaches back for her scythe, only to realize that she doesn't have it. Both guards approach her, and one of them grabs her arm.

She could fight back, due to her training with Nova, but she thought if what her boyfriend would do in this situation and relented.

"Hey! Hands off!," Ruby said.

Ruby jerks her arm out of the guard's hand and starts punching him. Unfortunately her punch was harder then she realized and it sent the guard flying back. She immediately realized she did and eased up. She neede to find out what they were up to first.

She relaxed her posture and let the guards take her to wherever they were going to drag her off to.

"The boss is gonna want to see this one...," The White Fang Gaurd said.

Ruby just spits off to the side as she chuckles.

"What are you laughing about?," the white Fang Gaurd asked.

"Oh nothing. It's just.. I know you guys are going to regret what you're doing due to who's coming for me, you'll see.," Ruby chuckled.

The guard says nothing.

The guard kicks her in the head hard enough to knock her out.


Back with the others...

Yang and the others awoke a few minutes ago as they got ready to change shifts. Yang turned to Weiss, but then noticed Ruby was missing.

"Hey Weiss, it's your... Ruby? Hey, where's Ruby?," Yang asked.

Zwei comes running into the room, barking, followed by Nova.

"Zwei? Nova?," Yang asked looking at the teen and the dog.

The blonde walked up to the dark teen  and gave him a questioning look, wondering why her sister wasn't with him. The two were inseparable and always made an effort to spend some time alone together.

"Nova, where's my sister?," Yang asked serious.

Nova sighed and eventually relayed what happened.

"Ruby fell underground. She told me to come get the rest of you and trusted that I'd come back with all of you and help her. I should've stayed with her, but..," Nova said trailing off.

Blake put a hand on his shoulder as she understood what the situation was. She smiled at him, this was her little brother for crying out loud.. of course she'd believe him.

"She trusted you to deliver the message and come get us. Right, Nova?," Blake said finishing her brother's thought.

The dark teen nodded and looked towards the 3 girls, Turuk, and eventually Professor Oobleck. 

"Hm, I see. Quickly then girls, your leader may be in trouble! Grab your weapons.,"Oobleck said calling to them.

The teens nodded, did as instructed before following the professor.


Ruby awakes to the two WF Guards who caught her dragging her by both arms through the underground city. All around her, White Fang members are at work, doing various things such as piloting a Paladin to carry large shipping containers. There is a loud sound nearby as one of the White Fang members drops a large device.

"Hey, be careful! What are you trying to do, blow us to the moon?,"White Fang Gaurd 3 asked berating the other.

"Sorry sir!," White Fang Gaurd 4 said apologizing for his near blunder.

"Hey boss! Found something you might want to see!," The white Fang member known as Perry said.

The man he talked to was revealed to be Roman Torchwick inside of a railcar, working on something.

"Is it good or bad, Perry? Because let me tell ya, I have had a day.," The crook replied.

Unsure of how to respond, Perry just told Torchwick what he thought was a good thing about who he brought.

"Uh, it's a little girl?," Perry said unsure of how to really respond.

"That would be bad.," Roman said as he leans out of the railcar and spots Ruby.

The crook smirks at her before he speaks.

"So little Red, you're all alone? Where's your bodyguard? Did he leave you?," Roman chuckled trying to mock her.

"No I'm not alone. And secondly, he's not my bodyguard. He's... my boyfriend. (slightly blushes) But more than that, Nova is someone I want to spend the rest of my life with. He'll come, you'll see.," Ruby said.

"Yes we shall see, Little Red.," Roman said smirking.


Zwei leads Oobleck and Ruby's teammates to the hole that Ruby fell into, and Yang spots Crescent Rose next to the hole.

"Ruby's Scythe!," Yang says.

Nova walks over and picks it up while tightening his fist and gritting his teeth in anger.

"Oh no.," Blake said worried.

"She'd never just leave her weapon here.. it must have dropped when she fell.," Nova said.

Weiss heard this and gave Nova a curious look.

"Did you just say she fell?," Weiss asked.

"Yes I did, weiss. She was attempting to contact you three when the ground just caved in on her.," He explained.

Oobleck looks up at this.

"Fell? Where did she fall?," Oobleck asked.

Weiss pointed down the hole they stood above and where Zwei was looking down into.

"Down there.," Weiss said.

"Oh my. Of course! Of course, OF COURSE, OF COURSE!," Oobleck said as though he suddenly realized something.

"What is it?," Blake asked as she and the others were confused.

"How could I be so stupid?!," Oobleck said in realization.

"Dr. Oobleck, what's wrong?," Yang asked.

"Is there something wrong, Doc?," Turuk asked.

"Mountain Glenn! Yes, an expansion of Vale that was inevitably destroyed by creatures of Grimm! Previously home to thousands of people! Working people commuting to the city, the main city! Developed a subway system to the inner city! Grimm attacks increased! Population in danger, now desperately searching for shelter! City evacuates into the metro tunnels and what do they find? The southeast quadrant of Vale is known for wild forests and deep caves!," Oobleck said in explanation.

"Wait Doc, what are you saying?," Yang asked.

"My dear girl, we're not just looking for an underground crime network, we're looking for an UNDERGROUND crime network!," Oobleck answered.

"They've been working in caves?," Blake asked in question.

"No, no, Mountain Glenn was Vale's first serious attempt at expansion. It worked for a short period of time, thanks to an aggressive perimeter defense, and unique transportation; the city developed an elaborate subway system to carry citizens safely from the new territory into the main Kingdom! Sadly, without the many natural barriers Vale had to protect its borders, Mountain Glenn was doomed from the start! As the end drew near, the citizens of the territory made one last attempt at survival: They took up shelter beneath the city! In massive caves that they had cleared out for the subway. And they had cut themselves off from the surface!," Oobleck replied in explanation.

"An underground village?," Yang asked curious.

The professor nodded and spoke up.

"In a matter of speaking, yes. A safe haven. Until... an explosion opened the mouth of another cavern, filled with subterranean Grimm. After that, the Kingdom officially sealed off the tunnels, creating the world's largest tomb. If Ruby is down there, (Oobleck deploys his dust weapon called Antiquity's Roast) we must find her...," Oobleck answered.

"So...how are we getting in there?," Weiss asked.

Oobleck went to speak, but Nova put up a hand to speak.

"No worries guys, let me and Turuk handle this. And besides.... (grins darkly) I'm suddenly feeling the need to blow off some steam.," Nova said.

"😅 alright... go for it then.," Yang said in response. 

"Thanks, I'll do just that.,"Nova grinned and cracked his knuckles.

The screen then goes black as Nova, Turuk, Professor Oobleck, and the members of team Rwby with Zwei approach the hole in the ground.


Ruby is seen being thrown across the floor by Roman. Ruby knew she could've surprised him by beating him up, but she refrained from doing so because she wasn't entirely sure how much pain a normal- ish person could take.

"Wow! You are much more manageable without that oversized gardening tool of yours.," Roman said laughing.

Ruby spat off to the side. If only he knew what she could do now. She had to make it look at least convincing that she seemingly had no chance against Roman. She'd put up with this.. at the very least just until Nova arrived.

Ruby gets up and charges at Roman, which he simply sidesteps, sending Ruby stumbling across the floor.

"(Still laughing) Oh man. You know, Perry, I really did need this.," Roman said.

Perry raises his thumb in agreement as Roman laughs. Roman then walks over to Ruby and aims his dust weapon at her (the cane) as he then speaks up.

"But seriously. How'd you find this place, Red?," he asks.

He received no response from Ruby, who simply uses her semblance to zip past him in an attempt to escape.

"Whoa!," Roman said briefly startled.

He spins his cane in his hands and aims the handle at Ruby. He fires the handle, which doubles as a grappling hook, at Ruby, catching her by her hood and allowing Roman to pull her back.

" I see you've got some tricks up your sleeve! Let me make this clear: We're not through here yet.," Roman says.

Ruby looks back, horrified briefly, but then smirks.

A massive explosion sounds, causing Roman to look up. Annoyed, he looks to Perry.

"Oh, what the... Perry, if you and the boys could take care of that? Kinda in the middle of something.," The crook says.

Perry nods and goes off to investigate the explosion just as another one sounds.

"WHAT is going on here?!," Roman asked even more annoyed.

A third explosion sounds and multiple White Fang members come running around the corner, some firing at an unknown enemy. This does nothing as they are sent flying back by an unseen force. Roman wonders what or who the unknown enemy is until he sees... "him". It was Nova, the boy from back at the docks a few months ago. Seeing him the crook's face turns slightly pale.

Nova descended to the ground, his white aura like ki blazing around him.

It was obvious that he was pretty angry at Roman for taking Ruby. The red and black haired girl smiled at him, she knew he'd come to rescue her.

"Nova!," Ruby said happy to see her boyfriend.

Nova smiled at his girlfriend as he seemed to calm down briefly.

"Hey there, Ruby. Sorry we took so long.," He said apologizing.

Ruby shook her head at this.

"Uh uh , I'm just glad you guys are here. Besides.. I knew you'd come to help me.," Ruby said with a slight tinge of pink on her cheeks.

Nova smiled at her.

"I promised you I would didn't I? And... I wanted to help you, same as always.," Nova said.

Without another word Ruby decides to take this moment to try and escape. She jumps on Roman's shoulders, pulls his hat down over his eyes, and then flees towards her friends.

"You know... you could've done that to begin with Ruby.," Turuk said smirking.

She smirked back.

"I know. I just wanted to wait for you guys is all.," Rubybsaid smiling.

"Somebody kill her!," Roman said readjusting his hat and glaring after Ruby.

Nova noticed this and glared right back at the crook.

"💢What was that, you little orange haired weasel?," Nova said cracking his knuckles.

"😨 uh... b-boss?," a white Fang soldier said unsure of fighting the dark teen.

He glares at the white Fang soldier who just complies with his order, albeit reluctantly.

Roman and the White Fang members around him open fire on Ruby, which she dodges and weaves between. Turuk then unsheathes the sword from his back and slashes apart each of their guns before knocking out a horde of them.

White fang soldiers approach Nova, who simply blows them back by igniting his ki.

Roman grits his teeth at this, he knew they didn't have a chance against the two brothers in close quarters combat right now. He then turns angrily to the white Fang member next to him.

"Attach this cart and spread the word: We're starting the train.," Roman angrily said.

"But we're not finished!," The white Fang member said.

Roman then pins him to the wall with his cane.

"Do it or you're finished!," Roman snapped back at him.

The shot cuts to Ruby fighting off some white Fang members but fleeing from them. She screeches to a halt as she realizes another group is closing in on her.  A huge explosion appears behind the White Fang members, sending them flying and reveling Yang behind them.

Ruby is seen jumping into her sister's arms in joy.

"Ruby!," Yang said relieved.

Weiss walked up to the sisters, also relieved.

"Are you okay?," Weiss asked.

"I'm fine, I'm fine! But listen! Torchwick's got all kinds of weapons and robots down there.," Ruby explained.

"What?!," Blake asked shocked.

Nova hands Ruby her weapon, he smiled at her.

"Try not to lose this again, okay?," Nova asked politely.

"R-Right. I'll try not to. T-thanks Nova.," Ruby said with a little bit of a blush.

"Rubes, what do they have down there?," Yang asked.

"Androids, mechs, they're all loaded up on the train cars!," Ruby said.

Oobleck was of course skeptical at this.

"Ahhhh, that's ridiculous. These tunnels are sealed, the tracks lead to a dead-end.," Oobleck said thinking it was preposterous for the train to go anywhere.

"Get to your places, we are leaving now!," Torchwick's voice said over a speaker system.

The train starts moving towards the tunnels.

"Well, it sounds like they're going somewhere.," Yang said gaining the group's attention.

"We need backup. Let me call Jaune.," Ruby said.

Ruby attempts to callJaune but then realizes the signal for her scroll is low where they are.

"I can't get through!," Ruby said.

Nova puts a hand on her shoulder and smiles at his girlfriend.

"Nova?,"Ruby asked.

"You said you needed backup, right?," Nova asked.

Ruby nodded.

Seeing his girlfriend respond, he answered her unasked question.

"Since the signal is low on your scroll, I can contact my other teammates and ask for their help. They're not terribly far from here so they should be able to help.," Nova answered.

Yang and Weiss were puzzled at this, they'd never heard of anyone being able to contact someone without a scroll before.

"Wait... how are you going to do that?," Ruby asked her boyfriend. 

"The same way I had a conversation with you earlier when the professor was interrogating you about what was in your bag.,"Nova said.

"The same way you- ohhhhh... I get it. So you're going to do that. Makes sense.," Ruby started before realizing what Nova meant by what he said.

Yang, Weiss, and Blake were confused at this. To which the others turned to Ruby with a questioning look.

"Um, Rubes? What does he mean by being able to contact his teammates?," Yang asked puzzled.

"I agree. How is he able to contact anyone without a scroll? Because quite frankly I've yet to see him use his scroll this trip.," Weiss added.

"Oh that. It's a technique he can use, I'm not quite sure how it works, but I believe Nova said the other party would have to have Ki to make it work.," Ruby replied.

"Ki? What is that?," Weiss asked.

"In simple terms, it's life energy that everyone has inside of them. Uh, don't worry, it's not dangerous or life threatening.," Ruby said after seeing the looks of concern on the other girls faces.

Nova then closed his eyes as he focused on finding his teammates ki signatures. After a few moments, he picked up on them and opened a link to one of them.

"Nova? Why are you calling me, did something happen?," Scarlett asked throught the mental link.

"You... could say that. We... have abit of a situation on our hands here, so we could use some backup.," Nova answered.

"What kind of situation?," Scarlett asked.

Nova looked towards Ruby who nodded and put her hand on his shoulder as she connected to the mental link.

"I'll let Ruby explain this one.," Nova said.

"I would ask why you're with team Rwby but I'm sure you and Turuk can fill us in later on that.," Scarlett said.

"You'll get your explanation later, from both of us.," Ruby said.

She continued.

"Anyways... we found the white Fang hideout here underneath Mountain Glenn. But Torchwick has loaded a bunch of weapons onto a train they're taking towards the center of Vale. Mechs, Androids, weaponry, and some other things. We could use your help.," Ruby explained.

"I see. Yeah.. that does sound like trouble, we'll be there as soon as possible.," Scarlett replied.

"T-Tell the Captain we'll be there as soon as we can.," Aiko said.

"There anyone else you want us to contact in case this gets out of hand, Rose?," Daikon asked.

"Oh! Yeah. If you could contact Jaune and his team, that'd be great! I've tried but the signal on my scroll is low here, so I haven't been able to.,"Ruby said.

"Hm, no problem Rose. We've got you covered.," Daikon answered.

"Thanks you guys, really.," Ruby said.

"No problem, Ruby. And just between us... you'll have to tell me how things went with Nova later, okay?," Scarlett said.

Ruby felt herself blush slightly before answering back.

"I-I'll be sure to do that after this is over Scarlett.," Ruby answered. 

Their conversation over, they said their good byes before Nova cut the link.

Yang and Weiss looked to Blake for an explanation.

"Has... Nova always been able to mentally contact people like that?," Yang asked.

"Yes, I am puzzled by that as well. An ability of that nature isn't normal, no matter how look at it.," Weiss said.

"Honestly... Nova and Turuk always have been able to do strange things like that, so.. I guess it's not as surprising to me as it is to you two.," Blake said.

Yang turned to the others.

"Well, now what?," Yang asked.

"I believe while we wait for help to arrive we only have one option..," Oobleck said figuring they were able to enlist some backup.

"And what is that?," Weiss asked.

Ruby turned around to the others.

"We have to stop that Train!," Ruby said.

Nova walked up to Ruby and picked her up bridal style much to the surprise of the girl. She was seen blushing profusely due to the surprise of the action.

"N-N-Nova w-what are you doing?," Ruby asked with a red face.

"Making things faster. Hang on!," Nova said ignited his ki.

"I get that Nova but do you have to-,"Ruby never finished as Nova rocketed off towards the train with Ruby yelping in surprise.

The others looked confused before Oobleck signaled to them.

"Let's not stand here, we need to catch up to them!," he said.

The others nodded before following the professor. 

"Right!," the said before taking off towards the train.


The scene cuts to the train rushing through a tunnel, loaded with mechs. A White Fang member standing on the train hears a noise and looks outside the train to see rose petals. He brings out a communication device.

"I think they're on the—," The white Fang soldier started before he was knocked out by a foot landing on his face.

Nova landed with Ruby in his arms as the others had caught up to them on board the train.

"Oops, sorry about that.," Nova said silently.

Turuk smirks at him as he speaks.

"😏You know, you could warn us next time you pull another stunt like that bro.," Turuk said smirking.

"😅 Yeah... sorry. I just thought it was the fastest way to get here.," Nova answers.

"U-Um Nova?," Ruby asks awkwardly.

Nova looks at Ruby who's still in his arms.

"C-can you put me down now please?," Ruby asked blushing.

"Oh! Yeah, sorry!,"Nova said letting the girl down.

Both are blushing and looking away briefly.

"😏 Plan that one Rubes?," Yang asked slyly teasing her.

Ruby blushed madly before berating her sister.

"S-shut up Yang..," She said shyly.


The shot cuts to Roman in the front of the train as a White Fang member rushes in.

"Boss! They made it on the train!," The White Fang member said.

Roman just sighs and then responds.

"Then grab some cargo and get them off the train!," Roman orders.

The White Fang member nods and leaves to follow Roman's orders.

"Man, animals, every one of them.," Roman says before turning to the man next to him.

"Not you though, you're, heh, you're great.," He says.


The scene cuts to Team RWBY and Oobleck, along with Nova and Turuk standing on top of the train.

"Hurry, children! We must get to the front and stop this train!," Oobleck said.

Weiss looks awkwardly at the Professor as the others all follow her line of sight.

"Err... Professor?," Weiss says awkwardly.

"Doctor....," He says correcting her.

"What's that?," Weiss asks awkwardly pointing down a hatch into the train.

"That... my dear child... appears to be a bomb.," Oobleck says as he kneels down to take a look.

Team RWBY all cringe away from the hatch. While Nova and Turuk just scowl, already guessing what Roman and the white Fang plan to do. They're snapped out of their musing when they hear Ruby's voice as she points forward.

"We've got baddies!," Ruby says pointing forward on the train.

Dozens of White Fang members can be seen climbing onto the top of the train.

Turuk then unsheathes the sword on his back.

"You're finally using it?," Nova asked.

"Well, I did use it earlier.. but yeah, I figured it was time.," Turuk answered.

They all shifted into ready stances with team Rwby as the white Fang soldiers approached. But before they could...

"Well, I didn't expect them to go—," Oobleck started but stopped when he heard something below them.

The bomb underneath them charges up and starts beeping.

"easy on us. Time to go!," He continued as he stands up.

As Team RWBY start running away, Oobleck stops Blake.

"Blake! Detach the caboose! It will kill us all!," Oobleck said to the cat faunus.

She goes to do so, only for Turuk to stop her.

"Don't worry about this sis, I'll take care of it.," Turuk said.

"Ok, be careful Turuk.," Blake says she rejoins the others.

Turuk goes to slice the caboose free, only for the car to detach on it's own. This puzzles Turuk.

"Um.. o..k?  It came loose on its own.," He says looking at the professor confused.

"What?!," Oobleck says surprised.

" I guess he really doesn't want us on this train.," Yang said.

As Oobleck looks back at the detached cart, it explodes in the tunnel.

"That's not good...," He says worried.

Ruby's voice is then heard up ahead.

"Err, neither is this!," Ruby said next to another open hatch.

Blake comes over and sees what her leader meant.

"Another bomb?!," she says surprised.

Oobleck then looks around and runs to the next train car. In horror, he realizes what Roman and the white Fang were doing.

"No. No. No. They ALL have bombs!," He says turning back and yelling to the teens.

Nova grits his teeth. He should've known. Turuk is angry as well, but they don't have time to think about their shortcomings here, they had to move.

The bomb under Team RWBY charges up and starts beeping and the cart they're on detaches itself, forcing Team RWBY, Nova, and Turuk to run to the next cart.

"This doesn't make sense!," Yang says.

The White Fang members climbing the train can be seen again.

"Get the Humans!," One white Fang member said.

The charge towards the teens only for Turuk to get angry and blast them with a Kiai wave.

"💢or... how about you shut up, you freaking fanatics!," Turuk says as he thrusts his hand forward blasting a horde of White Fang soldiers back.

As team Rwby, along with Nova and Turuk all attack the white Fang soldiers, the Professor hangs back.

Oobleck turns around and watches the detached train car explode. Only this time it creates a hole allowing multiple types of Grimm to emerge. He looks on in worry at this.

"Oh dear...," He says in concern.

The horde of Grimm begin advancing quickly toward the runaway train.

"He's leading Grimm to the city!," Oobleck said in warning.

Weiss turns back eyes widening in horror.

"What?!," Weiss asked horrified.

"It's the cars! They detach and explode, creating openings for the Grimm!," Oobleck said in warning.

"That's insane!," Blake said also horrified.

Nova and Turuk heard this as well and were even more angered at Roman.

"He's a LUNATIC!," Turuk said angered at what lengths the crook would go to.

Nova then closed his eyes and contacted his teammates again.

"What is it this time, Belladonna?," Daikon answered.

"There's a change in the situation now.  Torchwick is opening up holes for grim in the tunnels down here and  is leading them towards downtown Vale!," Nova said through the link.

"What?! Is that idiot insane?!," Scarlett said horrified.

"I honestly don't know Scarlett but we need as much help as we can possibly get! Contact all of the Huntsman and Huntresses you can because there's a ton of grimm pouring in here!," Nova said.

"Understood.  Luckily we have two with us at the moment. They said they're more than happy to help with that.," Scarlett said.

"Great. Tell them we really appreciate them doing that for us.," Nova said.

"Sure thing. Also... there's something I'll need to tell Blake later if you can make sure she knows.," Scarlett replied. 

"Certainly.," Nova answered.

"Thanks.," Scarlett said.

She then silently added:

"Thanks alot, cousin."

Nova raised an eyebrow due to what he thought he heard, but couldn't ask Scarlett what she said just then due to her cutting the link.

While that was strange, he'd have to ask her at a later time.

Another train car detaches itself.

"We have to hurry!," Oobleck said.

He then turned towards Weiss, Blake, Yang, and Turuk.

"You four, go below deck and try to stop those bombs!," Oobleck said to them.

The four aforementioned teens then nodded and went to go complete the task they were given.

Ruby then turned towards Oobleck and spoke up in question.

"What about us?," Ruby asked gesturing towards herself, Nova, and Oobleck himself.

"We're going to stop this train.," He answered.

" I know, I said that earlier.," Ruby answered. 

The group moves forward. As the train continues towards it destination, White Fang members start to pilot multiple Atlesian Paladin-290s, and jump to the top of the train. Ruby, Nova, Zwei, and Oobleck are shown running.

"Up ahead!," Oobleck says.

A Paladin is seen charging towards them.

Oobleck is about to take out his dust weapon when Nova puts a hand up to signal for him to stop.

"Doc, don't worry about it. Myself and Ruby can handle this one.," Nova said glancing towards Ruby.

Ruby caught the look her boyfriend gave her and nodded, understanding what she needed to do.

" You're certain of this?," Oobleck asked curiously.

"Positive. We got this. Besides, we'd rather you watch anyway.," Nova said smiling.

"Not that we don't appreciate your offer prof- I mean doctor. Me and Nova have been saving a little something to show the others.," Ruby said also smiling.

Oobleck adjusted his glasses and smiled while putting his weapon back into the umbrella shape he carried it in.

"Very well then, I would very much like to see what the two of you can do.," Oobleck said with Zwei sitting down beside him and panting.

Nova approached the dog and petted his fur while smiling.

"Don't worry Zwei, I'll keep your owner safe. This shouldn't take long.," He said assuring the pet of their success.

He then walked and stood beside Ruby.

"Ready for this?," Nova asked her.

Ruby slipped into a stance that mirrored Nova's and smiled.

"Anytime you are, Nova.," She said.

The pair then crouched briefly and ignited their ki which burst to life around them in clear flame like auras.

Nova goes in first, while Ruby gathers ki in space between her hands. When she is ready, the girl tosses the orb towards Nova.

The Dark teen then kicks the orb towards Ruby who kicks it back to him. The two are seen kicking the orb  back and forth as it gains speed. Once they feel that it's fast enough, Ruby grabs the orb out of the air and rams it into the center of the Paladin, with it turning into a beam after. A giant hole now in the center, Nova then comes from the side and shoulder bashes the mech of the train.

The mech stumbles as it hits the train tracks before exploding when it hits a barricade. The pair didn't have much time to rest as another mech is seen charging towards them with its guns aimed at Ruby. This annoys Nova and he takes his temper out on the mech with Ruby assisting him from the side.

"💢Don't you even think, you can point those at my girl! Take a hike!," Nova said as he rockets towards the mech and clothes lines it.

This gives Ruby a chance to infuse ki into her fist and ram I through the mech at the same time as Nova delivers a kick to its side. Due to the force behind each blow, the mech is torn in half as each half is then blown back by the pair blasting them into the side of the tunnel.

Oobleck is impressed, and abit surprised as well at how these two are fighting in sync with each other. These two... were something else.

"My my, I don't believe I have ever seen a Huntsman and a Huntress in training fight like these two have. It's quite... unorthodox for sure.," Oobleck thought as he watched the pair fight off the mechs.


Down below, Yang, Weiss, and Blake enter the train car followed by Turuk.

"I guess this is what we trained for.," Yang said.

She then looks back to Turuk who was as calm as could be.

"😏 Holding up okay back there, handsome~?," She said smirking.

"😅 Yeah.. just fine Yang.," He said sweat dropping and not sure how to respond to the flirtatious comment.

Weiss reaches into her pouch and gives Blake a magazine filled with Dust vials.

"Here, this should help you.," Weiss says to Blake.

Blake slides the mag into Gambol Shroud, and then the three of them charge forward. Suddenly, Neopolitan drops from the ceiling and blocks their path.

Turuk sees this unsheathes the sword on his back. Yang then speaks up.

"You guys go on ahead, this one's mine.," Yang said.

Blake and Weiss proceed forward. The blonde brawler then looks quizzically at Turuk, who'd stayed behind for some reason.

"Turuk? Why'd you not go with them? You can still catch them if you're quick about it.," Yang said in question.

Turuk shook his head.

"I know how you are, Yang. Someone has to watch your back. And besides...," Turuk said before trailing off.

"Besides what?," Yang asked curious.

"I don't think this chick will let me leave now that she's seen me. Let's just say there's... some unfinished business between us two from the last time when she escaped.," Turuk said.

Sure enough, Yang noticed that when Neo spotted Turuk, she scowled and looked like she was getting ready to attack instead of bracing for one.

Yang stepped in stride beside Turuk briefly before walking towards her opponent.  She stared down the shorter girl, Neo not giving the sinister smile she had on before due to Turuk's presence there.

Yang then looks to Turuk.

"😏Not going to help me, Hot Stuff~?," Yang asked with a sly smirk.

Turuk smirked back.

" I'm just here to back you up, this is your fight. I'll jump in if I feel like it's getting out of hand.," He said smirking.

"😏 Remind me to reward you later then, handsome ~," Yang said.

"😅Right... heh heh.," Turuk said sweat dropping and laughing nervously.

Yang runs towards Neo as the two begin their fight.


In the next train car, Blake and Weiss are seen running, and then look at each other when they hear the sound of revving up ahead. A figure is seen dragging a chainsaw along the floor. The camera pans up, revealing the White Fang Lieutenant.

"You go on ahead!," Weiss says to her friend.

Blake responds back.

"Got it!," the cat eared faunus said.

The Lieutenant chuckles menacingly as he holds up his chainsaw. The two Huntresses-in-training charge forward, with Blake deflecting an attack as Weiss flips backward. Weiss delivers multiple strikes at the Lieutenant, knocking him down. She then smiles at Blake as she proceeds to the next car. The Lieutenant gets back up, again chuckling menacingly.

"Finally, I get to kill a Schnee...," The White Fang Lieutenant said menacingly.

Weiss holds up Myrtenaster en garde as she prepares for his attack.


In the next train car, Blake stops and grits her teeth when she's greeted by a familiar foe.

"Hello, kitty cat. You miss me? You know, we really gotta stop meeting like this. People are gonna talk...,"Roman says before Blake interrupts him.

Blake charges forward to attack, starting their brief battle. She soon knocks him down, and when he attempts to get back up, Blake steps on his chest and points her sword at his throat.

Roman chuckles nervously before his voice changes in tone dramatically.

"Why are we fighting? I saw you at the rally, we're on the same side and you know it...,"Roman saidlooking up at her.


Meanwhile, Weiss is fighting the Lieutenant. Things take a turn for the worst when time suddenly seems to slow down.

"C'mere, princess!," The White Fang lieutenant said menacingly.

The Lieutenant grabs Weiss' face and slams her into the floor, knocking her unconscious. He then throws her in the air, readying to hit her with his chainsaw...


Yang's fight is still going badly and soon ends when Neo manages to throw her into the ceiling, knocking her unconscious. Neo turns around to approach Yang...

Turuk sees this as jumps in front of the downed Huntress, blocking Neo's blow as the two glare at each other.


The scene then cuts back to Roman being held down by Blake, he grunts as she points her blade at his throat.

"Oh, still feisty. Soooo, what are we gonna do now? You think a little bow on top is gonna make people forget who you were? What you've done...?," Roman said.

As she grits her teeth at his words, Blake hears the door from the previous train car open behind her. An unconscious Weiss is thrown to the floor, with the Lieutenant emerging from the doorway, holding his chainsaw.

" So what's it gonna be, Blake?," Roman questioned her.

She sheaths Gambol Shroud and kicks Roman in the face, knocking him unconscious. Blake goes over to Weiss' aid, and flees immediately before the Lieutenant can reach them.


Meanwhile, Neo backs away from her struggle with Turuk and unsheathes a hidden Blade from within her umbrella. She then charges at Yang intending to end her life, only for Turuk to block it with his own blade.

"I don't think so, brat!," Turuk said through gritted teeth.

Neo backs off and tries to get to Yang again, only for each time Turuk blocking her and fighting her off at every attempt on Yang's life.

Suddenly, a masked warrior - raven-haired and clad in red and black - comes out of nowhere and knocks Neo back. Neo tries again for Yang, only for Turuk to blindside her and kick her into the door. He then turns and looks at the masked Warrior with a very curious expression on his face.

"Am I seeing things or do you look like an older Yang?," Turuk asks perplexed.

The woman sighs and removes her mask.

"I think you're mistaken, it's the other way around.," the woman said.

"Oh. My apologies then.," Turuk said.

He notices Neo get up and ignites his ki and glares at her menacingly. Neo recognizes that glare and realizes she's outnumbered here. Wasting no time she disappeared in a flash.

"Who are you to Yang anyway?," the woman asks.

"Oh, me? I'm a friend of hers. My name is Turuk Belladonna. We're schoolmates.,"He answers.

The woman looks at him as he sheathed his sword onto his back before noticing his tail.

"I see.. You've done well protecting Yang, thus far Turuk.," The woman said.

She then walked abit away from him before slashing her sword to the side, opening an eerie red portal. She then looks back to Yang and then to Turuk.

"When Yang wakes up, tell her this. I saved you once, don't expect the same courtesy again.," The woman said.

Turuk nodded.

"I will make sure she gets the message.," Turuk said.

She chuckled behind her mask that she put back on.

"You're an interesting one for sure, Turuk. I can tell why Yang is so fond of you.," She said before entering the portal.

She then added one last thought just before the portal closed.

"Until we meet again, Turuk Belladonna.," the woman said as the portal closed and disappeared.

At that moment, Yang regains some consciousness and slowly gets back up. Little did Turuk know, Yang wasn't entirely unconscious as she barely caught a glimpse of her rescuer when the woman disappeared.

Turuk turns and noticed Yang was up, he immediately went over and helped her to her feet.

"Well, look who's back in the land of the living. How do you feel, Yang?," Turuk said.

Yang rubs her head, still reeling after just regaining consciousness, before standing up. She takes a stop forward and almost falls, if not for Turuk catching her.

"Whoa, careful there..," Turuk said.

She looked at him.

"To answer your question, Turuk: I feel like a train hit me. Also...," Yang said before continuing.

"I see you met my mom, huh?," Yang said.

Turuk had to do a double take, he was not expecting that. The woman he talked to... was Yang's mom?!

"That... was your mom?," Turuk asked a little surprised. 

"Yup. That's her, Raven Branwen.," Yang said.

"I see. That's why the two of you look so much alike.," Turuk thought aloud.

Yang couldn't help but chuckle at this before noticing Turuk had his hands around her. She smirked.

"😏 Trying to feel me up, handsome~? All you had to do was ask me.," Yang said teasing him.

Turuk realized what he was doing and turned bright red in the face.

"Gah! Sorry! I swear I wasn't trying to do that!," He said embarrassed. 

Unfortunately, Yang didn't take the hint and moved his hands closer to her much to Turuk's growing embarrassment. 

"😏 There's more where that come from, eh hot stuff~?," she said seductively into his ear making him shiver.

"Y-Yang there's a time and place for this but uhh... it's not now..," Turuk said red in the face.

Yang laughed and broke the contact and stood up under her own power.

"Relax, I'm teasing. You're fun to tease Turuk.," Yang said she walked ahead.

"But who knows? Maybe we can continue where we left off later on?," She said smirking.

"😅 I... never know what that girl is thinking. What exactly goes through that head of hers anyways?," Turuk thought Sweat dropping as he followed Yang towards the others.


Back to Nova, Ruby, and Oobleck...

Another Paladin had charged them as Oobleck had actually joined the fight this time. the Doctor dodges a couple swipes from the Paladin, and then runs to the top of its head, and shoots it in its engine before jumping back down. She and Nova fire at it simultaneously with Oobleck, knocking it off the train. He then switches positions with the pair.

"Ruby, Nova! You two go ahead!," Oobleck said.

"But-," Ruby started before Oobleck interrupted her.

"Don't worry, Ruby. It's time... I teach them a lesson...," He said.

The Doctor goes to take on two oncoming Paladins. Before she leaves, Ruby notices the saddened Zwei looking up at her. She smiles and motions for him to go join his new friend.

Nova walks over with her and kneels to pet the dog. He smiles at him as Ruby speaks to Zwei.

"Go.," she says.

"Go on, Zwei. Don't worry about your master, I'll keep her safe. You go and join your new friend, ok boy?," Nova said stroking the pet's fur.

With that, Zwei expression changes dramatically and barks happily before running off to fight alongside the Doctor. Nova and Ruby hurry to the front of the train. The remaining members of Team RWBY, plus Turuk reemerge from the train cars to rejoin their leader. Ruby looks on worriedly as she realizes the train is on a collision course with a thick concrete wall.

"What do we do?," Blake asks.

Nova and Turuk spoke up.

"I think me and Turuk have an idea.," Nova said.

The two brothers smile at each other as they combine their ki to form a dome of energy around themselves and team Rwby.  Just as a precaution,  Weiss forms an Ice barrier to protect her teammates and the two saiyan brothers to prepare for the impending crash. The train crashes into the wall, the explosion causing the screen to go white.


The camera switches to Ruby's first person perspective as she and Nova who had somehow shielded her from the brunt of the impact were the first to recover from the collision. She hears the sound of an emergency alarm blaring as her vision comes back with buildings into her view. She turns her head to the lower right and sees Blake and Yang (who was shielded by Turuk) also with Turuk slowly get back up. Her sister coughing as the dust settled. She turns her head again and sees Weiss sitting up against a large piece of debris, who also gives a thumbs up at her team leader signaling she's okay. The camera switches back to show Ruby as she sits back up.

Nova checked on his girlfriend to make certain that she was okay. She smiled at him before kissed him on the cheek.

"Does that answer your question?," Ruby asked.

"Uh.. yeah.. Glad you're okay.," Nova said still trying to get used to the fact Ruby was his girlfriend now.

The teens then notice much to their chagrin, that they have returned to the central part of Vale, and multiple civilians in the area notice them among the debris. Ruby hears the sound of low rumbles and growls from behind her. Suddenly, a giant King Taijitu emerges from the hole, and multiple Grimm start pouring into Vale. The civilians scream as they attempt to flee the chaos. The sounds of screams and roars fill the air, and all Team RWBY can do is watch in horror. Cut to a close up on Ruby, her expression changes from worried and scared to angry and determined. The alarm continues to blare. Nova and Turuk ignite their Ki as blazing white auras surround them. Nova looks to Ruby, who nods and knows what needs to be done. She joins them and her teammates as they all prepare to protect Vale as the screen suddenly cuts to black...

To be continued...


Hey guys,  I hope you enjoyed this chapter.  You'll notice I changed a few things from the cannon episode this was to make it a little different while sticking somewhat close to the cannon story of Rwby.

Since Nova and Turuk are with Team Rwby, there were things that had to change. I thought you guys would appreciate some more bonding between Turuk and Yang since I haven't touched on their eventual and budding relationship in awhile. The scene with them in this chapter I foresee is what would take place due to Yang's personality lol. One thing Yang is finding out about Turuk is that he is very respectful of her and has certain boundaries she's willing to cross that he's just not.. ready for yet lol.  Also I kind of dropped a bit of a bombshell concerning the relation between the Reinhardt sisters and Nova and Turuk. It will be fully explained in coming chapters, but it was something that  I'm sure people saw coming.

I figure the other teams will come in and help next chapter so it may be a little bit of a shorter one. Anyways that's it for now, I'll see ya in the next one!

Next time: Chapter 17- Breach; Protecting Vale!