
Legend of the Faewoods

In Eldoria, Princess Kurumi Daeynore grapples with royal duties and a relentless sense of adventure. The enchanted forest within the kingdom hides mysteries that beckon Kurumi's curiosity. Despite stern warnings from her father, King Darien, Kurumi defies orders, sneaking into the illuminated woods under darkness. Navigating the magical realm, she discovers peril and keys to her destiny, blurring the lines between princess and adventurer. As Kurumi confronts shadows within and the clash of royal heritage with the allure of the unknown, she must emerge as the beacon of change or risk the unraveling of her fate. Will she emerge as the beacon of change Eldoria needs, or will the enchanted forest unravel her fate?

darkroses66 · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

A Princess’ Dilemma

Before the grand ball unfurled its enchantment, the palace pulsated with mounting anticipation. The corridors echoed with the purposeful hustle of servants, meticulously fine-tuning every detail for the forthcoming revelry. Crystal chandeliers, suspended from the ceiling like dazzling constellations, cast a warm, glittering glow upon the meticulously polished marble floors. The air carried the intoxicating fragrance of freshly cut flowers, as if the very essence of celebration had permeated every inch of the palace. In the resplendent royal chamber, King Darien and Queen Elara exchanged smiles, their regal attire resonating with the opulence of the occasion. The King's crimson robe, adorned with intricate gold embroidery, shimmered in the soft candlelight, a testament to his royal stature. Queen Elara's gown flowed with ethereal grace, each jewel adorning it sparkled like captured stardust. As the royal family gathered in their regal array, Sir Edmund, the King's second-in-command, stepped forward with a flourish, his voice carrying across the chamber.

"Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed courtiers and advisors, tonight marks a celebration of joy and unity in our beloved kingdom. May I introduce King Darien, Queen Elara, and their illustrious children!" The family stood in a line, emanating a collective aura of grace and nobility that captured the admiration of the onlooking crowd. Yet, among the royal progeny, a conspicuous gap in the line captured gazes and birthed puzzled expressions. A void at the end of the regal assembly left room for speculation, disrupting the usual harmonious symphony of opulence that enveloped the palace. The absence of Princess Kurumi Daeynore, a sudden departure from the expected grandeur, sparked a hushed murmur of concern, weaving through the gathering like an uninvited whisper. King Darien, a furrow on his brow betraying a mixture of frustration and worry, turned to his trusted knight, Sir Thomas. With an authoritative command, he urged, "Find Kurumi and bring her back to the palace immediately. This celebration shall not commence without the presence of all my children."

The urgency in the King's voice resonated through the chamber, and Sir Thomas, clad in gleaming armor, nodded solemnly, his steps echoing through the bustling corridors like a determined march. The grand ball, poised delicately on the precipice of commencement, now bore the weight of suspense as the palace awaited the return of the missing princess. The air, once filled with the excitement of impending revelry, now crackled with unforeseen intrigue, adding an unexpected layer of suspense to the evening's festivities. Meanwhile, nestled within the enchanting embrace of the magical woods, Kurumi reveled in carefree laughter, sprinting with abandon. Her vibrant dress twirled around her, a kaleidoscope of colors, as she called out to her dear friend, Iveen, encouraging her to keep pace. The forest, adorned with majestic trees and bathed in an ethereal glow, served as their sanctuary from the rigid constraints of palace life. Halting at the forest's edge, Kurumi marveled at a breathtaking sight—a vast expanse of golden sand stretching toward a sparkling turquoise ocean.

"Iveen, hurry up! We'll miss the show!" she exclaimed, excitement shimmering in her voice. Breathless, Iveen caught up to Kurumi, their footsteps leaving imprints in the soft sand. They strolled together until reaching their designated spot near a massive rock. Settling down, they absorbed the tranquility of the beach. "You know your father is going to be mad, right?" Iveen remarked, a blend of concern and caution evident in her voice. Dismissive, Kurumi merely shrugged, her mischievous smile undeterred. "He'll get over it," she replied, her eyes scanning the horizon. As gentle waves lapped against the shore, Kurumi's gaze fixated on a mesmerizing sight. Ancient whales, numbering five or six, emerged from the depths of the ocean, their massive tails breaching the water's surface one by one. In a harmonious symphony of majestic sounds, they sang a hauntingly beautiful melody before gracefully diving back into the embrace of the deep sea.

Exchanging delighted smiles, the girls' eyes sparkled with wonder and awe. Before Iveen could utter a word, a voice called out from behind them, interrupting their reverie. They turned to find a knight, Sir Thomas, clad in gleaming armor, dispatched by Kurumi's father to locate her. An audible groan escaped Kurumi as she walked over to Sir Thomas. "Did my father send you?" she asked, a blend of resignation and annoyance evident in her voice. Sir Thomas nodded solemnly. "Indeed, Princess Kurumi. Your father grows frustrated with your absence. He requests that you return to the palace immediately." Kurumi sighed, casting a longing glance at the ocean before turning to Iveen. "I suppose duty calls," she murmured, her voice tinged with a hint of defiance. As they started their journey back to the palace, the rustling leaves seemed to whisper tales of the enchanted woods, weaving a narrative that intertwined the magic of nature with the responsibilities of royalty.

The contrast between the serene beauty of the beach and the impending grandeur of the palace celebration created a poignant backdrop for Kurumi's adventure and the unfolding events in the royal chamber.

Before the grand doors of the palace, Kurumi stood flanked by her stern father, King Darien, and her gentle mother, Queen Elara. The king's arms were crossed, disappointment and concern etched on his face, while the queen wore a sympathetic smile. Kurumi's siblings peeked around the corner, eager to witness the unfolding scene. "Kurumi," King Darien spoke her name in a disapproving tone, his voice echoing with stern authority. Approaching her parents, Kurumi embraced her mother before turning her gaze to her father. "Hello to you too," she said, attempting to lighten the mood, but the stern look on her father's face remained unchanged. Standing before the palace doors, her father began to question her. "Where were you, Kurumi? Do you have any idea where you were meant to be?" He followed her as she walked inside the palace, his gaze piercing with unwavering expectation. Kurumi replied, her voice tinged with defiance, "I was just taking a walk with Iveen, Father."

She chose not to mention their visit to the beach, keeping that secret to herself. Frustration colored her father's voice as he gestured for everyone to leave. Kurumi's siblings retreated, leaving the princess and the stern king alone. Directly locking eyes with her, his voice laden with deep concern, he questioned, "Need I remind you of the dangers that lurk beyond the woods? How many times must we have this conversation?" His words carried the weight of a father's worry. With a dismissive eye-roll, Kurumi defended herself, "Father, I haven't witnessed any issues with the woods since you became king. It's not fair to forbid everyone from exploring beyond. It's become uncharted territory because of that." Her father sighed, his tone softening as he placed his hands on her shoulders, their eyes locked. "I just don't want anything to happen to my youngest daughter," he admitted. The sternness lingered, but a gentler undertone emerged. "It's okay to be adventurous and curious, but you need to remember that there are dangerous things out there you have no idea about. I would hate to lose you if you were to wander too far."

Kurumi sighed, her frustration melting into a mixture of understanding and determination. She reassured her father, "I'll be fine, Father. Iveen is always with me, and we never go too far. We take care of each other." Her father's gaze softened, a flicker of pride mingling with his concern. "Just promise me you'll be cautious, Kurumi. Your adventurous spirit is a gift, but it must be tempered with wisdom and restraint. The responsibility of being a princess is immense, and one day, you will bear the weight of the kingdom." Kurumi, a hint of defiance in her eyes, nodded, her resolve strengthening. "I hear you, Father. I'll remember what you've said." With those words, a fragile truce settled between them. Kurumi, still carrying a spark of defiance, acknowledged that her longing for exploration and her desire to embrace her true self might clash with her father's concerns. Yet, she also understood that love and understanding formed the bedrock of their relationship.

The palace doors closed behind them, leaving behind a poignant moment that echoed the complex dance of duty, adventure, and familial bonds. With her father's stern yet caring words still lingering, King Darien dismissed Kurumi, motioning for one of the maids, Lady Marissa, and Sir Alaric, to accompany her up to her room. As they walked through the palace corridors, Kurumi couldn't resist stealing glances out of the grand windows, the sight of the enchanted woods below fueling her curiosity and longing. Upon reaching her room, Lady Marissa assisted Kurumi in changing into a stunning dress, a gorgeous and ethereal ice blue and white creation that exuded a mysterious yet elegant allure. Her hair was expertly braided behind her head, adorned with a crystal tiara that caught the light. The maid then applied light makeup and slid a cool silver necklace around Kurumi's neck, making her shiver as it touched her skin. "You look gorgeous, Princess," Lady Marissa complimented, admiring her reflection in the mirror.

Kurumi, despite her earlier defiance, snorted with a playful smirk, "I look as though I'm attending a wedding." Lady Marissa bowed gracefully, a smile gracing her lips. "You did an excellent job as always, Lady Marissa." Kurumi expressed her gratitude before adding, "It is my greatest honor to do anything for you, Princess," Lady Marissa replied, her tone filled with sincerity. Just as they were finishing the final touches, Sir Alaric knocked on the door, peeking his head in. "Are you ready to join your family, Princess?" he inquired. Kurumi took a final glance at herself in the mirror, a mix of elegance and rebellious spirit reflected back at her. With a nod, she replied, "Yes, let's not keep them waiting any longer." The grand ballroom awaited, and as she stepped out, the echo of her father's words lingered, reminding her of the delicate balance between adventure and responsibility that defined her royal existence. Once she arrived at the ballroom, everyone's eyes were on Kurumi as Lady Marissa and Sir Alaric accompanied her to her seat near her family.

She couldn't help but notice Iveen in the crowd, and a smile brightened her face before she gracefully took her seat above everyone. "You look amazing in that dress, Kurumi," her mother voiced with a warm smile, eliciting a return of the sentiment from Kurumi. "Thank you; you were the one that chose it, after all," Kurumi replied, a playful glint in her eyes. The Queen chuckled, "Why, of course. I choose the best gowns there are for my girls." The ballroom buzzed with the hum of conversations and the soft melodies of the musicians, creating a tapestry of joy and elegance. As the evening unfolded, Kurumi found herself immersed in the enchanting ambiance of the grand ball. The dance floor came alive with twirling couples, the rich melodies of the orchestra filling the air. Kurumi's eyes frequently sought out Iveen, who danced gracefully with a nobleman, the joy evident on her face. The King, his stern demeanor from earlier softened by the festivities, raised his glass for a toast.

"To joy, unity, and the prosperity of our beloved kingdom," he proclaimed, and the entire ballroom echoed with the clinking of glasses. Kurumi, sitting at her elevated seat, couldn't help but let her gaze wander beyond the opulent walls of the ballroom. The grand windows offered glimpses of the moonlit woods, stirring a restlessness within her. Yet, for now, she surrendered to the rhythmic dance of the evening, the laughter, and the music, savoring the delicate moments of unity and celebration with her family and the kingdom she was destined to lead.


As the grand ball unfolded, Kurumi elegantly made her exit from the lively ballroom, seeking the tranquility of her room by ascending the sweeping staircase. Immersed in the anticipation of immersing herself in the sanctuary of her personal space, her plans encountered an unexpected interruption as her mischievous siblings intercepted her in the opulent palace hallway. "Well, well, look who decided to grace us with her presence!" teased Percival, her second brother, mischief glittering in his eyes. Isabella, her sister, chimed in with a playful smirk, "Kurumi, what daring escapade were you on this time?" Cedric, her other brother, joined the banter, raising an eyebrow mockingly. "Did you charm your way out of trouble with Father, or did he finally give up on taming the wild princess?" In response, Kurumi rolled her eyes, meeting their teasing banter with a good-natured defiance. "Maybe I just have a way with words. You'll never know," she replied, infusing a hint of mystery into her tone.

Laughter erupted from her siblings as they playfully danced around her, dubbing her the wild princess, their laughter echoing through the majestic halls. Standing there, amidst annoyance, her oldest sister, Seraphina, approached and placed a comforting hand on Kurumi's shoulder. "Don't mind them, Kurumi," she said, her voice filled with empathy. "They just love to tease. Deep down, they admire your spirit." Responding with a snort, Kurumi added, "Yeah right, they just love to mess with me." Her oldest brother, Donovan, joined them, curiosity evident in his expression. "Even so, they mean no harm," he assured her. "So, did Father scold you at least?" he inquired, searching for details. Kurumi nodded, a hint of pride evident in her response. "We actually had a conversation," she explained. "He expressed his concerns, and I promised him that I would be careful, just as I always have been." Donovan nodded, offering a reassuring smile. "That's good. It's important that he talked to you this time. Our father worries because he loves us."

Adding a note of caution, Seraphina chimed in, "Remember, Kurumi, even though Father spoke with you, it's still essential to be careful when you venture into the woods. Dangers can arise when least expected." With a sigh, Kurumi acknowledged her sister's words. "I know, I know," she replied, a hint of resignation in her voice. "I'll be careful, I promise." The echoes of familial banter continued, creating a melody that resonated through the corridors of the palace, intertwining with the rhythms of royal life. As they continued down the palace halls, the trio shared a moment of familial understanding. The complexities of royal life and the delicate balance between freedom and responsibility were woven into their shared history. After her siblings dispersed, each following their own paths, Kurumi resumed her journey to her room. Once inside, she paused, the air thick with contemplation as she reflected on her father's words and her siblings' teasing. The echoes of their laughter resonated in the room, intertwining with the concerns voiced by her father.

This symphony of familial bonds filled the quietude of her private sanctuary, leaving Kurumi in a contemplative state. With the moon casting a gentle glow through the window, Kurumi acknowledged the duality of her existence—the princess destined to bear the weight of the kingdom and the spirited explorer yearning for the uncharted territories beyond the palace walls. In the quiet moments that followed, Kurumi stood on her balcony, enveloped in the cool night air. Her gaze lingered on the moonlit woods, where shadows played among the ancient trees. Each rustle of leaves carried untold stories, and Kurumi felt a magnetic pull, an invitation from the mysterious depths beyond the palace walls. A gentle breeze stirred her hair, whispering secrets that only the night seemed willing to share. She imagined herself dancing among the moonbeams, lost in the embrace of the enchanted forest. The dichotomy of her role as a princess and her desire for exploration tugged at the edges of her consciousness.

With a soft sigh, Kurumi retreated from the balcony, the night's allure lingering in her thoughts. As she closed her eyes, the moonlit world outside blended with the symphony of familial bonds within. The tapestry of her unique journey unfolded, woven with threads of duty, love, and an unquenchable thirst for adventure. As Kurumi drifted into the realm of dreams, her mind painted vivid landscapes where the boundaries between the royal halls and the mystical woods blurred. In this dreamscape, she was both the regal princess and the spirited explorer, navigating a world where duty coexisted harmoniously with the yearning for the unknown. The night embraced her with its timeless tales, leaving Kurumi to navigate the delicate balance of her dual existence in the silent hours. And so, the moon sailed across the sky, casting its silvery glow on the sleeping kingdom, while the wild princess danced on the edge of dreams, caught between the realms of reality and the enchanting allure of the unexplored.