
Legend of the Earth Dragon

PolarBearWithWifi · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

Chapter 7 - Home

It had been 8 months since the failed assignation attempt and the tower that was acting as my home simply crumbled beneath my weight. I was large, there was no denying it. I smirked and thought what would my parents think of me now.

I had gained another minor rank and sat at Rank 5 (Middle)

I was flying around my territory looking for my next home when I saw the perfect building. It looked like a stadium of some kind, like a smaller version of the stadiums one could watch football or rugby in.

It was perfect.

I first dragged the several pieces of fabric gathered from nearby home to create a roof of some sorts and then began the slow process of creating the base itself

I left the main entrance open, the giant doors was perfect for my to enter and would be hard for anyone under Rank 4 to enter at all.

I began reinforcing the surrounding walls and columns with Earth Mana, using Obsidian and Onyx to cover the outside in layers of protection.

I then increased the gravity of the walls and made the gravity invert itself, so that the pressure now forced the walls to compress within itself, further increasing the durability and strength go the walls

After reinforcing the walls, I began to dig the trench that would store my treasures, I felt a attachment to my hoard and it had grown to be an impressive size, considering a third of the city was within my grasp.

I lay in the centre of the arena, the arena itself being juts large enough to accompany my size, I pondered my journey in this life

it has been over a year and a half since I had first met Gaea, after that I had not talked to anyone or anything since then. None of the creatures I had fought had talked and I assumed most of the intelligent life was above ground.

Above ground.

It had been years since I had seen the sun, and I craved its warmth.

Down here, there was nothing but the madness of a king and the near-madness of a dragon. I had promised myself that I would leave the Stone Soldiers alone until I reached Rank 4, and yet it had taken be nearly a year to gain a single sub-rank.

I needed an explosive growth, the dragon inside me craved for it.

I opened my wings and erupted from my lair, billowing winds flattened nearby houses as I lifted off.

- Third General-

The king had fully broken down, that dragon was the sole thing keeping this kingdom together. As much as it was ironic, having an enemy powerful enough to rally against kept the Generals in check, if we fought against each other, the dragon would take us all.

The hellish wingbeats accompanied by the roar of flames woke the General from his thoughts.

It was here

He Inspected it

Name: Unkown

Rank: Rank 5 (Middle)

Description: A Mythic being descendant of the first dragons, powerful enough to raze cities and even nations at adulthood. Treat with extreme caution.

Impossible, the beast has gotten stronger, had this level it would have taken decades for one to move even a sub-realm and yet it had grown.


I wreathed destruction on the wall, even the Giants, once so mighty had crumbled against me. I was tearing the wall to pieces when I saw him.


Name: The Third General

Rank: Rank 4 (Initial)

Description: A man broken by the weight of servitude, the men most feared are the men with nothing to lose.


The General walked towards me, head bowed, The General was a tall man, perhaps 7ft, It was hard to get an accurate measurement at this size but the eyes helped.

The General was similar to Gaea's form when I first met him. But smaller and without the plants, deep black, almost the shade of my scales. He wore heavy armour and wielded a poleaxe by his side.

"Lizard", he muttered

I stopped

I stopped everything, for the first time in years, I had heard something speak.


"You can talk"

He smirked up at me, his eyes deep purple

"Of course I can, I would be a bad General if I cannot command my troops"

"What do you want General"

He smiled again, this time less snarky and more... depressed. "I want a lot of things"

"Do you want your king to die?"

He froze, his eyes wide, in a low whispering voice he stammered "H-H-How"

"I read a diary on which it states the king is a madman, the way in which the city is in confirms the writings.

"I can't kill him, my oath to the Royal bloodline as a guard prevents me from harming him in any way".

"Let me into the palace and I will deal with him"

"He is nearly rank 6, He would punt you like you could punt me", despite his word hope burned in his eyes

"You deal with the other Generals, the king is my problem"

"I am the third out of eight generals, except for one and two, all the others wish for the kings head"

"In two days I will fly over the wall, You gather your alliances and deal with One and Two"

-The Third General-

The Lizard flew back to his den with that departing message. For the first time ever, he cried.