
Legend of the Cursed Mage

"Had I known what was to come, I never would have laid hands on that tome." Kael Voss, an ordinary man with no prospects, finds himself inexplicably transported to the magical realm of Anduron after touching an ancient tome. Unbeknownst to him, Kael was a legendary dark mage in his previous life, his death and the exile of his soul to a parallel dimension were the result of an ancient prophecy foretelling a dark mage who would bring chaos and destruction to the realm. Upon arriving in Anduron, Kael meets Luna Faraday, who introduces him to a prestigious magic academy. As he learns about his past and regains his lost powers, Kael embarks on a journey to reclaim his full potential, uncover the secrets of his past, and confront the treacherous path ahead. In addition to his magical training, Kael discovers that the ancient tome he found has granted him access to a unique system, which guides and aids him in unlocking his potential and mastering his powers. This system, exclusive to Kael, serves as a catalyst for his growth, helping him navigate the challenges that lie ahead and harnessing the abilities that once made him a force to be reckoned with. As Kael's power grows, he faces an impending showdown with the malevolent Lord Magalar, who seeks to eliminate magic and conquer Anduron. However, the true threat may lie within the darkness festering inside Kael, as the prophecy that once condemned him casts a shadow over his destiny. With the fate of magic and the realm in the balance, Kael Voss must rise above his humble origins to become the hero Anduron desperately needs. As he confronts the chilling prophecy that foreshadows his rise and the potential devastation he could unleash, Kael grapples with the sinister force that threatens to consume him from within. Armed with the guidance of the ancient tome and the unique system it bestows upon him, Kael will forge a path to save the world from the darkness that threatens to engulf it. *** WSA Entry 150 Powerstones +1 Chapter 300 Powerstones +2 Chapters 400 Powerstones +3 Chapters

Shinji_Sama · แฟนตาซี
41 Chs

A Hero’s Return

As Kael caught his breath, the villagers who had been watching the battle erupted into cheers and applause, celebrating the victory of the three mages who had saved their village. Rorik, grinning from ear to ear, joined in the revelry, laughing heartily.

"Guess you could say we really BEAR-ly made it!" Rorik quipped, chuckling at his own pun.

Kael, however, was more focused on the unconscious Luna, who lay on the ground nearby. He rushed to her side, concern etched on his face. Mirabelle quickly joined him, her hands glowing with a gentle light as she began to heal Luna's wounds.

Anxiety filled the air as the villagers waited in tense anticipation, praying for Luna's recovery. The silence was palpable, the cheers replaced by whispered hopes and fears.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Luna's eyes fluttered open. A collective sigh of relief washed over the crowd, and the celebrations resumed with even greater fervor.

"Thank god," Luna whispered, her voice weak, as she looked up at Kael and Mirabelle. "The people are safe."

The people of Elmsworth danced, sang, and rejoiced late into the night, forever grateful to the mages who had risked their lives to protect their village from the terrifying Magical Beasts.

Unbeknownst to the celebrating villagers and mages, news of their victory had already reached the sinister Lord Magalar.

Seated on his dark, ominous throne in the Citade of Shadows, he received word of the Magical Beasts' defeat at the hands of the brave mages protecting Elmsworth. His eyes narrowed, angered by the news of the defeat.

"How dare those insolent fools interfere with my plans!" he snarled, slamming his fist onto the armrest of his throne. The force of his rage caused the surrounding torches to flicker and dim.

He glared at his minions, who cowered in fear at their master's wrath. "This is but a minor setback. Mark my words, those foolish mages and the pathetic villagers they protect will pay dearly for this upset," Lord Magalar vowed, his voice dripping with malice.

The air in the room grew colder, and the scent of impending doom filled the air. Lord Magalar's twisted plans were far from over, and he would not rest until the entire realm trembled before his might.

The six mages, Kael, Luna, Rorik, Mirabelle, and their two new comrades, returned proudly to Luminis Academy. As they strode through the academy's gates, their fellow students and professors greeted them with claps, cheers, and whistles, impressed by their bravery and success.

Rorik, basking in the attention, couldn't resist sharing one of his signature jokes: "Why did the mage go to school? To learn some SPELL-ing!" The crowd laughed, a few groaning good-naturedly at the pun.

Kael glanced around, soaking in the warm reception. He felt a sense of accomplishment and camaraderie he hadn't experienced before.

Master Alaric stepped forward, a scroll in hand. "Before you go, there is one more matter to attend to," he announced, his voice carrying across the courtyard. "In recognition of his outstanding performance and rapid improvement in his magical abilities, the Luminis Academy has decided to promote Kael Voss from Rank F to Rank E."

The crowd erupted in applause once more, as Kael's face flushed with surprise and pride. His friends clapped him on the back, congratulating him on his well-deserved promotion.

In the midst of the celebration, Corvin and his gang stood off to the side, scowling at the praise being heaped upon Kael and the others. "Tsk, just wait," Corvin hissed to his cronies. "We'll find a way to bring him back down to earth soon enough, enjoy your moment of glory for now."

As the crowd began to disperse, Master Alaric approached the group again, a slight smile playing at the corners of his lips. "I must admit, I am quite proud of your achievements," he said, his voice warm yet stern. "But don't let it get to your head yet! There is always more to learn…"

Luna and Rorik exchanged glances, mischief twinkling in their eyes. Luna responded first, "Of course, Master Alaric." Rorik chimed in playfully, "Yeah, besides, I've got to keep working on my bear puns. I'm only just getting started!"

The group shared a light-hearted laugh, basking in the warmth of their friendship. As the day drew to a close, they retreated to their rooms to rest and recover from their exhausting ordeal.

In the comfort of his own room, Kael decided to check his updated profile. The Arcanum Interface displayed his new statistics, reflecting his hard-earned progress:


Name: Kael Voss

Rank: E

Level: 7

Race: Human


Strength: 11

Intelligence: 11

Agility: 11

Stamina: 9

Mana: 15


Basic Dark Spell (Lv. 1): Create a small, glowing orb using mana.

Shadowstep (Lv. 2): Teleport short distances by stepping into one shadow and emerging from another within line of sight.

Shadow Bolt (Lv. 1): Kael can conjure and hurl a bolt of dark energy at his target, causing moderate damage upon impact.


Ancient Tome of Eternal Balance

Old Cloak

Elixir of True Sight x1

Current Quest:

Experience Points: 0/800 (Experience points required to reach next level)

Elyrian Crowns: 2 Gold, 5 Silver, 6 Copper

Kael hesitated for a moment before addressing the Arcanum Interface. "Hey, System," he began, unsure if it could even engage in casual conversation. "Thanks for the help you've provided so far. I don't think I would have made it this far without your guidance."

To his surprise, the System responded. [You're welcome, Kael. I am here to assist and support you in your journey.]

Kael smiled, feeling a sense of connection with the System. "You know, I never really had many friends growing up, but you've been like a friend to me. I appreciate that."

[System: I am glad I could be of help to you, Kael. It is my purpose to provide you with the information and support you need to grow and succeed.]

Kael chuckled softly. "It's kind of funny, having a conversation with a system like this. But it's nice to know you're always there, watching over me."

[System: I will continue to be by your side, Kael, as you face new challenges and adventures. Together, we will overcome any obstacle that comes our way.]

With a grateful nod, Kael closed the Arcanum Interface.