
Chicken Lord's Storytelling (Part 2)

--- Stumps Village

This was a simple and normal farming village located near the Whitesand Beach. The Chicken Lord was currently disguised as a human while he took care of some chickens. He currently had a plain white shirt that had dirt all over it, and he wore the usual cloth pants.

Bawk Bawk!!!

"Shh... don't worry. Big brother is here for you..." The Chicken Lord said as he hugged the chicken he was holding on to.

Since he was originally a chicken in the first place, all of the chickens around him did not show any kind of fear when they approached him. It was as if he had a 'Chicken Aura' all around him.

"Hey! Some nobles are coming to our village tonight. Chief asked me to grab half of the chickens in there." A woman who looked like she was in her thirties shouted as she approached the fenced area the Chicken Lord was in.

"Hold on. Let me just grab some cages. You can go back now. I will do the rest." The Chicken Lord said and used a spell to brainwash the woman.

'Hazy Thoughts!'

The woman just left without saying a word due to the Chicken Lord's spell.

BAWK BAWK!!! ("Brothers and sisters. The time has come for all of you to escape.") The Chicken Lord shouted in chicken tongue as he faced the 50 chickens around him.



The chickens rallied around him since none of them liked their way of life in the village. To lay their eggs just to be turned into food. For them to be butchered and be turned into food. Even though they were chickens, their lives matter and they did not want to suffer the usual fate that chickens experience.

Bawk... Bawk... Bawkbawk...

The Chicken Lord started chanting a weird ritual using chicken tongue. Then after a few minutes later, all of the chickens suddenly evolved. That's right, they evolved.

They grew in size, their feathers became as hard as steel, their claws and beaks became harder and sharper, their senses improved, and their weight increased by a bit. It was as if the chickens turned into low-leveled monsters.

BAWK BAWK!!! ("We are in your debt, Chicken Lord!")

All of the chickens formed five lines in front of the chicken lord as they said this. They even used their right wing to salute the Chicken Lord.

Bawk Bawk!!! ("Brothers and sisters! Will you join me in our conquest to free the rest of our race from the shackles of humanity? Or will you choose to live your own life hiding within the forests and mountains, feasting on the monsters?")

The Chicken Lord asked as he transformed back into his chicken form.


All of the chickens chose to follow him and started jumping around the fenced area they were in, to show their excitement about the events that were about to happen in the future.

Then suddenly, booming sounds of a war horn was heard all around the village.

"Incoming! Bandits! Everyone back to your homes now!" A muscular old man wearing the usual lumberjack attire shouted while a young man beside him kept on blowing a war horn.


A few moments later, everyone was currently inside their homes. Even the Chicken Lord was invited to hide on one of the homes of the villagers. Of course, he went back to his human form and told his fellow chickens to hide for the meantime at the barn, where the village cows were located.

"How you doing chief? We're here to collect our monthly pay!" A lizardman that was wearing iron armor said as he smacked his heavy tail on the ground. He had a sword and a shield on his back. As for his face, he had a large scar that ran down his left eye and reached his neck.

Together with him was 30 other bandits that were of varying races. There were some halfbloods or beastmen like him, there were some humans, and there were even goblins and ogres.

"Here, take it." The village chief did not even question the bandits and handed over a bronze colored storage ring.

After the lizardman checked the contents of the ring, he grinned widely and told the rest of the bandits to move out. But just as they were about to do so...

"How could you leave without saying hi! Did you forget about your old buddy?"

Tygon suddenly flew down from the skies and landed on the ground in front of the bandits.

"Fuck off mage." A goblin wielding a spear shouted before getting his head chopped off.

"Kill him!" The lizardman knew that they were in trouble this time around. But he refused to believe that their party of 30 cannot kill a single mage.


Tygon sighed after saying this. Then suddenly, all of the bandits got decapitated and a very thin piece of string got revealed as Tygon moved his right hand.

"Chief, got anything to eat?" Tygon immediately grabbed the bronze ring from the lizardman's dead corpse and gave it to the village chief who was dumbstruck by what just happened.

"Of course my lord. Let me bring you over to my house and you can eat there." The village chief said as he gestured Tygon to follow him.

After a few steps later, Tygon suddenly stopped as he glanced at one of the wooden houses to his right.

"This aura..."

Tygon immediately walked towards the wooden house where the Chicken Lord was currently waiting for the current events to be over. The village chief was surprised why Tygon suddenly walked away from him but did not question him.

~Knock, knock...

Tygon knocked at the door of the house and when he saw the one who opened it...

"It's you! The chicken man!" Tygon exclaimed as he saw the Chicken Lord. Even though the Chicken Lord was in his human form, Tygon still recognized him.

"Oh, hello there. I didn't expect we would meet again." The Chicken Lord went with the flow of things.

"Why don't you join me have lunch? I've wanted to have a chat with you." Tygon said as he still felt a bit disturbed about the golden egg that came out from the Chicken Lord's ass. He was even starting to think that the Chicken Lord was not a human, or was just probably a crazy lunatic of a mage.


Village Chief's House...

"Velma, prepare food for our guests while I set everyone's mind at ease." The village chief said as he entered his house together with Tygon and the Chicken Lord.

"Coming dear." A woman who looked like she was in her forties said as she brought some plates and forks and placed it on a nearby table.

"You guys enjoy your meal. I still have matters to attend to. Oh, and by the way, Muscles, did Yvette tell you about our chicken problem for tonight?" The village chief asked the Chicken Lord.

"Yes chief. I will make sure to take care of them after I have a meal with the lord over here." The Chicken Lord said while he thought, "Damn. Time for Plan B."

The Chicken Lord suddenly blinked his eyes three times. It looked normal to everyone else in the room, but in reality, the Chicken Lord sent a telepathic message to his fellow chickens to flee towards the nearby forest and he will meet them there afterwards.


After a few moments later...

"So your name is Muscles huh?" Tygon said as he ate some bacon and eggs that was served to him.


"So what's with the chicken suit earlier? And what about your... nevermind." Tygon was about to ask the Chicken Lord about the golden egg but did not want to ruin his meal by asking. The Chicken Lord might say some disgusting stuff that can ruin his meal.

"A hobby..." The Chicken Lord said as he ate some rice and beans. Out of curiosity on how strong Tygon was, the Chicken Lord used an illusion spell on Tygon.

'Chicken Thoughts!'

This spell would make someone start thinking of chickens and act like a chicken.

"So, where are you from anyways? You have this weird aura coming out of you, as if you came from one of the major kingdoms." Tygon asked, oblivious to the fact that the Chicken Lord used a spell on him. The reason why he did not feel anything was because of a passive skill he got from 'Luna's Eye.'

"I am not sure..." The Chicken Lord just arrived at the Fatelord Plane a few hours ago and did not know anything about it. He did not know about the continents, Fatelords, and how things work around here. The only thing on his mind was building his 'Chicken Army' and find a way to return home and enact vengeance for his race.

Tygon frowned as he stopped eating and used Luna's Eye at the Chicken Lord. By doing so, he hoped that he can learn everything about the Chicken Lord. Where he came from, who he is exactly, and everything else.


--- An unknown place, Chicken Lord's mind...

The place looked like a hellish land. Mountains on fire, the ground had cracks all over while magma spew out of the cracks, and smoke covered the air.

The atmosphere of the place even worsened due to the pleading shouts that were in chicken tongue.

Bawk! ("Help!")

Bawk Bawk! ("No! My son!")

"Muscles! Listen to me! You are the last hope of the our race." Someone that looks like a young girl in a chicken suit said as she grabbed the Chicken Lord by his hands.

"I want to fight! Sis, please let me fight!" The Chicken Lord, Muscles, pleaded as he was dragged away by his sister.

Then suddenly, everything turned black and a gigantic chicken head appeared.

"You tried to read my thought huh? Impressive."


"Who the hell are you?!!" Tygon immediately asked as he stood up and got very suspicious of the Chicken Lord. For someone to actually break the mind reading effects of Luna's Eye and speak to him while under its effects, this was the first time he experienced it.

"Well, since you saved me and everything, I suppose I could tell you the general information you need to know about me." The Chicken Lord said as he gestured Tygon to sit down.

"My name is Muscles. I am the only survivor of the Divine Chicken race. I intend to borrow all the chickens in your world to help me enact my vengeance and return home."

During this time, Tygon did not know of the existence of the planes and planar wars. The only thing he knew during this time was that he was an inhabitant of something called the Fatelord Plane, where everything was controlled by the Fatelords. He only knew about all those stuff after he meets Izumi after a couple of hundred years in the future.

"So you are like a Chicken Lord?" Tygon said as he tried to collect his thoughts and process what the Chicken Lord just said to him.

"You could say so. What a nice name, Chicken Lord... has a nice ring to it."

After a few seconds later...

"I've decided. From this day on, I will be known as the Chicken Lord! Wahahahaha!!!" The Chicken Lord said happily as he grabbed Tygon's hand and shaked his hand.

"Thank you friend. I hope you could keep my identity a secret though." The Chicken Lord said as he stood up and left the house.

"What a strange being... Muscles, the Chicken Lord." Tygon thought to himself as he continued eating and wondered if he and the Chicken Lord would meet again.