
Legend of Lysandra

Her long, ebony hair cascaded like a midnight waterfall down her back, its inky strands kissed by the moon's silvery glow. Her eyes, a captivating shade of sapphire, held a depth of wisdom and a spark of otherworldly knowledge. They shimmered with an inner light that seemed to reveal secrets of a magical realm.

turtlentrains · แฟนตาซี
25 Chs


Elyssa had been Lysandra's closest friend since childhood. Their bond was unbreakable, forged in the tranquil haven of Eldertree Glade. The two friends shared secrets, dreams, and countless adventures. Elyssa had always celebrated Lysandra's unique abilities and her deep connection to the natural world, supporting her with unwavering loyalty.

Yet, beneath the surface, a seed of envy had taken root in Elyssa's heart. Over time, whispers of Lysandra's destiny and potential greatness began to wear at her. She never resented her friend's abilities, but she began to feel the weight of her own inadequacy. The desire for recognition and validation grew within her, and she questioned her place in the village.

Her friend's seemingly arrogant decisions to explore dark magic started to frustrate Elyssa at every attempt. Manifesting her childish feelings of envy for Lysandra's beauty, ability and specialness, unrest turmoiled in her emotions as they got stronger towards Lysandra's experiments.

Despite their agreement to not return to the hidden library, Elyssa ventured deep into her own conflicts, asking herself what she really liked about Lysandra for her ignorant attitude. On one fateful night, she explored deep into the surrounding forest, a place she had never explored alone. There, she encountered a malevolent presence, a dark force that preyed upon her vulnerability. This entity promised Elyssa power and recognition, a chance to rise above her feelings of inadequacy and make her mark on the world.

In exchange for these promises, Elyssa agreed to explore forbidden knowledge of dark magic, something she had never dared to approach before. The entity's influence began to seep into her very being, blurring the lines between her old self and the newfound ambitions that consumed her.

Elyssa's descent into the world of dark magic was marked by secrecy, as she hid her experiments from Lysandra and the rest of the village. She felt the weight of her actions, the betrayal of her dearest friend, and the looming sense of impending revelation.

Elyssa's inner turmoil was a maelstrom of conflicting emotions. She wrestled with guilt, fear, and a growing obsession with the forbidden magic she had embraced. The malevolent entity whispered lies about Lysandra, convincing Elyssa that her friend posed a threat to the village and that only by exposing her alleged transgressions could Elyssa secure her own power and recognition.

As Elyssa's mastery of dark magic grew, her envy and insecurity transformed into arrogance and ambition. Her heart ached with the knowledge of the betrayal she was about to commit, but she felt trapped by the malevolent entity's influence. It had become an inescapable presence, driving her actions, and eroding the values that had once defined her.

One pivotal night, consumed by the malevolent entity's influence, Elyssa confronted Lysandra with her secret dark magic experiments. The words of accusation and betrayal hung heavily in the air, and the trust between the two friends shattered. Lysandra watched in disbelief as her closest friend revealed her actions to the village.

Elyssa had hoped that exposing Lysandra's use of forbidden magic would secure her place as the village's protector, but the consequences of her betrayal were far-reaching.