
Legend of Enchantment

"Fate is the chapter written on the paper of time, and we are the authors of our own."

xYUrxx · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs

Chapter 7: The Eternal Night Ice Palace

This ice palace had another name: The Eternal Night Ice Palace. It was a place shrouded in perpetual darkness. Here, it seemed as though daytime would never arrive, leaving only the quiet and mysteries of the night. The light within the ice palace did not come from the sun but radiated from a special blue crystal, illuminating this enigmatic realm.

The small boat came to a gentle halt in front of the Ice Palace. The Ice Palace was a towering and magnificent structure, its exterior walls crystal-clear, as if crafted from ice crystals. Two towering ice pillars formed the entrance to the palace, adorned with ancient engravings that appeared inscrutably mysterious.

"We've finally arrived at the Ice Palace," Victoria Vivian exclaimed excitedly, her eyes brimming with curiosity and anticipation.

Nightspirit stood before the Ice Palace, gently touching the entrance pillar. As his fingertips made contact with the icy column, the engravings at the door began to emit a ghostly blue light, flowing like a dream.

"This is the Eternal Night Ice Palace, and it is a witness to history," Nightspirit's voice carried solemnity. "And you coming here signifies that you will become the new messengers, tasked with safeguarding this realm."

The great doors of the Ice Palace slowly swung open, revealing a spectacular sight inside. The space was adorned with numerous glistening ice columns emitting a soft blue glow that illuminated the entire hall. The columns were adorned with marvelous patterns and designs, akin to an ancient history book, preserving countless stories and secrets.

At the end of the hall sat a massive ice crystal throne, and upon it was a figure cloaked in black. His countenance was hard to discern, as if veiled by a shroud, but his presence exuded an ancient and stately aura.

Victoria's eyes filled with reverence, as she instantly recognized the person on the throne, a figure of great nobility whose name was spoken in legends and revered by the elders, "It's Alderic Soress, the Supreme Ruler of the Eternal Night Ice Palace!"

"All of this is so magical," Mio whispered in awe, a sense of wonder washing over him.

Alderic Soress sat upon the ice crystal throne, his figure appearing tall and majestic beneath the black robe. His face was veiled, shrouded in an otherworldly haze, making it difficult to discern his appearance. Nonetheless, his dignified and ancient presence was palpable.

The area surrounding the ice crystal throne was covered in mystical runes and carvings, seemingly recording a wealth of history and wisdom. A faint blue glow floated around Alderic Soress, evoking an aura of mystery and solemnity.

Nightspirit led them closer to Alderic, where they felt a potent energy emanating from this towering figure. He was the highest authority within the Ice Palace, the one who would determine their destinies.

Alderic Soress spoke slowly, his voice both solemn and authoritative, as if it transcended time, "Welcome to the Eternal Night Ice Palace."

He waved his ice staff, and the icy blue light shimmered upon it. He pointed the staff towards the central hall of the Ice Palace, where the ancient runes and carvings suddenly began to glow, filling the entire hall. In an instant, the hall displayed an enormous projection, showcasing magnificent icy landscapes, from glaciers glinting in the first light of dawn to stars shining in a profound night sky, snow-capped mountain peaks, babbling streams, and winding rivers like silver ribbons. It was a mysterious and magnificent tapestry of ice and snow.

Alderic Soress moved his ice staff again, the icy blue light on his staff sparkling. He paused briefly at the staff's tip, then pointed it towards the center of the Ice Palace hall. The ancient runes and carvings abruptly began to shine, illuminating the entire hall. A massive projection formed in the center of the hall, vividly presenting an array of splendid ice and snow landscapes.

Nightspirit and his students held their breath as their eyes were captivated by this breathtaking sight. Glaciers glistened in the light of dawn, stars sparkled in the deep night sky, mountain peaks were blanketed in snow, water flowed gently, and rivers meandered like silver ribbons. It was a mesmerizing display of magnificent ice and snow landscapes.

Alderic Soress gazed at the projection, his voice resounding once more, "This is our homeland, where ice and snow, stars, and moonlit nights are the sources of our power and wisdom. You are the chosen ones, selected by nature and the Night Spirits. Here, everything will require testing and learning. Only through these trials can you grow and truly protect this beautiful place."

Nightspirit too expressed the same solemnity in his demeanor. With a gentle yet firm tone, he said, "We will guide you and provide you with knowledge and power. However, you must learn to improve yourselves. This is a journey filled with challenges and tests, but only through experiences can you gain a deeper understanding of the significance of your mission."

Eric, Victoria, Mio, the Shadowed Tortoise, and Evelyn all replied in unison, "We are willing to face all tests to protect this world." Their words conveyed their determination.

Alderic Soress spoke once more, "In this Ice Palace, the rules of time and space are different from the outside world. Strive to gain unique powers and wisdom in this realm. Learn, grow, explore, protect; this is your path for the future. Be brave, children." His words carried an air of mystery and authority.

Alderic Soress' aura and dignity left them in awe, understanding that within this Ice Palace, they would undergo unprecedented trials and training. Eric Stone, Victoria Vivian, Mio Hyde, the Shadowed Tortoise, and Evelyn Anderson were now prepared to face the challenges that lay ahead.

"So, it's your turn now, Nightspirit." Nightspirit nodded slightly in the gaze of Alderic Soress.

Beneath Alderic's veiled visage, there appeared to be a faint smile. "Then your tests are about to begin." The enigmatic authority gradually stood up, vanishing into the mysterious Ice Palace.