
Legacy of the North

In the year 846 AD, amidst the rugged fjords of Faxe, Denmark, Rollo emerges—a Viking born to carve his name into the annals of history. Destined for greatness, Rollo's journey unfolds against the backdrop of seafaring exploits and ancient prophecies that whisper of an extraordinary legacy. In 861 AD, the yearning for adventure propels Rollo to embark on a conquest that reverberates through the Viking Age. From thunderous battles along the Frankish coast to navigating the intricate politics of Viking courts, Rollo's name rises like the northern sun, synonymous with honor and the indomitable spirit of the North. As Rollo forges his path, he lays the foundation for the renowned House of Normandy. His actions echo through time, and his descendants, including the legendary William the Conqueror, would later shape the fate of England ******************* Note: It is still a work of fiction so not everything is going to be historically accurate (especially his early life which is basically up to interpretation) If you like other pieces of fiction like Vinland saga you would enjoy this. Cover is not mine.

A1X · ย้อนยุค
3 Chs

: Birth

The year is 846 AD, a biting cold breeze swept through the timber-lit house, nestled amidst the craggy cliffs of Faxe, Denmark. The flickering glow of hearth fires danced upon the wooden walls, casting shadows that seemed to echo the ancient tales whispered by the fjords.

Inside, the air was thick with anticipation and the undeniable scent of burning herbs. The shouts of pain, mingling with the haunting wind outside, echoed the sacred rhythm of life's dance. In the flickering light, a woman in her early twenties lay upon a bed of furs, her face etched with both determination and vulnerability.

Three maidens, cloaked in the warmth of the fire's glow, attended to her. The eldest among them, wise beyond her years, placed a wet, cold cloth on the woman's fevered brow, her gaze reflecting the ancient knowledge passed down through generations gave her an amulet, making the mother clench it into her hand.

The room's centerpiece was a large, wooden birthing bed, adorned with woven charms and herbs believed to invoke the protective spirits. As the woman grappled with the waves of pain, the other two maidens, their hands steady and hearts earnest, assisted in ushering forth the new life that promised to leave an indelible mark on the tapestry of time.

The flickering flames cast shadows on the timber walls, concealing the age-old secrets and prophecies that seemed to unfold with every cry. Outside, the fjords bore witness to the primal dance of birth and destiny.

As the first light of dawn approached, the cold breeze carried not only the scent of sea salt but also the pheromones of new life.

Wiping the sweat from their furrowed brows, the three maidens, their faces illuminated by the flickering firelight, exchanged glances that mirrored the weight of the night's endeavor. Their panting breaths echoed in the dimly lit chamber, where the sacred dance of birth had unfolded. The air was charged with a mix of fatigue and triumph.

Throughout the long hours of the night, the maidens had navigated the ebb and flow of pain, invoking the protection of the ancient spirits with whispered incantations. The mother, a young woman in the prime of her life, had faced the trials with both fortitude and vulnerability.

As the first light of dawn painted the sky in hues of pink and gold, a weak cry pierced the air—the newborn's declaration of arrival. The room, saturated with the scent of burning herbs and the lingering traces of sweat and toil, seemed to exhale in unison with the newborn's breath.

The birthing bed, now adorned with remnants of the ordeal, told a visceral tale of life's raw beauty. Blood, sweat, and even urine. The echoes of pain adorned the sacred space, a testament to the primal forces that had woven the fabric of existence.

The eldest among the maidens, her hands stained with the remnants of the birthing process, gently cradled the infant in her arms. Still connected by the thread of the umbilical cord, the baby's arrival into the world was met with a moment of reverent silence.

With practiced grace, the eldest swiftly removed the cord, severing the physical tie between mother and child. In her skilled hands, she cradled the newborn, a tiny vessel of life and potential. A soft glow of firelight revealed rosy cheeks and tiny, wriggling fingers.

Turning to the exhausted yet radiant mother, the eldest maiden offered the newborn with a warm smile, a bridge between the realms of the sacred and the tangible.

"Here you go, my dear," she whispered, her voice a soothing melody.

"Thank you Eldrid"

With the newborn cradled in her arms, Eldrid, assessed the scene—the room bathed in the glow of the morning light after the door was made to be open, the air still heavy with the essence of childbirth. She gave a decisive nod to one of the younger girls, instructing her to fetch the newborn's father.

The dwelling of the couples was the largest in the vicinity, it bespoke the authority of its resident. She knocked profusely on the large long house door, a man suddenly opened it. a figure of formidable stature with a burly frame standing at 5 feet and 10 inches, his name was Kettil of Faxe.

"Your newborn is a son my lord"

Without saying anything back he quickly went towards where his wife was residing.

The news, like a breeze through the wind, swept through the waking village. As the young maiden shouted in excitement to others living nearby. Doors opened cautiously, revealing curious faces eager to witness the unfolding of a momentous occasion. The village had a deep respect towards their Cheif, he was a strong, just and a commanding leader that brought prosperity.

Kettil's approach was purposeful, his heart swelling with paternal pride. As he entered the chamber, his eyes met Eldrid's with an unspoken understanding—the acknowledgment of the sacredness of the moment. His gaze then shifted to the bundle in his wife's arms, a symbol of the continuation of their lineage.

"HAHAHA, so it was indeed true that it was a boy" he exclaimed with a big hearty laugh. "But are you feeling alright Sigred" while looking at his pale-faced wife.

"Yes just very overwhelmed and tired, it took a lot out of me" Sigred held up the newborn towards her husband, indicating for him to take the now quiet baby.

Kettil's arms reached out cupping the baby on his arm in a comfortable position for him, relaxing his gentle head.

"His name will be Rollo" he stated gently, not to disturb his wife with any more loud remarks.

After cradling Rollo in his burly arms, Kettil, the chief of Faxe, gently placed the newborn beside his recovering mother. The chamber, held an atmosphere of warmth and familial pride. Kettil, his eyes gleaming with paternal joy, exited the birthing chamber, leaving the mother and child embraced by the flickering firelight.

Stepping into the crisp morning air, Kettil's gaze found one of the village elders, a figure marked by the wisdom etched upon weathered features. With a respectful nod, Kettil conveyed the news and his desire for a celebration that would reverberate through the town of Faxe.

"This is important not just for me but for the people to enjoy themselves as well"

The village elder, recognizing the significance of the occasion, met Kettil's gaze with a knowing smile. "A celebration befitting the birth of a chief's heir," he affirmed. With a sense of purpose, they set in motion the preparations for a feast that would unite the peasants of Faxe in revelry.

The announcement spread swiftly through the village, carried by whispers and joyful exchanges. Homes opened their doors, and the scent of hearth-cooked meals began to permeate the air. The atmosphere shifted, and a palpable sense of anticipation enveloped Faxe.

As the sun climbed higher in the sky, the villagers, adorned in their best attire, gathered in the central square. Tables laden with food and drink awaited, a communal feast symbolizing unity and shared joy. Musicians tuned their instruments, adding a melodic undercurrent to the mounting excitement. A heavy sum of coin by Kettil was spent to celebrate the occasion.

With each passing moment, Faxe transformed into a tapestry of celebration. The clang of tankards, laughter echoing through the air, and the aroma of roasted meats blended in harmonious revelry. In this communal jubilation, the birth of Rollo, the heir to the chiefdom, became a moment etched in the collective memory of Faxe, promising a future illuminated by the legacy of a new generation.

As the festivities unfolded, the heart of Faxe pulsed with life and merriment. Villagers, young and old, streamed into the central square, their faces lit with smiles that reflected the brilliance of the summer sun. The rhythmic beats of drums and the lively melodies of rustic instruments filled the air, drawing the community into a collective dance of jubilation.

Kettil, donned in his ceremonial attire, stood at the forefront of the celebration, a beacon of authority and paternal pride. The village elders with symbols of wisdom and experience, joined him in overseeing the preparations. With a gesture, Kettil signaled the commencement of the feast, marking a momentous chapter in the saga of Faxe.

The tables groaned under the weight of hearty fare—roasted meats, freshly baked bread, and an abundance of seasonal fruits. Tankards brimmed with mead, and the aroma of spiced ale wafted through the air. The communal fire, now blazing at the heart of the square, became a symbolic focal point, uniting the villagers in shared warmth.

Underneath the festive canopy, the air reverberated with laughter, tales, and the clinking of tankards raised in toasts. Villagers shared stories of their own tales, connecting them with shared experiences that bound generations together. The flickering lights cast a golden hue upon the faces of families, friends, and neighbors gathered in celebration.

Amidst the revelry, Kettil raised his tankard, a chieftain's gesture to honor both the past and the future.

"To Rollo, our new heir, and to the enduring spirit of Faxe!" he proclaimed, his voice cutting through the joyous clamor. A proud smile played on his lips as he shared a peach, a symbol of abundance and prosperity, with the assembled crowd with a few dozen people. The villagers, recognizing the significance of the offering, accepted the fruit with reverence, adding a touch of sweetness to the festive atmosphere, a treat that the people could rarely enjoy themselves.

First book and first chapter, hope you liked it.

the aim is for each chapter to be at least 1.5k words

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