

The Tang family retreated to their bedrooms, sensing the tense atmosphere and not wanting to get involved in whatever had transpired with Li Xinjie and Li Chen. In the spacious living room of the Pinnacle Estate mansion, the core family members gathered - Li Xinjie, Li Chen, their mother Sun Lixia, sister Li Yanyan, and Li Chen's wife Zhang Mei.

Li Yanyan looked between her two nephews, worry etched on her face. "Where are they? Those assassins you fought?"

Li Chen's expression was cold and hard. "Their bodies will be sent back as presents to the organization that dispatched them."

Sun Lixia exhaled slowly, running a hand through her greying hair. "Good. I'm just tired of them constantly coming after our family because of your pasts."

Li Xinjie nodded grimly. "This was an inevitability we've been preparing for. But with Agent 12 and 14 eliminated, it puts us one step closer to true freedom."