
What Are You?

Gray and black mist gathered around Cyneah as the Macabre Glacier's sentient returned. It circled her a few times with its face frozen in a silent scream. After which, it retreated inside her, taking along the surrounding mist.

"Ugh..." Cyneah keeled over; her whole body felt like they were on fire. Still, she did her best to keep her connection with Lady Chrysanthemum and look at the silver figure. Doing this did not mean she would be able to see, but it would allow her to observe if the figure's light was something she could control.

Alas, when she used Lady Chrysanthemum's eyes to look at the silver figure's light, she failed to see it. Suddenly, she had a bad feeling, and her heart sank. She only ever knew one person who did not possess a light— no, it was not that that person did not have one, but that she could not see it.
