
The Allied Council

In a grandiose throne room sat 4 massive stone chairs that could comfortably sit giants however these thrones were empty, in the center of the room there was a round table with several people sitting around it mainly beasts but there was one human and one fae creature with horizontally pointed ears with a feminine face, wearing a bright green dress robes and a green ring floating behind their back their name was Tulu the God of the Fairies a secluded race, next to the Tulu was a human man with short dark brown hair his eyes were like green marbles, his skill was tanned and he wore golden and white colored robes his name was Azir King of the shifting sands a kingdom to the south mainly made up of humans and beasts but only beasts that could survive hot environments his aid stood beside him she was a Jackal like beast with the same golden white robes, beside the jackal beast woman was a very muscular man with white tiger stripes on his chest and arms his hair was white his eyes are golden and he barely wore anything only covering up his lower half this man was Du Baili the son of the white tiger and the patriarch of the white tiger clan, he is also one of the four Sovereigns of this world Shenshou or the Divine beast world, next to him is an older more frail looking man who looked extremely annoyed with many wrinkles.. his wrinkles had wrinkles he had long black hair his eyes were a deep green color and he had a turtle shell on his back he wore black and green robes this was Tao Ming the son of the black tortoise as the Patriarch of the Black Tortoise clan and also one of the four sovereigns of this world, beside him is an extremely arrogant looking man with Vermillion hair that looked like feathers he wore red and gold robes his name is Huo Feng he is the son of the Vermillion bird though unlike the others her isn't the patriarch of the Vermillion bird clan but rather an ancestor or an elder his word still carries the weight of the clan but he never wanted to claim the title however her is still one of the four Sovereign rulers non the less, next to him is a woman with the cerulean hair and slightly less arrogant attitude she is Huo Jiang the daughter of Huo Feng, Huo Jiang is the current Matriarch of the Vermillion bird clan and Heir to the Sovereignty if her father ever gives it up, and finally next to her at is an older man with long Azure hair tied back into a pony tail he doesn't look to be as aged as Tao Ming but he isn't as young looking as Huo Feng either, he has antler like horns on his head and blue serpentine scales on his neck, shoulder and forearms his name is Shen Tianlong the son of the Azure Dragon and current Patriarch of the Azure dragon clan as well as the final of the four Sovereign rulers of Shenshou..

Shen Tianlong coughs "Okay.. let's get started before brother Tao blows a gasket.."

"Aww is the grumpy turtle angry we forced him out of his shell.." Huo Feng mockingly remarks while poking Tao Ming

"Keep pushing me you Arrogant bird.." Tao Ming warns Huo Feng

"Enough!" Shen Tianlong shouts "Act properly infront of our guests.. and if you fight just do it off world after we settle this issue.. my apologies Lord Azir, Goddess Tulu.. my brother's know not when to behave themselves.."

Lord Azir nods "All is well in my country dispute whether they are the nature such as this or of the heart are settled by combat, hell even one could challenge me to take the throne and I would accept without batting an eyelid in fact Nezra here tried to do that very thing before submitting to me and my rule.." Azir motions to his aid, his aid Nezra pouts before returning to act If nothing was said.

Shen Tianlong nods "Well we are all certainly glad we could form a pact of alliance with your kingdom.. as for today's emergency meeting.. the Demons are rising up, sparking conflict, though they have always kept themselves to the southern continent.."

before Shen Tianlong can continue Huo Feng slams on the table, his Arrogant demeanor shifted to serious, "Shen.. you don't think it's Him right, I mean he's dead.. my brother Zhu and I killed Him 10,000 years ago.. but I'd the demons are moving again we have to know for sure..."

The council is left in silence after the spoken words from Huo Feng

Du Lien the white tiger patriarch speaks up with his arms crossed "Brother Feng where is Brother Zhu now?"

Huo Feng looks over to Du Lien "Brother Zhu is with his family in the northern region of the ten galaxies.. Even if it isn't Him we need to make sure.. so I'm going to leave this business with the demons to you all I'll be leaving to go meet with Brother Zhu." Everyone nods as Huo Feng leaves the chamber and vanishes from the world itself.

Back in the council room as the conversations conclude Shen Tianlong speaks again "We will do some more investigations and prepare for war.. keep the younger generation out of this.. they will be no match for the demons regardless of their rank.. be prepared for losses this will be a costly war.."

As everyone departs back to their homes Du Baili stays behind "Shen.. if anything happens to me promise to take care of my family.." Shen responds by patting his hand on the muscular man's shoulder "Brother Du you are the strongest of us four nothing will happen to you.. but I promise in that event I'll look after your descendants.." there is a small pause before shen continues "I heard my Grandson your your great granddaughter are becoming close friends maybe one day they will be come close enough to tie our families together, in fact I want to formally ask you Patriarch to Patriarch to wed our Fei Tianlong and your Xiao Lien together whadda say?"

Du Baili is shocked for a minute until he nods "Although I'd normally ask if both parties wanted this union but I've heard what whispers Xiao truly thinks of Fei and even though they are both 12 years old when she talks about him it makes my heart move.."

They both smile and nod as Shen speaks "Then its settled let us announce this in a few days, return home and bring your great granddaughter her and we will have a celebration!"

They both nod with excitement as they rush back to their respective clans to prepare for both War but also an Engagement.

okay.. this chapter was a lot of character descriptions, but also this is my first time writing conversations like this so please don't hesitate to comment

*update* I've changed Du Lien's surname to Baili going forward

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