Judah Gremory it is not like every kid. He is really special... He is a member of Gremory Family, a family which is cursed for generations. And one of those curse it is dying at a young age or young adult. Most of the members of that family have decided to convert their Gremory blood into another family blood. Some have changed their whole life by becoming slaves, nobles workers and other disgusting things in Kingdom of Rodnia, or known as Kingdom of Romania. Jump on this story to discover the adventures of a ten-year-old squire and his good friends, Ron, Gregonson, Lu, Fiona, Diana and Brother's Flint.
Diana dragged Judah body back to the carriage, but instead of seeing Fiona standing there, she sees her fighting against one muscular vampire. She is breathing heavily, while that vampire monster (dressed in vampire clothes and wears a mullet) is looking thirsty at Fiona.
"Are you done, little human?"
"N-No." says Fiona, breathing heavily and in her defensive position with her giant sword. "I can still do it."
"Well... You better be prepared for the next attack." says the monster to Fiona.
Diana let Judah body on the ground, she takes her crossbow from her back, and she quickly hides into the darkness of these forest's trees. Thankfully, that huge vampire didn't spot here. Nor Fiona spotted her big, yet little, sister. Now, Diana has a big advantage, so, before she was about to prepare her crossbow with a silver arrow with some poison into it, she took a look at Judah, to see if he is alright, and thankfully, he was still sleeping due to mana lost, but to be sure, Diana did a crazy move. She takes out a bottle with green liquid and throw the liquid to Judah. When the green liquid hit Judah, he was completely covered into a green sphere, which is the area who can kill any rat, or poison an enemy. But this cannot kill a human, it will only make him dizzy and feel sick, so this is the only protection Diana can give to his squire.
Then, we take a look to see the fight between a huge girl with a sword against a vampire, we didn't realize that the vampire is having the high chances of winning. And Diana saw those chances by seeing three silver knives scattered around this place, but she also discovered that these knives can be controlled by the sun shadow, and Fiona it is close to be hit by one of those knives.
Diana quickly shot an arrow to that knife, which it made it break it. This was also a bad idea because now she revealed her position and that vampire has decided to risk his chances to hit Diana by using a blood sphere, but Fiona managed to cut that sphere into two with her sword, splitting into different directions, and avoiding Diana. Then the vampire, teleported at a few feet from Fiona, and tried to stab her with one of his knives, and an arrow which was very close to hit him, made fim fall back, but he also got hit by Fiona's sword, the sharp part, and cut half of the vampire body.
Fiona thought that she won, but this vampire, used his last powers of vampire to suck the blood of a dead animal at three meters from them, which was probably killed by him or by Fiona's mistake. after he sucked the blood of the animal, he somehow made it to the back of Fiona, being in a perfect shape, and summoned a knife. He was close to stabbing Fiona's back, but then, Diana's arrow, hit the vampire in the back. He screamed out in pain, and when Fiona heard that screaming, she managed to turn back, and cut that vampire head off with only one swing of her gigantic sword. Then, she quickly took out from her belt a small package with holy water and dropped the whole package into this beast, making his body melting, then Diana's (which jumped from the tree and landed on the ground), she takes out her dagger and stabbed that monster head with some poisons.
Diana looked at Fiona, those two are walking closely at each other, and when they got close, the do a fist pump, to celebrate their victory against a vampire.
"We did a good job!" says Diana with a smile on her face.
"Yes..." says Fiona to her not looking to happy about his, and Diana knows what is it, then she looks at her squire, laying on the grass unconsciousness, she was about to run worried at him, but Diana told her.
"He is fine. He is exhausted after all the mana he used and his battle skill."
"He sued his battle skill?" asks Fiona, turning back to Diana, being worried. "D-Did he managed to kill that vampire?"
"Yes..." says Diana, feeling a little sad. "And my disciple... Is gone..."
Diana gasped, and she is trying to wipe her tears who were coming from her face, and she told herself with a loud voice.
"Why? Why I let him go by himself? Why?"
"It is not your fault." says Fiona to her sister, trying to make her feel better, but this didn't work out. "Look. I have lost a squire too, and the pain is still hunting me to this day. I have nightmares about his lost, and how I could've helped him live a little longer... Not only that, but I could've also been preventing this thing to happen… But life... Life it is not fair most of the time, sister..."
"It was never." responded Diana after she wiped out a tear from her right eye, then she takes a look to Judah. "This kid is special."
"It was always special." says Fiona, looking at Judah sleeping. "Since the first day, I knew this boy it is going to last and became a good knight. But... After I learned about his life... I feel kinda bad."
"Yes." says Diana, who knows about Judah's curse because she told them one time when they had dinner at their home. "I wonder how we could help him survive longer. And break his family curse."
"We will find a way. We will." says Diana to her sister. "But for now, let's get Judah into the carriage and stay here until another wild vampire will come."
"Alright, sister." says Fiona going to Judah body, she is taking him into her muscular hands and bring him to the carriage, where she gently put him there, he covered him in a blanket, and then she goes with her sister on a long, not far from this carriage to sit and wait for the vampire to come. "We aren't going to use Judah as a trap, right?"
"Of course not. I covered him in poison."
"Wait? In poison? I didn't feel a thing." responded Fiona, feeling shocked.
"That's a non-lethal poison, and also you've got vewolf powers. And you probably make it to have a vewolf skill, Poison resistance."
"S-So I am immune to poison?" asks Fiona to her sister.
"Not all the poison, sister. And don't even think about it."
"Okay." says Fiona, and then she said to herself. "Damn it! How did she know I will try to provoke her to shoot me with poison?"
Almost an hour later, a wild vampire hasn't appeared yet, adn these two sister are still waiting for a wild one to appear and try to attack them. While they are waiting for him, Diana took her time to make the other vampire disappear with the help of holy water, and then covering all the organs left of her disciple to be later buried on his hometown, Dobrat.
"Sister." says Fiona, looking around after she heard a soft sound.
"Yes." whispers Diana, preparing her crossbow. "I heard it."
Then, these two sisters heard a crack noise from their back, adn Diana has quickly shot her silver arrow into that direction, then Fiona screamed like a warrior and jumped into that direction to try and cut the thing there. Then, out of nowhere, the thing has transformed into a bat, but thankfully, Diana had a perfect tool to catch this thing.
She took out from her backpack, a small ball with a candle inside, she lighted it with the help of a dragon saliva (stored into a metallic box and apply a small fire to the candle), then after it got lighten, she throws it up into the sky, and Fiona has quickly jumped into attack mode and proceed to cut that thing into two. The bat proceeded to fell into the ground, and when it did, it transformed back into a wild vampire.
That vampire was scared shitless when these two sister are looking menacingly at him, and before they were about to kill him with holy water, Fiona asked this monster.
"Where is your hideout, monster?"
"O-O-On the cave. It was always on the cave. Now don't kill me, please!" yelled the monster to mercy.
"No. I don't think we will." says Diana while she poured holy water on the face of that thing, and it made it scream out of pain.
Lunderberg sister let that thing melt, while they are going into the carriage and head to the cave this monster told them. Which was conveniently because the only cave into this area, it is at about fifty meters from their stopping. Fiona goes to the driving seat, while Diana is sitting on the back. Before they were about to go, Diana asked her sister.
"Are you going to sue your transformation?"
"Yes. I will." says Fiona to her sister.
"Good... Because I will also show no mercy on them." says Diana while she loads a silver arrow on her crossbow with extremely lethal poison.