
The fresh air of freedom

I leave the building where I was held captive and go with other knights to the Gate where the people leave the Palace or enter to solve certain parchments or talk to someone in the Kingdom about important matters. They left me at that gate and then they left, when I wanted to ask them why they took me out, Fiona comes to me with an angry reaction.

Fiona puts her hand on the sword and approaches me, hurrying. I'm already starting to feel like one of those helpless wolves I killed a few hours ago. Right now I notice that it's already morning outside. I think that song made me fall asleep all night. But putting that aside, I look at Fiona, who is beginning to lift her sword from its scabbard, and I'm already beginning to tremble and pray in my mind to the God of Life, lest the person in front of me cut me like those wolves.

When Fiona gets close to me, she pulls her sword out of its scabbard and points its tip at my face. A drop of sweat trickled down my forehead. Fiona smiles, then giggles, and that giggle turns into a loud laugh. Not knowing why she was laughing, I decided to get into her game.

Fiona stops laughing and then says with a smile on her face:

"You did an excellent job killing those bandits."

"Thank you ..." I answer, looking confused at Fiona. "Sorry for the trouble."

"It's OK." Fiona replies, carrying her huge sword back into her huge sheath from behind. "At least you managed to impress a few higher-ranking squatters."

"What do you mean?" I ask, feeling like a person who suddenly woke up with a legacy of a thousand yellows. "What do you mean I impressed some scouts?"

"Everyone who works as a knight has heard of your attack. Even the King, who ordered your release because he explained to all the knights that what you did was a very difficult spell to control. I don't know what it's called, but it would be a good idea to use it in serious and dangerous situations. Now go home. Today I have to go to training with other riders. "


"It's Saturday, and all the knights in this Kingdom are required to train for at least an hour or even three hours. I had to train you for three and a half hours like every Saturday. "

"I understand." I answer Fiona, even though I didn't understand much of what she told me. "See you at home, then."

"Good. See you then. Do what she says, Diana. "


After that, Fiona and I took different paths. Fiona went to the place where knights gather to equip, train or shelter their precious horses, the courtyard behind the Royal Palace. And I walk to the house where I live. I just hope Diana doesn't make a monstrous scandal about what I did last night.

After a few moments of walking through the roads of the Kingdom of Romania, I arrive in front of my house, and there, to my joy, I do not notice Diana at home, so I have time to stay quiet until she arrives home and maybe graft me for nonsense on which I did last night just like any rational person who is an adult and has a ten-year-old child like me. At the Orphanage I was never beaten by nuns, but by other people there ... I could say that I had a few short quarrels with them. Like Joshua, who had taken care of me every time he looked at me in the Kitchen, but to my delight, this thing lasted a few days, until he was discovered and kicked out of the Orphanage because he did too much a lot of nonsense to be forgotten even by nuns.

There would be a few more, but I decide not to talk about them because it is not good to talk about a person because who knows when he will come to your door and complicate your life. I prefer not to have a complicated life, but a quiet one, but now it will be more complicated considering that now the whole battalion of knights, squires, even citizens know what I did to those bandits.

I put these thoughts aside and decide to go ahead. I enter Fiona and Diana's house, look around and see that the house is in a mess. Fiona and Diana's clothes are put on the floor, on the floor are tree bark, bird shit, bread crumbs and even a white powder that smells strange. There were also Diana's crossbow arrows, which are stuck in the wall, ceiling and floor of the house. What did these girls do last night?

Anyway, I started to clean this entire house and later take the book os spells I bought yesterday and search some useful spells that can be controled and used by anyone new at the art magic. I started by first collecting the arrows that are probably from that crossbow of Diana, then I decided to gather everything that is not in its place and put it in the right place, and at the end I swept through the whole House. All this courtesy had not lasted long, and when I had finished it, I went into the yard behind the house, and searched the grass for that book with spells and wand.

I started by first collecting the arrows that are probably from that crossbow of Diana, then I decided to gather everything that is not in its place and put it in the right place, and at the end I swept through the whole House. All this cleaning didn't last long and when I finished it, I went to the backyard and searched through the grass for that book with spells and wand.

When I arrived in the yard, I discovered a book with spells and a wand placed on a wooden table and with a parchment next to them. I approach that table, take the parchment and start reading what is illustrated in it: "You did a job of catching those thieves. Even if you didn't catch that weird vampire yourself. Leaving that aside, my name is Derek, a wizard who can help you handle spells better and become stronger. If you are thinking of coming to an hour of meditation, come to the location indicated on the back of this parchment. ". I look behind that parchment and discover an address that is written in red ink: "The Forest of the Healer, Gilgamesh Mansion ... It is located next to a stream that had long ago been a large river full of delicious fish." I read this address and then I think for a moment: "Who is this Derek? I've never heard of such a name. "

I decide to ignore that message because I think Diana wants to play a party for me or has someone put her here to laugh at me later. I take the wand, a spellbook and head for the house, and when I enter the house I notice a mouse on the table in the room called the Kitchen.

I wanted to jump on that mouse and hit it hard, but I decided to try another way considering it hadn't seen me yet. I take out the spellbook and look for a spell that is easy to handle and effective against even a mouse. I find a spell and decide to use that mouse. I point the wand at that rodent, then say out loud, "Dancin."

A red-green wave comes out of my wand and heads for that mouse that notices what's happening too late. The mouse is hit by that wave and starts to make some bizarre movements that I once saw in a puppet theater when I was at the Orphanage, I think those movements are called dancing or dangling. But I prefer to call it dance because it is shorter and does not confuse your tongue with such a thing.

The mouse danced some strange moves even for humans. I thought it was nice and funny, but then I decided to try another spell. I point the wand at that mouse, say the "Tri Poloski" spell out loud, and a white wave rushes to that mouse. When the spell hit the mouse it became a rat, but it was still dancing on two paws. It really looks weird when you get a rat to dance like it's at a party with good music. I decide to look for another spell in the spellbook, discover an interesting one, and decide to use that rat. I say the spell "Il mare eterno nella mia anima" aloud, and a stone miraculously comes out of the wand and hits the mouse turned into a rat as if it were a cannonball fired by a cannon. The rat is hit by that boulder and flew out of the house like a weak man who is blown by a dragon because he wanted intimidated to sleep peacefully.

I look at my wand, then at the spellbook, and I say, "These spells are powerful, but I have to memorize them if I want to have no problems with time.". I go to my room, leave the wand and the spell book in a drawer and go to bed. I turn to one side and prepare to fall asleep for a few minutes because the cleanliness and practice of those spells has drained me completely.