
Legacy of Frost and Flame: The House of Everwinter

House Everwinter, an ancient noble house in the far reaches of the North, was once renowned for its mastery of ice and fire magic. However, over the past few centuries, their magical abilities have dwindled, leaving them without the supernatural advantage they once possessed. Lady Valeria Everwinter, the head of House Everwinter, is determined to restore her family's former glory and secure their place in the power struggles of Westeros. Her children, Ser Eldric and Lady Lyanna Everwinter, bear the weight of this legacy. Ser Eldric, a skilled warrior, becomes a key player in the political intrigues of the realm, using his strategic mind and martial prowess to advance House Everwinter's interests. Meanwhile, Lady Lyanna discovers that she possesses latent magical abilities that have reawakened in her bloodline. Her emerging powers become a source of both hope and concern within the family. Lady Valeria, haunted by the past and longing to reclaim her family's lost magic, sees in Lyanna the potential to restore their heritage. However, Lyanna's powers also attract the attention of those who wish to exploit her abilities for their own gain. As House Everwinter navigates the treacherous waters of the Game of Thrones, they must grapple with their diminished magical heritage and the implications of Lyanna's powers. They face rival houses, courtly intrigue, and the ever-present threat of the White Walkers, who loom beyond the Wall.

Mitchokun · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
6 Chs

Chapter 6

Eldric stood in formation with Ser Raymun and Ser Garlan behind their liege lord and his family as King Robert and his large retinue made their way into Winterfell. Eldric noticed young Arya joining the formation late, to the chastising of her lady mother and the smirks of her brothers and Theon. It was also at the moment that Eldric noticed the children of Lord Stark had the most unusual pets - direwolves. He heard of the legendary beasts but even as someone who was raised near the Wall, he had never seen them in the flesh until now.

The sound of the trumpets echoed through the courtyard, announcing the arrival of the King. Eldric's heart raced with anticipation as he caught a glimpse of the royal procession. He had never seen the King in person before, and he was shocked at the sight of the man who ruled over the Seven Kingdoms. The once powerful man who wielded a warhammer and took down Rhaegar Targaryen now seemed to be a shadow of his former self. He was overweight, and his face was flushed from too much wine and food. Meanwhile, Jaime Lannister, the Kingslayer and brother of the Queen who trailed behind the royal family looked like the living embodiment of the warrior himself, providing for a stark contrast. Eldric could not help but feel a twinge of disappointment at the sight of the King. He had heard stories from his nuncle that the King took to drinking after the death of Lyanna Stark, but he had always imagined him to still be a great warrior and leader. Now, Eldric had his reservations about the capabilities of the current monarch.

As the King approached, everyone, including Lord Eddard, kneeled. The King rolled his eyes and gestured for Lord Eddard to stand up. Once the Lord of Winterfell was back on his feet, everyone else rose to meet the eyes of the King.

"Your Grace," Lord Stark said, bowing low.

"You got fat," King Robert noted. Everyone behind the Lord of Winterfell held their breath until the Lord gestured the same at his monarch, and was met by the King's hearty laugh.

The King gave Lord Stark and later Lady Stark warm hugs before ruffling little Rickon's hair and interacting with each of Lord Stark's children individually. Eldric thought maybe there was still a bit of the charismatic military leader left within the heavier-set man.

Meanwhile, the Queen gave a much different impression in her interactions with the Starks. Queen Cersei appeared aloof and distant, requiring the Lord and Lady of Winterfell to greet her with all the necessary formalities. Eldric noticed similarities in the behaviour of the crown prince, Prince Joffrey. While he smiled gallantly and much more than his mother, the Queen, Eldric had a gnawing feeling that this boy with delicate features could not be trusted.

Meanwhile, Lady Sansa was gazing at Prince Joffrey with flushed cheeks. Eldric chuckled to himself. He had overanalysed her stolen glances the other night, trying to figure out what she was plotting. But it seemed like such scrutiny was not required; she was merely delighted to see young men from other houses. Eldric's laughter stayed within his mind as he watched her play with her curls when the prince paid her further attention.

Eldric's thoughts were halted when he heard the King declare he needed to pay his respect to Lyanna Stark in the crypts, which the Queen found highly disagreeable. His family's decision to not bring Lyanna with them seemed more sensible now than ever.

Based on these interactions alone, Eldric found the dynamics of the royal family rather troubling. He could not help but wonder if this was indicative of the state of the Seven Kingdoms under King Robert's rule. While the King seemed friendly enough, Eldric had his doubts about his competency and tensions seemed to be brewing beneath the appearance of peace. This man could not even get his lady wife and son to interact with the Starks in a similar manner as him - he failed to even make his family put on the facade of a united front. What did it speak of his ability to hold the Seven Kingdoms together? Further, Eldric had concerns about the haughty Queen and her son as future rulers. He made a mental note to be cautious around them, as he did not want to get caught up in their family disputes.

He wondered how Lord Stark and his family would fare in the complicated political machinations of the capital. Would they be able to navigate the treacherous waters of King's Landing? Eldric hoped that his liege lord and his family could hold their own amidst the sharks and vipers that lurked in the shadows of the Iron Throne.

Eldric finally meets the "Baratheons" - what do you think of his analysis of them?

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