
The Awakening

On a clean field of green grass, a young boy tried to understand the situation he found himself in.

Just now, the young man woke up in surprise for not finding himself on his bed, but in a field of grass in the middle of nowhere.

And more strangely, right in front of him was a single table of marble with a few words carved on it.

The young man approached the table a little, just enough to read the small letters written on it. And the message on it raised a small curiosity in the boy.

What "Begin Awakening" mean-?!

Before he could finish his thought process, the boy got astonished as the table in front of him disappeared, dispersing in the air as small particles.

Meanwhile, from all sides, immense metallic pillars appeared up high in the sky out of nowhere.

Before the boy could even comprehend what was happening, all the pillars started to emit strong lights that engulfed the world, encompassing all he could see in a colossal aurora boreal.

Although greatly confused, the young man noticed something about all of this, he was perfectly positioned in the center of a great circle formed by the pillars.

Right when he was about to shout many curses to reflect his confusion, the pillars' light all converged into a single point, him. 

The light that surrounded him took him out of the floor, making him float in the air.

If not for the situation, the boy would be incredibly excited by the fact he was floating in the air without the support of any object. But all it led was for him to feel even more panic and fear of what was happening.

However, for some reason, he started to feel tired and sleepy, and when he least expected, he went unconscious.


"Ah!" Opening his eyes, the young man woke up anxious, immediately remembering what was happening to him right after falling asleep.

However, the next moment, this anxiety intensified and brought along the sentiment of awareness and a little bit of wonder when the young man noticed where he was.

Above him, the once common skies were replaced by one with an incredible deep blue color, with countless stars and galaxies roaming the azure sky.

And beneath him was a cerulean deep ocean so beautiful with sparkling blue particles rising from it, giving it a touch of mystery that was just intensified by its extreme calmness.

And more than that, somehow, the young man found himself sitting perfectly on the calm water beneath him, as if the water was solid but still kept its malleable nature.

"Where am I?" He asked himself, not expecting an answer. But one came nonetheless.

"In your mind." Replied a feminine voice behind John.

Turning as fast as possible, the boy had his eyes shot open when he looked at the figure now in front of him. 

She had a glowing purple skin with cascading white hair covering all her back and sparkling silver eyes that resembled the full moon. Her beauty was awestruck to say the least, with the phrase "A Beauty that topples Countries" never making more sense than now for him.

However, the last thing he could do right now was appreciate her beauty since the words left by her mouth struck him more.

"What do you mean by that? No, firstly, who are you?"

"I will answer your questions, Master John. -"

Master? Thought John. Something he immediately found strange since he supposedly was inside his own mind.

"-But, before that, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Hera, your family sent me here to help you and explain the process you are currently going through." She calmly explained, using a tone of voice that eased the boy's worries without his notice.

Hearing, then taking a deep breath, John asked. "Where am I?"

"As I stated before, Master John, we are inside your mind, more exactly, the Inner World projected by it. The World created by your feelings, thoughts, memories, imagination, and much more. The World that is a representation of what you are within you." Hera explained, calmly gesturing to all the space around them.

Listening to her explanation, John looked at the space more deeply, and strangely, he felt something toward it, like a "pull" from everywhere towards every inch of the space. It was a hard sentiment to describe. However, these "pulls" were inconsistent and seemed detached from him sometimes, completely volatile.

"If this-" John gestured to the whole world around, "-is really my Inner World, my mind, I can control anything within it?"

"Not at the moment, as you probably noticed the sentiment of detachment you occasionally have."

"What is this sentiment?" 

"This leads us to the question of what is happening to you." She said.

"And what is happening to me?"

"You are going through an awakening. This is the best word to describe it. Right now, your entire being is going through a change that is occurring at an essential level, that even atoms and quarks can't be used to explain how fundamentally this awakening is."

"Are you serious?" Asked John, starting to doubt his own sanity.

"I can't lie to you, Master John." She said, "The detachment you occasionally feel is the connections in your body being destroyed and reformed, leading to you feeling a sort of constant disconnection and connection to your own being."

"Okay…" Processing the information she told him, the boy went mute for some time before asking another important question. "What exactly am I changing into?" Asked John, already having an idea of everything that is happening but not knowing if he believed himself or not.

"Your species' name doesn't have a good translation to any languages that you know, Master John, so let's focus on what they are known about." Saying this, a hologram appeared before Hera, a creation of her. 

The hologram displayed a complex anatomy, something completely different from anything John had ever seen. The biggest similarity it had to a human's was the shape of the body, but besides it, most things seemed more advanced and developed than the normal physique.

"As you can see, Master John, your anatomy is entirely different from a human's despite your similar appearances." Hera said.

"Why is that?" 

"Your parents modified a part of your genetic code so your appearance would fit the standards of your world." Hera calmly explained John's situation before manipulating the hologram, focusing on a part within his mind. 

"Master John, do you remember the term "Source" used in the The Witcher Universe or the witches from The Vampire Diaries Universe?" Asked Hera, as she finally zoomed enough, to show only a small bright golden light which resembled a star.

"Yes, I remember. What about them?" John said, his eyes looked on the star, fascinated at it.

"You are quite similar to them regarding one thing, you have power of your own. An energy, to be exact. However, instead of Magic or how it is others call Chaos, the energy created from your own body is special, not found in the environment. This energy is very special and effective in what it proposes, if I must say." She explained, small bright dots circling around the star, representing the so-called energy she just explained.

"I guess you will tell me what this energy does, right?" Asked John, approaching two steps to Hera.

"I will be short, only saying the basics. As long as this process is over, you will immediately know everything about it." Hera said as she grasped a certain amount of golden dust surrounding the star in her hand. "The most basic and known feature of this specific energy is that without much of it, it helps you travel across universes and multiverses." She said as the particles seemed to break the barrier of reality and created two connected portals at different points in space.

Hearing it, John couldn't believe the words said by Hera. "Multiverses? Like…"

"The Marvel Multiverse, the DC Multiverse, the Cartoon Multiverse and many more that you might think about." Nodded Hera in affirmation to John's guess.

Listening to it, John didn't know what to say for a while before muttering the next words. "S-So, the idea that every piece of fiction from my Earth actually exists in the Omniverse is real? Every book, every movie, every series, every anime, every single one of them is actually real?" 

"It is a little more complicated than you might think, Master John." Said Hera, reaching out her hand, only for an enveloped letter to appear on it. "Read this."

Approaching the letter, John carefully took it and started to read the letter.

[Hello, my son. I am Talesa, your biological mother. If you are reading this, you've turned 16 years-old, which means your life has truly begun. 

By having this letter presented to you, then the matter regarding your world and the entire existence around you was revealed to be much bigger than what you actually thought to be. 

First, about your Earth, or also known as Prime Earth. Prime Earth works as a center point of your Omniverse, the most important place across the infinite Multiverses and Dimensions of the Omniverse. Almost every major change that occurs in the Omniverse, Prime Earth is related in a way or another, and the reason for it is its uniqueness.

Prime Earth has two outstanding features that make it the center of the Omniverse. First, some of its inhabitants have the special ability to look into timelines and universes from different Multiverses across the Omniverse, with few things escaping their sight. Second, even if the fictional world someone created did not exist previously, as long as they accumulate a certain "weight" in Prime Earth, these worlds will eventually come to exist in the Omniverse. The first information is essentially widespread across the Omniverse, with basically even normal beings knowing about it as long as they encounter someone who tells them. However, the second is totally different. Only a few beings know of this and they will erase entire Realms to keep it that way. That's why I will seal this information in your mind. You will still know of it, but until you reach a certain level, you won't have the ability to mention this to anyone or anything. 

You also can't approach Prime Earth. Until you reach a certain level, don't try to come near that place. That's where the big players of the Omniverse are, and for safety, try not to reach out to that place for now, that is one of the things I ask of you. If you wish to learn more, elaborate your own theories and seek the answers, but don't try to risk your life for it, it's not worth it. You always have time to become stronger and seek the answers later.

For now, this is more than enough information for you and concludes what I wanted to tell you in this letter. I hope you have a good life. I know you will achieve great things and reach incredible heights. And when that time comes, come visit your father and I so we can learn of all the things you accomplished. Have fun exploring the Omniverse, this is your playground after all. With love and hope of seeing you again, Talesa Dravyins.]

Finishing the letter, John folded it. 

"Ah…" After reading the letter left for him by his mother, John let out a long sigh as the information he just learned is much bigger than he expected.

Whilst a thousand thoughts ran through his mind, John raised his head and his eyes met Hera's, who was patiently waiting for him to say anything.

His eyes looked different at her now. Earlier, he assumed her name was just that, her name. Probably her parents liked Greek Mythology and named her that. However, the new acquired knowledge changed his perspective.

"You are the Hera, right?" He asked, trying to use the question as a way to surpass the insanity building up within him. But the question sounded more as an affirmation than anything.

"You can say that." Was her reply.

The answer brought more questions for the boy than he wished. 

"So you are ONE Goddess Here?" He asked, putting a lot of emphasis on the one.

"Retired Goddess. I just work for your family now." She replied. 

"But you are not THE one, right?" He asked again as he processed the fact a Greek Goddess worked for his family apparently.

"Yes and no. My situation is a little different than what you are thinking." She said. "And I am sorry, but I can't answer more than that." She said again after some pause when the boy was about to question again.

Closing his mouth, John just stared at her as let out a sigh. "No problem. That's more than enough information." He said, sitting down on the tranquil ocean of his mind that was starting to become turbulent at some parts. 

"Damn it." Was what he said when sat down. "What are the chances of…" John was about to ask something else, but Hera gave him a smile before he could even finish his words. A smile saying she already knew his question and wouldn't answer it.

"Fuck." Was his reply to himself. 

"Sorry, Master John. But you probably won't get much information from me." 

"I understand." He nodded. 

For long stretched minutes, John stayed in silence with himself as the ocean around him would follow his expressions and sentiment, becoming turbulent when he questioned his own existence and calm down when he tried to just accept it.

"It's almost complete, Master John." Hera said abruptly, drawing the boy's attention. "Are you ready to start your new life?" She asked.

"Well, not considering the endless world-ending threats and how I started to question the veracity of the entire existence, I am quite excited to start it." He said, raising up from his position. 

Hera nodded to his statement. "As soon as the awakening is complete, I will provide you enough support to accelerate your natural energy generation so you can create enough energy to do a single multiversal travel. But as different Multiverses require different amounts of energy, I need you to choose a specific one so I can calculate the exact amount of energy and help you with the coordinates." Explained Hera with her usual calmness.

"Am I restricted from going anywhere besides Earth Prime?" Asked John, not complaining about the fact he will be given only enough energy to travel. From his perspective, he is already being given much more than what others received.

"No. But remember, with your actual power, some places are not recommended to go." She said, adopting a serious tone. "And I must tell you something before it. After you start this journey, you will be alone. All by yourself. Don't try to expect help you will not receive."

The tone used by Hera to inform him this information was heavier than one might expect. And thanks to that, John understood what she meant. He shouldn't expect help from his own family when out there.

"May I ask why?" John asked even knowing he could possibly not get an answer.

But to his surprise, he did get one.

"The customs of your familycare not the same as yours. Remember, your growth in Prime Earth was a gift." She explained.

And then John understood. It's not that his family was insensitive or anything. If that was the case, his mother wouldn't wish him to have a good life or even give him an opportunity as the one he was experiencing right now. They just expected him to grow by himself, without further help. They already gave too much for him to grow with an advantage few would have. And John understood it. If he couldn't get what he wants even after all this help, then he would just be wasting their gift.

"Then may I ask how strong will I be right after my awakening?" He asked in a serious tone, his expression serene. 

As the awakening progressed, some knowledge was naturally being inserted into his mind, as if the instinctual thoughts all beings had, like how to breath and the urge to move. However, his were more abundant and were more conscious than unconscious. More like a file in your computer than a coding line in the program. Unfortunately, the process was still not complete and he lacked certain files, information that would help him understand better his own prowess. And to decide on what multiverse he should choose, he must first learn the extent of his power after awakening.

"I can give you a partial answer." She nodded. "You will be many times faster than any normal human. Stronger than any powerlifter and have a quicker mind than any genius."

Her answer was not much, but enough for John to access the situation plus the knowledge he already had.

I should choose a good place with a not so high power-ceiling and have everything I need. A modern world of preference. There are some good options, such as My Hero Academia, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson and a few others. But what to choose? Thought John, staying in silence with his own thoughts whilst Hera just patiently waited.

After a few moments, the boy seemed to have decided. "The TVD Universe." John muttered.

"Are you sure of your choice, Master?" Asked Hera. 

"Yes. I am." He nodded, not elaborating much of why of his choice.

"Okay. But remember, I will just help you with the coordinates of the Multiverse. You can choose the universe yourself with your abilities." Hera alerted before taking the needed actions. "It's time.".

[Outside World]

Laying down on the grass, John opened his eyes once again. However, although he had all the ability to move around despite the changes brought by the awakening, he decided not to. Why? Simple, because the sheer overwhelming sensation brought by the amount of information processed by his mind through his senses.

By simply standing there, John could hear every sound, see particles and smell all odors in the air. He could feel the radiation not absorbed by the planet's atmosphere getting absorbed by his skin, empowering his entire being with it.

And if that is not enough, John's senses have now stepped beyond the boundary of material. He could not only see the entire Electromagnetic Spectrum and all the energies that composed the world around him, but through his new psychic powers, he could listen to voices he never knew that existed. He listened to the instinctual thoughts of the animals around, be it the insects on the ground or the birds in the sky, their instincts were all transmitted to the world as voices, voices that he could hear with his mind.

This is much more overwhelming than I imagined. It seems like an infinite amount of information is crashing against my mind. John thought, the pain his mind suffered from the pressure caused by information was absurd. I have to set what is important and what is not. Focus on one sound, John. Focus on one image. Focus on one scent. Focus on one reality. He repeated these words to himself, trying to calm down his mind by tuning all the information he was receiving.

Fortunately, this was easier than he expected. 

John had absolute control over his own body and mind. His body didn't hide any secret from him. He knew how everything in his body worked. He knew the ways of his mind.

Then, at a fast rate, the overwhelming sentiment of information went away, letting John take a breath.

This was worse than any headache I've ever had. He thought. But at the same time, I can't deny how mind-opening it was. I always thought how beings with enhanced senses perceived the world, and everything I ever thought didn't ever come close. The sheer amount of information might be a little too much to handle right now because of my human perspective of surroundings, but the sense of control I had because of how I knew everything around me is crazy. It seems like the world is on the palm of my hand. Within his mind, John carefully remembered the feeling of knowing everything about the world around him, and it was incredible.

I must be careful over there. The last thing I want is to become a controlling-freak. Sending this thought away, John focused back on his situation.

Lying on the grass, his eyes drifting across the sky, John felt the ground beneath him intently. For a reason that, honestly, he was not quite sure why, as it seemed not related to what he would do.

However, he thinks that he understood it a little when he started to not feel the touch of the earth on his back at the moment his body started to detach from the ground.

The moment he left the ground to the air, a sentiment of melancholy calmly lingered in his mind, as if thinking that he wouldn't need the earth beneath him again. The same earth that always supported him in his attempts to take a step forward in life. Be it by arriving at school or at home, he always needed the ground to reach there. But now, it is different.

With his body floating in the air, he would never again need the ground if he wished to go somewhere. All he needed was for the world around him to exist, and he would rely on himself and no one else to reach there. Because that's what the ability of flight granted, freedom to go anywhere he wished to go.

And it was this sentiment of freedom that overrode the melancholy surging from his mind, making him get into a state of joyfulness instead.

Slowly, John flew up high, to a point where he almost reached the clouds, before looking down on this planet. One planet that he just briefly passed, but would be always memorable for him.

"It's time to go." He thought, his consciousness going deep inside his mind.

Within the deepest part of his existence, John saw the golden light that resembled a star. However, it seemed the star seemed to be much brighter than before and had a different aura around it. As it was truly alive. And actually, it was.

So, this is my soul. John thought. It's kind of strange to look at it considering this id my true self. But considering the day of today, I will just put into the list of strange things that happened.

Around John's soul was what seemed like a sea of golden and blue dust that constantly increased, even if at a not so fast rate. The golden energy was the special energy Hera mentioned, the energy that permitted him to travel across space and time as easily as taking a walk. But for that ability to work, John needed something else beside this energy.

Hera, I am ready. John said in his mind. And the answer to his statement came instantly.

The light coming from the soul suddenly intensified so much that it could make anyone who looks at it go blind. At the same time, the golden sea around his soul expanded exponentially, making the blue dust disappear among the cosmos of gold that started to accumulate.

And in the middle of the golden cosmos, John's soul that constantly produced more and more energy suddenly had a part of it ripped.

"Argh!" Shouted John in the real world as the pain of what he just did was so overbearing that he fell down from the air, his body hitting the ground below at high speed.

However, the physical could not even compare to the pain he felt from ripping a part of his soul. And for a few good seconds, he just agonized over the pain he was feeling.

It was only a few moments later he could bear the pain enough to think about the next step. 

"Damn…!" John cursed, not expecting that ripping a part of his soul, even if just so little, compared to taking a piece strand of your hair, could hurt as if you broke all the bones in your body. "At least… I succeeded in creating it." John muttered, raising his hand, revealing a small golden sphere floating over his palm. 

The sphere was a Fragment, John's ability to travel across the Omniverse, something that ignored time and space, permitting it to reach places others could just dream about. And the reason it needed a piece of his soul is so that he could choose where he wanted to go.

Through the fusion of the energy and a piece of his Soul, the Fragment acted like a sub-version of John, an avatar if you can say it. One dependent of John's existence, as long John ceases to exist, the Fragment does too. And through this connection which worked at a fundamental level, the Fragment had the capacity to access John's memories and his preferences. With access to all of it, when arriving in a multiverse, the Fragment could work with all of it as a base and choose an universe which fits his interest the most. 

And when finding the best universe, the Fragment uses its space-time properties to "stick" itself onto the universe's reality, working as a bridge between John and the desired place.

Well, that was at least what John understood from the inherited memories of his species. He would put them to test right now.

"Go." John said, and the Fragment disappeared right after, moving at a speed so high that his eyes couldn't even follow its movements. As for where he wished it to go, it was Hera's job to guide it. From there, the Fragment would choose the first universe he would travel to.

"Ah…" After doing basically everything he needs, John laid down on the grass as he was still trying to overcome the pain from his soul.

Even though the pain was gruesome, the sensation was soothing at a good rate, taking only a few minutes for him to not feel much of it anymore, only a slight pain comparable to how you feel after exercising for hours.

But suddenly, something took John's attention away from the pain. "Hm?" He felt something within him, in his soul. Something similar to a connection. And to this feeling he reacted with a smile.

"Ah." John muttered as he raised from his position, standing up straight as he gave this place a probably last look. "It's time to go." He said, and following it he just disappeared.


This is the prologue I talked about before. I originally planned for it to be something more grandiose, with John exhaling his power making the skies break apart and the earth to shake, but I gave up on that and settled with it. I will use the xianxia phrases in other chapters. Right now, I am posting it because I will take this week to go through the other chapters and change a few things, to correct them more exactly as I noticed a few things out of place that can be changed to improve the chapters. The same can be said about the prologue, as I probably will improve it with time, but not change the structure, that will remain the same. That's how John travels through the Omniverse and I quite like it. Tell me what you guys think of it and leave your opinions and point out any mistakes. Thanks for all the support and see you soon - Author.