
Ch.59 Wedding Bells (Important Announcement)

Seven years later.


I was sleeping in our bed peacefully, the sweet-bitter sun rays were falling on my face and I was struggling to fall asleep. I had a late-night meeting. It was a good night at the bar. I had to stay a little later than usual. But I love being there.

As I was thinking all this I felt some fingers on my back. I groaned and said, "Please don't, I am sleepy."

I heard them giggling and Josei said "How about we just skip work today and we spent a little time together."

Hope supported her and said, "I agree…."

I flipped and said, "Well, we can't blow off our wedding now can we?"

Hope then put her finger on my chest and said "Awe, we can't?" I looked at them and said, "Well, if you both insist… then how can I say no." I looked at them and I grabbed them and pulled them in closer. I kissed Josie and then Hope joined in. I reached down below and I was rubbing my fingers along their lines and they grabbed my member. It was looking like a very good morning but then.

The door burst open and the kids came running. We quickly straightened ourselves and laid down. They came into the room and John and Robert got on the bed and started to jump and Nicole just stood on the side with her stuffed horse. Josie said, "No, guys stop, you are going to ruin the mattress."

Hope said, "Yeah, please kids not too loud… your dad had a long night."

I just looked at them and smiled and Josie looked at me and said "Why are you smiling like that?"

I just smiled and said, "Cause it's a good morning." She smiled and kissed me and I then kissed hope all while the kids were booing.

Then Lizzie entered the room and she said "What are you guys still doing in bed? We are behind schedule!"

I got up and said, "Who is ready for breakfast?"

All the kids said "Me"

I then clapped my hands and said "But before breakfast what do we need to do?"

Nicole smiled and said, "I already brushed my teeth daddy."

I picked her up and said, "I know because you are a good girl." She smile and hugged me and

I said: "Now, boys to the bathroom."

They said "Aye sir."

I looked at Lizzie and said, "Take care of my girls will you?"

She looked at me and smiled and said "If you are not at the barber at the exact time I will" she covered Nicole's ears and said, "Strangle you."

Josie and Hope said "Lizzie!"

She turned and said, "What did I cover her ears?"

I said "Yeah, but you forgot Robert and John."

She looked at me and then she looked down at them and said "Please forget your aunt said something like this."

They then asked, "Why are you going to strangle dad?"

Lizzie then said, "Who wants some ice cream?" She then gave them each 5 bucks and they ran away and I said "I sometimes forget you are their Aunt." She glared at me and I walked away

I walked them down to the bathroom to brush their teeth and get them ready for school.


I was in the kitchen now making breakfast and someone rang the bell and I went to answer it and it was the makeup and dress people.

I let them in and I asked "You guys want breakfast?"

They said "No thanks… Can you tell us the rooms of the brides?"

I smiled and said "Upstairs and the last room to the right." They went on their way.

I was making some breakfast burritos, pancakes, bacon and eggs. Nicole doesn't like spicy foods. As I was making food the children came and I gave them breakfast Nicole asked "Why is dad marrying moms now?"

I sat down with them and said "Well when you guys were born, your moms were busy with school. So we waited when we all were free and this date came. "

John asked, "Is grandpa going to be here?"

I said, "Yeah, he is."

Lizzie then came in and she said "What are you still doing here?"

I said, "Eating." She looked angry and I said "Fine, I am leaving."

She said, "Don't forget to pick up your suit from the tailor before you go to the barber.."

I said, "Okay, I will remember." I opened a portal to Father's house. I walked through the portal.

I was in front of my father's house. He was still living in L.A. and still had his Club Lux. Although he spent more of his time at home. I walked to the door and knocked on it and he opened the door and said "Lucas, come on in."

I walked into the house and I asked "How are you doing dad?"

He smiled and said, "I am doing fantastic son…" We then walked over to the kitchen and he opened the fridge and he asked "How are you doing seeing today is the big day?"

I chuckled and said, "I am doing alright…"

He grabbed an ice cube tray and grabbed a bottle of whiskey and said "No butterflies or anything?" He poured me a glass and one for himself and said "Cheers."

I drank a little and said, "I do have butterflies but the ones of excitement."

He cut me off and said, "And you don't have a babysitter."

I looked at him and was confused and asked "What do you mean?"

He just looked at me and said "Well, you guys are going to go on a honeymoon, so someone would need to keep an eye on the rugrats.."

I chuckled and said, "Thank you for the offer father but Josie is still busy with her medical school so we haven't thought of it."

I drank the rest and he said, "Oh, come on a two-week vacation if you want I can pull some strings..." I said, "Again thank you but will have to ask Josie about this."

He smiled and said, "Alright this will be my gift for you."

I smiled and said, "How about we go and pick up the suit for the wedding."

He finished his drink and said, "Alright then portal us!"

I opened up a portal to the tailor and we got our suits we then went to the barbershop in the same lane and also got a haircut and a shave.


It was evening and I was at the venue with my father and he said "I have to say Lizzie has done quite an amazing job."

We were at the Lockwood mansion's backyard. There were strings of flowers over our heads and two rows of seats and down the aisle was a white carpet decorated with flowers and I said "Let's go inside. There is still some time for all this."

We walked in and I saw Landon with Lydia. He said, "You go and talk, I'll go have a looksie." I walked up to them and he smiled and said "Man of the hour."

He offered his hand and I shook his hand and smiled and said "Landon, how have you been?"

He grabbed Lydia close and said, "We are doing amazing and guess what?."

I said "What?" Lydia then showed me the ring and I said "Oh, congratulations guys. When?"

Lydia smiled and said "He asked me a couple of weeks back, we were on a trail and he popped the question when we reached the peak. It was so beautiful."

I smiled and said, "I am so happy for you guys."

"How is it hanging buddy?" I turned and it was Ralph and Alyssa and I hugged him and said "Oh, it's amazing." I asked him "You got the ring?"

He nodded and then reached for his pocket and then he had a panicked expression on his face and he said "I must have dropped it somewhere?"

I looked at him and he laughed and said "Got you, man. Alyssa has it in her bag."

I chuckled and said, "Oh, you had me Lizzie would have killed me for sure."

We all talked for a while and then we walked outside and I got a call from Lizzie I opened a portal for the Mansion and she came through and she said "Everyone to position the brides are coming."

I was standing at the altar with MG, Landon, Ralph, Kaleb. The other side was Lizzie, Lydia, Alyssa and Cloe. Then the music started and when I saw them in their wedding dresses I felt like I was punched in the gut. I felt weak in the knees and they looked at me and I stood up straight and took a deep breath in. They were being walked down the aisle by Ric.

They reached the aisle and I removed their veil and I said "You both look beautiful."

We then turned and the guy who was doing our wedding was the best guy possible, it was my uncle Amenediel.

He smiled and said "Today we all have gathered here to witness and celebrate this wedding. This love that was birthed from the moment they met, and has grown to what is before us today, has reached its final form. Their love will continue to be moulded, shaped, and built upon as they share their lives. Although this is an irregular marriage, I know the people who are entering this love and care for each other and together they have and will overcome any challenges that come their way. However big or menial they may be."

He then looked at us, smiled and said "You may exchange your vows."

Josie went first "The first time that I saw you I was just knocked out. I thought that you were this perfect guy who was too good to be with me… but then when I got to know you I realised what you were going through… you accepted me as your friend and confided in me…"

She had tears in her eyes and she continued "you told me the truth even when I didn't want to hear it. You forgave me when I made a mistake and accepted me with open arms. You gave me life, you gave me two of my most precious gifts and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us but whatever it is I know we will be fine because we all will be together."

Then Hope said "When I first met you. I thought you were a playboy… everygirl was swooning over you. At first, I didn't want anything to do with you but then one night when I was at my lowest you helped me through it. Then we became friends and then I saw you for the real you…

You were the same as me, you just wanted to fit in to belong somewhere with someone. You helped me become the best I could be. I am who I am now because of you. Because of you, there hasn't been a dull moment in my life. I can't wait to spend the rest of eternity with you."

I felt happy when I heard those words and I had teary eyes and I sniffed and said: "Ah, I don't even know how I am going to match those but I will try." They all laughed and they looked happy and I said "Before I came to mystic falls my life was simple and bland if anyone was to tell me that I was going to live this crazy life I wouldn't have believed it for a moment but now I can't imagine a life where you two are not in it where my daughter and my sons are not in it.

I am so grateful to all the events that happened in my life because if any one of them didn't happen. I wouldn't have met you. I wouldn't have met my father, my family and my friends. The journey here has been tough and gruelling but I wouldn't want any other way. So here are some other mistakes to make some more happy memories."

They both smiled and they both had tears in their eyes even my uncle and father were crying.

Uncle whipped his tears and said, "Exchange the rings."

Ralph gave me the rings and we put on the rings. I was wearing two rings on my ring finger. Fortunately, they were a little thin.

He then said, "Now if anyone objects to this marriage speak now or forever hold peace." His words and his voice didn't match at all and then he looked at Hope and Josie and asked "Do you take Lucas Clarke Morningstar as your husband?"

They smiled and said, "I do."

He then turned towards me and said "Do you take Josie Saltzman and Hope Mikaelson to be your wives?"

I nodded and said, "I do."

He then said, "I now pronounce you married, you may kiss your brides!"

I chuckled and I kissed Josie and then I kissed Hope. All of them cheered and the kids rushed to the aisle I was happy I married the girls that I fell in love with I have three beautiful children. I was finally happy and satisfied. What more can a guy want?


Hey guys I hope you all liked the chapter. This is the final chapter of the ff. I know that some of you may be upset with it but I don't have any more stories to tell with Lucas. His story has come to an end. I am happy that you guys read my story and supported me to finish it. I would like to thank Thelonelygod, DivinelyChaotic, Allac, XLuciferX, V14D, Alex_Murillo and many others. Without you guys, I might never have finished this so thank you all. I hope to see you guys again someday in some other work of mine and I hope you show the same love and support to that one as well. But for now Good bye.