
Lee Sangjin's Steori

Every Saturday night, a woman named Sangjin dreams of the exact same thing every night without fail. But after waking up, she only remembers the vague details of the dream. One night, she fully remembers the dream. Every single detail... She remembered it. It was like decades worth of memories that came flooding into her mind. The dream was of a perspective of a young woman with the same name as Sangjin. The young woman was a trainee of an Entertainment agency for 11 years but she was replaced of her last chance of debuting by the new CEO's daughter. Her family died a decade ago and her only relative, her aunt took her in. Her aunt introduced her to the entertainment world and made her a trainee as her aunt was a dance teacher in the company. She was a trainee for 5 years before her shortly aunt passed away. The company had a unique rule compared to others, the trainees didn't have to pay for training fees but if they debuted, their pay would be deducted to the amount of years they had trained. So unless you debuted, you didn't have to pay. But the young woman's last chance of debuting was given to someone else. On top of that, she even got eliminated from the company as a trainee all together. After packing her bags, she said goodbye to the trainees she knew at the company and walked out of the company building soon after. As she was crying a lot and was pre-occupied of the thought of leaving the company, she didn't notice a car speeding up towards her. And BOOM. The car had hit her. Her body flew back and crashed to the ground in agony, causing tremendous pain all over her body. Blood splat everywhere and people were sorrounding her. Some freaking out and some calling the ambulance. She couldn't speak a single sound, the pain felt like someone was suffocating her to death while stabbing her back and forth. She shut her eyes in anguish while a tear fell down from her face. In the end of the dream, she had died a miserable death. In a room, someone could be heard gasping for air. ''NO'' They shouted before waking up, finding themselves awake. Still trying to process everything, they were breathing loudly while trying to calm themself down. '...That dream' It was different this time around. It was a detailed one instead of a vague one. Too detailed in fact that one could mistake themselves having lived another life. Sypnosis still in progress because your author is lazy to finish it today. Steori - Theories, stories, dreams and secrets. (I made this meaning up so don't even try to search in google or wikipedia because nothings gonna show up.) Before reading, please note that this is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, events and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Arisht · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

Working on it (In progress)

Working on it (In progress)