
part monster-2

"So, do you know where the core is? I don't think most of the people know about its location anyway so you should be safe" the other did not say anything for a few seconds before he turned.

"I did not know where the core was until recently as well" 

Mark felt uncomfortable with the gaze at him, his eyes darting around to get it away from his person. He wanted the guardian to look away, to not give him that deep daze as if Mark held the answers to all his questions. Mark was not equipped well enough to handle it yet.

"So, you know where it is now? Is that where we are going? To retrieve the core now?" Mark felt nervous in the company of someone who could snap his neck in a second and won't feel a thing about doing so either, his heart beating faster than he would like it to.

Mark's hand unconsciously sought his chest, clutching it in fear and acceptance of the upcoming danger and the sense of fear inside him.