
Lost Necklace

‘Arabella, why are you so dumb?’ She couldn’t help to scold herself. ‘You know how much that necklace cost and yet you let it slip away!’ She trembled with cold sweat remembering how many billions the necklace cost.

“I’m sorry. I have to go!” She uttered while quickly turning around to leave.

“Wait!” Eric grabbed her wrist to stop her. Stunned for a moment, Arabella looked at the stranger man who was holding him.

“Let me help you,” Eric offered with a sincere expression.

“Thanks.” It was the only word that came out of her mouth as her mind went blank.

“Let her go!” a sudden magnetic hoarse voice sounded behind them. It was a precise order but dangerous when not implemented immediately. Without turning around Arabella already knew the owner of the voice which made her tremble in fright.

How could she explain to him that she lost the 3-billion-dollar necklace?

On the other hand, Eric was calm while he turned in Bill’s direction. He slowly let go of her wrist.