
Inside Billionaire's World

Hanna went home very frustrated. She accidentally dropped her mask when she was running away from the crowd. She thought she would be fine seeing Eric kissed by another girl but she was so wrong. It pained her so much and made her question her feelings toward Eric. She hated her situation. She hated herself as she felt ridiculous. This is the reason why she hated having any romantic feelings with a man. She hated herself for breaking her own number one rule. Just like her mother, Marga. When you fell in love everything would crumble. You will shame yourself. You can do things you didn't even think of doing it. And if that guy will dump you, you will beg. You kneel on the ground. You cry. You will spend the nights crying for a man who didn't deserve your love. Then you will doubt yourself for not being enough. You blame yourself for being dumped by him. You will hate yourself and end up broken.