
Least Unlucky Gacha Player (JJK)

What would happen when a Gacha addict gets reincarnated into a new, familiar world with Gacha by his side? Well, apparently, quite a lot. If you had told him, Kouya Fujiwara would have never believed the kind of adventure that awaited him in his future - though, he did always say anything was possible...

AbigailPancakes · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
9 Chs

Geto Suguru

Walking into a warehouse, teacher opened the doors and led us inside.

Turning on the lights to reveal an armoury.

Teacher then addressed Yuta first, talking about how a katana would help him free himself from Rika.

Before turning to me,

"And, you, my disciple. Since you insisted on a spear, here, Maki allowed you to borrow hers."

"But, she did say that if you break it, you'll have to pay it back."

"That's fine, I'm pretty rich anyways."

That was an understatement, I own shares in way too many big tech companies.

I even own shares in Tesla… And it's 2016…


Anyways, I held the spear in my hand and tried to get used to its weight.

It was certainly heavier than the wooden staff, but I like this weight.

The spear was a traditional Chinese styled spear.

If I remember correctly, it is called a Qiang.

The time spent on Wikipedia browsing was worth it, I guess.

Anyways, it was gorgeous, the craftsmanship on it was pure magnificent.

The spear head was beautiful, and there was a red tassel on it.

"Any questions before I move on to your mission?"

My teacher broke me out of thought.

And, actually, I do have a question.

I've been wanting to make a pact for a while now.

But, I had no idea how to.

Though, first I'm going to have to ask him to talk about binding vows.

"Teacher, is there any way to increase my cursed energy or my cursed technique's power?"

"Well, there are binding vows…"

"What's that?"

"Basically, you set restrictions on yourself to make yourself stronger, like the difficulty of a game, the higher it is, the better rewards."

As he went on binding vows, me and Yuta listened.

And I did learn something new, or rather, was reminded of something I forgot.

You could make binding vows with others as well.

"Well, teacher, how do I set a binding vow on myself?"

"Good question! You just utilise curse energy and imagine it into a chain on yourself as you set the restrictions."


I closed my eyes and called out my cursed energy, as I imagined it into a chain tying myself, I then set the conditions.

'I will restrict the normal use of Absolute Gambler to coin flips. Every 5 flips in a row I get right, I can invoke a jackpot where it'll switch to a gacha with a rate-up.'

Normally, pacts are made to increase cursed energy, not to change your cursed technique.

But, there are indeed cases where this could happen, especially in this world of equivalent exchange.

And as I felt the chain tightened, I innately knew that my conditions were set.

I opened my eyes and explained my pact to my teacher and he gave me a thumb up, which I took for approval.

He turned towards Yuta and he shook his head.

"Alright, since you both have no questions, let's move on to the mission."

"Firstly, this was supposed to be Toge's mission, but since you're both here and you both can handle yourself,"

"The both of you will be dispatched for the mission instead. Since Toge himself can take care of this mission alone it shouldn't be a problem for you both."

"But, Yuta, remember one thing."


"Don't let Rika out this time, otherwise we'll both be killed."

Teacher emphasised by making the motion of a knife cutting his head with his hand.

Which I highly doubted.


"This was an ex-shopping district that will be demolished into a shopping mall."

"During our inspection we found a pack of low level cursed around the area and we wanted Grade 2 sorcerer Inumaki Toge to take care of it."

"But, Gojo-san had other plans and dispatched you two instead."

The man in the suit explained, he had square glasses and looked dead inside.

If I remember correctly, this was the guy who always drew the curtain.

"Then, I'll be relying on you, please draw the curtain."

He nodded as me and Yuta took a step into the district and the curtain was drawn.

We walked forward before a noise was heard.

Loud chatter rang through the district as multiple fish-like creatures drew together into an orb.

"Maki mentioned this Kouya, the weaker the curses are, the more there are. But even so, there's way too many!"

Welp, time to go fishing.

I imbued cursed energy into my spear as I leaped and slashed,

And slashed,

And slashed.

At one point, Yuta joined me in fishing. These curses were mainly harmless, but there were just too many of them.

I could see why they wanted Toge to come instead, but this is easy so we can take care of it.

It's just a bit of light fishing.

We even made it a game of how many fishes we'd catch,

"Finally, that's the last of them, I got 264, what about you, Yuta?"

"Just 258…"

"Heh, I win."

"Alright, let's go back no- wait, something's wrong…"

I got a gut feeling something was off, it couldn't be this easy… What am I forgetting…

"Huh…? Wait, you're right, the curtain is still here!"

Suddenly, I felt a presence behind me,


I pushed Yuta out of the way, as I leaped with all my strength.

Managing to get out of the beam light's way, we didn't suffer any damage.

I turned to face our opponent, it was a weird elephant creature thing floating cross-legged.

Searching for any clues on its weaknesses,


I dodged to the light as it twisted its finger and sent another beam of light.

Hm, its fingers… Alright.

"Yuta! Focus on its fingers! It uses them to invoke its cursed technique!"

I glance towards to see my teammate terrified.

"Yuta! Get a hold of yourself and let's beat this thing together!"

Looking to see if my words of encouragement worked, I was met with a satisfactory sight.

While Yuta was still shaking and his pupils were clearly not focused, he had his katana out and on guard.

"Cursed Technique; Absolute Gambler"


I thought to myself as a golden coin was flipped into the air.

Drawing out my spear, I also got ready.

Charging towards it, I was pushed back by a wave of lights,

Dodging them all, I had to leap back into my initial position to avoid them.

{Heads | Gained; Cursed Technique: Reflective Mirror}

A sudden influx of knowledge flowed into my head.

Reflection Mirror works by creating a mirror in front of the user, that reflects the attack back.

But if the attack is too strong, the mirror breaks.

But in this case, this was the perfect cursed technique, considering the curse uses light based attacks.

"Absolute Gambler"

I used my Technique again, hoping for some cursed energy.


As a golden coin flipped into the air again,

I charged forward, a golden light was sent towards me, but this time,

{Reflective Mirror}

A mirror was conjured in front of me as it reflected the light back, hitting the creature's left arm.

{Heads | Gained; 79% of Geto Suguru's Cursed Energy}


What's with my luck today!!

Oh great gacha gods, the GGG, I love you!

I conjured up three mirrors as I used them as stairs and infused cursed energy into my spear.

Leaping from them, I jumped at the last step and was about to plunge my spear into the creature before,


I got blown away…

Clearing the smoke from crashing into the debris, I took a look at who or what blew me away.

It was a floating huge goldfish looking thingy.

God, why do cursed spirits look so weird.

The fish was blobbing before it blew bubbles towards me.

Immediately getting on guard, I prepared myself for any impact,

But, nothing…

The bubbles floated towards me,


FUCK! They were explosive bubbles!

Immediately using reversed cursed energy to heal my broken hands, I turned towards my teammate.

"Yuta! Take care of the elephant thing, I'll take care of the fish!"


I turned towards the fish as I prepared to conjure up mirrors…

These mirrors won't do shit against its bubbles, but I can use them as shields and steps.


The curse blew out more bubbles and I immediately summoned mirrors to make stair case,

Like what I did before except this was much higher,

Jumping on the mirrors, they broke under the pushing of my legs as I got as high as possible to avoid the explosion.

Boom! Boom!

And as the explosions took place, I leaped and plunged downwards.

Preparing mirrors to block its vision and making sure it won't know where I was,

I imbued more cursed energy into my spear, hoping for a one shot kill.


Which didn't happen…

While I did cut into its skin, it was just a stab wound on its back,

Nothing fatal… yet.

{Absolute Gambler}

A golden coin flips into the air as I take a leap back from the goldfish.


I jumped into the air and caught the coin, opening my fist to… heads.

{Heads | Gained; Cursed Technique: Ratio Technique}

Another stream of information went into my head, and could I kiss lady luck right now.

If I remember correctly, this is Nanami's technique, and it's exactly what I need right now.

{Ratio Technique}!

Suddenly, the torso of the goldfish was divided into tenths as I took aimed at the seventh mark.

Setting up mirrors again as step, I leaped on them as I got up and plunged down again,

This time, with a downward slash.


Cutting the fish directly into two, and killing the curse.

I turned to my teammate to see him struggling with the elephant.

Hm… He just has to learn to control his cursed energy more and efficiently imbue them into his katana.

I'll help him with some mirrors.

"Yuta! Focus on powering your sword even more! Don't worry about the attacks, I've got your back!"

He nodded as he dashed forward with his sword emitting a dark redish aura.

Good, he's putting more into it without breaking it.

Seeing the creature twist its fingers again, I conjured up a mirror besides Yuta.

But, it wasn't him who was attacked, no, the light was aimed at me.

Luckily I jumped away, but I had lost my foot into the light.

Ahh, was that painful… I'm also going to have to buy new shoes now…

Ugh, I immediately healed it with reverse cursed technique, before I focused on Yuta's fight again.

He was right in striking range and put his katana up for a slash.

"You hurt my friend!"

I could feel the influx of cursed energy all the way from here

He slashed down at its fingers, before turning the katana and slicing it up.

Hm… both the spirits are both dead, but why is the curtain still here…

"Kouya! Are you alright!?"

"I'm fine, Yuta, see? I healed it."

I showed him my foot.

"Wait, what? How??"

"Reverse Cursed Technique, let me teach you when we get back."


And, coincidentally, at the end of the conversation, the curtain disappeared.


It was winter, Christmas was around the corner.

Ever since that day, we had gone on other missions together and got closer as a class.

I have also since then been promoted to a Grade 1 Sorcerer. Funnily enough, Nanami was the one to accompany me on my mission.

But, for some reason, I still feel as if I'm forgetting something…

Today, on our way to another mission, I got a bad feeling.

"What's wrong, Yuta?"

I glanced at what's happening, it seemed Yuta had stopped for no reason.

"I've got a bad feeling…"


Wait… December… Yuta…

Ahhhh, I can't remember anything, it has been over 16 years…

"You worry too much, Yuta."

Panda responded,

"No, I've also got a bad feeling."

I agreed with Yuta.

"Not you too…"

Maki sighed


I have learnt Toge's speech, and that meant agreement…

"Let's just keep going, these two are having their episodes again."

My brow twitched.

"Maki-chan, what did you say?"

"Don't call me that."

"Call you what, Maki-cha—"

Suddenly, we felt the presence of a Cursed Spirit.

"Told you so."

A huge cursed spirit duck thing with four wings landed in front of us.

Alongside a man with long hair in robes…

Geto or whatever his name was?

Wasn't that Gojo friend, and one of the Special Grade Sorcerers?

Wasn't he also a bad guy or something?

What's he doing here?

I instantly took out my spear on guard, and got Absolute Gambler ready…

He's a special grade sorcerer.

It'd be hard, but I should be able to delay him or even defeat him.

I don't remember what his cursed technique is, but I did get percentages of his cursed energy twice,

And it was loads.

"You're not school staff."

Maki spoke up as she and the others also got on guard.

"Whistle, this place never changes."

Ignoring us, Geto glanced at the school.

The duck thing opened its mouth to reveal three figures.

They started conversing which I zoned out on, and instead ran risk assessment on all of them.

Firstly, Geto — a special grade sorcerer, presumably a bad guy, the most dangerous right now.

I do not recall the others at all, two girls and a half naked guy.

Possible Grade 1s? They invaded our school with just this bunch, maybe Grade 1s…

My classmates can handle them, there's also the cursed spirit, it is worrying that it is being used like a drone.

I seriously can't remember Geto's cursed technique for shit, does it have something to do with cursed spirits?

If so, we'd want to keep Rika away.

While still on guard and pacing my thoughts,

I noticed that Geto dashed forwards to Yuta, so I instantly raised my spear in front of Yuta.

Stopping the man in his tracks.

"What do you think you're doing?"

I questioned,

"Woah, woah, I was not going to do any harm."

"Then, what are you going to do?"

"Satoru's disciple is quite scary~, don't worry, I'm just going to chat with him."

"Alright, do it from there."

"Aww, that's no fun."

I just stared at him in response.

"Fine. Okkotsu-kun, you see, I'm a man that believes with great power comes great responsibility. Do you question the current world, Okkotsu-kun?"

"In order to protect the current societal structure, Jujutsu Sorcerers have to work in secret. And a paradox is formed, in order to protect the weak, the strong adapt to them."

"So, help me kill all non-sorcerers and make this a place only for Jujutsu Sorcerers."

What the fuck is he on about.

"Suguru, stop preaching your crazy ideas to my students, no one wants to listen to it."

"Ah! Satoru! Long time no see."

He turned to my teacher with a smile.

"Suguru, get away from my students."

The man in question then grinned,

"You know, I heard that this year's first year students are really outstanding."

"A Special Grade Cursed human, a Cursed Corpse mutation, a descendant of Cursed speech users, and even your disciple that could potentially defeat you."

"Ah, there's also the Zenin Clan's failure."

"You bitch."

Maki spat out.

Protected behind my spear, Yuta finally responded.

"I'm sorry, I have no idea what you're talking about. But, all I know is that I can't take the side of someone who insults my friends!"

Ah, Yuta, never change. Never change.

"Ah, I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you."

"Then what are you here to do?"

My teacher spoke up again.

"To declare war."

UmU, here's the chapter, comment if you have any inquiries, have a good day.

AbigailPancakescreators' thoughts