
Chapter One Hundred And Four - The Teachers choose their Students

Each year, not long after the Standings, the Teachers would consider whether or not to take a new student beneath their wings. This was not like the general recruitment process where students were welcomed into the school en masse and then taught under an umbrella system of class lectures and demonstrations. This was much closer to the system favoured by sects where there would be a Master and his chosen, direct disciples.

There were benefits for both Teacher and Student, of course, the most obvious benefits for the students would be gaining lessons, techniques, pills and so on from their Teachers, that they would not be able to access otherwise. For the Teacher, there was the benefits of bragging rights, they could instruct their students to obtain things for them or act as messengers, rather than rely on the request systems and occasionally, there was gold and silver involved, though that was often matters between Teacher and their student's wealthy parents, not all Teachers chose to do this.

Once a year, usually not long after the Standings for the Martial Arts, Beast Taming and Mage schools had been complete, the Teachers of each school would come together to express their interest in certain students. A few Teachers would not participate in such talks, having no interests in taking personal students beneath their wings or like Teacher Corne, who had accepted Pike, but no others and had no intention of doing so either. Others would exchange heated words when there were doubts over that student's ability or when more than one Teacher was interested in said student.

Once all was said and done, all students, be they Outer or Inner school, were gathered in one place. For the martial arts students, this was the inner school arena. Most of the outer school first years had yet to enter the inner school for any reason and already they felt a fire in their bellies over the more impressive size and structure of the school, wanting to be a part of this. The students gathered in the grounds, while the Teachers gathered above them in the stands. Also in the lower seating area were the disciples who could already claim Masters.

Teacher Eridana, who just happened to be Bowyer's Master, stepped forward and used a wind spell to project her voice to all ears below. "Students," she began, "firstly, I wish to congratulate all those who rose within the Standings, improving their lot as well as offering congratulations to those who participated for the first time. Those who fell in place, please use this as a lesson to be learned. Although there will always be those who lose placement as others rise, losing heart or patience will only become an obstacle to your progression.

"After the Standings ended, twenty five students reached the age of graduation. We, Teachers, hope you will take what you have learned here and use it wisely upon whatever path you now chose to take. We also hope that you will remember your years here fondly.

"And lastly, the Teachers will now announce which students will become disciples. As we mention every year, we do not take these decisions lightly and we do not chose without reason. For those who are not chosen, it does not mean with think less of you and we will still continue to train you without favour. Teacher Vane, if you please."

Teacher Vane was considered a senior to many of the Teachers, having taught at the school for many, many years. Despite being a Cultivator half step into the Septenary stage, his face was lined from age, his youth lost to him before his physical age ceased progressing. He had a meticulous nature bordering on obsessive, was overly strict and did not give praise lightly. However, he was known to be generous to his students and did not discriminate between commoners and nobles, thus as a potential Master, he was a popular choice.

Teacher Tremmas, on the other hand, was rumoured to be a Teacher who liked gold and this was easily reflected with his chosen students. Basically, most were nobles, with one being the daughter of a very wealthy merchant. None had particularly brilliant skill sets and his students generally placed in the middle to high placements of the Standings, but none were top twenty for either inner or outer schools. When he stepped forward to name names, a handful of students were caught grinning brightly as if already aware.

These few, plus those chosen by Teacher Vane stepped forward and joined the others waiting in the stands for them.

This continued on for a bit, with Teacher Eridana choosing two students and Teacher Corne, unsurprisingly, choosing none. Other Teachers made their choices and as the last name was spoken, many first years (who had heard the name of only one of their own called) glanced around at Jin Li and Sun, neither of whom had been selected. Sun had a slight look of disappointment, while Jin Li... Jin Li looked as if he hadn't slept too well and was just irritable. The first years gave a slight sigh of relief; as they had thought, Jin Li wasn't so great! He could not even be acknowledged by the Teachers!

Suddenly, behind the crowd of Students, a man suddenly sat up from where he had been snoozing in amongst the stands. His hair was a curled mess that covered two thick brows and then continued fall until it blended in with a wiry beard that stuck out in many directions. "Ah! I want to pick a student too!" The man suddenly said, scratching at his chest before belching loudly. "I'll pick... I'll pick that one." He stuck out a finger and pointed in the direction of Jin Li and Sun.