
Chapter 1: New Ability

Mathew Hunt, a freshman physics undergraduate at one of the nation's top universities, sat in his introductory quantum mechanics class, idly sketching in his notebook as the professor lectured on wave functions and probability amplitudes. Despite the professor's monotone voice, Mathew's thoughts wandered.

When the class finally ended and students began to pack up, Mathew noticed something peculiar: a glowing text materialized in front of him, suspended in mid-air. It read:

"Welcome, Mathew Hunt. You have been selected to access the Temporal Logic Interface. Initiating connection…"

Mathew blinked and rubbed his eyes, but the text persisted. Glancing around the room, he saw no one else reacting to it. The text continued:

"This software enables you to enter a state of 100% focused attention for one hour. During this time, your logical thinking will be enhanced, guiding you towards optimal problem-solving solutions."

Before Mathew could respond, the text vanished, replaced by an immediate sensation. It felt as though a switch had been flipped in his mind. Suddenly, everything sharpened around him. He could distinguish the ticking of the clock, the rustling of papers, and the faintest murmur of conversations in the hallway. Most importantly, he felt an unprecedented clarity and purpose, a laser-like focus that was entirely new to him.

Gathering his belongings swiftly, Mathew headed to the library. He had an upcoming assignment for his computational physics class—a particularly challenging problem that had confounded him for days. Settling into a quiet corner with his laptop, he felt the software activate once more. The world around him faded into the background, leaving only the problem in front of him.

His fingers moved deftly across the keyboard as he navigated through equations, his mind exploring possibilities and solutions at remarkable speed. Whenever he strayed, he sensed a subtle nudging that guided him back on track—an intuitive correction mechanism akin to a built-in GPS for complex problem-solving.

Within the hour, Mathew not only completed the assignment but also delved into advanced concepts beyond the class syllabus. He leaned back, astonished by what he had achieved. Whatever this mysterious software was, it was a game-changer.

As the hour ended, Mathew's heightened focus ebbed, leaving him with more questions than answers. Where did this software originate? Why had it singled him out? What were its limitations?

Pushing aside these thoughts for later, Mathew packed up and left the library, stepping into the chilly, snow-covered campus of Caltech. The cold air stung his face as he walked.

On his way out, he ran into Sarah, a fellow physics major and one of the few familiar faces from his freshman year. Sarah was bundled up against the cold, her breath visible in the frosty air.

"Hey, Mathew!" she greeted cheerfully. "Heading home?"

"Yeah, just finished up in the library. What about you?" Mathew replied, attempting to push the strange experience out of his mind.

"Just got off my shift at the café," Sarah said, adjusting her scarf. "It's freezing today, isn't it? You better get indoors before you freeze."

Mathew chuckled. "Definitely. See you tomorrow?"

"Absolutely! Stay warm!" Sarah waved as she headed in the opposite direction.

Mathew continued through the snow-covered campus, the path to his apartment familiar, lined with leafless trees casting long shadows in the dim evening light. Despite the cold, there was a serene quality to the snowy landscape, with most students indoors, avoiding the harsh weather.

Upon reaching his apartment building in the quiet neighborhood, Mathew climbed the stairs and entered the warmth of the hallway, feeling a wave of relief.

Inside his cozy 1BHK apartment, the familiar scent of morning coffee lingered faintly. He hung up his jacket and kicked off his boots, leaving a small puddle of melted snow near the door.

Heading to the kitchen, he reheated some leftover pasta as thoughts of the mysterious software occupied his mind. It had felt surreal, almost like a dream. While waiting for his food, he closed his eyes and attempted to summon the software's effects again, concentrating hard like a child attempting magic. Nothing happened.

Frowning, he opened his eyes and turned to his laptop on the dining table. He half-expected the floating text to reappear, but there was nothing. Mathew sighed and settled down with his food, the warmth offering slight comfort against the rising tide of uncertainty.

Mathew had always been gifted—a natural problem-solver with a passion for physics and mathematics. Throughout his education, he excelled in his studies, participating in science fairs and math competitions, always eager to learn more. His acceptance into Caltech had been a dream realized, a testament to his dedication and hard work.

His current semester was demanding but exhilarating: Introductory Quantum Mechanics, Computational Physics, Classical Mechanics, and a seminar on the Philosophy of Science. Each course pushed his intellectual limits, which he relished.

Glancing at his Computational Physics assignment, he reviewed the flawless solutions, remembering the effortless clarity he had experienced while working on it earlier. It had been real, beyond doubt. He had felt the software's influence, guiding him like an unseen mentor.

Pushing his plate aside, Mathew leaned back in his chair, his mind racing. He had several more assignments due: a problem set for Classical Mechanics, a reading response for the Philosophy of Science seminar, and Quantum Mechanics lab work. Anxiety gripped him momentarily as he wondered if he could tackle them as effectively without the software's aid.

Shaking his head, he admonished himself. "Focus, Mathew," he muttered aloud. He had always managed his workload capably. The software had been an unexpected boon, but he couldn't rely on it. He needed to trust his own abilities.

Resolving to begin his assignments early, Mathew opened his Classical Mechanics textbook and delved into the problem set.

Later that evening, after making steady progress on his Classical Mechanics problem set, Mathew took a break and turned on the TV. He flicked through channels, settling on a documentary about space exploration. It was a calm evening, devoid of any unusual occurrences.

The remainder of the day passed without incident. Mathew prepared a light dinner, watched a bit more TV, and eventually retired to bed, his mind still grappling with the enigma of the software.

The next morning, Mathew woke to his alarm. Stretching, he got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to begin his morning routine. As he brushed his teeth, he felt a familiar sensation. Curious, he focused on it, and suddenly, the floating text appeared once again:

"Temporal Logic Interface activated. Select to switch on or off your ability."

His heart quickened as he opted to switch it on. Instantly, he felt the familiar surge of heightened focus from the previous day. Glancing at the text, he saw it displayed 60 minutes remaining. After a minute, he deactivated it, and the timer adjusted to 59 minutes.

Mathew felt a mix of excitement and relief. The software was real, and he seemed to have some control over it. He finished his morning routine, showered, and dressed, contemplating how best to utilize this newfound tool.

After a quick breakfast, he checked the time and hurried off to his classes.

Mathew arrived promptly for his first class of the day: Introductory Quantum Mechanics. The lecture hall buzzed with students as he found a seat near the front, unpacking his notebook and laptop.

The professor, Dr. Elena Cruz, a highly respected physicist known for her clear and engaging lectures, arrived punctually at 9:00 AM. Her hazel eyes scanned the room, filled with eager faces ready for another enlightening session. Always impeccably dressed, today she wore a dark blazer over a blouse paired with black trousers, embodying a blend of academic rigor and approachability.

"Good morning, everyone," Dr. Cruz greeted the class, her authoritative voice softened with warmth. "Today, we will delve deeper into wave-particle duality and explore the concept of the wave function."

Mathew leaned forward attentively as she began to write on the board, explaining how the wave function encapsulated probabilities in quantum mechanics. He meticulously recorded every detail of her explanations.

"As you are aware," Dr. Cruz continued, illustrating with examples as she elaborated on the Schrödinger equation, "the wave function, denoted as Ψ, is fundamental to describing the quantum state of a system. It represents not just a mathematical construct but the essence of quantum reality itself."

Throughout the lecture, Dr. Cruz encouraged questions and discussion, creating an interactive learning environment where curiosity thrived. By the end of the session, Mathew felt inspired and intellectually invigorated, eager to explore quantum mechanics further under Dr. Cruz's mentorship.

After the lecture, Mathew lingered momentarily to pack his belongings, observing Dr. Cruz engrossed in conversation with a group of students, her animated gestures reinforcing key points from the day's lesson. With a final glance at the whiteboard, Mathew gathered his things and departed from the lecture hall.

Over the next couple of days, Mathew focused diligently on his coursework, particularly his Computational Physics project. He refined simulations of quantum harmonic oscillators, ensuring each calculation adhered to Dr. Cruz's foundational principles. His comprehension deepened with every line of code he wrote and every result he analyzed.