
Learn Love

Falling for a person that's off limit is not common to be honest, we have our differences and status in life but even so love is love. I'm Mafuyu and I fallen inlove with Tachibana-Sensei, She's my teacher at my school. Age Gap and Status, It doesn't matter. I'll become an adult and show her how much I love her. You might think I'm insane but this is how I feel. I hope she'll feel the same

Yamisen · สมจริง
25 Chs

Learn Love

I don't know how to even react to this, sensei you have someone your seeing aren't you? why do look so happy with him? I, I don't know anymore.

" I want to be the one standing next... "

A lasting creek sound from a wooden door woken Mafuyu from his slumber, his eyes we're about to fall off his skull and his limbs are weak as noodles.

" What are you even saying Onii-chan? You're going to be late again hmp! ". Kaede stated while staring intensely at his big brother.

[ Mafuyu's perspective ]

" I remember now ".

Mafuyu is staring at the white plain ceiling while he recalls what happened yesterday night. Mafuyu clenched his fist and closed his eyes, his body was lifeless to the point that he doesn't want to get up.